2me wwwmflun mm 53 FARMERS MRKT FEED SEED GRAIN PURINA cnows Bulk Servitc Lowest Cost Complete Dairy Rations PARTRIDGE CALL FEED SEED 4872029 hTF moon BALES of choice clean hay no rain large bales $125 eaCh Telephone 4215137 M13 moo BALES of clean briqht wheatI straw telephone 4563691 M12 POULTRY AND CHICKS RsTn to lay outlets Also farm frest sods Craig Hunter Poultry Iarm Stroud 4361311 TF LIVESTOCKRFOR SALE HOLSTEIN COWS for sale fresh In week and the other the end of March nood milking cows telephone 4565017 M16 BREEDING RABBITS and meat rab bits also wire cages telephone 726 689 M12 WANTED to buy male and female ran hits for breeding Also 50 bales of straw Telephone 4241900 M11 WANTED TO rent youno bull for 2I months Hereford or Durham William Edgerton telephone 7285635 M12 WEANED PIGS for sale ISIephone ai ter 530 Isa9326 MIN PERSONALS OLD FASHIONED horse drawn sleigh rides minutes from Barrie $25 per hour eveninqs and weekends Tele phone 7286078 M13 JULIES 33 Essa Road We trade and sell used pocket novels Open am to pm days week ME DOROTHY RICHARDS otherwise known as Dorothy Madden formerly of 65 Hiohcrofl Road Barrie will not be responsible for any debts incur red in my name without my written consent from this date March 10 1976 M12 forward FRIENDSHIP Therapy Group starting in Barrie non professional introduc tnry letter for you Apply Box P28 Barrie Examiner M16 SREE SREE Mentu Maharai founder of the Universal Peace Mission Chair man of the world Parliament of Re ligion and Culture will do counsellino on spiritual elevation and personal problems Call 7288868 Mlo11121516l718 FOR SALE travel arrandements Try personalized service Hays Travel Ser vice 7284700 A1 ENGLISH RIDING Instruction Indoor arena minutes from Barrie Windy itaunh Farm 7260192 Aul7 TELECARE wm qum your pro blem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267012 anytime TF INCOME TAX returns personal and small business also bookkeeping for contractors small firms 7261808 30 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7236581 If you drink thats your business If you want to null thats ours Call an time TF PERSONAL INCOME Tax returns Done from your home Material pick ed up at your convenience and prompt ly returned for mailinq Reasonable rates Telephone 4364828 M11 WANTED RIDE from Collinowood to Barrie Monday to Friday arriving by 800 am and leaving at 430 pm Telephone 7285526 daily or 4456872 evenings M13 DRUMMER required experienced for local country band vocals an asset Telephone 7262986 after pm M13 DAVID WRIGHT of Bell Ewart will not be responsible for any debts In curred in my name without my writ ten consent from this date March Inn 1976 forward M13 LOST FOUND NECKLACE lost downtown Barrie area locket sterling silver engraved with date on back reward Telephone 7268667 M12 GOLD LOCKET on chain lost Sunday Could he Duckworth Plaza Victorian shape has topaz Stone Keepsake Treat sentimental value Reward Please telephone 7261205 M11 OST MALE Collie dob Anqus area Please telephone 4240204 M13 Io HELP WANTED TELLERS Fulltime teller required also part time teller experienced Apply in per vin to Dr Deeyes at Municipal Sav inos 6A Dunlop Street East Bowie PRICING CLERK required for whole safe operation Good academic back oround and some office experience desired Permanent position excellent Acicino conditions and usual benefits Apply in writing to Box P31 Barrie Examiner ll13 BONITA SHOES requires sales person for 30 hours week Apply in person Georgian Mall M17 10 HELP WANTED 1n HELP WANTED PETER LUSH DWI INSURANCE Barrie Collier Streev mst 7370611 Toronto St Clair Ave East I4 9255104 58 Collier St Barrie Ont 1705 7370611 SALES PERSONS required re Up to 65 Commission Ion the bonus system Experienced real estate personnel required mediately Top commissions and company benefits are available to commissioned sales persons OOHIP Hosp Doctorl Paid 0310000 Life insurance Paid 0540000 per month Insurance Paid OBoard fees paid 050 of fees paid on success fully completed approved courses Oftegistercd Pension Plan where of the sales persons net earnings are matched by the company 0Top Commissions OOne of Northern Ontarios Lar gest Real Estate Brokers with 11 offices in the North For confidential interview Call MR JOHN THOMSON 7370611 5189 An Interesting Junior Posi tion with future in COST ACCOUNTING is available with Barrie Man ufacturer Present enrolment in R1A course is an advantage Apply with resume to Box P2 The Barrie Examiner 1112 AVON Laid oft Nows the best time to make top SS sell ing AVON Be an inde pendent Sales Represetr tative Sell worldfamous cosmetics popular frag rances family products at competitive prices jewelery and many shown on TV Be your own boss No exper ience necessary Profit able opening in Barrie and Simcoe County Call 7289652 today for