summer TELEPHONES for WEATHER FORECAST Circuit Freezing rain endng later to Cl 110 728 6°39 day Periods of wef snow with 8168 led Advertising 7282414 risk of freezing rain Thursday All Other Departments 7266537 log tonight gt6 high Thursday 112th Your No 53 Storm hits driving snow and ice storm that Crippled south western Ontario Createc fell it any problems in the Barrie area Driving conditionc vcrc aldous early today on area roads but polic repwlm only vex5 few traffic mishaps All were minor School buses feeding into the city from outlying areas were delayed on an average of 20 minutes but no runs were can celled according to Stock Bros Bus Lines Ltd spokesman There were icy road condi tions he said The Ontario ministry of trans portation and communications reported area highways were bare and wet and Slippery Four to seven inches of snow and ice pellets pelted area to the south of Barrie forcing mot orists off highways in the Wind sor and London area and even closing of some schools Near blizzard winds dumped enough snow and ice in Toronto streets to keep road crews work ing 18 hours straight Freezing rain hit that city today turning streets and sidewalks into one huge skating rink To help out in the harderhit south west Ontario Hydro here dispatched 24 men in trucks and trailer and six two man forest crews to put back power lines downed by fallen tree limbs There were no power failures caused by yesterdays storm ei ther in the city or in the sur rounding area Too much for posties Rain sleet and dark of night éant stop mail delivery but heavy snow drifting in the city Tuesday proved to be too much Al Cooper assistant postmast er in Barrie said this morning some letter carriers were unable to complete deliveries to isolated sections of the city Tuesday He said only few areas were missed by the mailmeu but de livery should return to normal today Seeking subsidy with little hope Barrie is applying for $127 750 subsidy from the provmce for transit deficits but doesnt expect to receive the money Ald Ross Anchor public works chairman said application is be ing sent to the government even though the province told the city not to expect much more than $81375 this year City transit fares were in creased this week to cover the painting deï¬cit of the bus sys tem which is expected to reach about $331925 this year Barrie GEORGE PEARSON one of the pancake cookers at the Shrovc Tuesday pancake VUS supper at Grace United Church Tutsday evening Organizers estimate that over 150 people the annual Examiner Ilioto were served in event Area churches mark Lent Lent the traditional Christian season of fasting prayer and almsgiving gets under way to day with Ash Wednesday ser vices in churches of variety of denominations The season which lasts until Easter is 40 days in length lex cluding Sundaysl to correspond with the 40 days Gospel accounts say Christ spent fasting in the desert before beginning llis min istry Ash Wednesday services be gan at 730 am at St Marys Catholic Church in Barrie with Mass and blessing of the ashes which are placed on the fore head of worshippers as sym bol of the Old Testament and early Christian practice of d0lt ing penance for sins in sack cloth and ashes Masses were also scheduled today at 1210 and 730 pm and daily Masses will be held throughout Lent at 730 am and 1210 pm instead of the usual 730 and 830 am Rules requiring fasting or ab stinence from meat on various days during lcnt will not be in force for Catholics as in former years bu the practices are still encouraged Its just left to the people themselves said Rev John OBrien of St Marys this morn ing Ashes were also uscd at full schedule of services today at Trinity Anglican Church with the last service set for 730 pm Rev John Spcers said no oth er additional services are plan ned during Lent but regular services will have Lenten theme series of sermons on the ministry of Christ is planned for the next three Sundays with special ccebraton on Mother ing Sunday March 28 and ser 2YEAR AREA STUDY McKeough to get Darcy McKeough provincial treasurer will iinuny scc he re suits of tiO jrii sutl bv the Simcoe Georgian Area Task Force special presentation of the final report from the political committee of the task force is scheduled in Toronto Tuesday March 16 at 11 am Dick Beckett tr form cwcr man will present the report to Mr McKeough with members of the political rm technical com mittees attending Mayor Dorian Parker one of file political committee mem bers said she glad to see the report go to the minister for recommendation Its the culmination of lot of hard work by the two com mitces and consultants she said The task force was arranged in 1974 