AN ELEUANI baked pota to with tasty cheese and onion Edam baked potatoes are delicious change of pace EDA BAKED POTATOES An elegant baked potato with fair cheese and Onion filling Edam baked potatoes can be prepared in advance for ti dc Clovis change of pace Serve with steak chops cold cuts or alone as snack EDI BAKED POTATOIZh medium sized baking potatoes cups shredded importer Illt You shouldnt buy diamond before knowing what it is If youre planiing to go ct guged you would be wise to Hi vieate yourself about lildiiohdw before making that allimport ant purchase First COITTC the decision of whether to surprise your girl with the ring or ak her help in selecting it Today most young couples shop together and make it shared experience And too many young girls like to have say in choosing their diamond yon decide to shop together tirst visit the jeweller by your self and select few diamonds in your price range The jeweller will be happy to ptit them aside and show only those prc selected diamonds when yoti and your fiancee come in together However whether you go to gether or you surprise her learn all you can about how to buy diamond before shopping d39 niond is an investment in heniii it is an investment in individual It for no two diamonï¬s are alike An it is an investment in the future because diamond the hardest substance known to man is forever to prices of diamond en gagement rings you can ex pect to rpend more today than liances did in past years Like everything else diamond prices have increased over the year For example good quality wi carat diamond engagement ring costs from about $000 up today The reason one diamond costs more than another is not became of size alone There are four factors that govern prices ear at weight clarity color and en ting No two diamonds are alike nature saw to that Even two diamonds 0f the same size have different qualities of color clar ity and brilliance and will lie irieed differently Asking how much oucearzd diamond should cost is like ink ting how much car costs You would certainly want inforination about the make model year and condition of the cr The diamond has characteristics that determine cost oo iinrc are no fixed prices for liar monds To be sine fill are getting 0lll moneyn vvorfnmconsulf Polly5 Pointers By POLLY CRANE near Polly had trouble atfldilil fivc galliii illiii can with figli lllllll int wet to oitl ii ii ianf ule eiigh an od pickle nail tldllt llll fop Illl IIHIKlIi for if mu Phase pails also make excellcn duper nails as lilllc hand can not remove the snugly closing tops Also good for storing large ritiuiilities of flocr do nd cc heryl filling lidam baked pvdLiLUCgt can be prepared in advance ltiitl iiilarii t6 otiiic ciii ifiiflfitlil and tablespoon butter tcnwoon tunnel tal0pvoli mun Salt and Pepper Scrub potatoe Place on but inf sheet id buie iii pgciient cd 123 degxeclt ovci inrI vf 11 011 who cil tll in half lctgthvvrc tiCiilll iltl1itlli DialrlfY stti it ieputabie jewelicr ilcs no vi mond expert lltl and will be nappy to point oiii the hour ff to yuiiand he will explain the differences in various diamond and how flice dlffcrences after the price Carat the irst of Hi hold is the unit of weight ior llulllil carat is equal 200 milliqiaiih and there are carats in the avoiidnpois ouncc Ihc carat is further divided into 100 points like the cents dollar 431mi diamond weigh little less than half carat The average sire of an engage ment ring in his country is be fvgtn A12 47 points Color iiiiporaiit factor determining tnc price fir din IITOllvls are pllLOll in 1lLitUii t0 the intentity of their color their brilliance and their clarity And humonds come in all colors of the spectrum Ios diamonds described as white are nearly colorless but have slight lillJC of color lhis color add warmth to each diamonds unique per sonality Completely colorless icy white diamonds are very rare and are priced according White diamonds with tinge of blue known as bluevvlnte are rarer stnf perhaps one in many hundred thousands Ihe variations in color are often so tIizhi they can be dc tccted only by cxncrl under special lights The best wit to see the true color of diamond is to look at the stone through its side against while back ground Clarify Most diamonds con tain natural illlCllCfllUlIgtltlh bubble or lines included ii the stone when Lt was eryiallicd from carbon millions of years ago Where such ncluvom no not interfere materially with the passage of light throuin the stone ihey do not affect lt beauty However the fewer lII elusions in diamond the more valuable it is flawless dia inoiid one that shows no im ocrfcctions to trained eye using Illpower iiiagnilication is rare Many people llCllL dial diamond which is no llanlCh must have flaws or weaknesses Inclusions are iiriiicrfectioiis but they are not necessarily weak nesses liairioiid does not have to be flawless to be beautiful In sense the inclusions in diamond are its fingerprints and like fingerprints no two arc Mike 121 lllh rcfcrs to both Illltlv of it diamond oi lllf 11 iiCIs Liit iiiniigcd and in clinpc Uioinond wit cut itlol dine in an exact niaiheniaficid loiiiiila that places iir for urliccsi of flu liaiiioirl iii piecirc relations to each other The standard diamond ciif has 58 ftites For diamond to have perfect make the angles bc lvvccii any two face must to hcl for delicious change of pace Serve with steak chops cold evils or alone as snack elll potato centre and iiiiii li mashed potato with con shiel ded imported llollaiid Edam but Tci ii Him ll sprinkle with remaining shredd Io pretentc LiltLl iliï¬ii degrees oviii flillvlL iiiiiiiiiu iiiit cltwe iiiiii id illiii hen iii urn luc ti iiiQ il tin accurate to within half do tree This will product the great Wl fire and brilliance Anything less reduces both the beauty and the value of diamond Cut also rclcrs to the shape of the fiiiiiied diamond The round for brilliant cow is the bid popular of all gtllLil