Ted Leemans Barrie rink won the Fraser Campbell Memorial Trophy during the Barrie Curling Clubs twoday ANN LANDERS Ropes dont always happen in the dark scary alley way Dear Ann There were an es tnnatcd l0000 rapes in Chicago last year Only 4000 were re ported largely because most women felt they would not be believed or feared being in sulted by authorities and humil iated in court Only 129 of the rapes reported ended in con VlCUOll Although attitudes are chang ing them are szili many myth about rape You could help im measurably by printing this let ter Most people think lapcs are committed in dark alley by perverted strangers who can no longer control their sexual ile sires The truth is that 40 per cent of all reported rape are perpetrated by someone known to the ictlm and 51 par ccn POLLYS POINTERS By POLLY CRAM ER Dear Pollylne tickm on leather pillows dirty and needs good washing hate heard that one can pu the env tzze plow in the £1lll but am atraid to chance it you krow of wag wall ticm dthout reuniting the lcatir ersfMrs Dear Mrs LIhe Home Service Dep of wellknown manufacturer or washers rec ImanG the following for leather pill us The meihcd for foam kaook or polyester is dif ferent lreat as delicate item in short thll with warm water and slow agitation Partially lilI washer with wa ter and detergent and agitate enough to dissolve detergent Place two pillows in at one time to balance the load Continue filling washer to llllll lei cl Wash Hi minutes but stop washer occasionally to pic air from feathers Complete the wash cycle Dr leather oughly or they Two complete may be needed Su1 washing of feather pillows not IJIMII mended tut they can be dried in dryer Be sure Iani are securely stitched and no holes are in the ticking or you will hate terrific me When pillow is dry if feathers bunch lo the bottom or quills slicl through they may neezl recondi tzioning If your pillows do not hme their resilience restored after washing as above they do need leczmdlHoningPolly pillii inor ma llilllL Dear Polly When sali aging buttons from worn garmtnt keep matched buttons together by stringing them on pipe cleaner and bending ends back bit If the garment is shirt or blouse just cut off the pla ckct and sare this strip with the buttons on itClarissa Dear Pollyl make great pol scrubbers from the colored plastic mesh bugs that oranges grapefruit ec come in lln leave the thread holding the paper over one end of the bag Turn one end of the mesh tube metdo it will be doubc thick ness Iurn and inside about inches Put strong oneinchlon rubber band over tuckedin end heaving the liloinch end to the outside of the band N0w turn is BARRIE CURLING CLUB BONSPIEL skip Betty Baitko ice and flail Leenian lead The coup es won sets of iiiLitclicd luggage ilixamiiier Photo iiicl bonspicl bills weekend Pictured above are left till Burtko second lad Cupp bell presenter Ted becman occur in tho home of the victim the desire to doni ante and hu ni cl miliatc tint causes rapc Sc the lhlt lllllddclplli oiil tiit 1031le in winch the study were not pinnncd in rapst achicies lIice giulx vance Ninety per cent of the Mos rapists are lllulfjttl or convicted rapists tested out as lluic nuotlicr Mutual partner psychologically normaluo What the ICalli mill is the different than most men walk feeling of power that comes from controlling someone clsel Ile Womcn who arc ci be pnsivc lilll are iuihillcd in defending lllOlllPllt are natu in the SllLCl Most rapists choose their ic tints because of lllCll vulnera biliig living alone car trouble iii no one around llnluil or red lClllh mcntalij incapacitated 1c= it is time the iuli about not lLLillc the are sexyIook rape were debunked They are ing We hate bad calls conv damaging to the victims who cofiiiiiy ticinm iivnm to 90 are humiliated and brtitalirel years at age then told they probably enjoyed Perhaps the most damaging it or wanted it lhcsc myths myth of all is that rape is mot are an indictmein mains vated by sexual need sotmt that allows hall ol its clioiouists pyciiia1rsn and population to liic in commit rapids themselves admit II is fear of attack and contiiiiic