USW team advances to semifinal series Borne United Steel workers who neewees hockey team lune HItlitttl to the Ulll gte midinnl series utter dimming ot lidlutd in three straight gum Tile clinching gum nus ploy ed iii Midland etlneduy night and Dorrie cume out on top by score of The US peence enjoy el nide edge in shots on goal 13 but hud dilliculiy in getting the puck into the Midland net The only goal of the Iltsl per iod was on uuosiszed marker by centre Greg Johnston ln the second period deleiit men rly Craig ulo seared ur tissisted to give Barrie 20 lead ith mun advantage Midland clicked tor its lone goal with 51 seconds left in the period In the third period Barrie st nred too more gouln Bruce Stun ley tnpped in rebound from shot by Ron Dubois then Dar ryl Lynn rounded out he sen Eng with gtI0llltlllltl goal of BASKETBALL ACTION Hustlers defeated Bruss tiroup hud little trouble stopping PeterReino Sports llnst lets Wednesday night in Simeoe Baseball continue lill li limeliull mayors and owners meet twain oday tor the 26th time in cries of contra ii gullfllltllh that has produced little prog IC theres no to go now lint to ellle gt Tom Scorer rt New York llets 11gt llte ploy eis savored pair of court ICtl gti0ns that upheld an arbitrator ruling granting free agent ninth to pitchers Andy lc heramitll and Dine ltiiiy The moors told they rind only 30percent chance of winning in the appenls court said Semer llicj tete right The Into cour rulu lei the ruers with on mi Lo the lnited States Supreme Court their last recourse The arbitrator ruled that player may become ire agent by relusinq to ign new top net and plgiy to new fCar under the optic1 tinuc in his old contract County lenlt Basketball ICdllt ttlllllllltll ploy Brass on the tiigtt game talks today not tile owners or agreemen lll hith ployey with gti your mirror Rogue gtLite could plaI out In onion in his eieutli year and become ii tree agen the lollonitig for toll RETAIN SluIHlCES Bn the club could retuiu ine players ltcrice or up to ltt tilt more year simply by uttering inm titllacl thy ltllgllt it itmt llu Khmer League lluyerm Asweiation 53315 thats just other way of wording the omi fts pieyiom propose lll1 tilI liuit unen e72li1ycnr etcrii the ch to honour liCE ugclli in Him toib LLLIbUli otter one option yexr The major issue still whether the rights won by the players in the gllililtil iitl You on iero ï¬nely lLN lIIf the 751 mark assisted by Re in MeCann leiu Bouchey in goal tor linr rie had to be sharp in the lllgtl period when Midland recorded eleyen of its eighteen gtIltllS on The Barrie net leu minor penalties were eull ed the to each teum The next opponent for the lSW peewees on the plnyntl trial unknown ulthougth rczimi ii ilieate Whitby is the probable oppositou 7453 second round ot conxolnlion pluv 7452 Mike litrick ol Ililgt was game high scorer with 31 points in the second hult Second game in the Iiegtl il hree is gtelieduled tor time Una dull Collegiate Monday at p111 Bub itCCr coitd tor rum lolowed by ltulph Cook with It Billy Robinson with 10 and lred llaughton with Dow IIxllntiliW rtJittl if to llustlers followed by Bob Slay pnyehuk with 13 and Uni ri old with Brass grabbed in curly lend and built upon it during the tuna null going to the dreviug ooin with 4232 lead Hustlers managed In More in ooiuts in TINA Iii ii lte and hail UOXLR HARP IILS SYLACUSE li Johnny llurp 32 proievninn hoxe ilom leIliy it1ll you ol hour nttuck ixi Iiiy night utter wizard me11 llutp tormcr ii