WW ASIAILAGUS DIVAN has in yers of cooked chicken tresh Us and in flocked with tomato iljl iil SUUCC SCHC it as salute to prin time Spring is the season for plentiful asparagus When all Lholte tender green daitodil stalks begin to llfel its sure sign of spring So is the appearance in the produce section of the treshest most tender stalks of asparagus and chance are youl find some fresh daffodils just down the aisle What pretty com bination for the dinner table vase brimming with QOltlLtl daffodils aul main dish just full of fresh asparagus This is the season when paraetts ilt on hard in plentilnl supply and at reascziable prices the United Fresh Fruit and Ye cable Association reminis And tiltt przelital tittiutli Him the deliehttul prospect of ye table tlat tttcome the leil ample reason to prepare an pt gus ditan Cooked chiqken with stalks of asparagus won hate been gently snnne lot to the pair of tcr lcr tlsmlem retain their tlllltlllt than en the chicken ttitPTwl and moan 2t ilt blanketed with creamy suce made itsintl omc ol the broth in which the chicken uxs cooked Alter briet trio in he oxen asparauus dian is read to enjoy ateomnunied perhap wth fluffy white rice and cip to iCil salad lhe 2lllellolic ls Litttllit lllll rial il the ptinutinw yCzetable galaxy nl even it youye never ltiill oe lit tore youll aerec that this the tiiod is sniplieitjiteil it you can boil wine you can prepare artichokes Tle Lemon Butter Sauce that LlLLlantlllC the arti choke is equally easy to make and brings out all the froll lldOl of this egclabc thats so much in tune with the joys oi spring ASIARAGLTS DIVAN 3pound broiler trycr cruel en whole or cut in piece cuplt water onion peeled and studded with whole ClOgt rib celery teaspoons salt divided lli pound fresh asparagu lt cup butter or oiattne clove garlic tnincttl small tomato peeled and chopped cup flour cttp milk tablespoons slictij Salt and pepper to taste Place chicken in large sauce oi pan with water onlon celery and teaspoon salt Bring to boil reduce heat and Simmer covered 43 minutes to hour until tender INN Strain broth and Hwy 89 Alliston Amber Glow Dining Room MomThurs Special to 11 pm TIIONE STEAK Complete Dlnnor Reg $995 SPECIAL $695 Entertainment Nightly This Week CHARLIE ECKSTEIN Coming Next Week The Witnesses ENJOY SUNDAY FAMILY SMORGASBORD PJI rescue ll cups ltcmove meat trout chicken and tlli till long thin slices Set aside uni pie pare apuragus Cu or break ml each stalk as far dult in it snaps easily Wash thorough ly Place trimmed asparagus in layers in large skillet or sauce pun Sprinkle with remaining teuspuon suit and add boiling water to depth ol lineh lnei and simmer abu to minutes until lower part of slulk is just crisp tender Lit ottt llll pancake turner tori bet aside Melt butter in sauce pan add saints and tomato cook about minutes Blend in tlour Stir in reserved chicken lJlotll and milk took iilllli tllatllllil uilil hekenel about 10 minutes litilllllt tttnii lieai tir in gtittl um enwi titi sail and pepper hoe To assemble dish phie ti ritcit on bottom of shallot iilllitli can seiole Cover llll puritans then with in ltltt degree tlim or until ito Blake or Ii SPRING UiTlfllUKliS Wllll LEMON llljlTllIt Sll ttlitlIUlili ltiim llt Ill izilW otn ll gtLllli teupnon ail teblcgtpoon oilyl or clote garlic crushed luicc ol tlesh lemon rftit ll ltinse artichokes in roll unt er ltnn euclt artichoke on tin side With sharp knile cut oil about 1inch lrotn the top Cut Oil stem close to the base Ifull olt loose ltifltCs around the bottom Snip olf sharp lent tip with scissors hi luree ketzle or saucepan brine lo inches Poliys Pointers Dear Pollyl has lllltltltl Sharon lti problem with he youngster being annoyed by an other one while in the checkout line at the grocery and other childs mother just laugh ing lf Sharon had had the llllll she could hac suedested the the offender shake hands lill her youngster Surprises oiten gtlllC troublemmt situation ontetinics have made lnnnjs face whirled around jumped up and down started to Nll nursery rhyme or counted tie buttons on the offending young sters jacket to stop such trouble am sitter and ll to divert their minds lttilll