Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1976, p. 3

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BUILDING HOUSE FOR FRENCH Michelle Utton left and Shelley Morrow show off one of the several houses made at Vnrnica School in lains wick was part or lrench les son The students were learn ing the arious rooms and pic ces of furniture in French and to illustrate some stud ents made doil houses while others did SkCvCIICE The two girls are 11 and in Grade lExaminer Photo Fireball gets backing of finance committee The ttnaucc conmnttec ll suggest to council next week it back The Friends of the Fire hall in their efforts to restore ihe Collier trect fireball and convert it to an arts centre The committee will present motions to council that the city lease the building to the FOI for $1 year and apply to tile Ontario government for com munity centres grant for por tion of the 3310000 cost of res toration The committee will ask that the city solicitor draw up an ar greement between the groups so all capital operating and admin istration costs are borne by the FOF The decision was made Mon day after F017 chairman lony iilsenan told the committee 575000 will be given by the pro vince by April for the project He said also about 320000 re mains of the 333000 Local Ini tiatives Program grant LIP the FOF received from the lid ere government to clean ottt the il inside oi the 10lyetn old build ing LSlil IlIlS SLMAIIIII With tltee iunds the ltl could lay wiring conduit re store woodwork install drywall sand the tloois lcpltitc and to store doors the building could be used for some music recitals and concerts tlis summer Mr Gilsenan sanl Major tctiitatnin wortt wlill as the instillation of new irat ing plumbing and air condition ing systems could he done next year he mltcd lllc IUl cixpccs to tccctve trout both levels or gov ernment the following grants capital support program tor velopment of arts facilitic 000 community recreation cen ilCgt act £73000 Ontarii lliri taae loundntion $0000 tional Museums Policy slot 000 donations through fund ii in $75000 and Wintario $7 i100 Mr iilensn gave tltc com mittee projected initial operat or budget for the arts centre oi ltltiltl ltevcnuc will be raised by the sale of theatre and music tick et rootn rentals coffee and craft shop operations and mem bership fees COVER COSTS ltevenue will cover maintenan ct costs including the hiring of full time caretaker and part tinie curatordircctor he said curator is needed if the bull ding is to be eligible for govern ment grants supporting museums and art galleries The federal government has made it clear professional dir ector for the art gallery will be required Mr Gilscnan said The restoration must also in clude construction of an elevat or at the back oi the building to quality for grants as an art gallery An elevator will cost from 30000 to $30000 Mr Cilsenan raid Up to city council now on subdivision approval Draft approval of tour rill division plans in Residential Dis tricts and depends on the city council meeting Monday Council will review the plans for Letitia Heights Development Ltd Highland Eitlllllgtlllllflll Victoria Developments lid and Sardinia licstincnt Ltd Letitia lleights and Sardinia Development are in district six bordered by IJdgehiil Drive Sandy Hollow ravine Cundlc ltoad extension and Anne Street Letitia is in the north hall of the district covering 304 acres with propast 1130 housing tints larkland dedication in cludes 223 acres with 11 acre of open space in Sandy llallow lLllC Sardinia Dmclopmcnts ill the southwest quarter of the district north of fidgelnll Drive props es 736 units on 133 acre The onen space dedication in Sandy llollow is 77 with 102 acres of school sites and parks The Victoria Woods proposal called Itivcrtwod larin lhae has 0030 acres with 539 units The developer is giving the city l7l acres ol park and open space with some ravine land in cluded in Kidds Crcck SMALLER DEVELOPMENT smaller development for 88 housing units on lit tClCs of land is proposed by Highland Establishments develop ment is bordered by Anne and Sunnidalc fifth proposed development by ltcs Dovciopments which the citys planning board accepted was returned to the planning de