TREMENDOUS BURST FROM TREMENDOUS NURSE Olga Porter puts on tr emendous burst of power and speed proving unstoppable as she scores against local radio station Olga was one of the nurses from Reva Vic tcriu lfospital playing in basketball game against Team ltudio at North Collegiate We dciisday evening the score for the evening settled at 46h lie the winners in the Fear code will create Innisfil asks for exemption By RICHARD DUNSTAN Examiner Staff Reporter STROUD Innisfil Township council will ask the provincial government for an exemption from new provisions of the On tario Building Code which Doug Reid chief building inspector says could cover the township with slum dwellings Council hopes to meet with of ficials of the ministry of con sumer and commercial affairs to discuss the matter The new provision would ex empt buildings intended for use as cottages from some require ments of municipal building reg ulations which at present do not distinguish between cottages and permanent dwellings Cottages of less than 100 square feel would not require building permits or be subject to regula tions Other cottages would be exempt from requirements con cerning building and room li ncnsions foundations doors and windows and fire safety In ad=liti0n cottage owners would be allowed to occupy their building before completion of heating plumbing insulation in terior finishing and hydro serv ice The regulations to take cilCct next month would require this remaining work to meet muniti pl standards when completed but Mr Reid said in report to council completion of such work ship this yeai during occupancy would be an impossible situation to adequate ly control Ile said lnnislils location near Toronto and its recreational op portunities would make it dif ficult to disprove claim that any home in the township is cottage and entitled to exemption frotn building controls SLUM DWELLINGS Mr Reid said most of the townslips substandard houdng consists of former cottages which have degenerated into slum dwellings lle said the new building code exemptions could add croutly to the townships fire safety and sanitation problem Deputyveers Blake Constable said at Wednesdays mceting it was ironic that the province is contributing to substandard co toge housing at the same time it offers an opportunity to upgrade permanent housing under the On tario Ilomc Renewal Program OIIRI= Council authorized iltliill clerk Richard Grch to file an application for Ollltl funds for the 197576 fiscal year and pilgtl resolution establishing build ing standards as required under the 01m program tinder the program Sturit would be available to the town Council waives building SIROUD Innislil council agreed Wednesday to waive buil ding requirements for propos ed sale of industrial land to the Canadian National Railways But requirements will be re imposed when CN resells the liveacre parcel at Highway 400 and the Eighth Line Under the terms of the town ships agreement with the lands current owner Grover Invest ments the land must be built on within two years of sac This limit will be measured from the date of the propertys sale by CN Cornelius of CN told coun cil Wednesday his makes practice of acquiring rule land equipped with roll sidTn and reselling it to industries which need such facilities Ilc raid CN would attempt to promote gale as soon as possible Were interested in getting our transport business built up not our real estate he said Grover now owns about to acres of industrial land in the area and fiveacre severance has been applied for Mr Cornelius told council has no plans to sell its right olway through the area and an ticipates an increase in troflii along the line in about flu years Only dangerous dogs target in Innisfils control law SIROUI Innisfil council pozscd its dog control bylaw ledncsday without controver sial provision which would have allowed township police or can ine control personnel to kill dogs running at largo Under the bylaw as passed dogs running at large may be killed only when necessary in view of danger to persons or livestock or for human consid erations resulting from injury or illnew Bylaw enforcement officer Roy Bridge noted that the provision allowing officials to kill dogs running at large had been on the townships books since before his term in office Ilowcvcr nun Bill Illlllt said the provision would still be wrong If it had her in Iiict since 1850 ll said he had no objection to the revised provis ions Works budget of $513284 to be discussed SIIttibD Innislil Township councillors will meet Monday to discuss proposed publi works budget of $513284 figure Conn Grant Andrade chairman of councils public works com mittcc ays will piobaliiy be choppcd substantially before US$8550 llc said council is considering abandoning road construction entirely for the year to free more money for ronrl madman antc on Monday Works superintendent hkc Dempsters proposed buxlget col for 3457384 for roads 52311100 for municipal drains and $32 000 for various items not eligible for tubsidy