EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266339 Classiï¬ed Advertising 72824 All other Departments 7266537 IlZih Year No 52 AT MONDAYS council meeting lill Rocco ituda SZtllltllllLl as lll council to let their supermarket remain open on Sundays in 32 vote later council agreed to ex empt Fudas Food Co Ltd from the provincial Retail Bu siness Holidasz tct on the grounds that it essential for the maintenance or deycl Clhr Torr Bands Ontario Canada Tuesday March I976 opment oi tourist industry it may be the first exemption in the prorinm Seated aboyc are deputy recto Charles Sim pson and Joan Allan Mc Lean Standing with the Fuda brothers are some cl store employees uno attended the council meeting lEXullllllCl Ihotot Miller defends hospital cuts will force better management TORONTO lCll UIlLLilI Health Minister Fran dillci defended Monday the covera and ments eloing of hospitals ltllll cut ill it llll The health ministry has an llULlliJCtl liic closing to tals in the province cuts in hos pital beds at 17 iiti nl stall IthllLtltz The government estimated such measures will so 540 million per ot din Iidly profsled for the fiscal year to tne blackboard to Mr Miller said at news con €illiil1 lrzItice lllal iiir lt iI from closing the 10 hospitah will list he Ittitocircl rttmnttiii liospilnb tr picn Ite we horpital bcds across the oroyncc ili to it medical ititlnaucircni in ii tais fewer adtiiii0u Jtl gtCCtll diciiargcg ln il Mr Miller iinulcd critic oi he recent mutants who intt said some ltiglilyttiicient in fjllt oiiUI patient into institutions where ifl ii The tllLllIiKli llsl ap propriate because we dont pay tiiein Itho lllLlI lb wiil it will in itcnlli mini ltl Lid ii ii Illif1 tic 5L1 il nil bu sis rather titan on tho =i ill iiiicr oi t1i Id ti illl it it ilc sniii hc lllltltlgtl5lll coiir lIL iiiill lllillllillliit iiic cocizil imt iWwi iizitgil lhats what makes it quite prowli It Ill pcoplc draw thinc youfrom eggs to nowbnlhand not be angry iii them the minister and unl iiics have the right to apme decisions to the premier and cbiitet he mid LUCKY TICKET WINNERS NAMED Barrie liyamimr adveitis in managing cdlor lien shaw draw names for the 14 winners ot five iintario tick cu 43th nii ilitio sec lt winners are Mario Webb of Looigttowii lr liernic lilon ol illmvnlc tlr crcrombie oi Clnrksburq Mrs 3141ng Barrit Ricky WHI ter of Angus John Muir of tile lluron Il Raun tfrccmorc COllriilCf of ii ir Zyainlccn Iaylor oi linr rie lxclly Nelson of Barrie rant Ilillman ol IIillstlidL ll II bziiiiiy li in on Hrs tfiiristic ll Harrie and Mrs ll Ictuil oi ilm alc lljaiitiiiii llitrtoi MAN SHOT DEAD INVESTIGATING CAR THEFT TRY Ninth homicide in days for Quebec IOIIIlIiI lltiltli ylllill loath Iilll to nine the total number of con iirmctt linnxidi ti ac vik ince 7i the lat Iiiv day the Quebec Provincial Police said lllllL iii till Roscmere was shot twice in the ace poil lUlm ii mt investigating an attempted thcli in his car outside his home late Monday night Il nlt Ioicl sVI surrendered in connection with the slayinu bringing to tour ilit naminr at persons being held in roubcclion llll iisr ll ii in cidens Iwo Iiiiidcnziiicii oin do were believed to have died in llicl iitly IILiH Iiicil ilclilr ratcly LT Saltiilztv Ill Illllilllt miti ltlic in about Alt miles south of here lili ii inc an ni opsy report to determine innitt cause ol death oi tittints Ir man lrom lilooldv was being held by tiit as lll£tl 11 dir stabbing iltatl oi lliylli um 12 ï¬lm lllli ritdtlvn tIic toinul il aliw Sunday in pool of blood with in axc nearby in rcntcd it 100 miles east of here She died hurily ticr Ilclil talzcn to hos pitzil Slavic itosc SI tinge ll and lill duiiadilor Ida l7 wcrc Lion iilicd by police as victims iii othcr nxcsnbbbing They were lounnl at home in their beds lolily in northend Riviera iiwvliitittr loliic lli wili ccichiiig lor Militr said the litl of hos iil ltiI imi II nig he ll1Iili otli liii rumba oi Edie lost but rouï¬t guide for each in itu trn inimt culunlccd by to the re ii vying Iiyiig by $10 000 the lillc hospital lili nt ccnt oi hospitsi lilitZthlllL colt15 