partment for new drawings The plan was returned by the committee after complaint by lack Stollar developer that he was not consulted Mr Stollar owns land adjacent to the pro posal He said the proposed letelop ment includes landlocked blocks of land and may deter any development of his property in the future because of the propos cd road pattern Res Developments proposed 29 or 10 housing units on 775 acres The foal site including land owned by Mr Stollar is about 133 acres Favoritism to developers Appeals performance must improve new chairman tells annual meeting The Barrie and District Unit ed Appeal will have to improve on its 1975 performance to just ify continuing Bert Cook new chairman of the board of trust ees told the annual meeting Mon day The 1975 campaign raised bout $96000 of the goal of $145 000 All agency allocations have been cut to 65 per cent of ori ginal figures The 1974 camp aign brought in $124276 If were thinking in terms of 65 per cent then we shouldnt exist Mr Cook said In his report to the board outgoing chairman George Wood who also served as campaign chairman when no one else could be found to take the job blamed the failure of the fund drive on lack of volunteers the mail strike public reaction to $1mi11ion capital fund drive by the Barrie YM and YWCA the appeals largest recipient of funds and inadequate arrange ments for campaign management and secretarial work CITES IMAGE He also cited member agency image problems which he said have left the United Appcals collective image in position of low esteem or perhaps worse total apathy in the minds of the public at large Wood suggested hiring secietaryomanager whose sole responsibility would be the Un itcd Appeal replacing the cur rent scheme undcr which secre tarial duties are done by the Barrie Chamber of Commerce on lime sharing basis He also called for formation of committee to discuss the THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH Top Barrie Central student honored by Kiwanis Club here Michael Allen the Barrie Kiwanis Club youth of tnc month for February is 035 percent math and Science stu dent at Barrie Central Colleg iate but doesnt think his father has lot to with it Ray Allen is Barrie city cnzziiiccr but is as Michael points out civil engineer llc goiitc into chemical engineering at Wat3r 100 University Michael says inc was mostly interested in marine biology hu employment prospects didnt look too good Chemical engin eering covers the same basic field but is expanding espec ially with increased emphasis on pollution control As well as academic high subject of separate fund raising by member agencies an activ ity he said casts doubt on the credibility of the United Appeal Mr Woods statements about the YMYWCA fund drive drew criticism from the audience of about 20 Trustee Peter Howden said the campaign would have to be re organized in recognition of the fact that it is no longer drive for $50000 year SIIOULDNT BE USED Trustee Jim Quinn said the YMYWCA capital fund drive was whipping boy that shouldnt be used to explain the failure of the United Appeal Alan Hopper YMYWCA exe cutive director said those who gave to one drive gave to the other as well Mr Wood said reports showed some who gave to both camp aigns reduced their United Appeal contribution Others found the capital fund drive convenient excuse to give nothing Ilc said he meant to cast no blame on YMYWCA officials People often fail to understand the distinction between capital drives which are permitted un der United Appeal rules and se parate drives for operating funds which are not Mr Quinn chairman of the commercial division last year blamed the failure on inability to get workers Doris Laroche of the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Soc ieiy questioned the value of the residential door to door can vass In one area nearly 100 vol standing Michael participated in many extracurricular activities at Central such as football rui by curling badminton stud ents council and the play An nie Get Your Gun He got in oll in the play because it seemed like good and was even considering trying out for tie lead pm As it was he said it seems they hid already cast the as Chief Sitting Bull played him Mihacl was aiw honored