Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1976, p. 1

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House prices $4000 below Ontario average Miss Latimer said the average price in Toronto is $61215 Tho dillerence in price can be greatly attributed to the dif loience in costs of surviced land in the two areas she said The price differential gives the Barrie home buyer saving of $1011 yearly in interest alone This is $2000 more than the 1074 average and $500 more than 1975 Mary Lee Latimer board pres ident said Barrie pri as are in line with the national average of $45 909 but well below the pro vincial average 01 $49236 House prices are increasing in Barrie but are still about $4Cll0 lower than the provincial aver age Figures released by the Barrie and district real estate board show the average price at the end of February was $45001 EXAMINER TELEPHONES at 12 per cent mortgage in 1crest ratei Down payments and principal payments are also lower in Bar rie she said adding larger segment of the population can afford to own their own home Real estate sales in the Barrie area by board members increas ed to per cent in 1975 and the trend is continuing Miss Latimcr she is opti mistic that 1976 will he good year for the real estate business but not as good as 1975 There have been 33 homes sold in the city this year val ued at $1482140 For the same period in 1975 34 homes were sold at value of $15287 In 1975 362 residential sales were made valued at $16278970 This compares to the 1974 fig ure of 203 at $8848300 Total sales in the Barrie dis trict last year were 932 valued at $39910162 lln L1974 lllhev total was 494 at $20306100 There were number of rea sons for the 1975 increase Miss Latimer said adding that 1974 was poor year for sales She said the provincial govern ments speculation tax and the higher mortgage interest rates by loan companies slowed the market in 1974 and the first part of 1975 This year she said there should be slight increase but the market will stabilize keeping within the expected growth pat tern in Barrie set by city council WEATHER FORECAST wet snow or rain forecast for Friday Low tonight high to morrow Outlook for Scifivr Circulation 7265539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 72643537 112th Year No 60 Uhr item Ex emitter Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday March ll 1976 day unsettled 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85c Weekly l8 Pages GOOD TO THE LAST BITE Wayne Ethier 1left ani would be eating it for din Evil to his after hcv leave Roger ayes examine stew ncr The electives prozram tlr sl1tcl Mclii llillcrcsr as made as part of the clcciits LiVCS 1he students oppor nn 11 or il gt lso ulv prouram rlillcrest school iy to learn things not norm tvmin similar ltiiliilllu 12 nn lmono Street Tic stew ally part of the schml t1l1 111111ti Mn that Marshall will fight city to keep the parlor Open had to be good because they lun can readily hc ap irc lagt31al will fight city will be sent 10 Mr Marshall conform to toe zonal blow and hall or court to kccp hi nude in tum 32o days to cinImm in 11 ll rccciu gtill itllll lml ruh litllUI outriatm in the ciiyk zoning Inn Jlltlil11t Icn new 1111 Mr Bates went to thc edoh fter hi 1tllil the city 12 Marshall told The tuxanr blishment luestlay to discus 1111 can lay tlliit win= llc cs incr IldV Mans World will cwitiiiiie to operate in the city He and the operation is not il opcration with Mr Marshall and 1bli hnnsrt ll itlllllll is some of the fcmalc cmplme rcgmtcrcrl bx 1hr mott the ma llc said the city solicior MUN lilll llit is lotl ltowc believes the body ruo Mi Talmwhnll Iclcnscl his rc lhc city still has not told parlor contravenes the 01111 iltl lllv JcliuMla from llirt IIL inc lm not supposed to be op cn he said still havent been bylaw because there is no zon inr days of optrzdion in ing for it lhc cey llc iltl tltc body rub ldll mill 11 Ming anything ll Were of the opinion that parlor brought 111 about $31575 ill its not permitted use Mr from about 13o people lticl llatcs the citys zoning Bates said Idrninitritor said this lilOlnlllL According to city poloy llt said thi proloi is 11rn1 in lithiumincl from Iltc cntzrc blmcoc ounly and Muxltoka lbs JI 11111 1101 Im trying to snow that oinc body 111 lln city won the par lor he Mid lin icnlly im ittswtil illlltll cxpctil to hint remalns 1311 many pcoplc 111 the first ltlt Cll llie haltclci British pound remained stcaly toil zttcr Prime Minister Wilson said his government is commit let to defending the value of sterling UK lr Manliall said the hotly l1Nl 1lI lrimc P1inistci Harold Wilsons Labu ml min 1pm wrzwurn Wluc ernimtt said tozlty it would suck vote of confidence alter lli mg my tuircrial plan to SllSll rubhc spending by sti blion wa dc pl alumni Maine 11 city letter is being prepared and Marshall will ham days in arguing that the parlor has no therapeutic value and cant be includcd under the pltilf35ltill11l ollicc