mam3 Parachutists dropped in on the Barrie Winter Carnival in February But for the second successite the annual winter frolic experienced financial loss drizzling rain on the SCCUHJ lay kept many carnival goers away Reven KIWANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL DROPPING IN ON THE CARNIVAL 111 at the gait le ï¬ll1000 iJi litl 70 $31000 iuiicipfled varnnnl orcrcnzigis lliiv amunr iliolm Barrie high schools bring back firsts Barrie lugh schools again brought back string of firsts and other honors in the annual Kiwanis Music Festival in Toron to Barrie Central Collegiate won three of four major band com petitions in performances des cribed by the adjudicator as the best secondary school band dis plays he has ever judged in the one class it didnt win it was beaten by North Toronto Collegiate its traditional rival by one point Barrie Eastiiew Secondary School choirs and string orches tras also won laurels at the com petitions as did two solo pianists fmm the city Centrai scored its highest mark 95 in the Canadian com sers class then won in Group bands with 93 and the challenge class with 90 It scored 91 for second place in the March class hands behind North Toronto Collegiate With score of 92 Centrals brass choir won first in the brass ensemble with score of 92 second group of students finished with score of for their performance in the modiwind quintet competition 2Firsts were also won by Cen tral in the brass quintet and the inet choir classes while the 001s junior band came first fo the fourth successive year The bands were under the di rktion of Morley Calvert FOUR FIRSTS astview choirs and string or chestras won f0ur first prizes The schools concert choir com peting against nine schools one day and two schools the follow day won first in both com itions Dave Wittick director of mu Citizens band ow sic at fjastiiew and Illllitii of the concert chon was very pleased with the results He said the adjudicator fetcr Stevenson who is an organist lecturer recording artist and broadcaster stressed the neces sity of good choral sound He said that the Eastview entry achieved this admirably Dynamics too he considcrcd of prime importance in award ing scores And he felt that the top choir made the music more with the text For one of the test pieces the choir sang Glory to God in the Highest by Pergolesi The piece is something of duet betwccn solo and chorus ir Stevenson commented on the excellent silvery quality of the choir in awarding it the top prize The concert choir received 89 marks on the test piece and 90 on piece of its own choice For the second win it received marks of 89 and Bertram Kelso director of Eastviews Singers Boys Choir was pleased with the presenta tion of his singers in Toronto in the class Unison Male Voic es Grades and 10 it won first prize The Eastvrew Singers com prised of students from Grade and 10 also under the direction of Mr Kelso were awarded se cond prize in class with four other choirs The schools senior string or chestra placed third when it played the last movement of Bachs Brandenberg Concerto No The strings are under the di rection of Joel Miller who takes them from Grade into the secondary school division ners help Guelph police with duties tLiUELlH Ont lClv loiic in this southwestem Ontario city are getting helping hand with routine duties from about lo citizens who have mobile an transceivers in their cars he Emergency Rescue Com unications Club ElliU was med in 1072 to provide crim uni Hon during emer ncies or disasters When he oup meets each month mem discuss practice of search otganizing radio networks elec tfliic and antenna problems proper radio procedure Mobiles more commonly known as Citizens lixlll CBi yStems have come In zzidv on many occasions says he chap ters president Jim Steele He recalled tnc time when of their members was flagged down by fireman grass fire and asked to get some volunteers for crowd control WP liud mam nuintccrs we had to control iem no Ian Altoh member of the club lnCC it was formed in ound the mobile invaluable nn many occasions lie recalled being on country 38Tl 430 am when the car conkeo out lie iccaiied assistance after calling an operator who sent tow truck HAS OTHER USES Rosalyne Steele the presi dents wife said the mobile um 15 great for snowmobiling and lindiiig out weather and run conditions ahead while trav oiling liie jLiliHi string orchestra under the direction of Joel Mill or who takes Ilicm from Grade into the secondary school llifl The junior lilllL oiciicgttii brought first home with their performance of two movemenb of Harry Somers Liiilc Suite lwo quartettes from The string orchestras cntcrul lnst Sec ond prize was won the quar tctle Grade and 10 llnycrs wiiw ludy SzliultL llnrliarn irc land lmonziid HQ and ll Carlos Third pilb 21gt awarded quartctte of Grades 11 and 12 student licn