Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1976, p. 13

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PERSONALSMW Some Babysitters are UNRELIABLE Babysitters are EXPENSIVE Babysitters are UNTRAINED Babysitters are UNINSURED Babysitters GET SICK Babysitters WANT VACATIONS Babysitters DONT GIVE RECEIPTS For SUPERIOR SERVICE call Babies weeks 169 BAYFIELD ST 7287081 PERSONALS THE CLANSMAN MANOR RESIDENTIAL HOME at BIG BAY POINT Provides supervisory and person al care standard semiprivate and private accommodation av allllC Kiddiskool PreSchoolers IO HELP vaNjgp WE NEED YOU YOU NEED US Ever wondered if theres fu ture for you with the Ontario Automobile Association Find out how qualified persons are paid salary big commissions and inflation fighting bonuses Full or parttime Maturity and car important We need you Lets talk it over Contact MR AYERS aIt LAKE SIMOOE norm BARIRIIS TUESDAY MARCH own on WRITE HIM The discounted rates until February 14 ruauc Nance vantage of the discount you may NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS The final discount date for the purchase of dog licenses in the City of Barrie is February 29 1976 To take ad forward your money by mail or call at the treasurers office in the City Hall 29 1976 are $600 36 DONALD ST AT PO BOX 474 BARRIE for male or spayed female and $800 for female After 7286330 MVF Iyi PERSONALS ENGLISH RIDING Instruction lndoor arena minutes from Barrie Windy tourili Farm 7260192 Au17 CARTOONST avaiable to entertain at cnildrei parties $12 Further inforl motion 7266056 most evenings MI TELECARE Why tloht your pro blem alone Let friend help Cali lelecarn 1267012 anytime TF WIDOW alone lonely Owns lovely home Friendly happy nature Wants sincere qentleman companion early Titties Give phone number Replies answered Box 20 Barrie Examiner F2728M1456 INCOME TAX returns personal and small business also bookkeeping for contractors small firms 7261888 30 PAY HALF the price youre paying now and have an oriqinai Dressmak 4363252 112 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 it you drink thats your business It you on time want to quit thats ours Call TF JULIES 33 Essa Road we trade and sell used pocket novels Open arn to 10 prn days week 10 HELP WANTED MB ing by Roxiiena after pm IO HELP WANTED OPENING foI an ambitious sales erson commencmien salary from ErOli to 500 oer month plus bonus vn st have Grade 11 minimum and three vzar Lusmess experience Cali 21436 Monday through Friday in 12 run MWTF Telephone 7287591 Ml3 CERTIFIED AUT OBODY MECHANIC rmired immediately Georqian Pontiac Buick GMC Ltcl 145 Bradford 81 Barrie Comprehensive benefit and insiuance plan Oftemuneration base on flat rate hour Contact TREVOR DOIVNING 7261383 II THE CANADA WOOD SPECIALTY CO LTD progressive expanding company in the custom specially wood products busmess requires FOREMAN To take charge of their production line producing plz wood lIClIIll tops The successful applicant will possess practical knowledge oi machinery together with the ability to cominuinicate with pcoplc Please apply for interview to HR PETER AYLINII THE CANADA WOOD SPECIALTY CO lll PO Box 453 ORILLIA Ontario telephone 102163513 ALL APPLICATIONS WILL BE HELD IN SIthfl UOMIDILNCIJ Il EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Auctioneers $5000 AVON PO Box 480 BaiIIC Barber Shops and Hairdressnig Establishments at each location Ontario IWl13l per Chair 3200 QTflflm Per Dryer $200 ELECTROLUX Billiards Pool and Bagatclle Tables We have an opening for fulllime sates represents iv with car Also 15l3 Table $00 parttlime 9mm ssionedbfrancteise av each addjtional table slim Bl abe Oi dBY rial BSIS or con fidential interview phone Bill BOWIUIS AIMS earl alley $1000 Graul 7283392 MsM29 Butchers 3th shop $151 Car Washes cach self service bay $133 $250 FULLJIIIIL Mechanical automatici 2500 Cigars Cigarettes and tobaccog each shop $1500 01 5319 lldeCNllbl be able Circuses and other shows per diem $10000 to work tour veIenImgS little Business promotion shows without games of chance car and be willing to learn Ist week $4000 For an appointment call 1362007 98W SUbbefernl Week $3000 13 Dance Halls and other halls CamSHIiébfiI Dance Halls $10000 sa es person for ex