zoning llic rlj is tested in the House of Commons 111 H171 the majority or clients 1ch liclci and more relaxed at CanadaEEC agreement talks start to the ww liltllSSlCLS 1Cl1 An economic agreement between taiinvlzi llVI iltllL hospnd or anything but 11 docs lltt therapeutic value he Lthl Mos of tlic 1t111lt say out the lIiiropcen Economic Community lllIlli camc unlcr ne Jttiatiln for the first time todrtiy and both rizlcs tlttsillldtl them gtec in close harmony on the objectives they do gel some hcnelit from I0 the visits Onsumer prce ex UP liiccs 11 file parlor range llAW lCl continuing moderation in food prics licltl from $211 to St but Mr 1ir the rise in the consumer price index the most widey used mei hnll said the ino1 popular il xult of inillation to tlneeientlis of one per cent during ll1ll11 111 is thc $311 half hour rc SlLlisllcS Caunnavzla said today body rub vlutc the cl icnls have an opportunin to rub the termite employch for half All to get $15 million for defence MUNICH AP Muhammad Ali wdl collect $15 million for Mr Muffin MM he cannot dclcizcc ofhis heavyweight title against Britains Richard Dunn in NunsStum why pmpp Hi up thi Uympianlialle May 24 West ermain promoters ammunch to mm pin101 Sum hp 373 paying laxclt and paying cm ployccs to work Senior loyalist Moslem leader shot nude mo innis Iuiltliuigg llIii gtli lllilRUf tAP senior loyalist Moslem officer was shtt to WE HL1foj at mid just death by private militiamen today as Syrian mediators tried to end mm believe the numb of pm Moslcm mutiny that halsthruvst the Christianded army into the wiminq mp pmh the centre of ladxrnitms Wllllcdl wists mum hum hm my Kw at xrszréanaaemi itssate whirl Those ieponsiblc for the plan nng of Simcoe County have not paid any attention to increasing need for social service says Clifl Bennett director of llli 1r illin Addiction Research houndzr lion l1 Btlllitl was one of font mcmhcr pancl tllLll111f1 the problems of the county becom ing bedroom community of Toronto at meetingy of the Ear ric University Womens lub at Central Collegiate cdncsda cninl While lhc limr Force ltlic Simcoc tieoruinn flay laltk Force funded by the province to contemplate Qiowfh the areal gtllltllti the problems of growth in the county said Mr Bennett it rcbntlcd any gt4lltl service oriented tioups which appronchml it and tried to cite input Mr icnncll Illidrolcll tell with the example of mine ill New lingand loans which lv main at the same population These towns he rtiltl usually have central sruiarc with civic buiidindlt uroupcl amount it This creatcs inward looking philosophy in the community and tend to keep it at the same silc nlllilll112 he raid the Task Force was not willing to llhltltt Mr licnmll mid Sniroc toun ly badly needs attention in the area of social stfilcts liuures his group cut from provincial tiles showed Simcoe to be am on the top ten counties in Out min in term of divorce suicide inrcnile dclinrpieiny and alcoh ohm l11l rcmarnin aicragc in terms of population dens ll llllllll£I lt EXPLAIN Virginia 7Iiis1llloies psycholouy in11or it icorfl ion tollcec illtlllttittl to ex plain the reasons for the growth 111 the number ot commuters and the commutcrs problems njiin it bed lot to do with chances in nlu 1be enorm Ulll1lt writ12 Ekcll have encrncd llt mobiiiy on the part of indivziuals crcatina ma nj chaneiw in lil lc lln new llltil cicnlcd nccll valucs and llllll1 which are sltlttl to lllC Jcndcd family which intud cd many rrlatiic under one roof lm liillllllltlflh and the nuclear 111m 1v nip onl pnrcnts irri clnldzcn iv prunu up lhcre lt i21crllcpcndcncc sfie will and N1 rlum can be dcltncltl to ui the individuals mom and iii in better 21h tini sit11 litc er frcIll lonxs quoted 11 ficlloliwl l17ol111 fit lov the lttllllttlllttil 1ow lllttl llit ion within the family structure For new set of values to be generated there must be open and frank communication be tween family members she said However commuters who leave home at am and return at pm lime little time to coin municatc with their families thereby failing to generate val ues necessary for the commut er life style Mario Bartolctti exeruive dir ector of the Markham Family Life Centre said his experien ce was that commuting and tra wliing has always been the tra dition in North America We have history of leaving ilurope to cross an ocean he mid then leaving the safety it the settled areas to cros continent It was all because we were attempting to build boiler life for OlllSCltcs and our children We have always had this need to look for something better and if we didnt find it one place we would move on to new place Don Jackson speculated on the reasons for Wednesdays dis cussion and why topic such as ccmmuting should bother community much Mr lzck son director of the Simcoe Coun ty Childrens Aid Society felt the diflcrcnce had largely been created out of nothing Flyers plan to fight OHA ruling on McMillan Harrie l4ljc glat to figh ruling tlr ntnri lloclic