inter view or write PO Box 485 Barrie Ont No oblig ation ThFSl27 MANAGER for ladies wear store in Barrie Must be sales Oriented and be able to take charge of sales and staff Salary will commensurate with ability To apply call collect Mr Roger 5147694386 M13 PARTTIME help wanted at Very Very Terry Jerry Geornian Mall Ap ply in person 120 to 530 Wednesday Thursday and Friday M12 ALLISTON COOPERATIVE Nursery School Incorporated requires teacher days week to start plus days with Increased enrolment telephone 705435 4777 after pm M15 DINNG ROOM waitresswaiter outred Immediately experienced full time Full company benefits Please apply in person to the Holiday Inn Barrte M15 CLEANING PERSON wanted day every two weeks 5th line of 0rd high est wages paid References required Telephone 4873928 after pm M12 REQUIRED for immediate employ ment person for qeneral office and re cord keeping duties Salary relative to experience usual company benefits please call 7285160 for appointment PARTS CLERK for automotive stock room Must be willing to learn Good workinq condition Apply Don ribson Paul Sadlon Motors 233 Bradford Street 7261817 Mil im Disability re to HELP WANTED NEED libenced auto body person top wages steady lob Telephone 737 1225 after pm AUTO BODY repairer wanted for modern independent shop Call Walt 7267951 M12 PARTTIME help required for Merle Norman Cosmetics experienced pre ferred Call Mrs Pattlmore at 776 4982 before pm TF SECRETARY receptionist for Real Estate oftlce experience requiled typ ing filing shorthand bookkeeping Send resume to Box P24 The Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield St Barrie M13 REQUIRED for Cookstown area housekeeper to live in from March 8th to June 23rd to care for teenape Irls For further information call 458 °709 TF REAL ESTATE salesoeople required all Inquiries confidential Contact Mr Gordon Coutts of Coutts and Co Real Estate 7282485 M20 lsALES person wanted for custom tkttchen cabinets must be responsible Ineaf pleasant have own transporta tion also must have some experience in measurino layout nd design of Kitchens Apply in person to The Kitchen Nook Bavmart Plaza Barrie or telephone 7283310 or 7783414 Must M13 experienced glior the supply of one new vehicle minimum GVW 30000 lbs Complete with body hoist and snowplowiing JTen101 forms and specifications may bepicked up at the Public Works Office 2nd St Wasaga Beach be able to start Immediately excellent position for qualified applicant M12 lMATURE PERSON to work eveninos in childrens home Experience with lchildren preferred Household duties included Start immediately Janie at 7288737 M12 Call GUITAR TEACHER required for stud io Telephone HAS6651 days M9 $300 TO 5400 per month extra Income Family business has parttime op ening for an ambitious coupleindivid ual 7269100 for interview M13 EMPLOYMENT WANTED RECENT Graduate of Georgian Col iretary Shorthand 120 worn typino wpm Telephone 7265909 between am to pm M13 RELIABLE gentleman is seekino em plovment in construction or carpentry work in Simcoe County area Experv ienced Please telephone 4873607 M17 111591 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims ainst the Estate of EVELYN IDA MACKLEM late of the City Iof Barrie in the County of Sim coc Widow who died on or about the 23rd day of September 5097 must forward some to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of March 1976 alter which date the assets will be distribut ed amongst the parties entitled IIIIOICLO and the Execufuts will not be liable to any person of whose claims they hall not then have notice DATED at Penctonguishcnc thisi lam day of March Ilthi MacKINNON DCVILLIIIIS HORTON Barrsitcrs ctr Simcoc Street PENETILVGUISIIISNII Solicitors for the 11 ExecLiters 12 12 TENDERSMW TENDERS Banft 12 TENDERS TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH Tenders equipment installed Tcndcrs will be received in 500 pm April 5th Lewis Beach Ont Lowest or any tender not he the office of the clerk until St PO Box 110 cessarily accepted TAYLOR SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES tiveion generators have no ef Death Notices Engagements Birth ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Works Manager Mil WEI $450 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents perword In Memoriam lno verspl Verce per count line extra Coming Events BIRTHS lege seeks permanent position as sec GOOD NEWS STORY when you annource the birth of your child in he Barrie Examiner clippings of the notice are avalable for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mcIl your friends and relatives In those ta away places Place an nn noncemcit afte birth Call the Barrie Examiner Classified 7282414 BIRTTIS FLOWER FAIRW ihc ltlorisl Who Cares Gituvu DUCKWORTII PLAZA 7268642 lylS MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYIIELI 51 7281561 DEATHS BARBER Canadia EllenAt the Rov nl Victoria Hospital Tuesday March III 1976 Canadia Nellie Barber be Iovnd wile of the late Edward Barber Dzar mother of Bose Mrs Large of Wyevale Rose Mrs Roe oft Alberta William of Torontof Norval of Barrie Henry of Aurora John of Barrie and the late Jamer Dear orandmothcr Of 21 grandchildren Hore alien from For purchase of KilClllIN IIIV PRODUCTS such as Swill bunts suct rouin fats grouse etc form eleven 11 Kitchens Ill Bse Borden plus Blzickdown Summer Camp are now open for the your April 1976 to 31 March 1977 by Dealers IllIy lic ensed in accordance with De ions Swill and Kitchen ByPro ducts are to be picked tip on necessarin acceptctl SuccCsful bidder will be notified by llcgist tel in writing no later than March 1976 to OFFICER IN CIIAIIGII BASE POLPLEL illllll BLDG P408 CANADIAN FORCES BASIC BORDIJN Onto 21 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will he made to I0IEtld replies to box numbers to the advertiser as sour as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failute or delay in for warding such replies however otherwise 10 HELP WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS Earn Extra Money In Your Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS QUEEN AND in the following areas DUCKWORTH AREA ZODRINGTON BLAKE ST AREA COLLIER BERCZY AREA NAPIER COOK AREA STAYN ER IN ESIN BAYFIELD GROVE ST AREA COOKSTOWN AMELIA EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA ELMVALE BORDEN Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bavfield St Barrie OR PHONE 7266539 Address en oblate nnunup une flu rwnrr Wt menu193equ Telephone Ade TF pertinent of Agriculture Regulat crcd Mail Tenders to be stilitnll daily basis lliglict bidder not vices whom personal note of thanks can not well be mailed or whose names ommissions may be reported before pm in Order that same may be and 20 creatqrandchildren Dear sitl er of Cladvs Mrs Crown Barrie Rerttnrt at the Jenr Fun 157 Fradtorrl St Iill Jtre My at pm ter and roininiltai complete in the It II on Frttnx March l2 at pm IIiIerllcliI Alnnton bnion CemeteryM CARD 0F THANK GORING The family of the late Frank Goring wish to thank relatives fr ends and niohbors for their many acts kindness floral tributes and mpathy durinq our recent bereave ment LDecial thanks to Dr TurnbuH nurses on 6A and staff of RVH lad ies of Burton Avenue United Church Rev Ken Purdon for his very con solinq words and the Steckley Funeral Home M11 WITH REGARD To CARD OF THANKS Very often card of thanks In The Barrie Examiner meets need which can hardly be solved in any other way Not only 13 it gracious expres sion of gratitude to those who have sent floral tributes or memorials but also courteously acknouledges the ser and kindness of the many to and addresses are not known card of thanks may be arranged by call ino 7232414 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notlcea for these nodes must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display ad vertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $450 words cts per word Addition CARD OF THANKS 25 words $450 Additional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $450 With verse par count line 20 cents per line COMING EVENTS 62 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if Dald wlthln days One or two insertions 9c per word insertion Three consecutive In sertions 6sz oer word insertion total $612 Six consecutive Insertions Der word per Ingertion total $1157 Multiple insartlons may be ordered wbiect to cancellation when satisfac tory results obtained Method countinq fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbrev iatlon set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are ac cepted as convenience to the ad vortlsefs Therefore the Classified Advertisinq Department requires ad advertisers to kindly racheck their advertisement Immediately after first insertion In order than any efr0r of rectified for the following day publi cation The Barrie Examiner re sunrtsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion write of $450 $450 20 cents per line $294 per column inch COMING EVENTS BAZAAR BAKE SALE AND COFFEE BREAK Sat March 13 10 am to noon ST THOMAS CHURCH HALL SlIANTY BAY Proceeds for Community TOT HARD TIMES DANCE Sat March 27th 800 pm to 100 am SUNNIDALE COMMUNITY CENTRE Dress Casual Disc JOckey $10 PER COUPLE Proceeds for Charity TICkCIS 7288260 3145111218192526 BINGO ODDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT FM 1001 IIALL FEIIIIIS LANEI1 Jackpot $100 refreshment boothl ThTFI Ml ANNUAL MEETING lidhursl Union Cemetery Monday March 15 815 pm Midnitrst Initcd Church 1112 CLASSIFIED USERS Before you call an ActVisor to place yours Consider this You are about to invest money for an ad