Eur Ifï¬urrtr Examiner Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walla Editor Emerist MONDAY MARCH 1975 we Opening of parlor Vgtgt means look at morals The police though are powerless to opening or curtail the operation of body rub parlor There is apparently nothing in the cri minal code which says it is illegal for young ladies an ability to take off their clothes thorn giving gentlemen rubdowns How can body rub parlors be legal and some magazines illegal Either both are illegal or both are leg al not one legal and the other not If there is to be an enforced moral stan dard in this country then immorality or morality will have to be defined And that is not going to be simple job but it is one thoughtful Canadians may have to face DOWN MEMORY LANE 50 YEARS AGO Examiner Peter Clark CNR yardmaster North Bay to watch son Buster star in nets as junior Iratppers beat 800 Grey hounds 50 and win Northern Ontario sec tion in playoffs for Canadian title Barrie Collegiate Cadet Band engaged to play at Old Home Week celebrations in Huntsville this summer Maurice Estenand Stewart Page produo ed 21 win for Professional Men over Bam kers in town hockey league Curling Club beat Toronto Oakwood by seven shots in annual match Rifle Club organized with William Cross laind first president completed with 24000 tons quality taken from Kempeinfelt Bay to supva railway needs of Central Canada At New Dreamland movie theatre on Bayfield St Charlie Chaplin featured in The Gold Rush Church Young People staged delightful cantata directed by Jessie Bryson St Marys beat Trinity 60 and took lead in Church Hockey League Jack Moore and Byrne starred for winners With all the furor about Barries nude body rub parlor there is some good in it The city will probably take some act ion to define what kinds of businesses should be allowed to operate in Barrie If public reaction is any indication nude body rub parlors are not the type of operation the residents of the city want The nude body rub parlor may also lead to some discussion of morality not only in Barrie but in Canada It is worth noting that While plans were being made to open the nude body rub parlor Barrie police were taking maga zines from some store racks °on the grounds they were obscene The police were acting under the Crim inal Code of Canada stop the 10 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner March I966 Parliament will be called on to make his toric decision to abolish or retain death penalty for first degree murder Editori ally The Examiner 10 years ago favored retaining the death penalty but abolish hanging This is subject on which few men are neutral they either believe in capital punishment or are emphatically against it Whatever course is taken at Ottawa we will later have to evaluate the results in terms of law and orderz Harry Walker retired at Allandale after 45 years service with CNR Bell Can ada held reception at Continental Inn with district manager Al Macmillan pre siding Guests included Simcoe County Warden George McCague of Alliston and Mayor Lester Cooke of Barrie Manager Bob Nelson of Barrie outlined history of telephone in this area First directory iss ued in 1890 listing only 41 customers al though service had begun in 1885 with first exchange Viceconsul of Spain addressed Rotary Club of Barrie Bro therhood in world is key to peace said George Wilson Barrie teacher in addres sing Jaycees Barrie YOUR BUSINESS Business seeking PAGE Henshaw Managing Editor whose training consists of March 1926 was in Goals by Barrie Barrie CNR ice harvest of purest Central United truce with federal government As one illustration be men tioned the debate on the govern ments tax reformswhich were opposed with more bout Amid the constant escalation than light by business cf warfare between government Mn and 2mmlt ers 15 welcome mgn about the failure of the market peace appeal is being put system and his subse uent forward by Marcel Belanser planations the situgiiion has 33 1°59 career has been become almost hopeless Mr Ided almost equally on Belanger believes sides of the govemmentbusi This he contends um my 95 battbhmj tably destrOy the free founda CIIYIPPHY be is on the WWI tions of our economic system ness stde as resrdent of the he said Canadian Institute at Chartered Accountants But in his Feb 26 RISK 03 ANARCHV speech to the Ottawa Chartered The CICA president was Accpungams Club he blame business people to realize that business and government