Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1976, p. 2

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YOUNGSTERS RECEIVE PUBLIC SPEAKING AWA RDS Youngsters from the village of Angus receive awards at the Angus Legions annual public speaking contest Hea ther Mount who was judged best with speech on physical fitness accepts her certificate from organizer Ed Polkiewicz along with Roger Parks sec ond with speech on Myster ious Monsters Past and Pro sent and Valerie Trigger third with speech on Indians Looicing on are Ed MacDon aid president of Legion bra Oro ratepayers show property tax concern 0R0 STATION Staff As in other municipalities in Simcoe County and most of the provin ce ratepayers in Cm are waiting their 1976 property tax bills with not little concern after warnings about expected increases Reeve Wallace Key Deputy Re eve Charles Simpson and other members of council have all giv en assurance of doing their best to cope with the higher costs for which inflation has been lar gely to blame Prospect of higher school costs has been leading topic but ratepayers also are looking to the county council and the town ship council to asseSS their part of the tax spending ihvolved in the Oro property rates The Oro township tax rate is usually set in June but this might be done somewhat earlier this year In any event it was cm phasized the ultimate property tax rates wont be definite un til all the figures are finalized SOME ANXIETY would like to see taxes held as close to last years rates as possible in practical way said Councillor Allan McLean former reeve who said be per sonally found ratepayers view ing tax prospects with anxiety ELMVALE NOTES Higher costs and inflation has affected every level of govern ment which gives us more re sponsibility than ever on behalf of our ratepayers For many farmers gross in come will be dovm and taxes har der to Day he said mentioning higher Operation costs and de cline in the milk subsidy The school tax situation had added to the problems faced by property ratepayers as well as other taxpayers he added Well do our best to hold the townships share of the rate in line said Councillor McLean We face some difficulties too For instance our winter road budget is overspent Well need more money for fire protection too SCHOOL PURPOSES On the basis of last years taxes 6167 per cent of the total Oro levy was for school purpos es according to figures shown with the tax bills The educa tion levy was shown to total $70906066 while the municipal levy which included county tax es amounted to 544062181 or 3833 per cent of the $1149 68347 total The $191232 county levy on Oro required residential and farm mill rate of 20636 mills and commercial rate of 24336 For township administration the rates were 28269 and 32260 required to raise $24939081 Three school rates shown in cluded 45831 residential and 50923 commercial for clemen tary public semis 51167 and 56851 for elementary separate schools and 35227 and 39139 for secondary schools The school levies in Cm totalled $70906066 SPECIAL LEVIES In Shanty Bay area there was 3012 residential and 3540 co mmercial levy for lights llaw kcstonc village Biro ltad special levies for local services Garbage collection costs were shown last year at $20560 with flat rate of $14 pcr your for residential and fatm $26 per your commercial for once per week and $40 for twice per week comparison with 1074 show ed the cducation levies required 6080 per cent which totalled $373397 the county 159 per cent totalling $140975 and to ltliip 2130 oer ccnt totalling 521963766 The latter was raisv ed to $24939081 last year the countys share to 5191232 and education to 3709 06066 The Oro council will hold its next regular meeting on Monday March Dancing school plans demonstration night By PEGGY DOVE ELMVALE The students of the Eimvale dancing school are holding their fouif annual de monstration 1177 or 2Jrllav March at pro high school The program entri will 1r 23 bal jazz 9d Ws D2502 last over aLCt nnrfixrs 71 abfi 3112 can Hourmi or JJ HUt Madif beer lmre lo 511 tldl MM Shela Howell ballet win Nam oal baton twin