and want you to get results To accomplish this it is necessary 01 you to TELL ALL about the details of yourj offcr Be 5e you dont make any of the lcllowing errors that proven results Dont Omit the Address Many outof town readers will you but WlII not spend money for long distance call Donlt Omit the Phone Number Many readers will call you buti do not find it convenient to come your home Dont Conceal the Price De aired Surveys show that high porccn tage of readers will not answer an ad unless the price is given Dont Leave Home on the days you advertise Many good prospects will not call the second time if your phone is unanswered Dont Omit Important Words To Save Money Readers cant guess on import ant details Remembor well written informative ad will get results faster and cost much less on days you advertise Dont Overlook Our Low Weekly Rate PHONE 7282414 WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY of ad that Involves the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not ollglble for Elltc Barrie Examiner Examiner reserves the right to class ify revise or relect any want ads PHONE 7281418 TF CHECK YOUR ADS FOR ERRORS ON FIRST DAY will not the responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement NOTICE OF ERRORS ON THE FIRST DAY SHOULD Immediately be callctl In the attention of the CIflSblIlCd department BEFORE Alli NEXT MORNING 7282414 rorrections by make qoods The Barrio Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start vout ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After llllllly years of experience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your all ilde every day is the best day to advertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section PIIONE 7282414 BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS negativeion about $50 should you THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 11 1976 l7 Claims generator OTTAWA lCIl if you drive Wasagalt car says the adverfisemcnt you should have Bion 783 little plitrzdin vimt rIlcd generator At Ilclcn Duffy who Ills Weston Ont company that sells the generators says she wouldnt be without one saying the machines prodUce feeling of wellbeing and alertnesses pecially useful for drivers George lamura National Research Councxl investigator in Ottawa says anyOne who buys one DI the machines Is wasting money because nega fect at all on normal people But he adds that fr some unknown reason they some times give temporary relief to people with respiratory prob lems Machines that charge the air With negative ions have been on the market since the 19305 and scientists have been arguing among themselves and with promoters since then as to whether they bane any health value All air is filled with tiny hZIlLCI tiiitliclo milei HITS some negative some positive AdVOcates of ion generators say that when air circulation is poor the air acquires ure MH pomlerance of poilivc ions tho make people IIICII irritable and depressed ZAIS POSITIVES Enter negativeton genet alcr they say and will redr ess the balance in favor 11 the negative ions making people feel boiler Mr Tumuru Willi work tor branch of the NRLlt Iixiizm III builllirg rcscurtlt shirt in an in tcnicw that this is nonsense When youre confined in an office or car that has liltlc cn tilaliui what is ICIIIIIIK ering you are the Mars that helps driving conic from contaminants in your moutlh and on your skin he said Mr Tamura said an adver tisement placed in the February issue of Canadian Motorist magaine by Mrs Duffys com IpamyBiotron fuelnational for negativeion generator is full of speculation lie says no one has ever sci entiiilly proven the ads first claim that change in ion bal ance affects people Mr Tamera save the It second claimthat air pollution slittips negative ions from 1h ciris also far fetched NOT LOST Theyre not lost at all he said Their charge is trans ferred to larger particles He says the third claimthat positiveion winds such as the hinuok cause listlessness sleeplessncss and feverishness has not been substantiated to my knowledge The advertisth goes on to say that bathroom showers are xchIelII sources of negative ions and thats why it feels so poor to take one Mr lamura argues that other factors like the water tempera ure and your mood are in olvcu ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on last years 12 14 SPRINGBOK ALUMINUM BOATS also SNOWMOBILES CANOES SPORT New and Used at sacrifice prices 1975 Models at clearance prices HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd mile of Barrie 7261001 BUSINESS Now that we have moved from our Warehouse Were Jommed To The Gunnels WE NEED ROOM Do You Want To Save 7282414 55 Dunlop St Barrio CHECK OUR PRICES We DontHuve Fancy Building But We Have HONEST DISCOUNT PRICES BARRIE SECOND HAND STORE LTD 7282437