Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1976, p. 5

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NEWS BOUNDUP THE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 1978 murdered in Montreal on weekend AIONJFEAL CPJ lrie persons including man and his wife were dred the Montreal area during the week end and police suspect tire which killed another two was deliberately eat The fire defiroveil home in Sherrington 40 miles to of two victims Alhtough their bodies were burned beyond rec ognition one of the victims iR lligtl tormer member of Montreal 11ilnle Luderworhl Lil in clan His name was ltequetly illClliiUIK duri not ji quiry into organized crime witsrc he was sad fn hae been one of the tiiggeiinen at the ariand slayi of four people in February 1975 tf ii td3 and it took firemen lout boats to put it out An autopsy treal iziiling Saturday as an un terview an immigration appeal board has turned dun her ap plication to sponsor he United States born hunband has said he must go back across he border The and their two year old daughter have been living in lo eiliin which hus liaile lohn built In this Northern Ontario community He leliv cred their daughter llarmtny at the cabin ir Stropnieky has dcptrtn ten order him because he has been lllltifl IrlliSllOlli lifting and possession of marl lllElilil and has become public by accepting govern nent weliarc paymentx Air Strapnicky 27 from New terse entered Canada as iisitor in 197i lie was ordered deported in 197 and had been hiding from immigration aulh OilllCa ZLfilSI Die in clash SALISBURY 4M1 At leas iioil settling of accounts iiilmnllh guerrillas hid Igd to the bath of Serge ou lthodeswn soldiers were of 15 mums while hiked saturtiay in clas Ii in stars in an easbcnd tuwm ltnodcsias northeastern oper ational area the whiteminor Quintal was the target of an olii imiit on hiv tiln nc Fill Also on Saturday Bruno Iliuwid 37 than it lht St Pt tie til Cllit€lititit nearby lLttll was fatally stnlviwi lllt llif than illhioc On Sunday the body of 39 CLrmee SIinii wa in bi wctend the victim wainn iltl with blunt in in vnJ Wolf deaths of tier nv onr iiy government siziitl Sunday This would bring to 75 the number of black guerrillas lzillctl incc icb it when Prime Minister ian Smith warned of ii dup terrorht int cursions from neighboring Mo zamhique estiiiialed Tot black lionaiist guerrillas are reported to litiie rhrped into the count rorn llegt in litiziiiiiliich the la st six weeks in major escalation of th guerrilla war School clay lint Hui BltAUliBltlUHlI tlnt Cl be hukcd to Parents ending liiiskoka JMHCI Dstrict board of education meeting ihursoiiy said they are concerned about the ability ol kiideizartcn iniltircn to adjust In itill rtjiiiinl ii bout in tenlnr principals cowl lLiILlilh iii with lhi school nan armed iill It rd to tllti iSiUllb on the NIT pewihility oi unroducnig alter lfll jc1l 31Ctlti tailiii itindegaiteii um an the month oeiore escap ii ii in my oii rciireoatie told We liiri In llihiren niizh It ll early 710 am an arrnc home at 3in Li l3 iiaii ittii lv SUDBLRY om it Hub ZZiniiifi tintilt Roach odor icii myH VI WM Ct in AUliltl il hit ptiii iic Elllel1lxllllal llldilult MUELIHC in 1mm tynatio aria Ltd 71 ti it tiSiDlllg to re nude inc final at Lie iiouoif lute ecelve hp oi th Ci tlltl at llllltliilltlhit Iti Ll liOCtiliUi jla Poweil dis trwii ll Toronto lniilc itt italic Elilajtih itll to the ill roiixnlo It Maple lti LONDON Unt Ll lie creased goveinvncn stunning in iie housin industry would create more jobs and houees and lliiMdVC nc coin in Archer DIOSldCili of the On lo Federation li fill catiiiia lie told new con ference that the best measure liltiCLbC titsrdcii llgtltitil Harold lin lard on comm2 of fraud and theft uiohiiir 742000 lr lowcll Ontarios iérll ant depot attorneygeneral and lotliill lll tie Ballard case also