Wwwagu WORDS ON FUR FROM THE PRESIDENT Lloyd Cook president of the Ontario Trappers Association visited Hillcrest behool on lor onto Street to explain to sev NEWS ROUNDUP eral clasnes the necessity of trapping fur bearing animals in Ontario Mr Cook Bar rie resident is showing the difference between bobcat and lynx Thanks to Mr Cooks lecture students had false impressions about ani mals corrected Examiner lhoto Would probe private labs lORONlt tet ileahh Minister Frank Miller said Wednesday the government will hold an inouiry if current inve ligatiozis show widespread ille giliiies in the operation of pri vote medical laboratories lie abo told the legislature that the goxernment will recline iii the near tuitire the types of medical tests that may be haii llea by private laboratories Allegations were reported recently that irritate labora will be about three days before the identity of the dead pilot can be established Police said the plane crashed into field about 230 pm and was found about three hours late by Bill MclntOsh who works on the farm loliee saitl to idciitiiicau found on the dead man who was alone in tiie airplane Chretien to sue closing ll schools to 3000 stu dents bard chaiimai lex OBrien tiul the board believes the ink out will shorten strikes at two schools SiiiIzc action by teachers be gan Dec ohm trothers staged fourday walkout the schools followed by workto riile sanctions to back call for ttlillltlll their itiT3713 con tract Iontraet negotiations lltitc been had intermittently since licbruary 73 will be disputed at Hearst trial SAN liltANClSCO A1 psychiatrist whom Patricia Hearst once accused of bullying lletl to tears says she quivered and halfsobbed when he bluntly inquired into her mo lives for joining terrorists in hunt holdup Dr llarry lioml who was embroiled in dispute with Miss llearst in January began his testimony for lbn prose cution Wednesday at her trial or bank robbery US Attorney James Brown ing slid Dr Kort vlo iol viewed lhe defendant five times will cliLilleiiec her tor tentimi that cite was still frightened kidnap victim when she joined her Symbioncse Lib cratioii Army fSliAi captors in crime hief defence Lounscl Lee Bailey said he will vigorously protest Dr lioztils testimony and probably will refer to the previous dispute between the doctor and the defendant The expert appearing for the government said Wednesday that he first mentioned the STA the tiny terrorist group will kid napped Miss llearst on Feb Al Hit by taking her to describe slain SLA hicltiain Donald Cinquei Deltrccrc GAVE ORDERS He was alitafxs giving or ders he quoted her ELiil1 lit K020i it depicted 1is llezirs as ill but coopetic it their first meeting on Jan But he said he was disturbed by her smoking constantly He said he got the impression this was girl who talks directly and likes to be directly spoken to In that vein he said he re ferred to the bank robbery and inked bluntly Why did you do it He said she replied They told me to and he quoted this exchange with the defendant at her jail cell Who were they Cinque and the others What did they do They told me wmlrl go in the Tank and get my picture taken and did it They told me diet it didnt do it would be killed At that point Dr Kovol said Miss Hearst quivered and half ribbml and he sugaested that she take sip of coffee DRIVEN T0 TEARS During protrial hearing in January Miss Hearst testified in court that Dr Kozol had or dered her to drink the coffee and had driven her to hysteria with ac nq questions ller lawyers asked that Dr Kozol be plCuiitcd from examining her again Dr lxoml denied that he had been harsh and US District ludet thcr Cter refused to remove the psychiatrist as Luvcrnment oiisultflllt Dr Kw wt subsequently examined MiSs Hearst four more times Douglas alleges federal govi interfering in medical care tll JPI Douglas the former premier ot Saskatchewan ii llltlfitltltl the ttrst governmentpaid medi tl ilt til Takzulx rv eased the oteiiiiiieizt Wednes hell Sharp will allow only live more hours debate on