clusive 115 and Canadian lines OperI PUNK Halls 000 alirin Barrie and North Telephone 723 Dogs Male dog spayed female if license 1373 daily and 7267107 evenings M2 before March lst 5500 BROKERS tor fa taxi full and part after March 1st so no Iite drivers must be 25 or over must Female dog if license paid have chaullcur licence Call 4354304l Vlaridav to Friday to pm Ml 35013131312111 3800 rgt at er are 15 £1000 HOWARD JOHNSONS Restaurant 355 Bavlzed street is now interviewmg forI Dram L339 Lomrddms 000 one fulltIme cook and neI fIJlltime Laycr $500 lirinq room personnel ul raininq nrowdsd Apply In person only MI DillIn bfth Opelam 8900 Drlvmg IIISLIUCLOI v1 van or aary morn no delivery in Barrie Must be bond Cleaners Ch Canon 3191 able Telephone collect mam5753 Electrical Contractor $1500 data Mr Norm Britten Ml Master Electrician $500 REAL ESTATE person reqmrecl Ap7 Fuel Dealer Coal coke WOSd Oil etc $1000 DIV WO Emory We Garage public and automob service station 1000 M4 72°183L Ilawkers and Pedlars each person $10000 ORDER PROCESSOR Laundries each location $1000 Lales oriented person withl tutor Ildris Laundromats each location mminlv construction so es lo ll7llCllC of costing and stock con pm 391mg mdhme 00 viti some draftmn experience Approvals 01 Park annual 54000 aarv to he nonotiated Complete com yewspaper boxes eah box on 00 3ft Plfll If pITaln5ncnd mm OX Ml Pawnbrokers each llop spoon Photonraphers non resident $10000 EXPERIENCED travel consultantl IeI travel aoencv must have at least Plumber ContraclOI 8100 years in an lATA office able to Matu $500 °°5° whng Journeyman 8200 Public Address Systems each shop or vehicle $1000 lestaurants lunch counters and ictuulluig houses l2 TENDERS up to top seat capacity $500 mcre than ten up to twentyfour $1000 VESPRA TOWNSHIP lIlOle than twentyfive seat capacity $2500 lloller Skating Rink each rink 33000 lIIlchi quotations will be receiv Show Galleries CaCll gallery $3000 cd the undersigned clerk up Theatres each seat 20 In Oclurl 11001 March 20 Dlllycm Theatres caill IPIC 31 Ifth lor the purchasc llOlTl the Used 011 L015 Icaihlliallt do township of the Iollowmg used Vehicles from which relrcshmcnts are sold equjIIncnI VethIe All others each $2100 The Cridl Counselling Seriicc of Stiiicoctjcurgian Bay requires Ex PULI€ Director to administer public SCIHCC agency dcsicncd lo assist district residents 11th involved consumer ICltl situation liuties will include interviewing applicants oiisiilcziii lllLl iilunl family problems investigation oi financial situations counseling and administering rehabilitation programs plus ollicc duties background of consumer credit otlicc managcmcnt Irinin culln selling or equivalent experience will be liepful Apolicanls murl lIC prepared to take full charge of lalrilny execution ll TOll ihlzili lishcd by Board of Directors Salary range kiiiinimisiirnle with appliance Please fill out the application below and return it To THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bavfield St Barrie OR PHONE 7266539 Name Address Telephone APPLY TO BOX P19 THE BARRIE EXAMINER CLOSING DATE MARCII 10 1971 10 HELP WANTED BOYS II l0 HELP WANTED in the following areas QLEEN AND DUCKWORIII AREA BLAKE AND ST VINCENI ARR1 COLLIER BLAKE AREA BURTON AVII IIiAILER PA Illx SIAYNER MINESING COOKSTOWN AMELIA EUUIINI Sl ll ll IIIIIA CREEMORE LLMVALE BURDEN mun uuu LIylt Ade 6R5 Earn Extra Money In Your Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS ANNUAL MEETING Board of Directors of VON Simcoe County THURS MARCH 11 1976 City Clerk Board Room ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL Ml in AVON no £4 at Oun ant your own busmess Be an AVON Representative Sell quality products make your own hours Openings in Barrie and Simcoe County PUBLIC NOTICE gt Call today 7289652 or write February 29 1976 the rate will increase $200 STRAUGHAN 112427M14 1976 Licenses are now due and should be procured at the Municipal Office Municipal Building 84 Collier Street for the following ONE lDtil THREE TON INIISR Since penalties and fines can now be imposed in accordance with NATIONAL TRUCK USED BY existing Bylans IllLl FIRE DEPARTMENT UNI liiT CAILLRPILIIJAR DIES1 II CRAWLLI NO 01an IITII FRONT END LOADER lliciICsl or any