alike governmentswhich must 95 for the wings worsening of re tablish objectives and maintain lations balance between various In Canada private enter flout mid areas3T8 1761 31 prise and government have tacked from all sides ways looked at each other If we are not careful we somewhat like cat and dog but will soon and up with anarchy during the last few years reIa he warns By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service tions between them have Iw ntil quite rcccntIy the Iclt Eggnog teme Mr Bela was preaching Socialism more equal distribution of wealth and the nationalizatimi 21 of certain sectors of the econ Uh Omy gm For the new Icttists these ambitions are now obsolete IIlcy break Iaws with im pumty and even resort to vio 16 Bayficld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Icnce Second Class Mall They have one common Return postage guaranteed enemy The Establishmentin Daily Sundays and other ords Statutory Holidays se WIIO ave excepted IlligItIranking positions in In Iur 11 Subscription rates daily by menI as own $2221 °mfemioIklfs ACCOldins In this new left By Mafl Barrio $44 20 year government and busutess are gimme County $3400 yearly far from born enemies They Balance of Canada $3600 year are Partners he said ly All other countries $4500 examPIcn 931K dema yearly Motor throw off $3600 goguesa°c5e blhlness find the yearly professions of being In bed National Advertising Offices ï¬gggmm because they 65 neon St West Toro aW ctrop no 864 coated in making the anilin 1710 640 ca heart St Mom flation guidelines workable real Member of 01°C reality he added the Mama Press gurdelmes are havdest on bus and Audit Bur cucula 11055 and the professions There lions 15 no 161 The Canadian Press 15 exclu crease inmflilfs pgï¬gnifggeél lively entitled to the use for to publication of all news dispatch 313132 hpflï¬iioï¬lsmirzo e5 this 989 Edited to maximum annual increase or The Assocrated Press or Reu earnings ter and also the local news pub ï¬shed therein MUTUAL RESPECT The Barrie Examiner claims People in business must learn Copyright in all original adver to accept the public sector as titling and editorial material cro tact and not try to turn back ated by its employees and reprov the hands of the clock Mr duced in this newspaper Belangerr argues Copyright Registration Num Business must put forward its her 203815 register 61 ideas as to how government can Improve its performance in doing things that society wants done Ar an example business could try to devise mere cf Iicicnt ways of buJdinLy and It rancing hollltemtrtriinn In this age of industrialization techiques in housing have progressed so little that if an 18thcentury crafLSman miracu loust returned to life he eculd quickly adapt himself to presentday construction job It could also devote great deal more effort to puttmq for ward constructive ideas for dealing with problems such as the fight against inflation rc pional economic development conservation of re=ources ad ministration of social measures and so on he said To repeat Mr BcIangcrs peace overture is welcome move in war that has gone on too long But the federal governments almost cmtemptims reception of the Canadian Chamber of Cemmerces proposals the other day reflects Ottawas slight re gard for the views of business Anzl the strident demands for the prime ministers resignation suggest that the peace move ment hasnt taken deep root in the ranks of business BIBLE THOUGHT even am he that com forteth you who art thou that thou shouldest be afraid of man that shall die and of the son of man which shall be made as grass And forgotten the Lord thy maker that hath stre tched forth the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth and hat feared contlnu ally every day because of the fury of the oppresaor as If he were ready to destroy and where is the fury of the op prasaor Isaiah 5112 18 Too much of life is governed by the two great fears of it what others will think and what they will do The Word of God has way of wiping out those fears Read it believe it If God be for us who can be against us Are you making collection of Bible Digest and would you like to be on the mailing at to receive them monthly after they appear In your paper Write Box 53351 Baton Rouge Louisiana 70805 VV rm NEW EQUIPMENT THE WORLD TODAY Latins unimpressed with Henrys tour HHIN ARIHUIV Foreign Affairs Analyst lilonslll News Servin Lnin Amtqu II with Dr Much rcmzuu unimprcmci Henry