the con ircvmrial li4ilzrton at the set ondreading stage It was bitterly opposed by united opixisition but approved Residue dumped PORT HOPE Ont CP chemical residue from the una niumreifining process of Eldo rado Nuclear Ltd was acciden tally dumped from truck Wednesday along halfmile stretch of Highway just west of here says the driver The driver who wouldnt give THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 11 1976 his name said he didnt knoi how the tailgate of the trucz opened allowing the material to be spread along the road Gordon Colborne manager of refining at Eldorado said there Was no danger to people or cars from the residue However pro vincial police were stopping all cars irom aproaching the spill area dream him up His incredible bank robbery is all the more bizarre because its true in run The language in this film may be offensive to some people Held Over 3rd Week 650 915 THE MANAGER Last Showing Tonight 705 900 JERRY GERSHVtlS ml ELLlOll KASTSEK pram CHARLES BRONSON AUSTAIK HAULth BREAKHEAKT PASS also sumnz BEN JOHNSON RlClLtRDCRENNA iittiittrwi CHARLES DLRNlNG EULAtTER Dino HUDDlESlON Writer in AUSlAiR Adm Directed by Nil Gill Prodored by JERRY GERSEII torv gave kickbacks to lotiois it and billed the Ontario llospial Cp Jenn lfll tllmg ttllit lllfm by vote oi 105 to 72 mmm it mwwncc ML maiden of me treasury healthcare casts oto tie pim 1105115 Conserwweg Xgiéidonniimu 11 tl toils nUL VUAOIIHFL board has ervcd lltlaltC he will Mlnlmum rates 15 mlfl Lied himuï¬mmiï¬nn lr Mister his iniiiistij ilc libel suit against the rerVIO CP H1 The allegation talllt it the and independent MP Leonard HM the government and the Ontarzo mum Globe and Mail it as hu government ptfrllttl throng tle ltlltx itl this motion Medical gtSLl€lthll are con 15 my Wednesday ix llama Commons motion limitin sec Standing in the Botseat Com my Comm 130 illlcgéltU3 it also was learned tho the andreading itbate on bill to mans 15 139 Liberals 95 Con lCiUlC the lCDUll 0l the alt mmhtcr will seek damagrw as will it Ifhjmdfl limit the leiltral share of mii gtti tti NDP ll Soeial gallons was inhibited the Mn an apolugv nu cal ctic unis 0c1 the no two red one independent and two TOMORROW Adult beam Wish was prunmm the Tomnto newspaper ran 11 0th Wm treat yous vacant Entertainment gt ï¬Ffl mimfl VClc lll MILLM about him ia wetk 111 he 3330 an how com llie lniuli Illtltltlllvml it DeVIIs Tnangle he UPl reduce tests Un Vednesday March the mm mm mom mm ioveinmeiit louse Leaier Piil we In an paper published letters from sum that iiita taiiniiril Cumumflrv bm mt Juflicc kmiiith kv or THC NM In mm Encounter The Unknown 12 in Last ill If innit Lellcclublti withou ovrriinirii hc Qua 51p0r in ion of tliï¬ Lllri£ilttiï¬il iii il In egls allure rlL ten to Justice Minister llon bl3 mo owii litidects laws 11 lllii ltllch iii L1 sv in lilll llr SOlOnV toll men 55 11 the lllll er xiit in new to ltliUM IP THC1 lit lm liin lir it llrili icsiiieii tli overlainit YUP mil to lllltllLit will light and rumors eraturml il DOUBLE FEATURE tan LA ictrwic ihc cotiisc ot JUEUILL Hmnmm mm itiUilll period the Uiifarii lll drought LliJlllleillLL ii tllC tit 0t tiili Tip mountr 41 iv it lics not someihing to be minty worn finm lCLlsliltlllC nevi tlax lilitll of liUiill beirw abie iiouti of htttl ltliifN Hr lt lhfl 35 fir ml tdWiii soirn of iiinip to out Grlevance hours llt week is r€313 pci itillittts lllti lhit the dc PI gtnIohlll mm nun ciirqtite Martii 13 bate inside the lemslaiurc was SOMETHING HIT us 0le Walk out rulinitoitic tint tl llltlilt Iiilzlil on noii lhecrewisdcud Separate school tOLiLllCt it no 11li wagon he Plea nitii tot rzri ell lll LL tine Lii Aboii o1 gum rgo ets up hm im MN Plea help airainst the ftczifrcw Louiity the iltitttftllllj truth be ti lu tnt Ilillllill tcathcs in westein QthJOt vlvvalu tiiiiiJC sriiool Iiard ioi AC we on tril llilis for few on it in ion lie holed it Well Jobs tediic in hv5 TmUMU lat forcing three schools to innHr 1m In we itLli ill tlivC alli ledVlllfl UhOlll lrlUl 541le and