quotation not noccgtszirily ncccptctl March Isl 1970 at the Municipal Building STRALGIIAN ny Clerk Box 400 Barrie Ontario For particulars or iIipcction untoi lA CAIRNS llidliurst lint IZlll IllCllAIiDSIIX lIl Clerk 17 turn SI BARRIE IIARRIL EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 an ounces nnuiiv not color on on new home you should endeavor to obtain your license ictorl 214 31731 As the law assumes they are all innocent until proved guilty assume they are all guilty until proved innocent and that way we get an even balance eimuumunuun Ace appliance About that TV set Just boughtl The 1mm ITHE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 1976 18 WANNOUNCE SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES ENTS Death Notices Engagements Birth $450 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $150 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $150 Verce per count line extra 20 cents per line Coming Events $291 per column inch BIRTHS DEATHS Mondays mic is air of face Tuesdays chm ls full of grace Wednesdays chil is full of woe Thursdays child has far to do Frldays Chil lr lawns and gIvmg SatulIdIays child works hard for ru And child that Is born on the Sabbath Day fair are wise and 909 and gay Children hearinn this verse by counter Culioe always want to know wnich day of tie week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future Berrie Evamirier Birth Announcement vil Include the name of your child the day the week month and year of birth viral informatlon printed message can become permanent record In Babys Bnol or Family Albums rate for Barrs Examiner Birth No rice is only $4550 mazimum 40 words Additional words cents per word °HONE 7282414 MURIELS FLOWERS 77 annual sr 728I 561 Anti FLOWER FAIR The Florist Who Cares GIIUVLJ DUCKWOIII PLAZA 7268642 1E DEATHS ARNOLD Funeral Home Sr Chapel 137 BAYIIELD Sl 7282530 liiendly Courteous Service ltll5 GORING Frank At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Saturday February 18 1971 lrank Goring in hl 82nd year Beloved husband of the late Olive Lambert near father of lildon of Gravenhurst Lloyd of Mis sissauga Clare of Scarborouon How ard of South Porcupine Marioria Flcar Barrie Dorothy Ashby of Na nairio BC and Donna Hozer of Al len Park Mlcniqan Survived also by one sister Mrs Jennie Kniqnt Barrie 27 orandctialdre and 16 great nrandchildre Ran at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worslpv Street Bar ri Service In the clinrel on Tuesday March at on interment Barrie Union Cemclrrv GUTHRIE Wesley Norman Afst Michacls Hospital Toronto on Friday February 27 1976 Wesley Norman Guthrie in his 57nd year Beloved hus band of Anna Marie Perencz father of Deborah Mrs Dusome Carl Randy and Cathy al of Baffle Grandfather of Greg brother of Ray mond Guthrie and Edith Peeler both me Home 30 Worslcv Street Barrie after Sunday Completi service In the chapel on Monday March lat at 330 nm Interment Barrie UnIoi Certietcry Ml Vrtoria Horntat on Saturday ruarv 73 1976 Roy Lann husband of Core Nelle Land of RR No Barrie Dear father of Marion Mrs Hiirstl Geord ton IBeach Jim Latin Bill Lana Char les Lann all 01 Barrie and Lloyd Leno of Dean River Dear nrandfatiwr at in Inraldchildren Dear Ms Delnio of facw Mr Feb Thunder Bay Crew of Lavaln On Alice Mrs Craft of Pains rrk John of Midland 0an of Mid burst and Richard of Barrie Restinn at the Jennnf Funeral Home lav March at lntermenl Bar he Union Cemetery M7 DEIROII Ll Two years ago during Detrous nightmare Winter of lucl shortages and mounting Inllation 75 auto makers li1 an unproce dentcd scramble to meet sud don demand ll small cars It was as one spokesman for the Big Three auto makers put it The worst time of our lives Everybody wanted small car and there we were with big cars coming out of our cars Now lictroit is scramblingt ignin only this lllllt Its cuttinu Ihack small car production bo iause of rising inventories ovcr flowing with unsild little autos Has the consumer turned fickle No not at all The problem is we gooted again said an if ficial at Ford Motor Co Our smallcar sales are up lot from year ago but we cv pcctorl them to be up oxen more LEVELLED 01 Whats happened industry OI ficials agree Is that the small car