arc lXlll on salaries Mr Miller said sccral moves itltlllli hclh iron in utrc irc under rcticv Among snz nomic Councils proposals to in trotiice lion ammo paid Illllt anrc plan based on individual il on my Vii pcrszirs not do not mcra thx laxnlll ydcm Peterborouoh to invite king PITIIItliUllllIFQII lint lt tidy itlliil IIIlIlil tltit night to imite lying LeikaolAl la gtiltIq iisil to ii in June hitH Spain ill bc invited to isit with his wlc Susan and Quccn IIlli tt loilicr lilIIll during lio iirst week of June lh iln ui ll in bc wit Likilt scirind llilllltllililttitlll lie was icn iyit rcccptiun here years new Aid lid urtiu who tirL met the Ling duringy lIIt yiltii here ll vcnrs iizo billed in lilo lipth lrll lll Itt year and attended with 18 oihcr IlCiiliLlllIiltl irnm icterborough 15c Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 14 Pages 0R0 COUNCIL MAKES DECISION Store allowed Sunday opening 0R0 STATION Fudas Food Store on Highway 11 north of Barrie was deemed essential to the tourist industry by Oro township council on Monday and will be allowed to open on Sun days The decision to exempt Fudas from provincial lvgislation re quiring stores to close Staidays is the first of its kind in On lllllO according to Henry Neu feld township Clerk The decision was not unani mous with Reeve Wallace Key and Coun Allan McLean voting against the byliw while Coun Joanna AILEwen Conn Paul Hansen and deputy reeve Char les Simpson voted in favor of the exemption The bylcw is the result ol an application by Rocco and Joe Fuda cocwners ol the store lor MAY BE BEST ROUTE FOR COUNCIL body rub parlor suggests city solicitor lgnore ignoring the nude body rub parlor micht be the best route lelt in Barrie council to lol low rays city solicitor Ilene lr Iloytc told council Mon day he advises continuing pro secution prOcedures against the owner Greg Marshall Ior con travention oi the citys zoning bylaw But ignorms the thing will probany get you heck ol lot lurther than prosecution he said lie made the comments aitct number oi aldermen said the body rul parlor at 03 Llilltct St will cloe tziicr ten months lr Itouc said 11 will tukc least 37 days bciorc trial date can bc sci and lcmt gt to ï¬ght Illilllll Iiitore the mm could reach ticcbioti cant gtec it going to iitl lo lcnst to eight liI tic itlll ilut you hate it the evidence proving it contr Citizens complain by letter iuhltc outcry is increasing in Barrie 11cc thc opcninu oi nude bad tab irilot on jo 1w Street las week inches special excmpion from the provincial law provincial legislation municipality iI tl If business to be essential to the development or maintenance of tourist industry in an area in Feb council gave first reading to the bylaw and follow ed tip with public meeinc Council also asked for written comments iroin arca ratepayers and by Monday noti IZiI receiv ed 50 letters opposing the bylaw and only nine in support of Sun lily opening Itocco Fuda lliii with 13 em ployees attended Mondays council meeting and presented 39 pages of signatures in support of Sunday opening Whether you bcleVe it or not youve dziiic world of good Mr Iuda told council alter it vencs the bylaw before going to court The property mncd ior oi lice space and Mr Marshall had appicd lor permit to allow nude body rubs According to city policy any one conlraycning the Lenin by law is sent registered letter allowing on days to comply ii the intringemeni still cy itgt second registered letter is sent giving further seven days ltcr tli ii evidence In gathered charge can be laid with maximum penalty of $1000 Mr lowc tte reviewing the citys Ionin bylaw he can not incl zonin which allows nuclc body rub parlors lm assumir it isnt thera pcuic he said Apparently the girls are not trained as mir cdsC lILTl0 IKIJLiilIi lhc oziy oticr tllit the take It sil to apply to cour injunction to put stop to the Illillth lixll Ictier body rccotycd about the cozitcil lcnts iy IIUIII rub parlor lnmes llcn tLIttiliCilh of snow falls overnight oycrniaht siiowinll ot tour inches may have made resi dents late lor work and school CAPSULE NEWS Newspaper reports