problems when piihlelrlt 4355501 ltc water to boil Add gtllll oil lic lemon and Mir llltI Iltl to llliltlit oi untl sent is tort tender aid teal pulls eusly iron the base luln upside down to drain Ser ve with lemon butter sttlLt Makes SCltilltlw LEMON BUTTER SH Ii tablespoons littter or inn gurine tablespoon ttelt ltllllll ltllt teaspoon dry llllldititt teaspoon sal Dash cayenne tablespoon chorpwi ei parsley or cilztes Melt butter in small siillttfliill ovc low 3et Stir ltlllLillmi lllLltditilx hllikfx up ANN LANDERS Knockers knocked by 13yearold tan Dear nn Landers Im ll yarold daily reader ol your colttnnt and urn very mad at the kids go to school with The rason is you livery lay it first tiling here when walk into class is Did you rcld Ann lnderlt toduy lhen lll lunch and make fun of the people who write to yott they are all nutty or something Why dont the lttllllt that problem isnt funny to the per son who has it lll bet mety one of three kid who is laugh ing now will erd up with some kind ol trouble you might be able to help thrm with But they will be too ashamed to ask you lot help he irt they made fun of you so often Il prirt in letter so the hyenu will stop laughing Your iloostcr Dear Booster Let em laugh honey if they nth me Ill be ltcrc Yesterdays knocker is to morrows friend Dear Ann clldlllS As you untlotlitedly are aware great deal Is being said against the Hour setiee late would like to present the otlle gtincc ulmo to read casts the undertaker in the tlneltlti ul POLLYS POINTERS Iw POLLY lt Mlll Dear lollywhly lointer Coie ccrm way to itltl water ct lortlcsdy put brick inside heavy plastic garbage bag and put this lll our toilet tank over ycnr ago The brick plus the air in the bu diplarem ulmol It Lullon ol water and still there is plenty to lluli the tolel Our family gtti about 3000 cations ol itet ycur lllln way we can lord to water our garden bit more This would be good idea lor It group to pro mote and would In help to ward plCHlllltl summer water shortagesKitty Dear Kittyl discussed your ltiecniote idcu Hlll city water entititu representatiw and he 2t2it that lllls dock sure lot oi outer lltli tlls that one should lie curclul as the bu might get caught in the tank ball and make Ieuk that could ol lllllltllLtb of water in do llt stillerts tuning the bu olt aurl being sure the brick is placed turn from the tiotser bull cit nettine rod tank bal or any other mechanism Summer the little oi outside watering and elitlllilld so thz ceztuiiilj make Hitll ntuiluliie lttl your widening llttlllltlll ll tip is Hi can llliii ut Iilt FULLYM ltil li= on smal llLtllll illril sluitt is liltllll When making pie dough ways make enonen tor eight or to lri and tlil probably only bake one in tho them So LLLim al General Electric Cycle Dishwasher powerscrub normalwash plate warmer short wash double detergent dispenser nnseglo dispenser built in unit available at lower cost oo ONLY Firestone Storesl USE OUR Firestone CREDIT PLAN AVIDJU MARCIA 88 DUNLOP ST BARRIE roll out the rest of the dough to pie sizes These are ptdeed in pizza pun one on top of the U1lCl and with waxed paper between them Cover it ali well with foil or put In plastic but and then in the top of the freezer goes one just relatiiev tiit package When some needed take package out of tteezing section aitd after minute or two loosen the neetltul number of piecelt with spatula and re turn others to the freezer It only takes lC minutes for them to thaw so it is breeze to make pie in short tithe LALRA DEAR FULLYLarry tLl upset because ll flashlight bat teries did not la want to tell lnm keep mine in the lower part of the relrigerator and they last almosr indefinitely btty fires or six different sets at one time and they are goocl as new when needcti ill keep my flashlight in the icing ciator Nylon mesh makes great scrubbing cloth for use in the bath or slit Fold half yard lengthww and tind it thnt tor Sltlillillfj your back and lo get circulation ltCllQil up all throurzh your body Try illlx and am sure you trill like it l1IIIOI RAIIISD IN PLASTIC ll nn is tiriblem wrap frowt fish in pltic and iltw under cold runnin ilt role of the ripolf artist who takes