Association llll which will lti1 lhcvn tl the Stly 1t of inward lohn llllllil11 for llll 1l111uiinit all llll alllllll sillltlllll Align 4ill It1n iég inuc ll 11 her it upc1lcl 1w up 1ll tofli lrlicrs and ullllllhlflf Jlfllilll loogcl 1illltfls after come plaud In imlnnlec ltie lia atom liter non nd one in lllill 11 maj pcn PREPARE FOR NEW LOOK Major production changes havc been 111 the works at The Examiner lor thc past several weeks his photograph gtllnwg part of folder for new plio iiioffset press being llllfllltlltl ll the Examiner 16 laytield St plant The comiiiuuily daily newpapcr will have complete ly new compoung and press rooms next week The chang es will give the newspaper tlSptl more modern fool in its news and ulvertising col Innir 1l2tnnincr Ihnlm attic and game misconduct were handed out by referee Brad lloron Cambridge protested the game questioning the llC111111ill ma jor 1X11f1llx to Milillan 141 parently leaving the bench dur till tight late 111 the second period Hornet protetcd that the 01 rules also call for match pen alty an an automatic three mme suspension for leaving tie bench A1 meetine in loronto Wed nely the llA mcrrnled the protest by the Hornets The DNA also upheld the threegame ses pcnsion of McMillan and pended 51 Once llcrlt liznc jut three LianneK remaining to the end of the Sch edule Wins in all three games will give Barrie onepoint edge ovcl Thunder Bay and first place of the league Flycrs otticialt attended the meeting to apparentlv protest the stiSpCiision of McMillan Flycrs are saying McMillan was on the ice at the time of the light and that the three ame suspension is uniust The light occurred seconds al FtlS Illil lirarston scottil lltntics third goal McMillan was llicial ly ghen an hblbi on the goal Quarry zoning to be corrected Sli0lll Zoning error which lesianates five acres near Bigy Bay Point as quarry is 10 be connected lnirisfil council adopted Wetl iicsday planning committee re comniendation to amend the tonvnehips comprehensive zon ing lylaw which places on pri vate property zoning intend ed to cover the townshipc own gravel pit The land necidcntally zoned for gravel about five miles east of lninwick has become the subject 01 Oflvllltlvtliv since its owner Engelbert Schumaehcr applied for permission to et ablish illacre pill on his lands Mi Schumachcr has obtained minor variance from the townships committee of ad uistment permitting him to mine gravel closer to dwellings and builtauip areas than is permitted under town regulations number of Big Bay Point re sidonlls have appealed the variati cc to the Ontario Municipal Board in the home of blocking the pit l11liip council has also an pealed but Deputymove Blake onstable has said the bownship would probably support small er pit on the site No quarry licence has been is sued for the site by the Ontario Mllllbll of Natural Resources J0th AND RUTH ltlZlZSlIR illustrated speeches at panel discussion on Simcoc becom lll bedroom county With gtlll the sh med the various finnin problems commuters SOCIAL SERVICES NEGLECTED IN SIMCOE COUNTY PLANN NG faced and as this one shows the possibility of marital en hancement because of free dom in lifestyles tExaminer ilioto Non professional staff gets 106 per cent increase The Suncoc County Board ol litlucntion has reached an agree mcn with the Ontario Public Service liniplovcc tinon which gives the boards nonprofession al staff on incicaoc it 101 per cent The union represents 317 full and part lime clerical scurr larial and technical unrltcrm Chairman ol the ncIlialing cominillcc loe llnlnu of lion ric said the 100 per cent is the amount stipulated for nonprofes sional stall under Antiinflation Board guidelines Cleo115 Cabinet interference by judge have been studied and in the Interns justice have found myself not yudiy lhc formula he still allows for salary increases of eight to ii pcr cent depending on settle mczils in the pas year The oneyear agreement retro active to Jan will give the lnghcwt paid group buyers in the purchasing dcpartmcni and hourly rate of $335 to $702 up from Still to $635 lhe louolptnirl group cleilts in llic central office get an ur ly rate of 21 to $300 up from $203 to The major groups including senior secretaries ecrelaries lcllwuupllcis and office assist ants fall into different categories depending on their location and expcriccc senin secretary in high School goes from $440 to $321 tip from $3118 to $477 and office Mauls in all schools 10 to $367 to $141 from $332 to $399 In addition board participa tion in 111P and llecndtrl llalth Plans will be incteased to 75 and 85 per cent of premium coal for lulltime personnel be ginning March Mr Whelan said the boards negotiations with the Canadian Union of Public Employees have now gone into uniciliatinn CUIE icludes 360 employees of maintenance and eiistOdial poo sitions and bus drivers Mr Whe lan said these employees are en thin to eight per cent

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