to prepare growth plunnin report for Simcoe Coun ty including the separated cit ics of Barrie and Orillin The final remit was approx ed by the political conundec in January and Mayor Parker Will seek postponement of deadline on hospitals TORONTO CP Represen tative the Ontario Hospital Association OHA plan to meet Health Minister Frank Miller on Friday to request postponement of the April deadline for 36 hospitals in the province to close total of 1218 beds as an economy measure OMA Presi dent Donald Robertson said Tucxiay llc told in news release that the icxlinc for most if not al the holpitals affected is quite unrealistic lor example the two gen rrl hospitals in Cornwall must between them close down 75 beds They cant possibly make the alternative arrangements necessary to care for that many patian Ill just four weeks Illf licalth ministm also has announced that 69 hospitals mut cut total of $1542 mil lion from their staffing budgets and Mr Miller will be asked to lfl Ill iudcct cuts tor in dividual hospitals were reached said Mr Robertson Meanwhile Mr Miller said Tue=day that he will meet today with the management board of cabinet to licuss the ministrys $100million capitai expenditure program for this year The program involves about 60 projects only tbrcc or four of lir1 til ï¬lildinc of complete l1optals the minister adding that he hopes none have to be lll 14 llobcrton admnidzaior of Smith Waterloo Hospital in HOW said Will CnliW mic ill qurs tioned recent statement by Irovincual rcn= uro cy Mclxcough lt bccLIe of snff turnover 5000 hospital jobs be rut lorono ca year Rocan figures supplicd by iv i1l indunlcd moor ibun °ll llllfs uw Hurst in the whole of the province at years end he said 131 Jlllr hlt bu boon asked by the Ontario Public Scrvxce Employees lUnion to at tend news conference Thurs day and discu=s the provinces dii in or pubic lwallh laboratorics in Kcnora North Bay Woodstock and St Cath arincs Fake sticker was noticed HAMILTON CP home made um cclndplnic er vasnt Liuml enough to fool sharpeyed policeman Monday Constable Lorne Moore thought something was wrong wle sticker he spotted on car li rc cc lo cxum no on showcrl lie notoriut bd rd blue tape with piece of white papcr to produce homemade Cl cn iw rczziirrd Alcxandcr John Homall 43 of llamilou we Ivard ith driving without 1976 sticker SHOT EXPLODES DYNAMITELADEN SUITCASE mons on the Cross for the fol lowing Sunday Special Lcntcn services will be held each lcdncsdny at 730 pm at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd llcv John chin said the judicial trials of Chrixt wll be emphasized llcd scrviclu In slli ed during Lent at Grace United Church except for confirma tion =crvcc Palm Sunday We just plan on special Lenten conicr 11 mt rcculu services said Rcv Aï¬hur Stor ey ile said servicrs will emphas izc lic passion narratve and the church wil be decorated with Lenten banners Rev Gerard Bylaord of €53 Road Presbyterian Church said he plunlt to bcgin scricr of Lcntc sermons Slllil No specirl SOerms are planned lili til Good Friday report said the dcl win it tn McKeough was caused by pre plll the an lIiI prin1n additional TOPICS Political conmhtcc members included Mr Beckett and Mayor Parker with Mayor flurry Dell lii Collingwood Motor Frank Dol mrt Orillia llnrry Boyd Mrlllul lrlrv lidtiilr Currie chnuyitccvc John Fen nal it We llil libbins and Ro ve lctcr Forbes Major ISSII the task force rcport ccnrc around Ilnrric and its projected litmuth and expan sion The poliicul commilicc agreed to include Barrie llr bun Studv Area for special study in the futurc The area include part of In nisfil Vespra Oro and Essa township The projected mpulation in the next 30 years in the county is about M7000 lli1 Barrie grow ing to 125000 Tm task force report also incluucs population figures for all the ohcr munici palities in the arch it have run away Richard Burton Four die in courthouse blast P01NT PLEASANT WVa All man whose wife was in jail on charge of killing tqu infant daughter carried shotgun and sutcase full of dyamite into the Mason County courthouse Tuesday then fired the gun into the bag authorities said The resulting explosion killed the man his wife and two p0 lice officers Eleven other per sons were injured The dead were identiï¬ed as Bruce Sisk his 18yearold wife Harriet Mason County Sheriff lclc Writ nu Dignity LI neth Love The woman had been jailed Monday at charge of killing thc couples two montvhold daughter Wedge died in hospital where he had been flown early today It McCartx deputy police chief lurc said Iiil cncrcd the courthouse about 1050 pm lo cal time and ordered an officer to take him to his wife Sisk was taken to the