tour Athletic Timon lulllm tll iollul chimpinu rl oiiiv Holden Glows LIILIHIHUH loinhl ltJttHinllillix In li Iui LIl£u mir mi dlrr eight Thoroughbred racing stars to be honored at lliliOXlU lht yinixtu noi acd in Limodz jotlxt matter iruirn iiocclers nil in Iron ifcl Liiiiiixtill tit guilt nitu ilcd TC Siltctti intl lliieï¬ Ll£i rm til timrge lrnsud piigtiiii Connthan iitlirCtlitli eliorninii ni hi Sci ards Committee gtLii gt3 it cicr avoca iitt Sincr ilti bmoiighbred racing in so ihul suitable may be lJlC5ClilCtl to lculws 710 le01 in recogniion fu BtlllCVOIIItll lrenlution oi tin in 11l1l 21 pt wl gtnttietm ol llllill€l or I2Ctl ith of St Simon iiiil be made Llilgt lllllliL to Skyline lloel on Loin Ft in i211 zcz Sink Itytm prl Lll fault Milnti Vn wottC£i xi Illllwl 15 be hell oin guild II uniri ioio in tlllllllkttd iiix lint Iolnd lorltey Uni in Cnnodn gtaid not He ctherut on on lhziJutlib Ilie Daily Rim i1 Ilottgtrien Ventril lme ic club it built the IL Iiillili toll1 and Iiote mm on le lvitlLtj Ilene ft ii Alli Citlliltln Ya swciotion Condom liner lrnclv Ito otioil Won tniiculini litre on lttliisx hc Cur tztiiltli HUI Kitteninc lliitllt notionnl IttiilIiI fliiigtla iiidut IIvililt llic iuiiinl din lll cd Who Ksiu of ilf thoroughbred Mm In nu iiitii Ion 33 ln dinner The Debut marked by raceway win lu1ii llnitncl litilttt lii Lil ltuirie IiLttlfALt hi lllL the night race on VILIlt Len Hutton Ll kn hike em lininl Itlizdilt our yearold coiningner all Itzl lossff held of purer lill to the tinncrs vireo in his lil win in ill xtnz 1070 mon in pieierrcd tlilil p31 OrangeMlle Sonys Home toil the lcnu rl H200 IlCltltLtl No now the lutet time the In liely Chuck llnuwu Hr tiir itifllllllL driicr getting llunicr lumc in 213 lturfy lclIo was in there tor Ilucr dy ltnm iit llll ior the huge houo litm lnd iiul lroblcni Drinkr ind control oi the rnee Ei em mrg but toiled under pressure ioin the llil alter the huil ln ti IVrU Ilnttc le llll7lul Cotilgttltil Jltittfl Ill Wtflh rr Circle will tie ix gen olrl gelding lom liud toronu Iolore Slierkin of Don Iill lhs um tin lirl win at the wair nr hoih horse and dritcr Don liiovyn hurl Ills urinal tnttj pezlnrinunce at the lord nin two wins inn and tiiitl it lIlIIIl crowd oi Elli uttered Sbl 11100 thnt nllcrnoon ltacing rer tltiitfn oil Saturday ut 745 pm BARRIE RACEWAY RESULTS and Sterline Kingtinu putl HI Iarll Ill I016 Isl lm Ime Mile Hon lntio ind 1to 100041th IiLItI AliCoy II it 310 Second Storm 360 Iirne 2120 Ji ILXAUIOIK and ii paid lbl30 lnd Ini Irot Mile Slim Arden Von to 210340 Adair County 2t Linn tileuinouit Itelnl in Time 3i lIXACIUIi li mad Slllnll ird Tomi Ime Iil SIS Viiï¬gulu tn1ntl no litii13 Ilill 30 15 Lillirel ictiu ltli IIIlll 31 lXUltllt out lhlll mun tlh Jnml luir IIIt H15 lt iiniy tlnrli 10 thn it in His no mo IM vltl 2h itll lb tlUll md iiil llll no 5th 70nd Irnt Mile 700 Into lIoibc llll 11 thin in TI liLlil lynninn All 1115 io IIXAHIUII Lllltl paid $ll4ll lith ï¬lm Pace Mile $550 Hit1 George 5120 100 230 Inlptd Ilna 0301 npcln IItlll $20 lllll run 14 ICXACIUH ti unit paid tallthi 7th Tlin luee Mile N600 unt linnii nth bn Bonliie tltiIiy 130 Hm IVS SANTA TIME JIli Jim llXAClUlt nnd paid 551210 lith fond liue Mile $550 Ihun llnrlutk 11310 4105100 Hity Iriile 440 410 Nothing lhcoling in lllll El IIXTtlJItlIi ind pzild Viol 0th oml lint III $1300 MiltK Iluiiu lIll 310 it ltit lcllo HU Jiln Sterling Kingdom til ll II illll liltll puid 745500 ltlth lin Ime lilc 51450 lntttnl lloil HUSH ili