told ltlttll iidthtry dune Friday that lilariis 197 torielt of rewort like CJCllllUli l1il it DENNIS TIMBRELI optimistic Fuel prices lUitUNIl LPi liitario lhicrgy Minister Dennis Iim llreli void Sunday although he has no selid agreement he is optimistic about forming united Irtnt with other prov inces against oil and gasprice iiltlttse this year lle said he has ct to talk with energy ministers in lrincr Edward island Saskatchewan and Alberta but is encouraged that one the six other prov inces automatically gone along with the tederiil policy of moving toward world prices in an interview Air iimbreli gthltl industrial provinces such as Ontario will be hurt badly if ianasian prices rilte abme lnitcil St ates prices and thereby lose their competithe lieql Review sought iUitDNIO lwo tor iiir ltChll officer called Sun day on CIVs for lot pub lic retiew of litlLllSilillIJCs sur rounding their dinnisrsni fi the force in late ltlili Mitchell Bronnian Moli trcal businessman ant million tillC alro called for public in dairy into the dislliih at of gtLi eants Don ltLCl and Gilles Brunet after an internal lli3li gallon by the torce Solicitor General Warren itlltillll ordered Lieti oi lit procedures ioitcs disciplinary litter the ltliltiiinsalsfi report on the revien limit will be re icaed this week IIhiicr hidllkls loiiSCltuit incinner oi lariin metal for Central Now sad he lll pursue the matter in the toniinons and pies ir Ir liiinzi to cier ii at arr ernn nt luili Progressil Illtll it crowd The man stopped and fired at his pursuers Daniel Decairc 18 and James Pederscn l9 both of Mattnwa were shot in the legs and taken to hospital Edmond Ladoucer 40 also of Mottawa was in critical condition in hos pital with gutshot wound in the throat 22 killed liy THE CANADIAN PRESS crease once frivolous appli tations are willidiawn tenants ind landlords reach agreement on their own landlords with draw alter assessing their thances oi sin before tri bunal and duplications are weetled out He said rd in often brought in stacks of appli cations at one iime lhe Uni eisity of Guelph made out 1900 applications lo cover stu dent housing lcnants were atowed to peti tion if their rent increased more Ilia eight per cent since lthl SD persons killed in separate lUly and if the lullllorl lulled snowmobile accidents were 10v1lllduc exec35 among at least 22 accidental Landlords who failed to apply for increases of more than eight ier cent by Sunday are aiito inatiealiy held to no more than deaths in Canada during the weekend survey by The Canadian Press from pm Friday to that unless hey have signed an agreement with the tenants lndm°m htuudjll gull 1° Howey yam times also showed in traffic fa taiities two drownings and two lire deaths The number of persons killed Har or rent In snowmobilerelated accidents so far this winter is 51 ltlftOYWO ILPl eitv lt lne traffic deaths plus 28 figmmllitej iiiitloggfifis during the week bringto 307 Whommm Council or dew the number of persons killed on Canadian roads so far ths year Quebec reported six deaths two in traffic two in fire and two in snowmobile accidents British Columbia had four road deaths and one rowning Ontario had four traffic fatal ities and one snowmobile death New Brunswick had one road death one drowning and one snowmobile death One person died in snow mobile accident ii Nova Scotia and one in traiti Saskatche wan had one snowmobile death opment of iiarbortiont Part along the downtown waterfront in report to the citys exec utive committee the central watcrlioitl iiiiiiiii tuiinnitec ray rite deiclopment illlll and phasing are not acceptable in their present torm llarborfront Council proposed in report ltst lainirry that true area if the thatre site gift from the federal govern ment be used for commercial enterprims such is lllllitltll 1Mimith and mm Him Newfoundland Prince lld WWI dldlmg