any JWMuz ART COLES owner of the Plant Place recently spoke to the Christian Womens Club bout spring planting About 300 attended the breakfast meeting in the Willow om of the Continental inn Ger aniums coleus and impatiens can all be seeded now and car ed for indoors until its time for transplanting Exanuncr Photo New best beiore date now ensures freshness By SUSAN STANBURY Home Economist North Simcoe In an attempt to ensure fresh ness of products reaching the consumer new regulation has been put in to effect under the Food and Drugs Act Since March all processor prepack ed consumer packages of meat and other perishable food pro ducts have carried Best Be fore date If you found in the meat coun ter the notation Best before Mr 31 on package you would regard this as the date for PEOPLE AND SOLOIST BARRIE Verna Mullen sang solo recently at the meet ing of the Christian Womens Club The meeting had St Pats ticks Day theme PARTY BARBIE The Optimist Club of Barrie is holding their 10th anniversary party March 27 at the HiView Tickets are $15 per couple ST PATS PARTY BARBIE party for the boys of John Bosco will be held tomorrow at the home of Elaine Bigelow it was announced re cently at the meeting of May Court Club The meeting was held at the home of Kathy Nix on letter from Alan Hopper executive director of the YM YWCA was read to thank mem bers for the May Court donation to help sponsor the John Bosco boys membership St Patricks Day party will be held March 16 PUPPET CRAFTS BARRIE The Barrie Libr ary is holding puppet craft afternoon on Saturday March 20 for children five years and up Roy Bowler will conduct the afternoon WIN TRIP BARRIE Douglas Reed and Carla Falkeisen of North Colle giate were the winners of the trip to the UN sponsored by the Rebekah assembly The two stu dents won by giving speech on the UN based on research They will leave in July BAKE SALE BARBIE St Andrews Pres byterian Church is holding morning coffee party tomorrow at 930 to 11 am There will be bake sale and babysitting will durable life of the product The month is abbreviated to two letters March will be listed as Mr April as A1 and June as Jn It is important to understand what durable life represents It simply means that it is the date up to which the product can be expected to retain without appreciable deterioration its nor mal wholesomeness palatabili ity nutritional value or any oth er qualilies claimed for it by the probessor But this is provid ing the product has beenlshipp ed and stored under continuous adequate refrigeration PLACES be provided Admission is 50 cents 4H MEET NEW FLOS The 4H club of New Flos held combination of second and third meetings at the home of Mrs Allen WEEKEND STAY COLDWATER John Banner man of Ryerson Institute was home for the weekend with his parents Mr and lrs Orla Banncrman LEAGUE MEET BARRIE La Leche lxague of Barrie north and south an organization devoted to helping women nurse their babies will hold the third meeting in series for nursing mothers The meeting will be held north on Tuesday March 30 at 830 at the home of Mrs Lucy Mey ers 20 Jillscourt Cres and south March 31 at the home of Mrs Nancy Barry Eileen Drivc Topic of the evening is the arrival of the baby Books lit erature and refreshments will be available All interested persons are in vited For information call 728 8717 or 7281570 VISIT HILLSDALl Mrs Bcrnicc lrain spent few days in Tor onto last week visiting with her daughter and son in law Mr and Mrs Bill Fields ANNIVERSARY ELMVALE Congratulations go to Mr and Mrs Elbridge Spence on their 55th wedding an niversary February 24 RALLY ELMVALE The Elmvale and District Lions Club raised $4166 in their fourth annual snowmobile 100 mile rally Sev enty machines took part POLLYS POINTERS By POLLY CRAMER Dear ReadersHouse plants are enjoying even more popu larity than ever before as we enjoy them talk to them and play music for them Many that have been out of doors during the summer have now sought the warmth of the indoors and can be real decorative asset or hodge podge As with any decorative acces sories grouping adds to their importance However unlike an array of crystal or porcelain brass or copper proper light has to be first consideration Mass together those requiring the same degree of lightbe it natural or artificial Place tall plants in the back lower ones in front and make grouping as important and often more enjoyable than large piece of furniture In fact masses of plants and large ones can make up for the lack of as much furniture as room really needs If necessary for taller effect place some of the back ones on tables and the lower ones in front will hide the tables If used along window sill give thought to that ar rangement Make the most of these living accessories that should bring charm to the rooms they grace Watering will be easier and the effect more dramatic if many are grouped together in front of window Remove the curtains stagger hanging baskets over the upper half of the window line the sill and place even more on the floor below and