to place the blame on the ictinc Ihzini 0Liliuda ClllsllilLJn Victim Stlviccs Coordinator Rape Crisis Illc Chicago hcar Linda Your Ict made an excellent conlxbiiinn to understanding Thank you tor writing it lli the other end of tithe inside and pull out through rubber band at other end so you can pu band on 1111s cud about inches frri sh me Dear Aun iiial tnc limiter eztd back illflth tube Shape and haxc gzcnt scrubber for pots and iianlaurin9 with me My life me lt and dont know why quit high school 1o lilill loiCiuici nobci llioiiuht Uh mm HP he had minci Shc was lJlll me some advice about what can but WM Wm be dorm to an oldfashioned iiimlfllthtitkl Mliiigiicmm me had to lCHl from his wallet to CLI VI buv groceries Inc marriage Dear AnnieIt seem tne aim nmmlr Sdiic basic rules would work as or me next your an Lh for in rIctric wallle iron Io scaum Ul nillit aimlv llll mu in mmm llolmwlll braIi thin coatingoi nnv ï¬llflolxjfquyI alillllls salted mcltcd shortening being 10 my WC Wm mm Ile kept mouthing loci be iii A£ hi il pIctcl ciicrctf Ileat for about Milli fflld 11m flVll 61th nt nzne iniiiuie and thou mle 1lnlv THtl fl wipc off any rcmaininu 1m with ll law MVP for pcrimssion and the pricsl Irkilliqgmk my go said he should stay with Ins Ii bc catist the iron not bcuii 119 hp hm 17 hot cnougn oi benn too hot ml malll llil Il lif ihcn too hot the Sides tin with turned out be llUlllO any gii mi Inuun helmc sexual who was Ilill lll for it covci astf ii that rat nearly had nervous breakdown and muted in with flit tiic ciirc is coohcd To let the tciiipcraluic foi plain wanI drop little water on the iron Al too little shortening in the my sister and her husband me can cause sticking In nieht not drunk and had an your cu would imagine but affair with my brotherinIuw scaonu or Incl of it may ic My sister caught us and threw the trouble if the IfIl has not me out Please fell the why but isml for long time un having so much hard pony IiicliJilucd lcur Ils iiol your llILk Deni lollv Imtc ii iii ill thats hard hone its your head let some counselling and learn why you subconscioust set yourself tip for disasfci big bread board to chop just lillciiul of tIlIJll pic of celery We use lot of ice cream so buy it in five iiuari bushels Ilit buckets were ill ways put to Use but the lids just took tip ie in the cup board lllll covered they make dandy little cullqu hit ifs Ilicy lit in file lll washer too collect dd things and have hunt that an od salt shaker i3 zillgztivc and handy for IioIiI ing skewers and cake tester It is so interesting to rend iI find ways to help each other hlrs llfl iltcuirii luv lininin icntists dltl the huic lCCltpll scalp treatment that can halt baldness and even start Inin growing in many Ik LiC lllC clcnllsls hllu iIC pub ting the treatment on nIc in NC form of solution say that among volunteers ho applied II to lhclf snalp for 28 weeks hair growth resumed in 00 per cent of the cases and hair loss decreased within four weeks The claim however was Dear Pollylo haie better pie crust make it as usual but before adding the filling put the crust in the oven at 400 degrees for lite minutes or until erusl warm and beginning to cook Add filling and the crust will not be soggythe preheating does itEllen Cari halt baldness Finnish scientists say 0mm THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 1976 Wight Hauto exchange vows lemple Baptist Church Leduc Alberta was the setting when Elfriedc Rosalie Minna llauto was Miss Marcella Eckeil cous in of the bride of Leduc Alberta The attendants were identical of Vernon BC and Douglas downs of powder blue fortrel poly Chorles Wight of Barrie exchan ged wedding vows Saturday Feb at pm The bride is the daughter of Karl llauto of 200043 Ave Ver non BC and the groom is the son of Douglas Wight of RR Barrie Ontario Rev liresier officiated Soloist was Mrs Rese Liske of Edmonton Alberta ac companied by Miss Sandy Liske of Onoway Given in marriage by her par ents the bride wore gown of traditional princess style poly sucde Pearled guipere lace ac cented the high neckline bodice and puffed sleeves The Aline skirt with daisy lace