football trade VANCOUVER lCIr The Province says Britiin Columbia Lions will acquire Canadian IClCIhIVC end Wayne Smith lrom Ot tnttti Rough Riders in Canadian Football League trade to be an nounch today Windsor bus drivers back on iob WINDSOR Ont lCliBus drivers returned to work this morn ing alter walking out Monday in dispute over drivers pension and insurance plans Warns on electrical consumption TORONTO lCI Ontario must reduce its electrical con sumption during the next lew years or face harsh and dismal con scquences llobcrt Taylor Untar oimcr liozirtili til lllclr home for questioning titan iicin hold on coroners warrant in connection with the slaying uiturdiiy oi iicrnnil lnIchrlt and his wile ianct Jll not to death in separate westend Iiliurbs Police said titan ua bein held on coroners warrant in cutilltrtlltiii with do Iiiil tii lItlltid truthin Fililitilt wit 08c body was discovered Stiti ll his nixl end Mon ircal home Police said the vic lo Hydro chairman said today rum Ma 3A lim tavern waiter had been it all il itl it instrument Investigations lc underway the 5tLlIJIJl2l icaiil oi Bruno lilicliaud 37 prisoner fIt Vincent no penitentiary in nearby Laval lie was stabbed while walking down an aisle in his cclfblock And in what police called underworld settling accouni Serge lllliiltll 26 was tiuuncrl down Srluidu itlil ilti in tavern in Montreal castend but crcatcd no major prtilcms Some school bu suns lc laycd and one or two in out lyingy areas were cuncclied due to the now which began iallin 11 about it Monday night ty buses were aim behind day passed the third and final read ing of the by orily beiorc pm Youre this he said Earlier he alteration Ir Fuda had appeired as dcpu tation beiorc iolltlcil zlltI nrccd council to face facts and make decision You cant stall any longer be told council Youve got the information now and decision has to be made Following Mr lidns remarks council resumed its regular schedule for four hours until going into privae session stori ly belore 530 pm to discs the controversial bylaw lr Fuda in an interview with The Exotiriicr said he would close his store lrom 0v to pril ii council had vol ed down the bylaws going to regret ir Rowe advised against this He said the average cost is about $10000 with lJtolï¬ month supreme court battle The city could apply for an in lerim injunction he said but would probably not be granted one lie said the city would have to prove that the body rub par lor is causing irreparable dam ts my considered opinion that you would not get an in terim injunction he said Mayor Dorian Parker opposed the action saying the ity tictds something it can we im mediately to close Mans World that the tastes action she asked lm not in favor of citing them seven days let lone 37 days lnyor larkcr said site rcceived about 30 telephone calls and at least eiuht letters oppming the nude body rub par IOU The mayor said she is not sal has row of the board it directors ol llltigtLlIl in Ontario sent let tcr saying body rub parlotx can promote moral deterioration llen said body rub is an iinprolessional term meaning unmade and is used as shield by people to provide sensual and sexual stimulation and reliel to the male who trequent tiicc cs1ziblishmcnts Ihe cllcct oi bodyer shops has meant deterioration oi the areas in which they operate iic said Certainly it cannot coit IllIJIIlt an aura of respect to any community lie said legitimate mavacc has louuht lor years against poor public image The protcsszonal llliiSilLlC he said ilt remedial Snow or freezing rain later to day Periods of rain Wednes ednesday EATHER FORECAST Low tonight high lhjs diit let someone else carry the nail ivc been carrying IIty em ployees lor two liltliilil now be cause oi this ticzision lvc got lot cl people to answer to but would mono llvlillli down tie operating overhead drastically if cl ctl it lil Air Iuda said by staying open in the winter to was tryng to cztablish regulai trade as well as eirploying Oro township residents Fudais employ about 100 peo ple during the summer he said Welve got quite an investment here and it depends on the tour ist