they performed the lli movement of Samntmis Conceitino in Players in the group were Karen Urquhart Lori Power Angela Davis and Carolynne Cameron Accompanist for all the string classes Molly Palmatcci was pleased with the overnll perfor mance by the youn BliTlt mn sitinns Solo pianisb aso won honors Desmond Haley and Nona lxaczanowski both of Barrie al gt0 won first prize in their classes colorlul torchlight parade down the citys main streets opened the Barrie Vlinter Car nival large contingent of alciy pelxmllers tool licrwziirls Dilillillndiili school part flaw tea4 and qncfaorz warmed lllfm ilzl round huge bonlirp on the shore of Kcmpenfelt in flamincr Photo Horticultural society grows By JEAN GABLE Barrie Horticultural Society Yet another busy year had passed Looking back it will likely al ways he remembered as the year that the Ontario Horticultu ral Association convention was held in Barrie iiiis etc held in Central Collcgatc Auditorium June 11 12 nd while entail ing much work and worry wort over very well and reports from delegates who attended most favorable The sociely received wonder ful support from council its ii dividuul lllflllllgt Encnl purple who were asked to help in fact just LiillC was wondcrliil and thc moiety is grateful in all lvilltl Hi hinted the ill vention and most socieics help cd some but the hcav loud al ways fails in tho lUtly in hose city the com entiou is hold Tic 1973 president of the 0n¢ inrio Horticultural Association Alastair Crawford former Dis trici 16 director He is native of Um and employed at Saidlnn Scott in llurre lip is the third man from District 10 to be an MA iilthiii llic othris were ll Bennett of llniric 101i 1013 and Doctor flay Ivcs nf Stumcr 11 ifHti The membership campaign ntlitd 177 illtiilllls id 10 inc members an increase oi 301 lxom 15171 Wyman Jacques and ll IIillliilliltt were responsible lil Cll ARHURETCM The rl hazef project wagt our arboretum iiiirlcr lr Norm Synnnti and hilt iicdicai Gil mmniittce this project it as forced ahead with considerable new nlnntings ll more pinh nod and pledged for and new stinuue shed constructed all volunteer lifll lians are alo ready for boi fcr watering ystcm filill turd brunt alon Studies Ronil Klell mention to Loki ing tui liilt lllli of work label lin all Htlllllils lli llin arbor ctnni hr llnid bumst propct in lwnlal grounds sun dock and residence plantings This your the hospital flld society split tots 30 30 The cost Af4 $1611 iii of wit ll we will gm Iml salmon which will help us through the winter until June 1976 The plihllt planting on nu gorcs and public buildinzs have continued under the cure of Jim Campbell and lio received much invorrddc comment l=il Wires 31 years av chairman of plainn projects The paid Qidfltiif Lsu Berthclotte also deserves hair tion as steady reliable id conscientious worker who rs Why you should let HR Block worry about your income taxes We take all the time necessary to understand your complete tax situation to make sure your taxes are as low as they can legitimately be with charges based only on the complexity of your return int intic peace of mind UlIIJN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY AM T0 ll SATURDAY 900 AM To 400 RM N0 APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 7263822 15 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRlE ALSO lN Sears DURING REGULAR bTORE llOUKb GEORGIAN MALL up at ant through all those six weeks of excessive heat to keep the plants watered and alive on the various plantings The hospital sur deck received special attention Since it is us ed more and more the idea of some frees up there was con ceived and approved by the boy pital and society Subsequently eight lovely trees in tubs were llOlll by crane and all were paid for or plezlgh cd for by interesth groups and citizens Each tree cost $230 so that was $2000 donation We are hoping 1976 will see four more hopefully everzrcens planttd near the front entrance to the liopiinl for more privacy for ilitlt who and villi ttcic YIARBOOK The society put out Inrpage yearbook edited by ircsidcnt inn Cuthberfson This car more nurseries lllltililtcl and also gave our members 10 per cent off purchases Also returns for advertisin have been excellent Plans are iltezidy under way for an early edition of the 1976 yearbook There have been executive TllLEllllLZ and two DCClZIl mcet nigs with nine opcu mNtiiigs Ilora icGrezor proerm cliniiu man has given members varied and excellent speakers and we also had lovely banquet in October aurally there have neen many committee meetings The 1075 cleanup campaign nndcr Wyn Roworth and George Penrsnll was gt11 successful it cmt public works department 520000 and council has voted to diwontiiiuc it Time will tell about fliés Am ure the city wll clean up but likely citizens will have to do more themselves FUNDRAISING