The budget includes requests for $216040 in regular provincial subsidies and 834200 in llllf mentary subsidies leaving $263 044 to be levied by the town ship ll years work budget out $5110 000 liml Il year for loans to residents to homes up to township building standards Llllll Loans of up in $7500 vould be available home ownczs with gross adjusted incomes of $12300 or less Interest rates game were the spectators as they were treated to basket ball as it was never played before Examiner Photo slums would be from zero to eight per cent with as much as 34090 of each loan forgivcablc to lowin come lmrrowcrs ir ltcid told council loans would be given on the basis of urgency rather than on first comefirst served basis High cost of heating schools subject of study by board By SHEILA McGOVERN Examiner Staff Reporter Concern over high energy costs has prompted the Simcoe Coun ty Board of Education to start study of energy management in schools Between 1973 and 1975 the to tal energy cost per student at the elementary level has risen to $23 from $18 threeyear in crease of 39 per cent At the secondary level costs have gone to $37 from $31 23 per cent increase At the elementary level 1973 costs range from low of $12 per student to hight of $54 across the county while the secondary ranges from $23 to $75 Ramsay director of Edn cation said the variations are due to schools operating at be low elfective capacity In asking for the tudy the boards administrative council said There is every indication that substantial energy savings can be achieved by controlling heat light and ventilation and these savings could amount to as much as 3350000 from the board annual expenditure for energy which in 1976 is estimated to cost $1592000 The committee made up of principals trustccs and admin isrtators wil study energy management and tho priorities for the operation and design of Board in reuI predicament over rules on school sales Government rules on selling school property have forced the sdiom board into real predi cament says director cf edu catitn Ramsay Mr Ramsay said that for the past year the Simcoe County Board of Education has leased its old IIuronia school property to Bromidale tOntariOI school for emotionally disturbed child rcu the same time it has of lrrcd the school for sale and under ministry of education guidelines the board must first oftel the property to the munici pality in which is lonated If the municipality does not ICawnï¬l wthin three months the nropcrly will be put up for pub iic tender In the case of lluroci school Innisfil said it unntcd to buy four months after receiving board nticc But the board had ugrccl lo uivc second lcac to Brownlalc The lease cnds hi the end of July Mr tamsay said the township says it will use the school for community purposes hu he pom ted out the majority of teachers and students at Browndiale are from Simcoe County schools We have real problem he said Browndulc pays high rent to coner all taxes ifOï¬l out in surance and the board of edu cation losses grunts under the current arrangement the direc tor said but added Browndale is not in position to buy the school The board agreed to have its area committee discuss the pro blem with the lmvlhcllip and Browndulc and perhaps seek guidance from the ministry The board has however 1eel to lt0 its old icll ljwurt and Letroy school properties 10 Innislil for community use The township will pay $1 for each school as well as legal Chrli The ministry or cdacaliiu luv approved the smile and board will incur no grant lo IIIGIIIISISN students from public and separain claim11 or HllOUln in the Barrie area parturiputcd in pclling con lcl held Wednesday night by the Knights of Columbuz in nets in the local event will go on to the district finals Just before the contest began or ganizer Pat Downs checked over his list with participants Ron DeJong left Forest Hill Debbie Pearson Illincsing Ccn tra and Cathy Crawford St Marys Barrie Examiner lh otol Separate students win priZes in Knights spelling contest Studcnts from llltu gtcparale hool in the Harrie ttlfil cm ergcd as winners in the Knights of Columbus spelling tllll0gtl held Wednesday night The winners were arolyn Ilsir ney St Monicas arrlc Inr cus Housman Our Lady ol Grace Angus and Joanne Loucius Our Counci City council wants ll toot road allowance around the by club project htforo any minor variances arc pniiiu the conzmittcc ol idjnlznii tonijiiit wodm it tnnn Unn Council is Fairwcatlicr int and devclonmcnt rnd Itowe city illtlltl in tin inittce meeting in tin Hiliflli chambers Ilic city planning ilciinit doc not want couiuul ll opch llic dcvcltnimcul says it Jim lcrri chairman of llic develop ment tommittce They the Itvclopcrsi dont want to give the in feet so theyre going through the coni mittee of adjustment Ald lcr ri siiid If the variances are granted tlicyrc under no obli gzition to give us anything Ron Rutledge llshllll St David says the so million con dominium apartment project is planned according to mining zoning on the