Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1976, p. 2

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fi£75 Err Local young farmers will attend conference learn won room of the Elmvaic agricultural By ROBERT llUMPHRlES mcr mixed curling Associate Agricultural Rep the provincial championship on office North Simcoc cb it They were victorious over Next Monday the minister of agriculture and food William Newman will meet wrth young teams from Grey Oxford counties at the Junior Farmers Winter Games held in farmers from throughout 0n pcicrbornugn tatio at Tovonto to discuss the congratulations go out to future of agriculture and its members Nurman McKay of challenges for the l8 to fiycar Hawkcsionc Lynn Martin old farmer North Simcoe will have three representatives at the Toronto conference Ross Langmuir oi Elmvaie Garth Cubitt of New Lowell and William Drury of frown Ilili he north Simcoe Junior Far Emvale Doug Langman RR Oriiiia and Bonnie Ritchie RR Elmvale The North Simcoe Soil and Cr0p improvement Association is sponsoring twosession weed course on March 15 and 22 The location will be the board DISTRICT NEWS lHE BARBIE EXAMTNE TUESDAY MARCH 1075 CN wants land if Innisfil drops Mmum mmvn building SlItUUi Carnelian National Railway wants to buy five acres of industrial land innlsfil town deadline timc as outlined in tirovers greenfient with innisiil council signed March 12 197+ ship as long as tinr is no dead lr lottcr innt tutilltll to line for building on waive lllc time rcstriction The request has been refer iic said it is tire practice rod to lnnsiiis planning com this commit to acquiri in mmee dustriai land which is serviced Potter president of Uro ver investments said in let ter to council tug CV is inter ested in nryirg 1nd tram Grover and fiveacre sever ance has been applied tor Grover owns about 10 sure at Highway 400 and the 8th line But CV is unable to agree to build within specLier period of Willow Creek flood ilNESiNG public meet ing concerning the yearlong sitrfiy ol Willow Creek in Vestira township will be held Wednes day pril Garry Hunter ol rrphbo Analysis esuclatts Consuannts moms lrom the pub rc The study is financed by the Midland company sells $11000 boat From the Ottawa Bureau Of the Examiner 0llvCcrtrni Sports and larrne of Midland has won an 511239 federal contract to pro vide the indian and northern al fairs department with small waercralt the department of supply and services has announc mi it was among 1141 unclassrlicd contracts worth 310000 or more that were awarded by the de partment to Canadian companies during the week ended Feb Total value of the contracts mounted to 313 2833 4M with rail sidlivz arc is this land is Jandt this then rmtll taned in land bank to be made available to OR custom ers ho require this type of pro perry Ownership of such lands cnv able them to respond rrtrrrkly to customers requests and thus provide better 38lltt ir lot tcr wrote problem to be subiect of public meeting federal and provincial gmcm mus at 11 cost 833000 the Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development cr it was pomptcd after farm couplaincd about the crock licoding and routing farrr land Ltd of Toronto said the meet Three Wbrh mom atn 53 mill scheduled before the final re tlrncstix community hall nrhtto nlysis is The consultants will xplarn fubnmmd so January the stud and ask for com MPP REPORTS H111 Durham and be held on the selection of herhi The sessions begin at 10 and conclude at 030 pm On day one discussrons will cides for cereals and forages On March 22 corn herbicides will be featured The maximum number of par ticipants in each session is 40 if you are interested in attend ing please register before March SPRAYER iNliOltMATlON The North Simcoc Soil and Crop inmrovement Association in coopcration with Richards in ternational at Crown llill is spon soring sprayer information night The date is Monday March Ll The time is 730 pm The guest speakers will hc Doug McLzrrcn weed special ist from iuclph and Chuck Kings bury field crop specialist from llistou ll members and welcome to attend BEEF lllR0ljIlfil lhc billlCOC Beet itiiplmcnicn tricnds air srrrriori lll hold it mnn meeting on March startin at 1010 am The location this year wll he the Iincsing United Churcv lltll lirncsing ladics program is bciru held at the nrnc trnrc rt the community hall Luncheon