for his football effort The Central team won tle icargian Ba Secondary Sctol Association championship for the second year in row with Michael as corn crback llffl unteers raised only about $1000 or $10 apiece Mr Cook defended the door todoor canvass If you want to raise funds you knock on the door you speak to the people he said SINGLED OUT Mr Wood singled out for prai se the only two campaign divi sions to reach their targets CFB Borden and the Onario Civil Service headed by Maj Eric Cragg and Claude Belcourt res pectively Officers of the board of trth tees chosen at the meeting we re Mr Cook chairman San dra Marshall sccrctary and Ger ald Laliberte treasurer Chosen to the board for three year term were Larry Clarke Norm Marrow Anthony Torr Mr Lalibcrte and CF13 Borden representative yet to be named Chosen for one year terms were Maj Cragg and Mrs Mar shall Agency allocations with the previous years figures in brack ets are Barrie and District Association for the Mentally Re BERT COOK seated at right looks over last years campaign results after his el ection Monda as chairman of the Barrie and District Unit ed Appeals hrd of trust 00gt Sandra Marshall seated left was named board secre tary and trustee for one year term Maj Eric Cragg standing left was it amed to the board for one year term and Larry Clarke will serve three year term Trustees tarded $16754 $27000 Barrie YM and YWCA $26030 $37 566 Big Brothers $2501 $2 999 Canadian Arthritis and Rh eumatism Society $3145 $4 243 Canadian Mental Health Association $2860 $4000 Can adian National Institute for the Blind $12402 $15945 Red Cross $13325 $18420 Boy Scouts $520 $800 Multiple Sc lerosis Society of Canada $535 $900 Rehabilitation Founda tion for the Disabled 1864 $4 000 St John Ambulance $2600 $4000 and Victorian Order of Names $4745 $5699 chosen but not at the meet ing were Gerald Laliberte tr easurer and three year truso tee and Norm Marrow and Anthony Torr both chosen trustee for three year terms Examiner Photo LOCAL AND GENERAL PANCAKE SUPPER Shrote luesday pancake supper will be held tonight at face United Church Cook and itotc iltrt Cost is $223 for adults and $123 for children illittcl ll lrcsciioolcrs eat free COMMITTEE MEETS The Barrie Apcldoorn Friend ship ommitteL litvlvyuI re monthly meeting to night 830 pm at 81 Collier 51 Everyone is welcome llt BYLAWS IORWARDED The city development commit tee is sending two bylaws and an amendment to the official plan to city council Monday for approval Council meets next Monday at pm lhe byfaws are for two new designations in the citys zoning bylaw permit ting small lot development and street townhousing Both cott ccpts were approved by council in 1073 The amendment is for rczoning of residential land on the south side of lldgchill Drive About 30 residents fought to have llCll property rcmned from industrial to residential for single family letclopment The land ls annexed from Ves pra Township NOON IOLI The tour by planning board is available by phoning 7282036 or 7166978 LEADER HERE Ontario Liberal party leader Stuart Smith will be guest speak er at the annual meeting 0f the Sitncoe entre Liberal Associa tion on ihursday March 11 The meeting will begin with dinner at 630 pm in Barries Army Navy Air Force hall Tickets at $3 per person may be obtain el by telephoning Margaret Kelly at 7263671 or 7285220 SOCIETY MEETS lhe Barrie Gem and Mineral Society will hold its regular in on ly meeting tonight at 723 at the Church of the Good Shepherd Hell 20 Steel St Barrie talk will be given on pyrite the mineral of the mowh bx Mrs Doris Iligeinson Bill Ch ans0it will tell about crystallography Members are asked to hrin to the meeting any minerals they are tintbe to identify and ohe club mem bers will try to identify them REJUVENATION TOPIC Marshall Green chairman of the chamber of commerces civ ic affairs committee will speak on downtown rejuvenation March It at meeting of the Optimist ub of Barrie The nm din ner meeting wll be held at the $2 and are now available from Jack Webb Clothing The Loft and Studio One They may also he purchased Feb 27 and 28 from b00111 at Sears in the Georgian Mail or at the door the evening of the show CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES Childrens activitzcs at the Childrens section of the Barrie Public Library are as follows age and tip March handicraft afternoon to learn crochet macramc etc March 20 puppet craft with Roy Bow ler age anti up March 25 batik workshop with Sharon Dusome any age from school age up and Arril an East er Egg demonstration by Mrs McMullen for age and up LEAGUE ORGANIZED The Ladies Auxiliary to the Army Navy and Air Force vet erans is organizing mixed shuffleboord league for Satur days starting March at pm As well there will he provin cial mens dart tournament Feb 21 and there will be lots of help needed Anyone wishing to join the shuffleboard can sign on the bulletin board IIANDICRAFT LESSONS The Barrie public library is holding handicraf lessons for Jot lllclllltlf llstl 5ND Sky Room Lakcview Dairy and imggfthwf 90d md idale oods townhouse sitbtlivr Chumant Jul 191 sion arc Planned by Jeff lill Pm at 19 llll1tll5 leildlt lnvoritmn 7w Illll lLtclop to dedicate five acre school becatiscrthc Simcoc ou ty Developments Ltd on site be GUEST SPEAKER ment on Muleztsttr gttreet north Ct Lt Chilillttl MUHUUY ll Aid sic to lot will Board or lain ati has rlt tween Shiilcy Avenue and lliuh The Barrie Horticultural 80 $5005 Incl11d CIOCllel CYOSS lAII lIV ii Wit1 ii lltrllltitl ild lcrri and Jeff Madden ten unicciiicnt to lillrcliiisc lilo way 7100 west of Sittinidnlc litl cictv will hold melting March stitching macramo and string ifiiliifh llililllclil Leitin lleiuvis Developments lllflllClli ltil Ullitlll $30000 Residents in lll area art op at pm at llillctcst luhlic craft committee InitlllCl 1th lighlpnlwl llllLl acre posing the townhoim llllilll School Guest speaker will be Hm 113 mm mmmm gate the city tltc required parklt ld lcrri said the city should MICHAEL ALLEN irade math anti science at Central ment saying it tlll distroy lltllly Knos formerly will 111 Th 51 mai claimctl wo othcr mcm lilltd ltlllfillltllh Li rcllvol site and try to obtain tie site for the student at Barrie Cenral and planw tii lo lo chemi the natural lODe of tile land bulb specialists Vnnlioi and BlOll ri euahstmsmmtry ilelv my pygmy 13th Ill 11C oi plum san in sun Ejhnol htlalll through nogolla Collegiate is the 15mm lw zn enginecinig at AfltCIlOO ltl line will speak in getternl Brfu4fl°fltl lba il litl mm hm fly llollow ravine tions anis Clubs youth of the University Examiner Iholo IIIG SISTERS TOP ltllllllllg nntttthJilttnidioClitliittl do 1e is 11 no rm month Michael is now lulxlllfl Maillyn h01II will be entsi icitnnal lllillllltlli lo Vito ta his fitting Vltlmld Aid ltotmnn nt lit is not Wm Mm Hum IASHION SHO shoes and other household goods mil Vlil ittl ill lti rttl is olivine ll lp UN to show harmdiam and sh twm nightl GangIan Cflucrm puma Pro for rummage emu Mulrch 13 ii ct ltll ttil£i up Dlmml quiictl lpailvlalnd and nothing lljttctl it Ala pan mm tnm lwmipm or Die motion sutdehts will present III the evening and March 1dur more to sat cut in union ll in Hi mm WWW 1m Buymld public inslion htiw Chilled ingthe moiningAnyonewitlido tlvciopcrs tlic silllll he ail lurid Illidl ILll Hm do hm hm Melba Kilrcct ll llt in Her topic 3mm Comes to Ille Maid atmns asked to can awn or of fanning ll tevc incnt th ii M1 of intoiitism Id In mm ll pint eCollegeI ea or 8971 lot pltlnp Priceeds two in oii ll snl tic sthool sic nil in mull my mm WW orpmirmnn Wm mu umc m5 llt Lame Picket lot the shew from the sale are used for the magnum mi It Wtwh mica elm dedication Hy hx HmH111 asLBmmUHCh which will feature womens fash Barrie Ilumalie Society shelter lic regular midis tlIn ctary of the board said num itns loigspring ans summer are epllolle 7262555 01 7268346 ri in the future When you say Mimellllllg lllte this youre nl i0 1c lllmCl at Downtown Improvement scmml WEN Committee suggests ruzing building after lakeover ihc city titiancc committee nojlc to LIllllC13 council to tear down all old apartmen block cast of city hall when it takes over control of the building in So llli be building on he north Hit of Collier 73 nci by grcizp at cityluvyors who are exchanging it for strip of cityowned land immed latchr ll ihc City administrator terry Tam is lilyn tod lua vlllllll lori 71m in ii lltllll itll iflljiill not