feature in An add al v1 ll rung egh you 1111 If splaying her lltl1 roid in he at Ul acro damlug dips Sniela MM InfP tillult movement look like very wim ple task whim lhu up coining marks the orriplction of 20 half hour lCmIIllS with ovum last fall The dance instruction is of fered at he Zulu whool through the night school program of the Simooe Couny Board of Educa tion under the direction of tcach ers Mrs Peggy Dove and daugh ter Miss Cyndy Dove SUCCESS The Elmvale and District Lions club raised $4166 in their fourth annual Snowmobile 100 mile rally Seventy machines participated in the Elmvale 100 Snowmobile Day which be gan and eudcdaat Shady Acres in Orr Lake Only twu out of the 70 machines failed to flu ish the 100 mile distance drop ping out at the half way point When all the pledges are col lected wind up dance will be held on Saturday March 27th at pm in the community Izall at which prizes for various cate Iorics will be given out to the winners Recently the first Iiimvale Brownie Pack held Parcnts Night Twentyone new Twe enies have now been enrolled for the new season They are Sandy Bailey Donna Barbe Elaine Boone Colette Cabell Kerry Dove Julie Ellery Marg aret Graham Lisa llealey Jen nifer Ileaman Christine Iloskin Tracey Irvine Diane Liscumb liaa Nightingale Teresa lrast thytin Roberts licathcr Shana li fliercea Toner BobbieJo lioge Darlene Wager Argcla rglt Brenda Young Thirteen liImnic were presented with Linden bar and they wrc Elaine Boone Morag lavirion Ionrarmc Davidson Connie ICI Janine Firming Christine Ficucli la Gillespie liu1 Lumen Denise Ritchie Kristin Kobe12 Sharon lnvlor Brigit 1litffault Lori lodd Iiight Brownies were present ed wzth the golden ladder and they wore irigitte Ihiffuult lorag Davidmu Roseanne Dav lct idmu Christine French Lisa llffllf Diane Linsscu Denise ltitchic Sharon Taylor Fourie cu irownios received their lirst your SllViYl star and they were Slir Curry Morag Davidson Roseanne Davidson Connie El lery laninc Fleming Christine French Lisa Gillespie Susan llcalcy Diane Linsscn Kather inc Pearson Denise Ritchie Sharon Taylor Brigitte lhill fault Lori Todd thirdyear star was present ed to Martha Williams who join ed the Elmvale pack from the Dalston pack Mrs Ena David son who was the packs tender foot was enrolled as guidcr and is working for her appoint ment as lawny Owl of the first Elmvalc Brownie Pack This very large group of girls is un der the excellent leadership of Brown Owl Mrs June Linssen PUBLIC SPEAKING lhe Elmvalc Legion recently held public speaking contest for the winners of the Elmvuic public school students lhrcc students competed in the junior division and three students in the senior division The winners in the junior division were first to Caroline deGorter speaking on Anne Murray and second to Stephen Trace speaking on Tales of My Great Grand mother In the senior division it was tie for first place between Pat McGuincss and Martin Shana han making it necessary for an impromptu speech to be made and the winner of he first prize was Pat McGuiness sneaking on the Public Speaking and sec ond to Martin Shanahan speak ing on Curing the Common Cold CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations for very lllppy 53th wedding anniversary out to Mr and Mrs iIliivilzc Spiriicc of the Itlos 10th Conc ilicir 3511 special day on Monday the mud ol February HFIIII TIME 11 you are shopping or visit ing friends in ltllmvulc this lburslay March 11 dont for gct to drop into the ircbytcr inn church for the monthly am coffee party This month it is in honor of St Patricks Day and it is sure thing some of tho goodies you will nibble on will he coloured noon The time is 1000 am when the lad ios start to pour so come on out and enjoy break with your friends IlIOUGIiI Knowledge comes but Wisdom lingers OVERHEARI Elmvale kids say the cutest things Overheard conversa tion the other day Little Pet ers mother called out to him to be careful on the kitchen flo or because she had just waxed it and little Petercnllel buck Dont worry mom Im Wearing my cicath shoes Bye now 7OMIUM PRODUCED The worlds leading producer of chromium