homo sqimc loot site bordcrcd by Albert itlicr Dunlop and Duckwortii Sii lr ltutlcdgc said minor ll iances are required for the build ing which includes Illstorey lower and two oorrv lcrrncrd apartment along lllllll til illR Lady of he Assumption New Louvcl lhc IIIIII of the area filial will now proceed to the district llnal niIIClIIIICiI lor Iiurric April The contest its open to all public and separate schools in the Barrie area and total of 18 students participatcd Bill Bolgcr was chairman of the contest and using list of words taught at the Grade and level he went around the table giving each student word As soon as the student missed word he or she was disqualified Organizer Pat Ioltlt said the students did very well The words became progressively har dcr and the chairman was down to the last page almost out of words before winner was dcv cided The students won pllACS of $13 $10 and asks road allowance around the Bayclub project an in pay $1300 uni READER REACTION SOUGHT I1tllI0p Sliccl tor total of ll lIIIIli Ihc variances are for the gross floor area which the developer extcod by nlmot nine per will the side yard about 30 1ch sloit on the site front 3am about 53 lcct SIlOli on the and the balcony projec tiot winch the developer ex reeds by three feet COULD BE CONDITION Aid lctii said the It loot road allowance for widening Col Ill Duckwortli llll0p and Al bert streets could be one of the conditions for granting the minor variances He said the planning depart ment considers the minor because of the site res trictions and the existing lcvcl opmcut in the area The site is filled with boarded houses which Nit St Davids left in state of disrepair Ald Perri said the proposal has lU density than the company proposal two years ago lhc projec had two lIrl010y towns with 209 apmtmcnts and row of 11 terraced units along Dunlop Strcrt nofhcr rcon dmclopois want Ito soul the to build llflflCl variances it higher lot levies According to city policy if the land is rczoned the deveopcr but if the land is alrealy zon ed the levy is only $6011 un it March I9 date set by iustice for sentencing of Kenneth leslie Smith of An gus who pleaded guilty to raoc and kidnapping in Ontario Suplt remc Court lcdnesdax will be sentenced by Mr Justice Wenthcrston March 19 Smith admitted raping and for cing 14yearold Barrio girl to perform oral sex July 30 1973 llu victim had been hitchhin inc from Angus to Harrie around 10 p111 when Smitth picked her up and drove her to secluded spot Smith threatened her with screwdriver which the victim thought was knife and told her nothing would happen it she complied After the rape and oral sex Smith lied her hands and gagged her with piece of tape and forced her be lie in the rpare lire well of his sin lioi Vangl Hr covered her with blank Angus mun cl then drove In his home The iclim heard him get out of the cur talk to woman then into those When it war quiet slur got her hands untied took off the gag and forced her way out ul the car slic walked to friends house in Angus and the friend called police After the victim was examin ed at Royal Victoria Hospital police drove her around the arca of Angus until sltc spottcd the housi where her Illililfllll had driven after the rape Police questioned Smiths wife who stud her husband had driven off for midnight schools based on the mast econ omical use of energy The study will include all areas of energy usage and considera tion will be given to Establishing standard tem perature setting for areas within each school reducing ventilation rates where possible preparing schedule for re ducing the heating ventilation and air conditioning in new schools conducting féaSEbility study to determine the practicality of air conditioning in new schools reducing lighting levels where excessive and preparing chedule to switch off the light ing when not in use improving insulation in ex isting buildings studying the heating costs for community use and schedul ing these programs in the most economi al manner and investigating alternative sources of energy Mr Ramsay noted there has been great deal of literature printed on energy management and conservation The director said the measures could create difficulties for some with reduced lighting and liceting but added the study could reduce the budget Frank Prothcro trustee for Iottenltam asked if the study would be completed before this years budget is set Board chairman Bill Brown of Orillia said this woud depend on timing but that committee would be expected to report its findings immediately to the bud get committee CITY NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 11 1976 lOCAI AND GENERAL UREA GUEST SPEAKER frank Urea Toronto member of provincial parliament and parliamentary assistant to Syd ney Ilandleman minister of con sumer and corporate affairs will be guest speaker tonight at the annual meeting of the Bar rie Progressive Conservative As sociation Officers for the com big year will be elected at the meeting to start at 73 at Trin ity Parish Hall