lic kcts are available at $5 from the directors Ilviivahss COOKSTOWN SALES BARN ATTRACTS BARGAIN HUNTERS Ontario health care creative but costly fly ltlllblt EVANS lff Slfcoc Centre rlr it ttirre have llCCrl extremely imaginative and etc atrve liiiiialHC in Canada and in the province Senator lilward lvenncdy oi laiSUCllUSClls made that 0bCI ration rr his eastern Canada tour In nsos the general level COUNTY GLIMPSES No decision yet PENEIANCUISHLNE ity centre The meal include provinctai review board has re pancakes sausages and maple served its decision on whether syrup Church groups are ot to transfer tavo patients from fering supper in other commun Oak Ridge the maximum secur ity section of the Mental Health Centre here The cases 01 Richard Kowalski and Anthony Cisconti had been taken up by the Church Srv entology which has alleged this treatment by hospital stall Church spokesman Bob Doll en Smith 3nd in expot lo31gt0n from the board in ft week or so Eielurn held at the hospilzr lie said thr ltt out the need to educate relatives the right to ll and try arena INDIAN ARI MIDHURST lndian draw ings and paintings will be on display at the Simcoe County luseum during March The mu seum is five miles north of Bar rte on Highway 26 PANCAKE SUPPERS GUTHLRLE The Oro and Dis trict Lions Club will opensor to 830 pm in Guthrie coman ities in the Barrie area includ in liimvalc lidhursl and St Pauls SEED SHOW ELMVALE The twoday seed and feed show of the North Sim coe Soil and Crop improvement vssocralion wril be held Thur day and Friday in ilmvalcs Oililllrlllllv ball lhlrc will be who hscumton kinda alters noon ailcr awards are pltfslllt1l THOI Nll MACHINERY ilitlil Iirc ie Central Sod and Crop improve if ment Association is fOllClthlllifJ assessment or involuntary pa mp and Machinery Duly nns Wednesday at the Newmarkor SKATING CARNIVAL igmmunity centre starting at COLLINGWOODThe 25th au am nual carnival of the Coliinqwood Mbhuxu Blue Mountain Figure Skating LtiOIbIOlVN P01391311911 Club will be held Friday and pmlecuon be lli Saturday at pm the commun 15500 lltursday at rnccunt of officials from Cookstown and surroundinz townships of Innir til Essa West Gwillimbury and lecumsetli The meeting darts at 730 pm in Cookstowns mu incipal building DAY OF PRAYER CRAlGlIUFtbi Among serv rces during World Day of Pray er on Friday Will be the one at Crarghursts Bible Chapel Our Lady of Lourdes church in Elm pancake supper tonight from 330 vale will have as its theme ed ucation for all life and quality of health care serr itC in our count Senator licnucdy ilt lllilltlrtrll of the health care services gtLrb cominittce in the United State Senate and chiefly rcsprmsrblc tor nilrmptrng to introduce national health care bill in the Senate Amid the form and einotoirl charged atmosphere of lrrrprtal closing recently undcrtnkcn by Ontario liialtii nvnistcr lrnl Miller litrd Senator lvcnuedvs overall nnprcsrons boh iiiCiill and objeclire For it proves conclusively tlic Ontarios health care delivery system is one of the lust hcnltb iVltCs in the world rn term or availability of 5llCC and the personal linancim oi an irlncss which may arise lhc our cess of this second cormmncnl can be directly attributed to for mcr premier Leslie FlOrl Premier li0st had personall witnessed on sevcral occasions many families suddenly burden ed down tor lifetime with im necessary debt as result of prolonged illller llc lell ucii circurmtances tragic and mint cezsurr his urging Untarm cslnb lrshcd an excellent plan called llMSll Ontario Medical titr rcc lIciiranre Plan to run the basic tir oi huotd rs Ilirllplll5llirllllllill3Illill150 plo Stabilization clnim deadline extended to April Oli lCPl The dead linc iOl lurincrs claiminc money under the letlcrnl slaughter cow and beef stabilization has born extended to pril 70 the agricul ture department has announced Under the cow program pro ducers who sold cows from Nov l6 l974 to April 30 1975 can claim payment of $508 per hundredweight on maximum five per cent of their herds Under the beef program of 43 cents hundrcdweight can be made of and quality cattle sold from Ann l2 971 to Aug it 1973 WWW tllCli llittllttrl and drug cover our llilntLrUHL StilllIMlL few short years later com prehensive nationa medicare clrcmc came into being have outlined the develop merits in order to provide bet tcr perspective on both sim plc