metallic chem ical element is the Soviet Un ion crcuso important industries in pow tion where they would find dit afraid impossible to compete ncli i119 and lim Moorc chair 1111111 of i111 poppy fuiiil mis ing committee which spoiror ed the LUleCl tlivcmincr llliiloi Suburban roads commission is criticized over ruling PAINSWICK After being rc fused paving for her Big Bay Point Road driveway this week Jean McGrcgor said the Barrie Suburban Road commissioners are like stubborn old men that cant move Theyre omnipotcnt or at least thats their ttitudc she said pledging to carry on her fight by wklug the CBC lclc visions Ombudsman to inter vene on her behalf Skiers throng Horseshoe Valley COULSON tStutli Ski in struction cl or will coutiuu to be hrltl zt liarw Jilcy ski club on weekends for the rc nirindcr of this month John Birrcli or Burric is div ether of some 17 Kill ustrucors actor of some 17 ski litilluutois who haw been assisting in the cluxcs for junitru ll liil lltlll and adults These will be luld on Satur days with morning classes from 102110 to 12 oclock ul ulicultltui instruction from to The popular ll1StSllOf Vtilicv gtlti hills l1l1 limi attracting 1lll skirt than vcl this luv ltt tilt tn 111v tw 11000 lllfnn pin the hills and club lilClllllC during wcclztuzl Ponder subdivision of llfopiu BAXTLR Essa councillor Don Elinls wants to hcar the comments of the ministry of agriculture hcfori cUumil con sidcrs Illlot subdivision in the hamlet of Utopia Tile 10acrc subdivisou has been approvcd in principle by Essa planning board and is bc iltg circulated for commfnts from provinciul ministrics and agencies Lou Cooper proposcs thc d1 clopmcul on land lurinch owned by Vivian IiamL Mr idlincs has said the hous ing iiilopmcnt could inhibit farming in thc urcu because of farm smclls iut urchitcct Irv Itumun told council ruvim and railway will act as an adcquutc buffer Mr lilincs suiil lic is not op posml to tiu subilitisiou but to anything that will intirIcrc with agricultural production in thc wars of food shortage that lit ahcad High school board salaries inherited Essa council told BABTILR The high suitirics of school board admitiisrulors are an establisiicd urctcdcnt rustcc Brurc ummiuc of lliornfon id 12 Li towtuhIp council the lzuch uuiYiHL Tllcy i11l ultru tho lltW lwpid up ll mud Tlicy arc iilllill much too liiih sumo Us ll ur cos lhc Sumoi Dunn of liductfliou tillllllltl in 2969 Tilt tldfCLlUI til llll litwilt was given rtziw of $3101 in Jun uary hc mnvmum oil unable llmltl lCilmzil I1L1c whim bringing his salary to 311780 pcr your llu liitttls lllltt Iiiivlzltu dciih ouch rcitncd S2li1 un Ullillfi Mcauwiiilc lilo lviiii ll Id ticatton has rccriwd ozclun naiy budgc which indimcs 10 per cent incrcthc in thc tn rain this ycar llic 1976 budget l11 not liccn ct yet bcruusc lic provincial grant structuti lids rot bccu announced sharp dcrrcisi in provincial funding anticipated Mr fummigz said the op ul ninistralors are getting too high pay no doubt about it Bu they are dcccnt and hardwork ing woulint luc any He said prestige comcs with high wage and didunccs bcwc on people with ditcrcu respons ibilities are expected EVANS REPORT liltltlI lMMlNG Irustcc Explains lie illulttl Intuitr uuou icicl cr llmmr llotta who once and ylu could gitc poor mun $3 and put suit on him and DUI pic would lillow him People say if youre so smart why don no make ours urin cy lt iruimi il The board of education plans to hold illtftlilltl wih mitcipu councils to ixpluin 1111 107 bud get lictorc is approved Mrs McGtLgor had complain ed that hcr driveway wu cx tcndtd 40 feet whcn Bi Bay Point lion was rerouted in 1975 luring coirlruction of bridge west of her home She wants the extended drive way pavcd It is now feet long OIIIISRS PAVICI To support hcr claim site told the OITIIIIlnnlllliClS that the ex tcnsious of No driveways west of the bridge were paved by the commiwiou Slic sztid the liner liltllillll ccmmiwion vo llStlllllilllll against hcr ltliougli thc other paved diivtwtrvv L1 uo neur ly as long at hers lhc comtniion plan to lay cu=hd stouc lrom the road to Mrs Mctircgors property