Kisvsingers brief tour of their hemisphere just ended In the ï¬rst place the Ameri ca secretary of state cancelled this planned hemispheric visit no loss than six times Iurinq 1975 under the pressure of other events Or so it was sold Washington press critics of Kissinger hmc intimated he doesnt c=teciaIIy like Latin Americans which in itself is misnomer Perhaps you do or rIont like Brazilians Ilexicuns Cuban or hiIeans like you it or dont like Frenchmen Belgians Brit Ish or Germans Bu its hard to cc ulI on person mclurlinz llcnry KISSIHZ not Iikin the population of more than half the hemisphere at any one mnc It has been his anion before and during tbn Iongdcluycd tour which diiIIuImIciI Latins Ili IIlIOIVClnCIll with the ma chination the tirmrr pro dcnt Richard Nixon against the Marxist realm of the uic prora itlem Salvador Allende have been rrIltI in mngrcwinunl Investigatin 15 Dr Kissinger has denied some of them But his senior ptzitum as Nixons top security ruIvicr and then as his sccrc tary of Lite has mount per Sullii socstiu with iniurri Slatcs ctforis to overthrow the loomed Chilean Marxist rc gimc To many Lolin Americans vb atv norIruxit in more so noninterventionist the US mic in attempting to un dermine Chile quIcr Marxism smacks of their 1965 Dominican invasion And that unhappy even with the landing of 20000 US Iil Iincs also was meant to forestal Communist takeover in that once Iiclatmrillcrl countrv And now in Brazil ruIcI by harsh military government not quikc the Chilean nun iIIIlII overthrew and kiIch Allende iiilc III 2971 Iiisiuucr has signed an azlccmcn for rccu Iar JllSIlIiilIIOH with Brazil on ccommic 3qu IIIIUI ma tors The Blazuiuns arc wrricd about their growing deficit in trade wiih lb 175 now at abnu record SH biIIion as well as the negative Imbiugtm of Brazils ilUII for up pIlII£I1IIIIII World issues Ibc BurMinus for cxmuplc HIICNIIUHI liu rc iutiou I0 condrmn Zionism rucimi SQWQNS 93535 Toasts mark retirement of Stanï¬eld as leader The Ottawa Bureau Of Thomson News Service OTTAWA Two toastsJ more appropriately gcntlc roastsmarde the retirement of Bolt stanIicId and the succes sion of Jae Clark as Progres sive Conservative Icadcr Minister Iicrrc Trudeau lumentcil the solitim up of what suppose could be caIIeI Ihc ItI CoupIc in his tribute to Mr Stanfield have been the object of Big Ihundor rolling over there as the press have nick named the trailer of the oIpusi lion the PM said He is for lunutc in sense IIIzit we can U18 his nickname in the llousc The nickname the press gives me is unparliamentary Probing ilmuiil Is sum md IrIO II IIudctul brought the House down when he added should uy what borrowed Icw of them in my day Iory Iqusc carter God Bald wln said he understands that after watching the PM Mr Stanfield will now take up the art of wrestling as very useIul and cffectuvc mounts of dealing WIIII the problems of the roun try llis wit cnublcd Mr Stanfield to respond supcrny to the trib utcs After all that Mr Speaker at less IOquacious man than my golf would be speecbless be extra Before this afternoon and those cxtramdinmy remarks had sensed tho the cuIIiIV micb Im um Iw wmc again but did not fully realize clout tho mth MIN IIm politician the mr abiIity In Inugh himself alm cvprcsscd my 11Tl ihanks to the stan of the rczcli flan sard Ilmy have hurl to be very patient with me Im Mr Stanfield had several mes stages for Ir Irmlcml might have mid sun posc IIIat he will not have Bob Stanfields IoolInII to kick around my mare am of course LOLIlIIIUIlI in the House as the member for lvlaliiax and want to sercc na tice on the right ItonorabIc prime minister and members the government that as hack IlCILICI III mm more of tiger than have been as lender had question prepared today that would bring the tfuv cmmrvl down Il but Invt decided that in be cilcunr stunvm Will defer it until next week Mr Trudeau volunteered pledge in his welcome to Mr Clark can any to the louder will do my best to keep 11H in his present iob as long as can and as had occasion to say to be IItIL uI crutic party Ed Broadbcut few months ago wish him well but not too well can undertend the desire to be prime minister you know bit 031 and the swim though the tough military gov clmncm hos IIttIc tintc for the Icftwmq rcgimm which also voted againt IltvncI Bu Brazil fills 10 cent of IIIL South American land mass and that AmoricanBrazilian northsouth axis govs back I0 the Second World War Brazil wishes this