lint liohl li0 790 diritu litt Lllll ii int llJti JI inner nth nï¬ynrtm ttilcgo ch cludo tun three LiiIti urnd onul Canadian bred lliiillv his Il ind iilti il inizr tisions Hitwink slunal Ilullillihtix will ixed in Tim clltili1m LiLJti lie Daily lintt low1 it ill or Elwin ur1e introw wnrd yifl nl in in Ht ittlilll Kit 1titt and lnn it 1hr Your Ilnnj mil niturd to lUtlllitliicli and nppr ith II iiniiiees tere submitter it Hi Iirw nens Oilvhlleli lrot tt ocintlon lino It inglircd llorw 5n locltejfls Benet ltlnflul tonudn um In lucid Chip Contnlu and will he ouuoniuci piil ti Suzereirvn Mind be preetntcd to the ll publivu 5L0 197 on Ililnotltzn bred racing in Canada and lH ne bet Dilbllnlltfl llllltllll aLing photograph tthi 8point edge for top team Mins ore li league ltllllllil min udxnu ot lciiipiei lucMLi lltlllttli Darling luttc Mos hold on iizlnpnnn our lit3 rotoud plntc lliriou to ioriiijf nlu thir tILI Tom and Stiutt nnd 5pm nii iiti at 33 point Next ii the eum ol CUIIIliUlltri with It points Wealthy Iolltm in 43 i7lll Show and Iillrxtl 331 points lxio bowlers allitit Illi IIlJII morage Mary Thee llv nnd llarl lnnnuri liuic 310 meiuge Dorothy lI ltuumzu lollows with 201 Illltttlltll rn Ith at 203 Millie Cairns nl JU and Lois Chrisliaipou it ii men 300 High tltjl poltted llll Lll 115 rollco by Lois Christinnwi CHSI Beth Ilti IUIIUI tiill 13 mil tiuil Iililltltl 13 Hugmou 30 tinirm 1312 lzirj Scott 257 Idiilltlx lilsie Jtlilllliix 15M ltinii llegeer 13 Doris Allen 24 md Cloiin Itccklty 1320 Beth Hell rolled the high plt til 70 CIIIISllulhfll some Mt uil with her 081 and Come third with 002 Itlllnliitt um next with 21 629 and ï¬nial Hemp ï¬ler oi tit IQMORRCIW THE BIG DAY FOR OLDTIMERS IillIlIli Illullll tldliliici Ltit inu iiny nun trnin Icahn tor Ilollund unit the uundinn llltlllllitl Hock ey ltnintni luteinutioiht tournnnient litsidcnt oi tin IllwH lil IllI IItItlHq ltllll NIlltv III IIIlllllltV llii otliii iitnl llQ grid tittwurii ol timpar Ionl tiroxip ltltl Illiti ttlll look mer iltill lr lIt tlil lit in Tin lll hliiilll4 ll Iin ingt lln lllHililIN tItItlltL inn lilmllit tell in Big college hockey question will be answered on weekend Hllrlll oin wldi lllil li Ln blinqri do Iuiulliiitr Qinlntwinrwd tulltigi Iltitlt llltlll Iii new IlIIi lenrc JIII II Tultmliim illilllllll Ill Iili IllIlull tail Ilt 1llllltl titlmni the Stinger ihr nnndigin lute ttllltLliliC hllttii llninn iliuiir inninhip ourniuuvnt in lorniito ilon iili tuner uy ol Iilltllil fiijtplniu tnitcrmlr nl tnl lJuwmnn nnd the how iiitrwiv Toronto lilum Sinner IlltIl liniyerwtlnw linv inke Jlll ij tnii Illtlt uillx tun town nnd tic They are nu lunltn ll their lIl rid quint llltI IlilH inil los llltt ll IIlI tln ilnltltttl mlnln oii ghtlllt To IllIlllt ol In on They lIiiiltittuii III lnriiiinc Illlllllllllll St ilntlth Xlltl Ien lurl utuidny mph to udmuce to the nnlinnnl Itlllltiilllltlll illicii innit llidn tuicotdin nicc Iillrlplt lln utnrio winner ud tuljinry lIlt tlltllgt ot thw umtrru wunlinnl plny Lliu lllii llil IJlllI il be IUII in llie tttIIy lop it lttllltlllgw ninl by tin II slum lllltl Iniilli so they will be out to ltHll BARRIE FLYERS HOCKEY ORILLIA vs BARRIE DUNLOP ST ARENA FRIDAY MARCH I2 830 PM ADULTS $250 CHILDREN $150 irow tllt lition lhcri tl Jit rllttl wound Torin third nnd tiulpll eill The Stingr tllll llmll 13 pounds and IIUH iln nwu Im cun do the III in Ill Htl Lending lliILl lmh nlientluilt ho lin 11 gonit null if ivlsln lllll til lllt mint lllltllllh diggti