RUMMAGE SALE The ladies auxiliary to the Barrie Humane Society is asking Barrie residents to save and don ate good used clothing the sho cst and other household goods for rummage sale March 12 in the evening and March 13 in the morning at the Steelworkers Ilall on High Street Proceeds from the sale are used for the societys shelter Itlll CROSS MEIITS Barrie and Iitict Branch of the Canadian Ron Cross Societv will hold its annual meeting March 17 at pm at St Au drcwa Presbyterian Church Cuet speaker the dinner meeting will be John Item ton president of the societys Ontario lilliill GENERAL MEETING The Downtown linprmemcnt Board will hold general meet ing April ill Collier lrcet United Church The meeting is expected to be stormy one leccnl sharp criticism of the boards activitielt by downtown merchant Dave Ilill sparked the meeting The meeting begins at 613 pm AGAIN IAIHII The next meeting ol the Howli lown Improvement Board will be held March at 730 pm It will he held in the Greater Bur rie Chamber of Commerce office on Fred trant Street IIORTICULTLRAI SOCIETY Vesprn Horticultural Societys regular monthly meeting will be held Monday at pm in the lteforestry lrlall corner of High way 26 and the Sixth Conces sion Midhurst The public is it vilcd The society has also an pounced May 31 as the date for Its spring flower show APPOINTED TO POST Rev LeRoy Pennell founder and pastor of Barrics Heritage Baptist Church has been ap pointed vicepresident of llcri tagc Baptist College in Water loo recently Pltl8lllgtillcl fundamentalist institution Bar ries Ed Gray is member of the independent college Mr Pcnnell says the college is not directly connected with his church dcsnite the similarity of the two names IARENIS NIGHT lhe gymnastic classes sponsor ed by the Barrie recreation de partment are holding parents night at the end of the month Codrington lublic chool pa rents are invited Tuesday March so at 630 pm for the beginn Io 0N FRENCH TV crs Clihh and Wednesday March 31 at pm for the advanced class Parents with children in the beginners class at Assikinack Public School are invited Thurs day April at 630 pm CITY COURSE OPEN The citys National Lifeguard Service Course is open to all interested people this year The course scheduled June 28 to July and interested people should contact the recreation de partment Last year the course was held for summer employees of the city in the aquatic activi ties OPTIMIST FINALS lhc Barrie Optimist club will spomor one finals in its annu al student public speaking con test April The finals are sch eduled for St Monicas School at pm with winners going to district competitions RED CROSS COLRSI lted Cross Itoyul Lifesav ing Society instructors cellse is scheduled at Canadian For ces Base Borden on two week ends this month March 21 to 23 and March 29 to 50 For more information contact Joanne lc Curdy at 7231061 PARK II SIllOlI Cumming will weeknight and so midi IS year Iniistil Iovi iip c0util announced Vcdrchlay Hydro connections will be $1 extra Car allllllxsltm will St on Saturday and Sunvlnj oivl lirer00d will be 30 ccuis umtoad with my hip Illcidl to define armio SUNDAY LosiNo STiiUlil Illiilltfll township approve Vulllt an plannifl JITIIIIA tc report calling It Leman township planning coordinator to investigate th aifcti cf provincial Sunday clo mi laws on stores in the town hips shoreline area and submit list of stores affecth to coun cil lhc move comes it respon to request from Wilsons Red and White of Althm Beach for exemption from the laws SUMMER CARNIVAL SlltOlD Innisfil wanship council has referred to staff members aid the townshins rec reation management committee request from the lnnlslil Opi imist Club for $500 grant and use of Innislil Park for summer carnival July 17 and 13 The carnival would featur kl parade rides concession booths bingo and variety of contests FUTURE OF MARRIAGE The future of marriage will be examined in the semnd in series of discussions sponsored by the Family Life Association of Barric Tuesday Rev Ken Pur don will guide the discussion in relation to prelteut social moral and practi al considerations The sixpart series is free and will be hcl ech lcsdy until April 13 in the lncuftv mange of Barrie Central Collegiate at 130 pm PROPOSAL lhe Barrie branch of the Consumers Association of Canada is seeking local reaction to an application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp to broadcast its French language network on Barrie Cable TV If the application is approved by the Canadian RadioIelevision Commis sion tCIlIC the cable company must drop an existing station ARE YOU IN FAVOR CHANNEL YES IF THE MEASURE IS NEL WOULD YOU PR circle one SIGNED8Y Police found the car in MISSIH Saugtt and found Smith in liltls was monton Dec 15 1975 He returned to Barrie and photo graphs of him were ilcnililicd the victim ADDRESS CHANNEL OF LOSING AN EXISTING NOI APPROVED WHICH CHAN EFER TO LOSE 9101112 of the above uau lllail completed questiontinirc to the Consrimois Association of Canada PO Box 758 Barrie