to remain strong Agniut bis was the arbitrary choice madc by Kissinger and his IIrIes as to which countries vouIII be vigtitcd CIIIIC with its harsh military junta was ob viously out So was proud but deeplytrou IIcrl Argentina which could IuI seen IIIIIJ7IIISCII Ixis zingcr in Bucnr Aircs on the lay the unruly Icnines would Iccidc to to out Prcltiv uct Isabel 1crw1 II IIuo no AmcriiJI presi IUII or secretary of zitc can be nII tbinm to aII mm in Lntin America But sunIv IIIs Is the ban Icltmi they nI niunv of the rct of us rcIusc to learn Ihcr is no Latin America N0 REAL LATIN AMERICA Ihcrc is collection of mixed largo ani small nations with several common Hispanic and indigenous heritaccs The west ern brmlspbcrc is comolcx InnI cl lhc rctIc Ihird Uliiti min pool usioiialb now that the question of anouynuris Io nors will no Iongzr be an isuic But urr Ivu nWIl more fun to bc leader of the 0D IOsitiun III will coupon in vcry can to ensure that that is the car Noting there is much talk of an ideological suht in rho IOry nartv Mr Broadhcrt squ tbt unless and truth Mr Clark is member of socialist part be rcaIIv will not know what battle iv bctwccu the left and the right IEw swim when Mr Clark opened with li urcmul member of his timiin It Iuivc ElSlIl1l£I an OIIIIciul position in the Commons great uncle of mine was the first purlinmetary secre Inly to be tory of tn3ltls Immediately after that umviulmcnt the Ilousc PI Iummzms buran dawn nu trust Ihrre will be no unhealthy repetition of that precedent have been away he said later am it is really quite startling to come back to the House and to hem oneself for the first time ietctrcd to by the prime minister as the leader of the Opposition It is moving experience and our in whose sniisfnctions hope in be able him myself some time in the fu ture It wont be IIr IIVlIflrl George IIecs PCPrince Ed wardllustiugs Ia to introduce LETTERS TO EDITOR Fears for future of children if body rub porIor allowed Dear Sir Permit me to protest strong ly against the appearance of body rub parlor in Barrie There is direct link between pornography body houses etc and violent crimes especially rape and murder particularly murders of young children for kicks Susan Brownmillcr noted fe minist made this point specif ically in her recent visit to Tor onto SIIc says much the same in her book MEN WOMEN and RAPE lncidentaIIy so did the late Edgar HOOVER from an entirely different personal phil osopby fear for the future of our children and Barrie if this dreadful thing is not prohibit ea Yours sincerely ll COFFER 38 Jills Court Barrie We dont have to follow examples set by Dear Sir am writing with regards to the proposed opening of Bar ries first Body Rub Parlor at 69 Collier Street which inciden tially at the writing of this let ter has not been officially ap proved by thc City Solicitor My husband and moved to Barrie from the Toronto area two years ago and one of the strong points which attracted us to this beautiful area was the fact that even though it was on ly an hours drive away from Toronto it had very differ ent way of life it seemed quiet and peaceful and definitely not commercialized or exploited as bigger city tends to be The point am trying to get at is that personally feel the opening of such an establish ment will tarnish the reputation and attractiveness that Barrie holds as more cultural city and as nice place for family to live also feel that the opening of tuis type of business will pave the way for more of the same Toronto so that eventually we may well have street similar to the Yon gc Street strip in 10WIItUII Ior onto am afraid that prospect doesnt appeal to me very much 0n talking to the Barrie Zon ing Department was iulorm ed that Body Rub Parlor does not come within the bounds of the zoning requirements for the Collier Street area however uniiI tbty rcccixc verbal com plaint from an alderman or formal written complaint from Burric citiacn tIu particular establishment mil continue to ex15t As very interested and proud citizen of Barrie would like to appcaI to fellow cuti zens in expressing their views on helping to discourage this type of business starting in our fair city After all jut because we live close to Toronto doesnt necessarily mean we have to follow their example SinccrcIv ersfv Sharon Gibbons 49 oum Orivc Hurric Ontario Lets save Beautiful Barrie from ugly body Dear Sir Lots smc the Beautith Bar rie from the ugly nude body rub parlor and keep it