have an impor tantlooking window garden of greenery with colorful blooming things highlighting the effect Discard those fancy papers and bows that may be hang over from the day gift plant was delivercd from the florist Plain clay pols have natural it does not mean that the pro duct cannot or should not be ll ed after the date shown Nor does it mean that up to liul date regardless of the way the product has been kept and sior ed before or after purchusc Iic re is complete assurance of qu ality and freshness If the Best Before date is close at hand the package should be consumed in thc ncr fulurc durable life of unopened pack agcs can be extended hi im mediate freezing For the next car meat polli try and fish products packaged and sold in stores by retailers will carry packaging dale ra ther than durable life dale But placards at point of sale will indicate for each two of such iiistore packaged products what durable life can bc cxpcc lcd Consumers can now continue to comparison shop using the date as an extra check on trch ness Watch for Best Bcforc package labelling Get early start on spring seeds Making the most of green thumb his spring was topic ol demonstration yesterday at the March meeting of the Christian Womens Club at the Continen tai lnu Art Colcs owner of The Plant Place in Barrie and Tales Nur sery in Minesing bowed how to plant secdlt indoors to get the jump on the spring weather bout 300 people attended Dont throw away your egg cartons he said Instead the shallow cups are perfect for ger minating plants before they are ready to transplant Proper times vary for plant ing seeds general rule for plants such as giraniums and colcus is to plant them about six to eight weeks before they can be set outdoors For seedlings lake tray and fill it with rough soil mirture Sprinkle prepared soil mix over the top to prevent seeds from sinking to the bottom Take an atomizer and moisten the soil Let sit for two hours Youth searches for identity Youth today is searching for idculily and this is manifested in todays culture of pop music ac cording lo lini Jane Johnston guest speaker at the Christian Womens Club meeting held yes terday at the Continental lnn About 300 attended the breakfast The theme of the meeting was St Patricks Day and table dc cor tollwcd this theme Soloist Vcran Mullen rishborn sang lhc Kcrry Dancc rl Colcs owner of The Hunt Place gave useful hints for spring gardening lions lucst Night will be Willi pencil you can mark the rows in the soil Sow the seeds and sprinkle lightly with the fine soil Only cover the seed twice its diameter Geraniums are the easiest to plant he said with 100 per cent germination Geraniums grown from seed are bushier flower hotter and stay compact than if they are grown from cut ting When this is done put the tray in plastic bag or put piece of glass over it Once the seeds germinate remove the tray and place it in sunny pla cc Dont let it grow too big be fore it is transplanted or it will will when put outside The tuberous begonia can be grown in the shady part of your house Fill twoinch pot with mixture of peat moss and soil and put the cutting in When you see the second set of leaves its time to transplant Loos en the soil lake the seedlings by the leaves and place in small jiffy pol held April at 630 pm in the Willow Room of the unincnlal lun Speaker will be Dr Frank lclcrs president of Wilfrid Lau ricr University Waterloo Warren Adams chairman of the music dcpaitmcnt of the tario Bible College will provide music Stuart Pearce Georgian Col lege instructor and catering man ager of Coral Ltd will demon strate gourmet cooking for men Tickets for the dinner can be obtained through Mrs Mary Ire land 148 Daphne Cres 50W ti TillI BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH ll 1976 TODAYS HOT SAL MUN SLAW can or BC salmon tablespoons Lil cups lucldcd cabbage cup grated carrots ll cup chopped green pepper tablespoons vinegar teaspoon sugm tablespoon celery la1 salt cup muyonnuic Cd Drain salmon and break ino Mild chunks llcat oil in sxll llNl HNIJ JUHNSTON sp okc lllItl at the Incoling of the Cllllgtllt1ll Woman Club hud ill the Willow Room of the Continental Inn Miss Joh nston has travelled cxlcnsivc ly and spoken to many simi lar groups She is shown here with Jane Black chairman of the mcclulg lExLunEnOr Pho to Divorce cases legalistic should be humanistic in lilo ulluc divorce cases iuvolvc relying on exports lll MICll work and this will make dimlcc lmlctilllt lcrs ic gulilu zitcording in Barrie lawv HJ liczahl Norman Norman rcccullv smile to iiiwl iL splzwmd by 50 Family Life Association in ser ies titled Single Again His lo pic Surviving the legal tangles Right now we gtllli have rigid SClll that doesnt allow for llLCd and necessary distrc lion in said During divorce procedure the wifc has to without in come or the husband without seeing his children until final RECIEE Curling playoffs lcl Add cabbage carrots and green pvllpel Saute minutes lllllll frequently until cgei ublcs rc lcndcr crisp Sprin llr with Vinegar sugar