at the hem led to chapel length train She wore an open julict cap with pearled lace detail elbow length veil trimmed in lace She car ried bouquet of red roses with white carnations and hyacinths Maid of honor was Miss Sharon Ilerccg cousin of the bride of Edmonton Alberta Bridesmaid ester and carried bouquets of daisies Best man was Barry Gallo way friend of the groom of Bar rie and Armin Reh cousin of the bride Leduc Alberta The reception was held at the lowne llouse Motor Hotel Le duc Alberta for 120 guests fol lowed by dance to the music of Danny and the Journeymen Fred Meier friend of the brides family was master of ceremon ies and Steve Herceg uncle of the bride proposed the toast to the bride Miss Joan Herceg cou sin of the bride was in charge of the guestbook For going away the bride wore red knit pant suit with corsage of red roses and white carnations lhe newlyweds will live in Barrie Out of of town guests were from Breton Edmonton Banff Calgary Wafer Valley Onoway Vernon Salmon Arm Fort Simp son and illowdale IIl AND MRS VIUlII Woman gives interesting talk at recent institute meeting Stnicoe County ia guide map Hlll recently at liic meeting of the tiuthrc unitn Institute ll lluilil Campbell as guest tdkCl She dis tlSSCtl rio first Mont iiiiii the location wncrr our of the groin of seven Iiied tIic plniiiic couiiiitiuoratiug the ueropltnze flight from Can nii to England the hurricane wiztu Idimctl through Guthrie which itllttl the arena TODAYS RECIPE ISY APPLE STRUDEI lastiy for one pie lllgtt cups thinly sliced apples cup ziisins Iil cup sugar li ip cinnamon hp nuiiiieg li tp clove licparr pastry Ron into inch icctangle and place on baking sheet Mix apples with remaining ingredients Place ap piu mxtte down the centre of pastry Cut pastry edges into strips then told strips over apples Brush pastry with milk or beaten egg Ilakc in 400 de grccs oven for 40 minutes or until pastry golden and air plni are tender Cool slightly Sprinkle with llli sugar 46 servings tour of Il picrlcil with lnIIHll rcsriwliï¬n HIIlL medical experts Ihc product contains synth etic detergent which clears aw dead hairs and other dirt clogging the follicles the tiny sacs in which hull grows Anothct ingredient com pound then sets in motion piniest which allegedly results in the growth new hair or further information write to Bar 13 Adelaide P0 loromo Um M5C 2H8 C5 Al li Ilcatrice Caldwel iilniicd the motto People Iikc lire they take on ltlllell no hcn you stir them up ll Ilrn Contes dottinsel lllllllL llflltlllll to ll ciub itIncwnitnt day Roll call was answered to name Canadian province and its prmiucial flow er lrs lask Jones 1de ll Lhlliplnll llflgtl the meet lllj liie next meeting will be at the home of Mr Robert Bell onvcuer of Family and Cilll sinner iffzilrs Mrs Camp bcII ll lizivc Illl pr 22 in lo will be one of todays wcaklt ll€ is to distinguish our needs limit our recds IloII llll will he aiiwcred to product have buuizlif but never will peninf GEORGIAN COLLEGE UNIVERSITY WOMENS CLUB PRESENTS Simcoe County the Dorm itory Community will be the topic of panel discussion March 10 at pm in the faculty lounge at Barrie Cen tral Collegiate The panel which is sponsorth b1 the Uniiersity Womens Club will include Mo rio Bartoletti of the Family Life Centre Markham Bennett director of the Addic tion Research Foundation Dr iIlia Mrs Virginia Creewell Jones Iaculfy member at leo rgian College and Don Jackson director of Simcoe County Children Aid Society Shown here listtizsiiig some skit out Gliiiclt to Iightcn ln pupil zc from Itll Join our Iill Florence Ballard died without attaining goals DElltUll llorencc Ballard who am her way out of thr ghetto to international fame with the Suprcmes and then wound tip back on the wel fare roIIs died without fulfilling Iicr drcams of comeback liic W21 nc County medical examiners office said Miss Bal lard 32 had Iwcn dvirikill and taking medication 5hr was admitted to the emergency PEOPLE PLACES GET WELL HOBART lricnds and nei Jllbtil rc pencd to learn that drs lobcI Barr is luglcgtlllf ucll Hic had the mislmtunc it fall lfUliIli the home of her ilsueiltr