base mcnl where is wife was Iicld halfhour later lady said the explosion orl trrurh the brick and srone structure The blast damaged jail cells and the sheriffs offices above Its horriblc said James Frrlcrg lmiu lrntrv lrit Pleasant Hospital where vic iim were tal Fa rley said witnesses told him windows at nearby homes and businesses were broken by the ckpm on Farley linlcd two deputies two West Virginia tato police men an Ohio 7jliwszw patrol man and Point Pleasant city policeman among be injured llic baby Davie Cullinc Shir was found buried in makeshift crave in in open field ncnr the Sisl home Saturday Family members had telephoned the sheriffs office to report the baby missing Ontario Canada Wednesday March 1976 TO MEET MNISTERS cur OTTAWA lCPi Prime Min ister Trudeau plans to meet later oday or Thurday with members of his cabinet alleg rdlj involved in cric ill cidents involving interference will the judicial process As he arrived at his Parlia ment llill office today Mr Trudeau said he had not yet had chance to discuss the 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 28 Pages TUDI matter with Justice Minitcr Ron Bastard who is on his way back to Ottawa from Jamai can holiday Btu In would filkn wilu the minislcrs involved lcuivn lz Bond Ptcsirlctl 14 on lhrcicn llgt nicd hc made any attempt to in tcrfcm with any ccsc before the courts Full report expected today on alleged vote irregularities COLLINGWOOD Ont lCl full report on alleged vot ing irregularities in the Duffe rinSimcoe riding during the provincial election last Sept 18 is to be completed toJay War rcn Bailey assistantchief elec ticn officer said Tuesday Mr Bailey said in an inter view he expects to report Thursday to Roderick Lewis chief electoralreturning officer for the riding and it will be up to lr mxh to make me rcpott public Mr Bailey would not com ment on the nature of the al 11 ml irrctulritics The investigation was begun Sept 20 by two workers for Bob Hollie fullnli Libcrril cauli Jiilc ill to rillng who turned their information over to Mr Lewis in February Urge stricter gun controls TORONTO Cll coro ners jury investizating shoot out on Jun 11 commended po lice handling of the incident and recommended Tuesday that there be stricter control over the sale and use of firearms Francs Sam orizivvully of Moucton NB was killed by plllCP when we ivef from lrr owned by his hostage William Mitchell The inquest was told Savoy killcrl tax driver Richard Tur kicwicz and wounded Albert Fa another tayi driver earlier that day The jury recommended parti tions helwecn the front and rear scars of taxi cabs and trictcr adherence to parole regulations SUV as ur nnrlov FH pervision form of parole at the timc of ic in My Insp David Cowan who said he hail killed anyone in his no years as policeman oqliirvl that he fired two shots at Savoy Woman gets compensation TORONTO CP woman who was thrown down an en trance to Toronto subway after she asked man for di rections was awarded $1460 by Ontarios Criminal Injuries Conuwnsation Board it was an nounced Tuesday Pearl Gordon 44 spent nine days in hospital following the assault June 30 1074 The board vrirdcd 921500 to Joanne Elizabeth Smith of To ronto who was assaulted Oct 13 1974 by man with whom she had livcd for one year An award of $122750 was made to Bcttieanne Vigh of To runo who was lrckcd by man in her apartment when she returned from wallzinc her doc The board denied rom pcion to an bills 11 man who was shot in the cboui der nd arm when he visited rcrcs on form lv borvrd Flf in itT ruling that the man had been drinking bclorc the had been told by the relatives not to wit the farm liowcvcr fl awarded $682 to ano hcr man involved in the in cidcnt Writ and Quiz features new PC leader The Progressive Conservative Party has chosen new leader He is an MP from Alberta Can you name lhic man who is the youngcst leader that the Pro gressive Conservatiw Party has cvrr had It so youll be off to good start on Your News Quiz featured today on Page 17 of the Examiner To test yourself on important names events and words in the news watch for Your News Quiz each week Your News Quiz is published by the Exam iner as part of our current events program for students in this area George Czuuc Proflrcs sive Conscrvaive candidate won the seat by about 1700 votes Collingwood is 50 miles east of Owen Sound GETS 18 MONTHS Sentenced in robbery Barrie man was sentenced to 18 months in jail after steal ing $79 from Irwins Texaco station in Flos Township Nov Brilft Donnell 21 ploadcd cui lty to armcd robbcry previously and no cncnccd by Judge Don Inch Tucsdnv Bonncll had been released from five month sentence or lhcft prcvimib and