and toiiipicx lsuc the claw mg oi some hospitals throughout Ontario The New lClilrJtllll$£tlC flHlill iIin the closing of any bu pin is destroying the outstand in quality of health care vvlrrclr Ontario residents have experi enced over the past few years lhcy poin pill that these hosan closure nro randrmi arbi lrnry and based on insufficient data llcntrurnt in government spen ding can be achieved in other areas but when asked to specify lhrist areas they prnnl to drrc MP REPORTS ltllll ii EVANS loiy plot to make the pro in to and the sill unit tor it ptuf bcd Dollars In their view prcchlcncc rtt pcoplc llrc rf llrr Dl lill llnoneli lls blrrrlacr rt tin world you would think that Frank Miller get litndMi iov out going around closing lirrgtllllils Notion could be lurihcr from the truth am prcsentnru llic tutts to cult of you plainly lilitl The sales baln inc Illil car if Cookstovvn on Highway 39 south oi Barrie is allvc with auctions conducted by Frank Webb each Tuesday and FH day On luesday at pm livestock is on the block pm Friday its hardware and household goods The auction usually attracts large crowd shameful by Rynard llr ltm il Simcoo Ollll liv llic ledcinl glvtilliilCll un der pressure lli lmnlly caved ill and made silaiiiclul docrs on lrorn its lDplllittl promw liot lnuc rind Readers Unit must loc tlic spccrl ir pinch6 tuty lnrvo tlllrttltl for many year llirs sturpj meant flint any huntiuu liilll sititrrar could deduct its advertising in tbcsc innunrincs as an income ins expense The HililO thin applrtd to vlvlllili uni was sulr 21 ludcru Medicine and ll winch illu lil wrdt tlilii rlr ill medicine to every regist rlcd doctor irouutl tlrc vvurlrt Well what do you ktlmv lho 1m ililltll has now iilllltl Readers Durst with which am rn Flttllltl but win the lrvsrrm ination Why the retreat on one magazine tine member of purl nmcnt sir grsletl thn ll was the French lob of people some seeking bal garns and others selling then properly to the highest bidder ABOVE Scott Downey or Cookstovvn tests transistor radio before the roving auc tioneer reaches it BELOW Gladys Cronzrn and her dauclr tor Julie 12 of Gillord take rt easy until the arrtcics they by which made the government cave in because Readers Digest deals printh in ionlrcal and luc 2r breach edition lime rs print cd in Vancouver Why does the government rc movc the Cullen rule from up piyrng lo ilctrdcrs Digest which allows the 80 per cent Canadian content to be broken but still insists that all other magazines carry it out Why does the gov ernment want to tamper to get out of its adverse retreat and disgraceful discrunnnillon by say in that as long as you con tlilit mtI lcan articles and edit lhcrn it is all right ll they have to do is con dense the items from the Ameri can counterpart to keep in line with content rules Does this not smack ol Skyline Shops and lob bies in La belle province where Olympic strikes graft union squabbles ctc have made shambles of Canada in the eyes ol the world where we are look ed upon as country lalling apart Indian land claims probed nv ROSS llLh ll tlecl quleriu Sluicoct in most oi llr untold ilullvt prorw live hint on oil and only occanonallv do we think nboui lllCll problcnis llrcve are approximately 2201 I0Criliigt Ill Canada where v00 status or lrcaty lndians rcsidc lhcre are an additional 500000 nonvstutus lndiatrs Eski inns and Metis living ln the Northwest lerrilories and the Yukon and oil reservations in the province ludian reservations vary con siderably llhl are located in areas where there is very little economic base and tberclorc jobs are just not available There are some reservations very rose to major centres Perhaps the largest reservation is adjoining the City of Montreal Another large reservation is in noted on the outskrls of Van couver Opportunities and prob lems vary tremendously tram lo cation to location While the total number rep resents fewer than per cent of llrc totl tilltliltllt lllplllmlob liicy rcprcwn lnr illtlli than 3i prr ccnt ol the llllll popzrln lion more that prr cent of llll 4llllllllt rlcobolus nd ltitLH much higher ptrrcntngc ol ltlrl lhlldlltt ercn settlement ol Canada was laltnp piacc treaties were nc guiiulctl with luosi oi the llllllt people This was not the case ill the Northwest lcrritorics the Yukon the northern part at Bri tish Columbia and Quebec lbcu are now the areas in