SlflCSS in fund raising the Gunny hair was the liLi ui for an when all items are sold will have netted Sinful The Gerani um Biidge was also most suc cesful and provides pleasant social break to hard work bake sale convened by Grace rscr and two plant sales con cncd by Anne lluitcma all ox cecdcd their goals in grants city council gave the full grant requested 53500 The Ministry of Agriculture and Food raised its grant and Bar ric got the maximum $1500 The library also gave grant of $100 which helped pay for their plants For all these the gtiti is mot grateful Various citr lclls l1£i mnric lOliLIliuiiSWHIM do every year and we iiinnl them also all who give mom bcrs discount Floral displays ini DCtiCll events were pintrd ni Smloc County Museum for tho rilliiiL festival ind at Iin Georgian Guild Antique Show in the monry lIiils to lir and lllliiltl ilyne llll them There have lion twin i073 long spring tuii HMll not be taken due to the pimps ing for the llA contention and the fourday fall tour via ctin ccllcd due to no fault of ours Fimiizririll fours wow not rent fiindrnisvrs but ucrc ed ucational illicitiii and very well patronized We llH0 many new people on tours and that is well because many ltlllllfi mem bers who used them for j€llgt now patronize Parkview Centre Tours planned especially for so nior cifirens cheaper rafts Truieiways Bus Lines contu uos to give us zood SLlVlCo and gooi drivers great deal of credt goes to bonkers Florence Lockhart Marjorie tntrw and cttv Cameron who phones UiillfiilllCS nearly in off thi hook film 16 xiiljvui condo bulb planting drive in for the SitHt lludi were Dr tiful this tall and the socict bought 400 Golden nflllgtfxl Tulips for the Legions 30m an niversary in 1976 GARDEN GATE Eighteen hundred copies oi the Garden late have been sent to all members and sister socio ties six tnus in 1977 llvic lf mailers who each mail 100 and we thank those mrmbcrs and thank lcorgc ltlllll and lllpl fn uctting nu the gate durin iliL mail siilw The garden column has been put in The lnirit lenmner once ctct written Cl ll by Jenn lublc tvpcd by Ann Crawford and delivered by Mary Kcnnard to the lixnmincr editor each Monday Carlo lxclloueli represents llit Ociety on Barrio Fair and is in charge of the horticultural tion lie reports wonderful show at the last fair and thanks all exhibitors There were three flower show held at Sunnidnle Centrechair ed by Mary Gould Alma Cook and Helen Smith We still lack SPECIAL INSURANCE SERVICE RATES RENTACAR 341 BAYFIELD STLN 7370800 enough oxlnlntor ilt photography 711 nn iic til Uni Sheld i354 111m ltttlgt hu lirczi ju ni loader for 1073 lb do new airv nccds more jziuim it but has worked with two ilioofs nd In llnnilale Brownic lead or Anne lnu ha pznvidtl the iii ii Iit ha 9s halflwui inii rcrcsuiirnts ni tor inni inc1 in gill lllt distinct incctiiz 3v rc cnnicntion retiring ilk your from the board and wll in sorely iiiirscd Anne lluitcma and Gordon llttiliviitk have looked after iiihis 11 all omii nuntings bon quct and flower show iIie uociety continues to affil iao ivili 10 special groups like liiijzll Boancal Gardens and loronto Civic Centre it also supplies four periodicals to our local lbrnv and the Society slid Library is available to any group wining it Holly iurrziy looked after pu bi for half the year and she lIiS kept book of all publicity for the poet eieral years Bet ty is also retiring from the board this year Thanks also to all members who have served on various com nrtccs this year Am sure you all would cxpres thanks to our lflthllt incident lan Cuth berton VicePresident George lcarsall and Past President Jacques Words cannot express our gratitude to most consci entious dedicated patient Irea surer Bruce Murray Few peo ple realize the time involved in his job The society saw fit to honor Paet President Vyman Jacques and Johnson with life membership and Jean Gable and Laking with the Diploma of Service the highest honor it can batow Soon there will be thousands of students looking for summer work Student workers can be an an to any sized business Student workers are willing and eager They learn quickly and have 11Clul training to offer Your local Canada Man power Ccutre has students available right now Our counsellors can match the right student to the job you have to get done Call your Canada Manpower Centre Many businesses have already discovered that student workers can be valua ble asset Maybe youve been missing out on good thing Canada Manpower Centre For Students Hire student this summer its mood business Wattii Office to be open May 151 1071 Canada for our Downtown 136 BAYFIELD ST 7282468 Manpower Centre Manpower and Immigration Robert Andras Minister Centre de Maindoeuvro du Canada iaindocuvre ct Immigration Robert Andras Mlnistre VACATION SPECIALS that give you even greater SAVINGS inclining Chavmleh ii