10minuan EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 1976 Members of St Georges An gliCan Church were all smiles Sunday morning as they set fire GARDEN NOTES MORTGAGE GOES UP IN SMOKE to the mortgage on the parish hall Taking part in the cere mony were left Helen Smeth urst Maudie Mitchell William Little William Crawford and Pamela Prince The celebra Cut plants carefully By JEAN GABLE Barrie Horticultural Society This week we had Shrove Tuesday which in turn brings thoughts of Easter to follow How about bringing in some shrubs to force into bloom First of all dont butcher any plant cut one or two year old branches and such ones or in such manner that you do not spoil the shape of your shrub or tree Select branches from the south side of the plant as the buds are usually more advanced than buds on the north side of the plant Gather enough branches to make at least one nice arrangement The flower buds on the bran ches are usually plump and round while the leaf buds are more slim and pointed Crush the stems before plac ing in about five inches of water in container in dark room with temperature of about 55 der It twins to if NV leaves occasionally with luke warm water lctcnd you are duplicating the warm soft rains of spring As soon as buds show color bring to light and place where you want them It is fun to watch them come into bud Try to bring some birch branches along also Their cattails are very decorative as well as their later foliage For sythia Japonica flowering Quince Spirea Vanhouttci Pus sy Willows Service Berry and Bridal Wreath Spirea are all good MUSICALLY SPEAKING for forcing tIint see why the Purple Plum would not force alihough llut m1 incd There is class for Forced flowering Brunsucu at Luc forthcoming convention in lr ry Sound llllll pm Wed April 21 This is season when than ing and freezing ltills crud many plants Dont huhry to rc movc any mulch or cotwring You could knock lusty snow lI ice of any placc when it throa tcns shrubs or lzcdrcs lot the wLllllï¬ttn snow off your boulevard It soon as pos ible little by little The June Sale for tVc local soctv itll be lt torc irl 110 can lcncr is Alma lttcolt Musician writes cadenzzt in free romantic style By MURIEL LEEPER Michael Parker 28 year old Toronto musician was awarded CBC prize of $3000 for an original competition Chole Melancholy for woodwind quintet The young artist appeared at Georgian College Theatre Sun day as principal viola with the Algoma Music Camp Youth 0r chestra in Music for Sunday Evening Michael Parker travelled with the Youth Orchestra to Banlf where he received considerable praise for special cadenza he composed for Bachs Braden burg Concert No which re quires the addition of free virtuoso section The cadenza that was repeat OBITUARY PERCY FRANKCOM ELMVALE Percy Frank com nartlcm in lilll is community activities died in his ElutVale liomc rel following heart attack He was 66 Mr Frankcom was born in Dalston Ont the son of Fran cis John Frankcom and the for mcr Ada Kate lytton llc also lived in Mdhurst Detrot Tor onto Aurora Barrie and Mine sing before moving to Elmvale At various times in his life Mr Frankcom worked for the Midhurst Reforestation Centre the Ford Motor Co in Detroit Hart Motors in Barrie Comic loi and ticker lntH do in Elmvale and the Simcoe Auto Co ctv Lozvcll lie also tpcratcd tttLm Chcsinijz ltllS in llll1Ill where he was also involved in sawmill operation scrvcc sta tion in Cundlcs and farm ma chinery franchise and an appli ance store in Elmvale Mr Frarrkcom was former village councillor and served as president of the Lions Club He also belonged to the Flos Agri cultural Society the arena com mission and the Maple Syrup Festival committee He was Saturdays 10 Dunlop St Barrie Bayflold Mall Barrie ANNOUNCEMENT OF HOURS Monday to Friday I0 am to pm member of St Johns United Church in Elmvale and served as an elder and steward and at one time as church treasurer He enjoyed wide variety of sports including hockey base ball curling and golf Mr Frankcom is survived by his wife the former Elsie hil lcn Harris his mother Ada Frankcom brother Cecil of Midhurst his sons Ronald of Elmvale Elvin of Windsor and Delbert of Toronto five grand children Steven Richard Mur ray James Michelle Lee Greg oiry Michael and Nicole Franc es an aunt Mrs James of Barrie and an uncle William Frankcom of England Services were held in St Johns United Church Elmvale with Rev Brian Gaznand offic iating Spring burial is planned in Vtidhurst union cemetery Pallbearers were Paul Frank com Pat Frankcom Melvin Harris James Magic and Nel son Garret Honorary pallbear ers were William Campbell Don Van Nailter Kenneth Spring Gordon Mills Robert Easton Iom McMann and Dr Windlrern Numerous community groups sent flowers am to pm Phone 7263665 Phone 7269432 ed here at the Sunday concert VtlS quite inriquinu and rather unusual Parkcr role in rcc romantic style ziifcr than fol lowing the style of Bach it gave in added dimension to the No If Bradcnburg onc of thc lt01 iic compositions of followers of chamber ltfllll2is larkcrs cadcnzzi n3llllltgtlt sccmnd to be in the general cmtlcxt of the lradcnburg and although dif