boom has levelled off as un expectedly il begun with the start of the Mideast oil em bargo and the curl of auto price controls in mm Small car sulcswith the ox replion of Importsare up sharply from last year as are Iall car sales But some con sumers who were thinking small for the first time be cause of skyrocketing gasoline prices long lines at the pumps and the shrinking value of their dollars are now thinking big gerif not big AI 10 some limr worried fullltsize car shoppers who sat out the market for more than two years are returning their confidence in the economy and availability of fuel partially re stored Small carswhich include compacts such as the Chevrolet Noia sporty compacts such as the weight and other The M2 Dear of Barrie and Edna Wiles of Califor Restlnn at The Stecklev Funeral LANG Roy Vincent At the Royal beloved Beach Dal hrolnr oi Ethel I5 Bradtnrd St Barrie Service and reiw In ttal complete in the henI on Tue MccANN Arthur At his residence lon Friday February 27 1976 Arthur McCann in his 72nd year beloved hus Iband of Rila Ward of RR No Ut fopla Dear father at Michael of RR 3100 Barrie and MaryAnn at home Dear grandfather of John Michael and Stephanie Dear brother of Cissia of ireland Resting at the Jennett Fun rral Home 15 Bradford 51 Barrie service and committal complete in the chapel on Monday March lstIat ii am Interment Thornton Union Cemetery M1 MeCLELLAND Rita May Suddenly at Shetloke Hospital Hamilton on Fri day February 27 1976 Rita May Beasley at 54 Mohawk Rd West Ham ilton Beloved wife of the late Charles Mack McClelland Dear Sister Ruth Jessie Beasley of Hamilton Mrs Robert Pattison of Barrie Wil fred of Saskatchewan Predeceased by sister Eva and two brothers Elmer and Archie Resting at the Mar latt Funeral Home 6i5 Illain st Hamilton Service on Tuesday at 200 pm Interment in White Chapel Mem orial Gardens Mi OREILLY Edna Mary At the Roy al Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sunday February 29 1976 Edna Mary Barrett beloved wife of the late OReilly idcer mother of Mrs Howard Leona Duggan of Sfayner Oliver and Leo both of Barrie Mrs Roy Mar qaref Romans ot Scarborough and William of North Bay Survived al so by l8 grandchildren 20 greatgrand ihildren and one brother Lorne Bar reit Restino at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie al ter ram Monday Funeral Mass at St Marys Church Barrie on Wed nesday March at pm St Marys Cemetery on Tuesday at pm HEARDOFTTHANKS Interment Rosary serVIce IN MEMORIAM FOSTER in loving memory of dear mother and grandmother Gladys wonderful mom laid to rest For each of us she did her best Her place on earth no one can till We miss you mom and always will sadly missed by son Keri grand children Paul Steven and SueAnn Ml FOSTER ln lovmq memory of dear mother and qrandmother Gladys You can only have one mother Patient kind and true No other friend in all the world will be as true to you To those who have mother Cherish her with care YouIIll never know how much you miss er Till shes no longer there Sadly missed by son Don daughter lnlaw Joan grandchildren Dawn and MI FOSTER In memory of dear Wile I109i735dy5 who passed away March IGod saw you netting weaker So he did what he Ihouoht best He came and stood beside you IAnd whicpered come and rest IYou wished no one last farewell Nor even said goodbye You had qone before knew it And only God knows why Alwevs remembered by husband Clifford Ml COMING EVENTS PANCAKE SUPPER Tuesday March 530 to 330 pm GllllRllI CUIIMUXIIY CENTRE dtilts 200 Children under 12 $125 INCLUDES Pancakes Sausuccs and Maple Sytup Hosted by 0R0 and DISTRICT LIONS CLUB BINGO Si lohn izinncv lIall TUESDAY MARCH $300 Jackpot IllTI the Ford Mustang subcompacts such as the American Motors Gremlin and virtually all im pollshave accounted for less than 18 per ccn of the market so far this model year There has also been shift to bigger cars in Canada Sales of big cars rose by four per cent in 1975 and their share of the market increased to 537 per cut from 19 pct cent in 1974 Sales of small cars dropped to 101 pcI ccnt min 501 per cent ltllVIlltSAL UNLIKELY llowmcr no one believes the trend toward small cars will be reversed and i8pcrccnt share of the US market is nothing to sneeze