celery ecd and Adil salmon chunks and tits Cover skillet and cook to minutes Remove from heat Fold in mayonnaise Ser imincdialcly Blake scri 1114 Reserve sulmoi jllicc for ulcr ll in fish stocks cum CH REBEKAH LODGE MEETING Nadine Chcstnust IGN Alice The Beaver Rebekah Lodge No 190 recently held lhcir in stallation of officers Shown here front row from itil his lcrs Aleta Allsapp and thou loncs PDDP Joyce Jacques PNG Margaret Ball DUI and pleasing look but if one pro fers something bit more deco rative try wickcr baskets of different sizes and shapes Linc Willi foil for protection from wa ter and paint or slain as dc Silcd llappy WINDOW Hit DENING llolly Dcur lollylv pct pcoic with those women who have ga rage sales and then leave their signs 11p after flu salcs are over This looks very lucky and is also misleading So come on ladies let us go those sadlook ing outdated Signs down Peggy Dear lollwalun baking fruit pie place cookie sheet under the pie pan before pulling it in the oven If the pic should run over there will be no mossy oven to clean Cotton work gloves kept near lumsdcn PDDP Margaret Curler lNG Sally Bighop lNG Back row Marie Crocu sidc lNli llva Lcnnox 11 lll Bertha Jory lNG Lois llodgson lNll Zuida Brand lhc honic lrccrcr are grca lo slip on when you arc going to rcarrungc your frozen foods lhcy will keep your hands from golfing so chillcd thn dyeing garment also dye an xlru piece of the sumo material if have gt2 it is ready for any tulurc patching or altering ionizlv of while thread can be dipped in also to lwvr llillllg llircud for incli dingLorri IRUhlll ES El NEW YORK Ali lwo nciv members have been clcclod us trustees ol the Ar Amcricun Art lhcy John Braddcy member of the womens board of the San Francisco Museum of Modcrn Art and Richard Munoogian president of Masco Corp in Taylor Mich chives of arc illS PNG Sally Laidlaw PP lcun longslaff PNG Marjorie Wrilhl lNli Hon lNG lllll Coil llrr olhy lulridgc lNll Exam iner lholol nI illl SAME PAY RATES UH lunc ii 197 the Iml burl the lilllllld Sta lcd women who do lllc sumc uoik ncu urc entitled to thc auuu pay rates Wedding Photography Len Marriott For Details Call 7281050 Cll Barrie llic livid scm ulc be ll dzx vllm of thc llarrie Curl linr illil npcling lynx in for th Sicx ul lllrllltil and Mol srvtik tropics Playoffs will he hcd on April Ti and illii llili2 ucic lucid cscnlly at liu lluh will the following rc sulk lilipcli lopirv Sldps Vllilltls arol limo Marj mm quncllc Laws and More loillc xinums Nur mu club llliil lluribcr Slur ic lliricm and Alicc ulhbcrL lieu ourchino lilltli lubc olpiKI Lulul Su 21 lul lc lcrxll Hill lcrn unphcll Furch pol flps clloiccl lil Wild nu Karon lllown Violz lui lllsuiiu second Icun iiuup loud and Sandy Bolliss spurc Rumorup llorollijr Gordy skip lzir lv uc lnckic llollman mllllJl uni Virginia Lamb lcd llcnry lroh Iropiijx iccddps lsl rvcul hound Illhunt Uup lInu Young Vivc luï¬xd cvond uni Dorothy llllioil lvu ltuuucr up linu llurpcr skip lu allow icc luuo uculick tfllti ind lut llcv loud Theres more beauty in this little couponthan one woman can handle lll in no NW nut ll 1st BAYFIF MALL 7264932 club Labalts trophy lureskips 2nd event dy Cannon skip Dolores Juries vice Fran Iudden sec ond and Joyce Lowe lead Runnerup Sauly Belliss skip lonnic Carter vice Janc lrjborough second and Alarg lhurston lead Dates to remember The annual twoday St Pal riclï¬s bonspicl will be held liar iii and 17 General meeting and closing dinner will he held on April 21 The meeting will begin at pm with dinner at 630 pm as Singer Sewmg Machines Dollar erforrnance eatures Sin er Silver Versatile exactl What AT THIS LOW PRICE S89 lladcmnrk of hunger ompany oi amide Lid Singer Vacuum Cleaners Theyre as good Dollar for no other brand vacuum cleaner gives you so man convemences an PO ERmasteriu ruggedheav duty extreme youre coking for settlement has been made This sometimes lasts mouths Greater discretion could ease the strain which already exists incluccn separated couple Willi children and property the strain is coupled with complica tions Behind the scene there is great deal of emotional pain Society has accepted divorce But the pain comes from the person al relationship lflimily breakdown is so pre udcut lodn that lhere is great need for social agencies lradilionally the law has treat ed woman as she relates to the man in most cases she re ceived support but was refused her rights as part owner of the pvopcriy if house was in the liusliamls numc it was the husbands housc Mr Norman said Now allowunccs are being made flu womans contributions the to the family unit considered whether the arc inuuclary or not The Divorce Act of 1959 creat cd more grounds for divorce 9nd allowed more pcoplc to obtain divorccs llicn llflCk arc made cas icr to obtain more purple will pol divorces Tho lmv always follows cilfllilox in the moral sandards of suLlcle Consult your telephone dllGClOlV lor the Singer Sewmq Centre or panicipaling approved Dealer nearest you SEWING CENTRE HWY 2627 GEORGIAN MALL BARRIE 7287960