In the 1an try Hiltitzcr lime lln trntile Jim tnii In lttlN Ilr preiioihli Himd weter lll tln ll delinnct lympiqui de ltulrenl ot the protemionnl orllI Amer tun leutule lull iivt min it ml 5435 TIEDEN myivncw or 7370800 mm tinmom ili lilllll lilil liti lllll irlgcr JUII Illlll oultindtr lliilll Illils Iilitj ll llilii nr 10 THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 11 ON SNOWMOBILING Brechin Severn Bridge clubs ioin the HSA By NEIL MITCHELL Snowmobiles and Snowmobile Clubs are still on the rise in Simcoe County even at this late date lwo new clubx to join the Hill onia Snowmobile Association this week are the Skill Dodger Sno ltodeo Club of Breehin and the Knight Owl Sports Club of Set ern Bridfle Norm While at 4205094 is the perlton to contact lor the Skill lodgerlt llic Seycrn Iiltllt club is in all Sports cub with iiteic in canoeiiifl cunwmibilinz cam pin and fishing The club 211 formed only three world 211 Jim lttigtell the per oz rontnt it tiflftJIH The new nddilinn l0 ll Ilgt about lllill of lt with liiiitltgtt liiliili ptiiox litlIlii mil is nsecinte muily 30 the ll llilt7ili IJ 3iii xitiiti leIIl either Mr to tu bile dnnee iidy to nin tic liluc itee yil siily the cziiiiry ern music lcltrtlt only tire 05 ilrllllt lnii drertoN or It phoifiz 71 litlltï¬lllitl is II In gt0 door ind Ifil piid lle ilnnur ol lit ll vITiH draw II Irx Inmx 111 izii Ll who nli the tckrt llJlllll lunfz ikcl mid SLRl New lny lleï¬lenix nmmd ii iii Ill filt Ht Hy lIIII ASSUCLYILI PRES5 tiring Itlilllil vujiti ll ittl TIM hurl qii llllklll their to hdn tILIuil Itlii ltltlit iiii liiut Iiiotin 51x llfiHII 2r utildllii IihixLilMIl Jet inn lii 43m Iii tni ii Ltrilll iilt ll it on point in llie eldiltl 11 lrly tiii new nu nlil all inc beginning ii gumi ii couldnt or our iiiomciiuiu Jlilll id iIlILtIllIili5I iiix lLi ri tittl 1d are may lillic l1 Icliiij Ahtr tl ti ll lilIHI ititi it ti illllt ll uillk IZLIIId lti Iii IiiAL us wk Jul 1204 lllt unlmh iMl Itll luttnin Ilhctlt llilI tfli SUiilLw tilidiilixl Alilr SPORTS CALENDAR NINIOR HOCKEY oath inn lllMLIZT HOCKEY itlps zit cunnnlq OLDIDHCIL LICil ut helm rcin lnyin Unintw tj LltLlNG Barrie Curlin Ilnl liruss Group lrophy bipicl Saturday at In not The local club Minesing Snomp Rider have invited all inerested per sons to bring1 tleir own lunch axe oid hammer to CJIlJ ol Vespru gtouth ol lliqhwc 26 north of Show Villin ltotd where the club is doing some bridge uork in public snor mobile trail The Srizintin zsnnt lttlil the prmincinl nerninein tor snou myliilirig pipoclt hm been cciyed by tie IIS lle llll tril gtlll in the it ty is till in zonal cnidition Lind gocd itililllllig is not hard to did Soiinlilcr shuild tlC er lin tizititni ll tlii ime 07 The ruiilt in FHH areas till ll ul lime liollirx cmili l1 iiiiii inn Ji lll it li El lb cl ii1 it ii iii ii ll Zgllii li Ht liJAl III 31 lix IIlIIID tiltl DI in Hcc llskt Cw itilifl liiJr liar IllIll 3er hi tum tii 132 ti il ljibiï¬l in 3d iti wr lt llLl Hutu Collin it till lt It Hi VI Iiill Urn Philidiom Ill lilC liw itii Ci II g3 Itiii itll7ti nrl Haul Iili tvilti 31 IS ouch It Iciui littttln oici Orleans Min tL poured in at Iiltl It II lt llt Oyll il Rock tl an trout lttiilv loi o1i II from Ml ltallezf LK lti liillnli tron tILlii lnr Sith enr IitluIin BookASet ole Is 0n Illtcrixl lllIllL Iiurus Pay 25 May 25°13 June 25 July 25 August Poriilnnd Tire Iltltigtlel 7202220 Barrie THREE EATHERS 271mm ion M0 comm III mvmmwwa tnouuoinmmsmor mtmsum witmom MM wmmlm ALCVOLM