clean and beautiful just as ve say it There are number of clean cr mcam available all around us to discharge the builtup phy sical and cmutionai exhaustions if the visitors to the body rub if the visitors to the body rub parlors are not merely interested in the extras that are serv cd by these places am inviting interested pers on to discuss the pros and cons of such place in the heart of the city am going to present talk on the Progres sive Relaxation training to over come anxieties and tensions in daily Iivnc on Thursday Ap riI at 930 am at the Lad ies Coffee Break at the Barrie The bodyrub parlor will be taken up to compare with its alternative the Sensory Awak WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for pub lication must be original cop Ics signed by the writer Plea se Include your street address and phone number although they will not be published Let ters which cannot be authenti cated by phone cannot be pub lished For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter QUEENS PARK Next while is critical By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The next while and particularly the first days of the session could be critical for the Davis government in one regard They will Ici us know whether it can roaIIy stick by decision The government is under sirOn local pressure now for its decisicnrs on hospital clos ings Once the session opens this pressure will he stepped up alt opposition members confront it in the house And it will be under some pressure from within its own caucus to change its mind In all an accumulation of pressures which may be hard to resist On part exponicnce we have been shown that the present ail ministration is not all that firm in standing by its policy deci 510115 The classic example of this was the Spadimu Expressway when gave in before pressure groups and did away with the cxprcsway at cost of many millions of dollars Then there were rout con trols lts original position was adamantly against but then it slowly weakened until today we have system which there is evidence may be too bureau cratic and too rigid rub porIor cuing method developed by qualified professionals that cou ple can enjoy at home and ach ieve better physical and emo tional satisfaction Meanwhile if there is no law in the city to rcguIate such an undesirany establishment why cant we make the law It is so easy to lose sight of the real issue when we try to justify our selfish interests Yesterday read in your paper Mr Marshall saying the place will be very popular and the girls will earn lot Tonight read Messrs Cherry and Holly wood expressing concern that the place will not be an added at traction for people to come to downtown and being so small community it will not be cc onomically viable Is the con cem is how much revenue via bility Or is it something else can bet it will be econom ically booming because beside being the winter and summer esort for the lorontonians Bar rie will now bring them by the thousands especially because of the new law that regulates the previously uncontrolled operation of the parlors in the Yonge St rcet Lets not create another Yon ge Street here Before this is done however should not miss this beautiful chance to satisfy my compuIsivc dcsirc to com pare the experience with the prozrcssive relaxation training method that recommend to my clients Sincerely yours Rachid PILD Psychologist In gencuaI Ibo approach of the government has been more one of compronuse than cou stancy COULD SIIATTER Hospital closings could be the prime test llhere is gmd reason to be Ilcvc as has been motioned here that those intentionally were carried out dIamaticaIIV so as to give thIiug public demonstration of restraint lhcy illustrated to everyone that the government meant business Any withdrawal from them could not only weaken this im pact it could shatter it For even an easing of the cIusings in one or two instances would give the immessinn that the government was less than Iirm in its belief in the urgent nced of restraint To public which is already suspicious of governments con viction towards restraint be cause of continued inflated Ot tawa spending this could bring about final loss of faith AIso of course politicalIy it vouId confirm what good many people nIrcudv believe that the Davis ulministrution is dawdlmg one The final decision on the clos ings has to be recognized as one of the toughest Davis has had to face It could also turn out to be the most important