or ward island Manitoba anl fit me imlvmil lliril berta reported no accidental lllllgtl no iiiii ill 1a Iii deaths place remains the waterfront planning committee says in its 10m IdtI of at meeting of the executhe committee luesdny The reports Women workers WASHINGTON tAPi Women are moving in greater hn wk liflgfiflnn nil urfvllfl numbers into vnat were once 221Woktith iiitf wondered men only ions and if now account tor lb per cent of in the current plan offered hluwonm workers in United States the labor depart merit reports They are working prac tically every type of occupation Murder charge ill Unt lCll aiph lioiialti thildcrimc that was once the private do Kilchcncl out was chm$01 illtllll oi men says gtigttant Sunday with murder punishable Lam New lumn ll lift lilo morhoiinient tollowiii her an incident in which one man lhchcr its subway con killed Itil lI to ii sirliction bridge building boil liiiLLl when the iiiigtei man riiiaking baildoine truck ho fired calibre rule out timing or running in news wle lioth loungt earl ruin paper prescall tough and tag morning rizrt or innqcrous jobsthe Cniltlcriiosc 35 to Mlle manch in ctistod toi ippvtiiu iiie eoicinnitnts inure ince in Dlulliiil court lridn ll that at the end of 1973 rltitl leu More time women hold about l8 per cent lolice 2i of Mattawa died altr hoo1iiiii incident in tieci oii or 15 million of the 282 million lilaccollar jobs lni iip irom 36 fight inflation to mnrwml ml it iidietivitv iltll gteriiiieiis li were annhite are tenorin niat approach he W107 li ti He said Illllllll tin iiiltc me than Ilia llnilaitl Contract iii Powell do not identify the two hoekcj plajei who came to him Hair depart ment raid on Maple Loni till thil The two liai friend who ltEl ROCK Uni Cl then 300 paperworkers at the iiomtar Packaging Co Ltd MC cwle nnt at da we oed and they told Mr lcIxell contract ending 25week strike The threeyear contract entatively 2111l to t13n theres oin to he no deal made or tliilCllifilg grim to provides annual lilClCdCb oi PC ma cinm pa TM up their to ill tne hack of aimlgch hae mm mwa his mind Mr lonell waited ur til the preliminary hear or the HM musion charge olvin Stiltootl ii income then Vii and listened at the bask oi the courtroom to day went to iilS inn The ittorncjciiials depart contract since iart May Pancake race ilTAllA Cfi Latiiy equalled Lulu man 19 of Uttanr record Saturday that mm iliCti iiilllctl loitiiiit politP turn the 0ttari Journal trophy ll Hvlll Ching to Canada winning the janii ll lliUl Ill lCllil fliali section of the annual pa ll Ballard parolcti ii ncake race in one minute 13 oiids Ine tecunl hall oi the iflth annual cocmpetition wii be held iuesdaShroc ies tinyin lnckiiighinn Finland where the trophy was won last Lear scri in one term for tlctobcr 1973 ttr third ol threeyear fraud and theft Noelection ST LiATHAHINle Unl Stephen Lewis Ontario leader said Szlurdij hcrc ill be no provincial election in the wing lCfliLI llll on adieu to spending cuts in health ant trial zeriicc ll old new co icii ND is prepared to propose ai iernate fields ol spending rc iraint and other areas of rent IJC when the legislature re jillll Mr Lewis mentioned taking 0583 look at lilntl iiiiciil laboratory services illll the co of medical drugs and lllfl the government should put more stress on the development 01 preventative medical care lip Mothers fear liiNGLIifliATtT out let Debbie Stropnicky expecting her second cliiiJ in Anglia but says she fears her husband may be out of the tOlnlIy when the tlilltl IJIli lira Stropiiicky said in an iii lfl DUNLOP 51 IIIOI llC the ltniatmiiulrt li1el ll per cent in NW when He was the mo Ilr io nilion women worked in blue An BXOdUS nestine ilitlil of Matawa and linr ntiltmtlrm compared at tuck bullet the anti 301 million men Itililifi Hit In lVn 7ouIInu lieCour tltiili the lite incident began when