ferent in Itylc blcntlcd with the over al conccpl The Toronto tiolisi composes because he must llc prcfcrs the romantic style and although he usually has contemporary overtones to his comptritions he basically loves mclodic linc lle has been part ol ivrray Chamber music group form cd five years ago in Toronto to promote and perform Canad ian contemporary music However it seems as if most of the musicians of the group including Parker may have to leave the chamber orchestra as demanding commitments for next season will make it imposs ible for them to remain in To ronto Barrie people who board the interesting cadcnza played by the youth orchestra will be wat ching the career in comnorition by this Canadian musician ind dont know which way to turn call the dbme LTD 7264454 4240676 Youll be 9190 you did NEW IN TOWN tion began with service fol lowed by luncheon lhxam iner Photo RODS REELED YEARLY It is estimated that about million Californa lshing every year tcsdents go Ontario energy minister to oppose oil price hike By GEORGE McCAGUE MPP DufferinSlmcoe 0nMarclh Dennis Timbrell will lead his Ontario delegation to Ottawa for the federal pro vincial energy ministers confer ence It will be significant and momentous occasion for what is at stake affects all Canadians Living in cold and changing climate and having the need to travel long distances for either business or leisure purposes is going to cost all Canadians more money Why The cost of gasoline and heat ing oil is going up again At least that is the prospect facing Ontario from three of the majors in the business the federal gov ernment and the two producing provinces Ottawa appears to favor $2 increase per barrel for crude oil Albeita favors $350 increase Saskatchewan is looking forward to $4 barrel increase Thats dramatic 50 per cent increase over the present price Naturally as liapocncd in the past Ontario will vigorously op poe such an incrcmc Such price increases do nothing for the ovcral economic health of the Canadian economy and probably do great deal of harm in the long run to the economy of the producing provinces They will develop strong imbalance of money in these provinces and intensify regional economic dis parities in the rest of Canada The most immediate parallel is the state of the world econ omy The oilproducing countries are immensely wealthy and the developing nations are immcnsc ly povertystricken as result of money flowing from the latter to the former What Mr Timhrell and cannot fathom is that crude oil produced in 1972 at little over $2 cannot now be produced and profitably marketed at $8 per barrel in 1976 That same crude came from the same fields and wells Getting the price increased at this time does not help the Can adian economy Mr Timbrell contends that the march to higher prices ignores the spirit of the federal antiin flation program and provides no assurance that the additional money will assure long term en ergy supplies Above all it is being carried out without the development of wellreasoned national energy policy By increasing energy prices all we are doing is following the world price which ignores all the basics of ccnomics supply de mand and price The fallout effects in Ontario wiil hc vastatlng impact $2 Tirr will mean 13000 fewer jobs in Ontario than if the price remained the same The consumer price index will rise 13 per cent in the first year per cent resulting from crude oil increases and the rest to in creascs in natural gas Jud when the United States is moving to restrain crude oil increases and in some cases is working to reduce the price of new oil coming into use Canada is going in the opposite direction For the consumer the story is similar $2 hike would mean Weve Just no Your Ontario Soft Drink Association has revalued most old soft drink bottles lying around your house and new ones youre going to bring home Why Because were working hand in hand with the Government of Ontario to help keep our province beautiful And so to encourage you to bring back your returnable bottles weve raised the amount of your refundable deposit But dont worry As long as you return your bottles you wont be paying favourite soft drink penny more for your NEW Bottle Size gg New Deposit REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 616 oz 5¢ 10¢ automobile owner will pay an extra $90 per All round is sad stow That is why Mr Timbrell invites as many public replies as pos sible to bolster Ontarios position Please cooperate by providing him with you thought of alter nate answers to the problems of increased home heating costs of energy pricing about $50 assuming the home Ontario does not want to an owner uses 800 gallons of fuel pear in position of outright oil annually For the natural opposition but it can help in gas user the actual increase devising other responsible ans Will be about $45 per year Any wars MEET 5mm SMITH Simcoea Centre liberal Associations ANNUAL DINNER MEETING ELECTION OF OFFICERS THURSDAY MARCH II 1976 630 PM at Army Navy Air Force Club George St Barrio $500 person Bar facilities Tickets by telephone 7283976 7265671 7285220 Everyone Welcome 10¢ 20¢ 2640 oz Ontario Soft Drink Association