line where the paved portion of her driveway coda in hcr so far unsuccedui light with tltc commission Mrs Mc Grcgor has tried to win the sup port of Innisfii township coun cil the Simcoe County warden DEFENDS STAND Alrir meeting with ucgor commisswner Daron Jcrmcy former county war dcn said the commission has bccn flair to Mrs McGregor He said the other two drive ways were paved to the road because gravel would not stay in place on the sleeper gradient leading to the curb Mrs Mc Crcgors driveway is level Irulicd gravel is to be laid in the spring and landsczping of the road area is planned The flame Suburban Road Commission was set up when llunie became city in 1950 iecoznizing the use of district roads by people who live and work in Barrie The commission looks after Shanty Bay Road Big Bay Point Road the 7th line of Oro between Highway 11 and Lake DISTRICT NEWS Tllll BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH ll 1976 COUNTY GLIMPSES JEAN MCGREGOF Discrimination Simcoe and road at llawke stone One commissioner is appointcd by the city one by Simcoe County and the other jointly lllc111ml5101101s now are James Hart and Smith Campbell of Barrie and Dalton lcrmey ol Medonc Leighton Clark on gineer for the County of Simcoc is secretary of the commission Cookstown zoning hearing Ctlliltil The Ontario lunicpil liogud wll hold pub lic lllll Cookstown over Notional rezoning to permit Elliot subdwisou lluc cluit icd Lndcruoixi 1l lu Alli ictidcl in hold 21min in the villugc tittcr coun cil witiircw sugacstion lltl be hcd in the MBs lotoulo ollht due tor tlic iiionng has in litlltlil xltla bouc said he tczilcd llittllll with OMB officials last Friday and asked for litmint in tlic iilagc lic princnlcd supporting petition wt 34 panics All Suite is our of lllltl pm plc who limo ltulgil olltcitil oi jtclhm to lllc 1tlollllL ouncil has ipprovcd tlic ll lllll with to ltv1ltll1L1l iiom rrultuil but Oll up piovtl criuizcil llii lcvclop cr is Cookslnuc lLllHltlllClllgt Sl lAlRHliS llwll liic sciond an nuul St Patricks duuci spon Mllttl by tho llli1iil ltccvcn tion and Community ltociition will be lttlll Saturday pm in lllt Sriulil liiliislil llttticu lion crilic Hilil lIQIllIlIl llll3ll lil HilltblOl ICrl vl ltilllll Ioil woulfil llll towu bio is bi coming ch1 111llll12l 51 gtIl llC oiijiiiculli duping it lilldetl lltiiiioii ititv oun Anthony Hornmi illl ll has 11 inch ond hum if iduiomcn to lwil ilrz 111 111 ll of lHMl vliilc 1oovuut oils flirtc mm tliil ln tllll1 for 39 lllllcs iilli SOlilCIA nltllll 19911 Annual uniWit Uillltu brunch of tin it to lllllllllt SOCltl will bc hold llll Sundial Motor Inn on lucilziv lul1 11 llliililx liiIQlflCSl ll Xl lill ll gt1 uil Dorothy litmow oi Alillll 11L11t luiii tink Rise in oil prices will affect economy By ARTHUR EVANS Mll Simcoc Icntrc would like to dinum iltc governmcnt of Ontarios poni 1ion on the cxpcctcd rise in oil prices It was widtly rcportcd that the governman of Canada would propose to the energy ministers conference in Ottawa that thc wellhead price oi crude oil should be raised by $2 bar rcl from the $0 My ollLdutlc Dennis limbrcll minister cl cocrgy idci standahly uppallcd ond inn op pcalcd for pubic mopor to light what he calls lllc cdcral 4ovtriuncnts zomblc mun11 to word raising Canadian oil priccs to world levels LOWER IN US in rcccnt moutlh the United States has moved to restrain in creases in crude oil prices and present pricc of is actually reducing the price of new oil coming on strcum Currently the average 18 we head price for crudc oil is $766 per barrel The Ontario iovcrumcut feels it is irrational for tho 1111ll nicnl of Canada to ignorc this situation in any distuvion rc lutiug to thc price that indus trial usch must pay for crudc oil and natural gas in Canada The hard fact is that 541 iu in Tzuitidri woule ililll disclosed at nirciiuy oi ranged ity hull on Saturday March 13 and it in the amount this year ticult and in some coma lm with the US murkcl The impact on Ontario housc holds would ilt lt1ltir iuu As icsuli ol thc higher crude oil and nulurul gas prices in tliclc would bc 125000 lcwci jobs