advantage oi poor people by making them feel guilty if they dont put la or Ma away in $4000 bronze casket The charges against the pro fession are based or an in finitesimal sampling of fami lies are in one small area of the United State The statisti rs have ecn show that there were approximatcl 100 com plains from neatly million families who more served This compares very lavorably with Lll profesdon the US in fact believe its tesiimony to the Znthrifz nl sion Will you pile0 comment Unjustly Maliuned Dear UM litcry profession lit has its rl tortrtis and incompents Urdertakers alone with hc physicians layers pankcrs etc etc have their share in lm lure the overniielmin nizjorir of undertaker art honorable people who pcrorm SlflliC we could not do without More over they perform it with dig nity and sensti and are ex tremely evenhanded in that they otter uide range of fi nancial alternative for people of every economical level know of undertaker in Citi cauo whose tamily has been in business inces lfiot Rarely does this firm charge more than token fee tor the burial of an infant and in cases of financial hardship they either donate their servicea or they will ac cept as fee wheterer the fam ily can afford Dear Ann Lilntlcrs tune 24yearold brotler who acts like 10yciroid kid He has good job but is alvtays broke thy Because he keeplt lending money to deadbeab and buying gifts for golddigizers Hank now owes me $110 and Im not exactly the US Mint lt burns me up to see the way his ltipttls tukr Zlllllllttlt of him He says he knows hes being taken for sucker bttt he just cant say What can do Sister Of Sap Dear Sis openers you can stop lendin him money Next you can suggest that Hank get wine counselling and find out why he has such low opin ion himself that he believes he wouldnt have any friends ntle he lIltl Santa Claus l1n General Electric Range 30 automatic range illuminated console automatic oven timer clock and minute minder oven and surface indicator lamps 28 and cahod plug out elements THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 11 1976 Being together important for little and big brother LONDON Ont CP Being together for Little Br sher Bradley Lavoie and Big Brother Arthur Rossi 36 mem bers of Big Brothers of London is the important thing There are 135 Big Brothers in London but 51 boys between the ages of eight and 12 are on the waiting list said Gord Bryant Big Brothers executive direc tor These boys mainly because of broken marriages have not had positive productive relationshiri with man Mr Ptyant said Bradley is bright observant and active and has no father is divorced and owns London pizza store Arthur likes lien so he jollttf il orien ization and Bradtey months ago Its quite an experience and really beneficial for the boys Arthur said As for myself really look forward to spending time with Bradley One of their must exciting times together was when they indict Londons Central Fire Station three We were seeing the fire stav tion and bingo the emergency alarm went said Muhur We saw the firemen sliding down the pole real quick and the gates went up and the fire trucks rushed out real fast Quick as flash PROVIDE OPPORTUNITY Their times together usually arent than exciting but without Arthur Bradley would never have had the opportunity to see the fire station Most of their evenings are spent driving cat ing supper and watching tele vision Being Big Brother is not chore of work Arthur said It can be quite enjoyable he said It doesnt require any special training just to be companion Thats all that is re quired by most of his boys Mr Bryant said the man ization wants to show thatvir malty anyone can become Big Brother He said some men think ma rital status financial situation and age determine who can Big Brofhcr $922096 Side of Beef lb Custom cut and wrapped to your spacifications Minced Beef 69 never needs defrosting 13 cu ft capacity giant 100 lb capacity healer Under New Mana ement 130 Yonge St Painswick 7267171 General Electric 13 Cu Ft Refrigerator RED BRAND BEEF only Fronts of Beef Hind 09 Quarter lb Loin Pork Chops 15 twin crisper meat pan butter and cheese keeper colour $10 extra 00 00 ONLY ONLY 7266585