wow unem ployrd pt tho time of the com Ills lawyer Ed Maybey sail Bon ncl tbrcritcncd leiyearold service staion cmploycc with knife lfllv he nccdcd the money to livc Since that lime said Mr May hcw Bonncll hd found parttime employment and his employer spoke hjzhlv of him 11 May hcw said he rcuizcd Bonncll wourl go to jail for the crme but he hoped he man would be able to act training so he would not be driven to crimc next time he was released Assistant crown attorney John Madden argued that there was definite need to protect the people of Hufftv and suggested long pcnitcniruy term as dctcrrcn olnrs pointing out that lifc Itllll coud be im posed You are young mun fairly strong and inlcllizcnff said Jurlcc Inch in PNlll gt0niflltt This could be the turning point in your He and you must change or spend print 1011 The issue had its beginning in copvright story in the Toronto Globe and Mail which said two iczlciul Ctlllit null and former Trudeau aidemow cabinc mnistcr as welltried to interfere with the judicial proces by calling up and vis iting judges to talk about cases iilli Ilfm PRINTS LETTERS The ncvxrpaper published Feb 20 letter from Mr Justice HuckV 0rv Su pcrior Court to Mr Baltford Zi r1 vl 11 lwst inn cidents that the judge said were llllwrlrrtullrl llcmn to inter fcrt ilv iw jud Ni lllt Tllr lrudcau said today he was curious no the letter be came publiu The ncwsoaper ouotes the let ter frr Mr Justice Mackay as saying that the men involved of time in custody This is time of increased individual hardship but with welfare ag encies available there is stil no reason to have to steal to live CRIME PAYS Judge Inch became unset that perhap= crime was beginning to pay in Barrie as well as Toronto when sentencing James Coles to two years less day in jail for three break enter and thefts Coles was involved with three other men in break ins at two homer and cotage from Dec to Dec 11 which resulted in about $3200 worth of property stolen Of that only abOut $900 was recovered The Toronto newspapers are saying that crime is paying off in that city said Judge Inch $2300 worth of unrecovered property is good profit margin We dont want crme beginning to pay in Barrie He suggested that Coles who has good employment record and appeared to enjoy farm work should try for work as farmhond when released from jni Farming is an area that is bccoming more and more imlt portnnt Youre strong and will ing to work You could have grout future in that field he said CAR THEFT John McDiarmid 26 and Ralph Kaspc 18 both of Toron SSUE were Works Minister Drury Mr Cillcticu and Health Minister Marc Lalonde Mr lrudeaus former chief assist ant The letter quoted said none of these intervcrtons were suc cc sfulnonc it re hoped have ever bccu but one is left to wonder whether there have not been successful interventions whicA the judge concerned would naturally not be prepared to reveal Commenting on the report to day ll said he has asked his lawyers to send let ittl to Jun asking him to withdr remarks re gzerding case allegedly in volving him Tha incidcnt revolved around bankruptcy patiion before of the Quebec Superior Court to were sentenced to 18 months in jail after pleading guilty to two charges of possession of stolen automoble The two drove solen car from Toronto to Barrie in December then ditch ed it and stole new Corvette from showroom uittng the licence plates of the ditched car on it They de b7 towards Tr ronto but were apprehended by police rear Errdiord after high speed chase which ended in an accident and caused damage to the Corvette McDiar mid is still facing charge of criminal nezligence over the op eration of the automobie Judge lnch told both men who come from broken homes dud have previous crminal records that there was good chance for rehabilitation and they should be able to put their time in jail to good use Four Toronto men received one day jail sentences for theft of $948 worth of ski equipment from car parked at the Holi day lnn in Barrie Feb Alfrch Cipolloni 19 Frank Cipioni 19 Robert Bekiaris 20 and Dominic Facchini 19 were apprehended by Barrie Police af ter the owner of the skis and three friends confronted them then chased them through Bar rie while waiting for police As well the men were each fin ed $200 VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP WINNERS Simone Stroll Pluvbllilc Schlols mixed vollcybnll team was one of two team from the Angus school to take chlam piouships in the recent Barrio Winter Carnival Front row Poluina Dolliby left Phil Hann lmell Marianne Zaba back row Ricky leathers left conch Mel Kcnucdy Jeff Jack son Dwura Oivlruiilouu wu mi seult from lilte photogruplh Photo by Mary Poole