trade and staying open on Sunday The fruit and tonetable stand category of the store allows it to remain open on Sundays through out the summcr despite the pro vincial legislation islied with the recommendation of the city solicitor There must be something we can do to close this place down she said Md Jim Perri city develop them chairman said the best way to light the establishment is through public campaigns gainst the body rub parlor He said people should picket the building and take pictures of poo pic 11 sin the facilities The community can get in olved by physically appearing ii lront or the building he said lwple should let their ieelzngs be known about the operation ot the parlor ihc nude body rub parlor is operated by Mr Marshall oun cr of the Paradise Health Spa lr Marshall claims the par lor Is not associated with the pn It is operating legally and not as brothel he says The parlor lItl nude body ub icy Clng body rui priv th iniiicsiiuc rilllllil and show er masragc president ot the Ontario Massage ihgrapis SUtl£tllOil also nroc lcitcr saytnc the body rub parlors only need toe in the door bciorc more will iollow Both people were irlormed oi the pnriork oticiiing by Gloria Dames registered and beams ed massage therapist in Bairic Ulhcr objections were sent by rcsidents such as Leo and Edith ltdin ol Perry Street who Milli there is enough immoral ity coin on without having to bring this deplorable type at operation into our city Also Joyce loslcy of Napier Street attached copy of the busincss card from the nude par lor nd Marl Sfory 01 Blake lidlk 11 mm and therapeutic and is rcgulnt blrcci sold tlc irarlor Is bad it or if minuth ifi road crews uoricd to plow and sand main arterial road in time for the morningl rush Drilling sll was thc main problem according to city ill 1i works upi3tb 11 Itox today He said as quickly as snow plows clcnrcd srcc wirds iilled it back in ogain llogtt main trail arteries were open and sailed by this morning however he mid Police in tc city and in out lyin areas reported no lrnllic prob cuts or accidents caused by the snow ll highways were open and pa able Ministry oltranspor Iitlli and atiminunications plows 2nd sindcrs were out all night spokesman said Thanks Same place same no tomorrow td the board ilobcrt Oliorman iirst iicc iniiucncc lor the youth ul this city Free publicity helps purlor lrce publciy in Barrie news media helps the nude body rub parlor operate says Add Ernie llo man Aid ltotman aiti Barrie me dia are giving ircc ILllIlliII owner ol iois itrld at tit Collier tit about $1 million in iiic advertising lle said he it iccciycd number of compla nts about the nude pzrlor aid has tried to act on them little success thi Janice Luring agreed tiih ll lioiiiian itti the tree ad criidnc it could die normal death il nt ior gill tree pres she said at pccial council mcctt wiundny Iiil solicitor said lnc city ntcds cvtlcnco the par lor is opcrniiii ill contrayciition ii the city ottj bylaw Wilymmi Ii diic tut ol plannin and ilcopnicn said rtilllttlil ilLIIlI iL IJ pcrson rccciiin nudc body lilIl Theres difference masseuse lhc dillerence between body rub nd musing is like night and dig says ylll l2iic re stored and iieenscd massazc th pIri liurric l5 Dailies who has practis cu ire city lor 21 years said sausage is pcriormed strictly ienltl reasons while body rub is not lhc purpose oi massage is to get circulation moving and llic ioxics out oi the urea and into the bloodstream she stud It promotes luster healing registered and licensed therapist Mrs Daines had to take one vear c0urgtc learn ing anatomy physiolrp the ti muscics oi the body and iii lgtlti ii Iltlw uid lion In more recent courses sub iccts stich as tllicc manage mini and psychology are includ cd passing guide she uid is ti per ctiil lni cry zuztcli acainst the body rubs she said If the people put any type of pressure on the body thy can do serious harm Mrs Daincs and her husband laid the around work for inns scars and ititisscuscx in the city when they came in Barrie Since her husbands death It years ago MN llnincs mid she has practised alone in Barrie