mett the citys minimum stillitlilltiib bylaw itccfl illfid Iv low spells out acceptable standards rt lillli in it ll lliIi tll lilcn asch tin llilllltl of tenants in the loiling today 111 lamhlyn said he did not lfnow When the building is torn down the municipal parking lot adjac nt to can be cxpauied to make Lll for the lowntowti marl ing lost due to the construction at ii ctlclfv llilllflll lilmli lt tltur said demolition of the biul not only to provide inrl 01 int also to remove on me ll The building tltlttlll plovltlt tn onablc accommodai Mr Arthur said Other committee members ag reed that to improve the build III liltilm with the mini llllllll standard would he icly ai£€lslc in dressing mc Aid mittcc Ald ieSsengrr said Aid Por ris comment of ttvoritism was 1l the Itv did msk for the dedication the de Ollltillo unfair llo Jloper could llunicipal Board iMll inc lAlli hably support the developer be use in litlltll was prepar ed few gears zipo Rotman mid he will not accept the charge nor any criti ltim of his decisions on the com EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fire Dept itv Police Ambulance service OPP Service seeks new director Things are gr Boatll schzdtlilIi in ltics oay The meeting was planned to night mil Bil llollhttmtl NC well for the town and cannot attend The last board meeting was February vncn it approved an estimated $100th budget for 370 in recn lllllilll to the itow businessmen Shirley ltllli coinwvtily liairs and information chairman ask ed the businessmen to become iclttti the board Mri linltun sLiit the board is Simcoe Georgian iay Credit fl tTl Counselling Service nd hozml ing of the businessmen to out members are licking for Ct iiuf iiiiliiltti lUI this ectttivc tivoctm year Early in the new year the son The barid formed about mcvd tlo ill years bi ity oun tioii due in lack of public fin has since rc lztivcrmncnt grant to zitztinl support ceivetl reopen Joe Padfield member of the 7283131 board says applications will be 7285588 accepted up to March 10 with 73508103 hopes of openng the service by 7206484 April CH under the Municipal Act de signatiri in donation as spe cit tlcrtloornivzt area All inisinesxincn in the from the Brookdale Inn to Blake Street and Collier Street to Kempenfelt Bay are charged special levy to oilect funds for the board The Montessori School is hold 311311 ing an open house Monday March at pm at Grace Un ited Clturcli and will have film to show the concept of the school Admission is free and anyone with preschool children is wecome to attend GENERAL MEETING The Tab lrces Ratepayers Association will hold gener al meeting Thursday The meet in begins all in the Blue Flame Room of Consumers Gas Building oi ltl Lane TIME RIGHT PLACE WRONG Iln Vespra Progressive Con servative Association will meet Monday March at pm at St lallls Anglican llall lilid burst It had been incorrectly announced that the meeting would be held in hIldlllllSl Com munity llall All interested persons are invited to the an anal meeting More information Progress Club opens home for retarded on Barries Progress House home for men ilV retarded ad ults which has been in opera tion since Nov 13 will be open ed officially Wednesday at pm On hand for the opening will be Barrie Mayor Dorian Park et George Christie national pre sident of the Progress Club and Patti Abbot incoming president of the Barrie nttl District Asso ciation for the Mentally Rear led Also in attendance will be Ce cil Moore executive director of the association Eileen Hankin director of the home Sinclair Trainer manager of the Barrie office of the Central Mortgage and Housing Conn and Scar Wednesday borough West MP Alan Mart in representing urban affairs minister Barney Danson The Mary Street home purch ased by the Barre Progress Club on 00 per cent CMIIC mortgage houSES eight adults with one extra bid for emerg encies Mr Moore said the $97000 home rented by the club to the association is for number of its residents the first home theyve ever had following lifetime in institutions In addition to purchasing the home and renovatine it to meet government standnd for such residences the progress club donated $8000 in furniture

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