at But for now plants producing small cars which were working at full steam in the last few years while bigcar plants were Shootiist Pigeons going on the Pill NICE France ReuteriJlhe 20000 pigeons in this sunny Riv iera resort are gomg on the pill To cut down the rapidlyrising pigeon population here health authorities are going to feed the pigeons corn laced with birth control drug to stop female pi geons ovulating for three to tour months The operation is expected to out the towns piegon colony by 50 per cent LONDON Router mil lionaire earl has been criticized for saying he Will not allow the public to tour his castle because they would leave an unpleasant smell PloydellBouveric eighth Earl of Radnor told meeting of businessmen am told that you can even smell them and eventuallv your house becomes rather like station MP Maureen Colquhoun said the earl sounds like very smelly man to me She said any public grants to his home should be withdrawn so that it falls down around the earls cars The earl who owns an Eli zabethan castle near Salisbury said that due to its trianugIar shape there is no wing in which he might live so as to com plctcly avoid the public feel that in this particular castle the people would destroy its soul he said Rowdymun us musical Cl ItlllilvW musical version of Gordon Pinscnts the Rowdyman and new musical rcvicw By lcorcl based on tile songs of George Gershwin will be pro ViccI the Charlottetown Festival this year The two new works will play in repertory with Anne of Green tables hc musical acclaimed as an international hit which ill in is Ilth sonmi Pinscnt who wrote and star rod in the original movie 10 sum 01 The Rowdyman null IIT in the musical Opening June 23 Music is being com Il fanIc llt wrote the music and Lyrics for lcase for Two now in its 10th month in Toronto cabaret lin Liind the festivals ar tistic director will codircri Ilir Routlyman with Pinscnt who lately has been playing in John and the Missus at the Nep tune Theatre in Halifax By George is being plOtlJLlll as the Charlottetown Festivan salute to the US bicentennial will open July Anne of irccn Gables opens June 30 The three shows rim at tho latlicrs of Confederation Centre here for the peak summer foul isl months on Prince Edward bland Try Examiner Want lids 72824I4 Detroit rushing to cut production of small cars sitting Idle are going down The bigcar plants meanwhile are getting busier as Detroit keeps increasing its production sliedules for those models Production scnedulcs haw also had to be adjusted at Cana dian automobile plants because large majority of the cars manufactured in Canada arc sold in the Unted States Through the first four months ol the model year import sales In the US were down four per cent from year ago but do mestic subcoman sales were up 17 pcr cenl compacts 27 per cent and sporty small cars five per cent Together thats 17 per cenl gain for small cars But bigcar sales were up better than 21 per conta far sharper gain than Detroit says it expected when it two legends LUIS ANLiIIZLLS tAl liin actors waited patiently in the morning sun as the film crew prepared complicated shot on the lilidwcslcrn street at Burn bank Studios The pair were ac customed to waiting having spent total of 88 years in the movie trade If must eyes on The Sliootist set were trained on the two ac lors no wonder You dont often rec two rutii legendary ligrirrr locclher anymore They were John Wayne and James Stewart just about the last stallllinig remutants of the realtinsel Hollywood days of the 19303 They looked 300d Wayne 68 wore mustache and minigoalee in his role as 31111UDKEI who learns ho is ill set its production schedules ing in cidlLLl Stewart locked leClIlly professional as the doctor who tells him the news Its taynes picture and Stewart consented to play the brief important role of the bearer of bad news Its the first time he has played cameo role and he likes the idea SllilLilllL DIRECI INC Mike lirmkmirli is producinz llie Sliuotisl for DUIo De Lau ieuziis and Paramount Don sie gel directing More accustomed to slambalng epics with Clint Eastwood Siegel seemed to be enjoying the experience of di recting Wayne and Stewart

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