mu crcaeil lv $1 itliLV the board priglfmllcmflf AW mt inspired bv the itll schol 4nd eementarv Lu Ives save ruins withouil clatca gtlQIltti sixmonah ttilltltill in UK 11M may Ell 1191i hill ll31ilUl7 W9 NOVELAIHPORT ilisuit cii Two Hl cuté flmizrted viii CCOinber giving tiliei if WW lt Cilliflllli allowel in tlpt wbatc tor the Try our hot fast delivery inArthur Hailey ritg letLLtAil icd the in inmï¬mnba Wag hum lilCtCtlli gtitliil iaisc iilh 1illll first tim al lilliï¬fltillf tlirc on orders over $500 lJ children ietiiiiay Wc MIME W113 Tc MC honeiits including glitz lltilliittllvrllogrmv mm Won mmmpms and Barrie re ti ttlll an Lélllllltiillllij lil in mull Mk otlnmg allowance Mill5 hut iie Hifulitll lres were 100 Discount on PickUp gmmUH tnppxé mu Th heQua lttPi W0 71 allowed in the lifiislfllllt its Orders over $600 iire lCllllcliL otlcliil mm the lll lo the Nltt tlllit doing regular AdhhtrtoiltltiiliRt lthNtCUtORPANAilSlON Mil In or CNN illith iu otia ion torts Su lemerHs lliyltflso thlUl prises wet iivide session one btllWl bttiiltl alter tln lthibiiiov in Adult Entertainment ul oi clht laik biown gt1 HOME 723 88 1ic imNi ii io ii TOPOVTO WP 111 iUlii operators of CNlC Stu PUS hilri decided if ll to Li Illttt 11 me sin out an at di ST ii tilliltllit triiliiiwii an In consu ration iiititducgdilck illesllllClTTui th mom 7i tncut head late for lltY l11lillt if ADS 405 BAYFIELD pazis Shop TORONTO 61 Premier mates atTSltiiilBTfltiO tannin7i Ciel htCiinz the stadium IllUMur zit2414 ir Utiitibl wt tiiz rm ivy v1 sm iiiais no wastin do Liberation Thatmanof mm heard bhi in at than4 in 01 liw Hub The largest amount was $1035 TRUE GRIT not spartan tonsil ritiiiion ioiilq ln mqu in tlll milln by tin health niinirii door and ltti Karen tilatioi with the provinces ilcetth Minister Frank Miller Islam 033100 lilp iii Anti lir lnoinr ltl llt it til Isis tbcitcz mu about million was 0590 EM it it letteral government will se needed in additional hospital lill lnll repatriatinl the iiilt13 ltd illfillt S183 ml iv Magozme Gllmwr ltriish North America not wiir lion beeLu itirieitetl inn REAT FUN HIGHLY ENTERTAI 51933an stone oil consent and tipport or he tarm litupital ltiuiaiice laii Immune Deuce VincontCanby New York Times lllllliVlLll3 int tl Unernmeil is tl Engi ftl1vl Pol ch iii it iiiiii lltl AllALWALUSPmlnrlioo ii tf ai ul ill0l5lthl tint lCli CllAllliJl int fCl The Vlegt 5mg oiatiui lid rlllilll plane crashed about eight Kent County l£lll oi education mmmudy if Cl Edy CodmingRlCIIARlHtiRliAblllONlZERBEIJOHNMdNTlREPAULKOSWRICHARDROMANCITO in all to day but iiovmeial police say it school toaclieis Vediiea to ionnittisiiioriiutvmn numbmultimediasugaredbyihcrhumuitoouucqhn in the mi lRLt an tli RLlS PURIIS 0mm swim MlLLAR him LAURENCE rostrum Mute Producer rat uim new by AL BWALUS ALNllEllSALlltltRll irriixirotonaPANAVISIONo Adult Entertainment ii LAST PlllliS TONIGHT EARTHQUAKE 915 THE omen DOUBILE FEATURE ti vii STARTS TOMORROW av ON ST PATRICK DAY But No Need To Wait Until Then To Eniov The Excellent Food Fine Irish Entertain ment And Warm Hospitality At The Prince inan thll presents N0 NAT 10 It Stallitlltlltllllllltltlltti tttii tiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii iiitiiliiiiiiiiiiiitliiittn Li Cinn Out And Eniov Yourself Then Youll Be Sure To Rtviieiiilgtei Tliai St Patricks Day Is Next Wednesday March l7lii Coloriin Plums and SWMWM Adult Entertainment For Reservations Please Call the staning Sand illilltilaiid intiuducmg Silflltllfl tiaille 263848 Sampler lit liihn llllSttlll and Gladiis Hilli no on slow it inn Kipling no moaned and miter trillth Pititliiced with foreman neon ohii UStUii nommnhnammlm im itationDevon We The in lllidliielshlumih Primes hoiuclion unhlllal roam told SHR mom VF ltdas9Bwhenmakinglovcmeant making our ii 5E5 STEAK HOUSE TAVERN snow TIMES 700 ANii 920 SAT iTiNi SUN Enmï¬ilmm ADULT FNIERTAINMENI 130 by ll Irgiay North Miles North of Barrie Dummy 72846 ENDS TONlGllT IIALLZNGE TO BE FREE Last Times Tonight SWEPT AWAY and maJvnmw gt up