which much of the exploration and develop ment or natural rcourcrs rlt taking place it the governmen decides to build the MaclvcnJc Valley pirrclnzc it will cross hun dreds of miles 01 land where no land claim settlement has ever been negotiated ihc gov crnmcnl has tntcd Ihnl sClllClntli at these outstandn claims will be rt of any resource development project negotiating team is currently working the framework of set tlemcnl in the ierritorrcs As well the government has lUlltl ml the untivc pcoplc through iiicrr clctlcd organizatith lu rslst in llltllttlllll ilicr land rllrvlll pllliiill Sumt proplc rsl virv rd cnlni settlements uc imputanl We have to understand that inc five people haw very livlll rillzrchmcnl to the land in the lerrllorios must live llrc lltll tional ul life by huulmp and lislung lo sustain lllln way of life requires free access to large tracts ol land would bone that the major lloiiutions in the lcrrilorics can be completed this year The pipeline question raises tllllc other very important igt sucs for the nalivc people in the far north lhere great thal of ap prcliension about the social and economic impact of any pipclno projch MAJOR CHANCE What happens when thousands if people pour into an area for short period of time to build pipeline projects and then leave Can small communities survive and cope with the housing an socul problcms mi tlrc rictrvl people ever go back to lhcn traditional way of life allcr gtlltll sruption lliesc nrc tho tv pcv of problems that Chicl lustrcc liergcr is studying in the North lit hare bccn studyng lnm New anland has succeeded lll providing equal status and op portunity for their Maori people Certainly they have not been completely successful but their basic program of establishing in corporations to handle the land ownership problem and to give all lhc people involved the lTCIlt fits of any economic tllelopmcut might be an important approach to take in Canada The total problem will not be solved until all the native peo ple have equal across to educa lrou to health care service to social services and to LLUlltlmlt opportunities that the rest ol Canadans enjoy This will take good deal of money and tune Most important it will require an understanding attitude and concern from all of us want are put up for sale At bottom right the auctioneers Slllill holds up two water carriers during the bidding North of Barric the sales barn at Elmvvalo nerves similar purpose cilin livisiotlv and secondinver grind hammer Photo Why we intrr zrerzx ert corn or it in need Waltlguit to 1cm =21 lcdcral politicC llrc lllillL iinmcs were to be put on in Montreal by Mayor lrnpur ow the have been runnerrd into the bands of lttlurvr liiiit ll this has been tlrijr rr lure of the act that no wealthier countries hackoi of putting on the Olymprr tlnuis lr llonr asu now says he will come to it Iiudcuu and gt lic costs of these games from the Can adan taxpayer gun the prov ince of Qucbcc will he hailczl out it must be apparent lhn this Liberal government hgti gotten out of control Norm Lailk inhtral member from Untario who ran in the leadership race against Mr rv on who beat hurt by an CCl¢li would like Jll CIrli recalled spoke in the House following Mr Catik and Mr Faulkner from lcterborough sponsor of this bill became anuoycd when in ctth him ol ttnsulship and building wall around Canada lrs llolt Liberal member from Vancouver claims the gov rrnment would not let her sit on the committee vlgtilrlil th bl so hor voice would be sticut tltl rilPltWt oi lbt legislation Smrnl other Liberal members re opposed to llls bil lull ibr Liberal vvlirp sirrgs as llvrb Gray and Stan lludns crrn cvidcncr just nnn lhcru lltti isc thry happen to be ltlill licricitcrs vvrth great viral tHirtll3t lobu lurner and lnnl llcilycr could not go alonrz llll the socialis lcuvlcncrcs Ir lrl oust in lll order and anchor lrcrro lllliol iiudcnu slit liill Province OKs 26 Meclonie lots itltlNSlilNlI lbc lnlalio iunicipal Bard has approved rezoning permit 26 lol residential subdivision wrsl oi Toldvvater or lot tion 10 Me donlc tovvrwhip itcr rocciwug no objeslions from the public the board ap proved lln subdivision propos ed by Steve IiiChdlfl ol Oriliia hicdontc has no obtained ap proval for its comprehensive zoning bylaw so all stirbrliviSr ions require spit 101mi

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