crcnlcd in Ontario in the first vcur than there would In if the prices rcmuincd 1hc sumc INCOMES IT The liomcowncr limiting llli oil and driving 10000 unlcs pcr ll would cxpcricucc an up proximuic iucicnsi of $00 pcr your on top of lust cur in crease of $123 Natural L£I us cis who llilvc 10000 miles tui nnally Would cpt1ic11cc an au uuul iixcrcnsc oi ouud $115 on top of its $130 airpcricnccd in the 1073 incrcuscs The total cncrgy bill in On Horse ridethon to be organized SllNNlDAllI OllN liilS Staff Plans to organize horrc idclhou in June will he llic Boo uid Sudtllc Riding club ur lor Sunuidtilc Ollllllllll iloposcul dulc 1n tlw mom is luuc l2 llocccdi will be given to the Ontario Suiiotv lor frip plcil tliililicu III 11 ll1l illoii law year thr club raised $308 the 111111 to increase lllll Ill iiia t1 il111iil lo lutvc lilili bil lion il lllt tlllltlll growth mic in cutrd conumpzion in tin luiio mold lic ltllltltl li two Jti Limit by unto jltsl iout inis liiilx oi much IN gt1 lillllOli pr vcu luv 1010 jlirl lotu intro 4way litlllllx liuilncll picsvucd ltutos lli1lltgtll 11 lln iucrgy lllllllxltl coulcicmc 111 Minna llc lllllilttliilll ictciviui lllt prompt rcponc o1 llllllllltl groupx tlINllllllliUIl ind produc ing Ullllilllt moi various cil icus illllllliu whom llc hud urillcu lllcii rcpon tllhliltll llllll lo 1cplcul lllt rcul ll oi 1111 turio now soul no ullcr the uovciumcut oi onudo has again untilutcrally liilnltl lll pricc of oil llu gowtumcul of Ontario ttztllzm 11ml wc must come lot= wutd uiIb vorlmblc national cucrgy policy llu govtrmmnt of Canada has ilidicuicd its rc sponsrblilily and the policy vacu um mul be filled Mod oi you may ltnow by now that llI oucucd on office in liuiiic to liiuc mo in closer contact with Suncoc Icutlc con rtilucnls 13015 wcu Strcct plionc 72606051 Vlillc it will be llll1mlllt for ill pcrsouzilly to bc llicrc litc do tli my scirotary will be How from lucstluv lllllll luli all day and lllllll noon on Saturdays invite ion to contact my office if can assist you in cd to submit written request before Essa township council considcn whether to allow them to run repair business beside their home off Highway 90 ct1f1tlLiV plan was recently pre pared for the village TOITENHAM STATUS iOlliiNllAM Staff Nani cd after pioneer family Totten hum attained village status 92 years ago 111 1384 Reeve Joe liclioid is head of the current countil IZLMVALE BSONSPIEL iZLMVALIL Slafli Frank llilll is chairman of the commit tcc in charge of the Elmvalc and District Lions Club bons spzcl which is to be held at the local rtuk on Saturday March 15 BOOTII IS PLANNED lltllllr tSlulli Orilliu and District Chamber of Com mcric has been making ar litllltlll tor booth at the Canadian National Spmtuncns show in Toronto on Friday and Sillilltli March 19 and 20 LIBRARY BOARD Ntiltlll ltllillt Staff liivc appointmcnts to the taun sth library board have been approved Mutclicdash town ship council licudcd by Rccw iordou Pricstman lhcy were Leona Silk Lois Lauzhlin Lyn da Nuncock Dorothy Harris and Phyllis lvkuu Si GEORUIiS ACW liADY Stutll St Georges Anzlicun Church Women will meet at the home of Mrs llarold Uoss this Thursday evening 70Oll£ CHOIR ltllllt sou 70 OICC muic choir Will prcscnt Canadian festival of praise at rillia Presbyterian church on Sunday evening March 14 start ing at 730 oclock ILLtfllRli PARTY llAllKliSlONL Staffi An oliltl of thc scries of cuchre par ticlt will be held at Hawkesone hall on Friday evening March 10 starting at 813 oclock CODE NAME GIVEN lluulok Opcrut on wu the codc name for 21 Ailieri attack on the Marshall l1 cirl 1044 tluriu the Second World War TRY EXll12li ANT ADS llltl 7163414 You can Save 33 ON DENBY piece place setting Unlil March 201li only we offer you any of our famous Denby oventoiableware pc place seiiinqs at an incredible 33 sav inqs Sale includes ALL DENBY PATTERNS while our present stock lasts ACT NOW FOR BEST SELECTION GRAYSONHELD Downtown 680 Maple Ave Open am to p111 Friday am to pm Telephone 7371319 Bayfield Mall Open Daily l0 am to 930 pm Telephone 7264380

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