lr firacc Ic Im Ia All will litr spceilij rc cot erg PARTY llUBHll Relatives gam crtl nl lllt Iiimc of Mr and irs Kain IIirLcuvri on Sunday altruism Feb 23 for family ezillicriii followiin the bap fun if liicii sou liddlc earlier llin tl ljlllllllf ltllllltsl Iiie womtns iii1itiite lx IioIdJi etlulire pir il cli in the cvinuiumj lial lll pin HOLY WIIIIK illlILll irs are tin lh lhc Anglican Eiivni to hold scries of Holy wcrl wivice llHll April ll t0 ill horr will be on gtil Nut It at Iitliiirsf lu iiri nnd on il 17 lnuls llfltll Iiiiili SIIIHHII BSDAY illlllllllSl St Pauls Pur ih llill wl be thr Ioaton lh hr DilllJllvf iippei al sau sizrlc NY Home Iiirstl Ilclcls are available throuzii Sunrlzi school memb crs or by plioiiine licfly Polil muIIcr at Tilttilts It BRIIHI PARTY cILoii cut is holding an olIici part lllls car for encap rI 2i Is Iiicltli IucIi pm at tlic llolidag llll Vcl conic Wagon hostess Carol lis will cnzaecd girls can cull 7201171 lnr their imitation and one for their quot lIic dca of the party is to mahc wcrllunz picparuliizns cna lovable Local incrihnnfs will have disulu booths at the party and rcfrchntculs will be serv llllll 933 BARRIE EXTENSION SERVICES let to know your Community College in lllili ltist two examples of the minty LOlilSCh llllll offered by Barrie llecniion Services this Winter and Spring SEW FOR SPRING Take advantage of the cold evenings that are left this sea 500 to prepare spring and summcr wardrobe for your ser or your choosing patterns and appropriate fabrics lilting garments inn cutting and sewing children The course will feature sessions on and ther with the professional touch all under the guidance of skilled litltuctot SIARIS March lillll 1976 700 000 in ilucsdny $3500 12 weeks CAR MAINTENANCE FOR WOMEN repeat of this every popular course designed to tea women how to take good and intelligent care of their tics The instructor emphasizes liiic illllCllllillilllllll and skills which every car driver should Iiuic ilARlS March 1976 FEE $2500 10 weeks For information registration 730 1100 pm fIiitsIunl arrl bizrm Handout call 7281051 Ext 317 or tSlt us al Ehlllliilflil Services 115 Bell Farm Road room at Mount Carmel Mcrcy Hospital Saturday She died Sunday from what hospital records dld was cardiac ar rest Medical examiner Werner Spitz said llC was told the drugs were to laiiliils weight los and lo gllnlffotl high blood persure 30 ago M15 Ballard as on welfare and trying to raise her daughters following sepa ration from her husband in 1973 She told reporters at the time she had dreams of reviv inI the career she ended eight years earlier altei dispute within the Supreme She and her husband had rc l=itlCLI and shc rcccntlr had iUltilLiCd not on Detroits northwest gtide the was living +P3£L$2lt2vrrisfi ï¬ifyï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©iï¬hifl colour only it portrait 43 va 0N0 age limit separately prices Wed March pcu MontluyliiItlziy hilds portrait in lovely natural colour Limited offer for days only 298 Have portraits taken now for llzislcr Gifts 0N0 appointment necessary OLimit One offer per family 09th for each additional subjch photographed in group portrait 05199 for each other OAdditionul prints available at reasonable This offer good bulletground Parking llilfcl oli Maple Ave Photographers flours orb lliurs flutes iil iiili llailics il Liminer liiofo there will in husband and daughters and had just pur cliased new ca Mbs iallurd Mary Wilson and Diana 05 gew up in De troits Brewster lluusine Irojv cct and in the 10505 and 19603 made their way to inlcrnotioiial lllllr mt Motosn Records Ii Ballard sad the pill the Sipreines in 1967 because there was friction in lite group She said she was told she would get more than Sl million if she would agree to leave the Su premcs But she said she never got the money She filed an SKYmillion it zigaiist Motown llct as her former lawyer and the Supremea It was dismissed in Wayne County Circuit Court in IQTI lllSl subject Iuyublc at time of sitting subject photographed Thurs March 030 mun009 pm Saturday 930 nm 000 piu 3676 Buyfitld Slrtcl annlowu Iiullic 930 until 800