iritrio ltllittiilt 0lll10 rlttllCfl litltlllit lluiitliv ltll llllt tArt rtt the Lllliilil 1Uflltllvli the toili ioniize lolne sad out lthlX Cl ll cltoits to cut health Kuwl hint tin lltltii walncd the inn llly Iliti lJ ot lie caused tremendous cfwdliS in light lctt the lounge and litter mont tint till lizte early Sun tle lat six months of top phivi ieturicd with lilnililililll lav when she tel irom car tlillli from ioni iii illilitl and 11 119 as backing up and Illtiiiiiill4tliIll in 2mm iizcd three noi run over by he ehicle Police Ilr lie bur said Stigzlziy the HUM mm viu mad the mm was alone 39 Kill lllLilll Sililllos fled into the street followed by the tune of the alllll iiii some ioiimiiwin and earnings at universities or in note oraciicc ha become great all the highlyqualified pewe are ltlli He Still It lil betomc impos ible to recruit nualitici iihisi inns and that some itliits are IMPERIAL lllClJ OVER 2ND WEEK 630 AND 915 lt Nobody could dream him up His incredible bank interning with l1 tnf mooder rather lhn ellle lOI Iitli0ti candidate Rent issue ltlttflU Cli Saturday he lat di tor 51ltlliiidn because its true in Ontario to make applicaions to raise rents by more than eight per tit and for tenants to requert hearing to review illt ICbHi ltithnrd ltli director of rent reiiew office in Metro politan Toronto and Mlulllv 25 western Ontario €15 per cent of the estimated 200000 ap iications received in his region came from landlords ilc said the number tlll de IMPERIAL CINEMA Shown At 700 900 Adult Entertainment robbery is all the more bizarre amp wuntlxoo enclgtthe NOW PLAYING 705 AND 500 Pl Milli UNA n4 liillUi lhhk uniius BROWN LETAIR llllllKV Btianiiiin it AM UNI BEN iiiiwsiw RillliRlltllled lllilillltli uniiiisninixr nitiizitn lllDlltllllll5ltll mini ALISTAIR MACH lauded by NM Iiltlfi twind iRll tilRSlIlh ML Nflwug ll 11 ADI lllli lliiiraiwc li buciianii said the lees daily entrance fee to $1 from 52 p35 g0 gamutd3 national palk5 ictlect Ottawas antiinflation for most parks will be iitiliid ini iitii Hmum and we ammo of vwn liter and film citizens will he lihouumd low Mlle ltli wc olnlllllitl iltltlti mm Wimp limite new two litiltlltf announced Mk all all In real de um iii Wild Wt tliilfle ltmillinrvisitors iiom erul Indians aiil Norlhim 11 MIN prelim your tiers ililiigtti The Schedule reduces the RECEIVES IBM SCHOLARSHIP AWARD made at annual awards day ceremonies held recently at the Colleges Barrie campus The scholarship was one of several new awards presented to leor gian College students this year student at Georgian College in Barrie Presentation of the cash award anda permanent ine iiielito oi achcvcment to Mr lrter an onidtirdfn electro iiiS technology student was Entrance fees to parks to be halved this year rllllili ircen marketing rcprixciitntiie oi ll3l Can Jnln Iniiiitcd llltstiilf the Ill itiiflltllelilp Award to liltliiiltl Allen lcfci of tilt Iinriic an Electronic Technology ill SHOW TIMES 935 Aillfljl lINTEltTAlNMlLNT 309W Mall cméiifiio NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY AWARDS What is the truth about May 61937 it George CScott noarnt wm rnnoucurw The Hindenburg ll the our llll tnlit he sure flnne Bancroft iiill IAM Mill illth llllY llllNNl li till ViTllHll Hllllil iv VJ lll llllll lllll lhlllNth hullmil llliillil or no nAy tom im RICIURH LEVINSON WilllAM LINK NEI SON GIDDING RUBEN W155 in on moi iiit1 SHOW llMliJS ltoil Stewart this and to Screaming Start 310 Adult Delicious and teen burgers big juicy broiled hamburgers with tomato cheese back bacon onion pickles crisp lettuce on sesame seed bun BEST BlillGiClts IN TOWN ONLY at and Ilntirtninmcnt £39 bod emttm lle HRS FERTUR Ilim Oeml Of 347 BALFIELD ST BARRIE 9mg utenghim non srswAm hibernate bl swan tum RULK no not tum Irmsrm rm mow 1M 29 YFfi 52

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