llie oval i5 an elongated round Im iiiaiqiiisc is an oval with points if both ends and hc penrulinpc is round at one end and pointed at the other The llCLIllgtllzpf ir pearliape with notch in the round end The emeraldcut is rectangular with facets on lic sides and ends and cios the corners And recently new shape has been dcicloiicii the starshape vvdli either or vllll Actually fin iiiicliig monds is no mystery all It llliif takes little iiiuleriinlie of the gtlllll difference In pini ity that make one stone woriii nvore than another dchcnic graduations of color hareij visible imperfections accur ncy of cut araf wcielit is matter of personal choice and your annual lindgcti iliui remember your diamond engage ment ring will last many life times with appropriate care and attention when deciding how much to investi Whatever the sic shape color clarity of fin diamond you gt2l0tilt ii vvili be cherished lorev ert iii GEORGIAN COLLEGE fitf lo know your loinniuniiv Barrie SOFT SIONII SllLllLRII Georgian College is ofloiinp sefi stone sculpture sry ItTS void l£iltll $3500 lilif weeks OFFL00 VINO looms and without loom lhc weaving tapestry sprang iiiipic STARTS Vlollfll lillh PIII $3th 10 weeks lor information registration 115 Bell Farm Road BARRIE EXTENSION SERVICES lllrl two examples of the Illillh beginners or experienced Sttldflils llI Sessions sculpture nitd carving in lava rock or ionpsloilc detailed course outline is available on requcd if WI llcchec lfinger wenvuiq iinciiuiic klllllilit lllllfilfx knowlczlec of wcziviii illfl learn to crciifivcly um llll virv td illll simple loch fill ANN LANDERS Contest winners are professronal Dear Ann Landers Like the voice of the turtle the whining of the 10sers is heard through out the land refer to your col umn which appeared recently in regard to contests lhey are all phoney rigged giant ripoff That was the description from the woman who never won thing in her life and had spent fortune try ing Your reply that most con tests are on the level and the winners are almost profes sionals as right on am not professional dont subscribe to contest iiiiiganines nor do join magn zine clubs Yet have been IIIIS SUMMER IHIIiC io pieccr litcrally bloo IIIlI with ilovcrs Ilornl print in old rouc lrecn and iiiiilbcii =ciiul iiicff in 100 pci cent coioii lhe slidilli in tl lliitcrn llilsill lici liner and narrow from ribbin otion lllllll an feature the winner in over 30 contests where writing ability and orig nalty were factors in the judg ing Actually started for the fun of it and the more contests entered the smarter berame about what they were looking for While practice may not make perfect If person is alert it cerainly can help put him in The Winners Circle Dear Circ Ihainks for writ ing The next letter may be your latiin for the day Dear Ami Who was flint not who said It doesnt make any difference if you win or low but how play the game If you iii iliC1lgt iisfliiic Iiflv darn ribbm and gentle thin slash of tic in IJt accentuates the fluid iinfurnl lines of this initff ltchin cotton scarf the stanloui iiitegtvii oi lie season liiiii Albert Nipon inr PilUllll lo therr POLLYS POINTERS IOLLY CIvAMIZR Ilv llcnr lolly wonli like to know how if llllllxt if bed nit mll carton for Barbie doll you could tell me how to do this and would be thankful if Kim Ilim Kiln ifiilll fcll viii im urc other would IT knew oving will be writing to tell you how ollcgc llI liifi iourscs Iicir offered by tlxteiision Services this Srrntt ncvv offcampus course for vziiif to work in will feature clay work life in 00 in iIIcIntxiilny An introduction to prinutive weaving techniques on simple icehniqiics involved are fvviiied illlvlf weaving and ceintiire iiiLI crochet Ilffliifiilv to clijiiy ll in hiirlai and Spring llninloufï¬ call 728195L Ext 317 or visit us at Extension Services cer hiit reafers this is one and then Iolly GEORGIAN MAL 509 BiAYFIELD ST 726445I will pass the answer on to you makes hell of lot of differ ence and living proof We now have new refrigerator stereo seven wonderful elce trieal appliances set of the World Book encyclopedia 124 record albums $4000 in cash and next week my husband and leave for va union in the ribbezm All Smiles in Sarn sota Dear Sara Cheers from the Windy Cilyl Send postcard so can drool over ifi Dear lm Landcrs am 11 years old and already lll problem bigI enough to write to Ann Landers iboiif my mouth cant eem ti keep it shot am afraid it will cost inc lot of friends Im ashamed to admit if Ann but Im blubbci There are fotir girls in our bunch and we are as close as cloc can bc Sometmes one of flu irl will tell me something if promise not to breathe single word of if to soul Well make the promise and do mcan to keep it but somehow when am with one of the other girls we get to talking very friendly like and the secret sort of falls out of my mouth Afterwards feel llhl iotlcn like terrible frniior but by then IL too late When it els back to the girl who told flip ihc seciet that lilnbbcd she calls me bigiiiouili which of course am Please tell me how to ncf over this Clllllll lialiit hate being this way but dont knot what to do about it lcllcr Of Secrets ciir Teller Your iioion liit betraying confidence childhood dicasc rune Many adults have ii and it just as much problem to ihcm as it is to you People tcll gtLtitis li£ll they want to feel iiiipoiiani It puts them up for tht minute Lsually the cgrc it as soon as the word on out of their moudis Inil Ii ihcii ilic daiiinge is dine Ilic nevi tour you are tempted to blnh my to yourself will NOT bcrav friend in ordcr to lcel iikc big shot for iiioiitc llicn chach thi wiryi talk about something chi did even in HHHI lIIll OITON Ill ILXtII bc liin lIi lfl in iiii pieiiict Illltl dressdi iif MfIi lone whilc illi iiii wincr bc in the ulcnl illll oi ftlilt crn Jiltllll it naturally shun investment to cumbne your hoidnj crvivscwcnr wlint you will later wear at lioiiii When cievliiiil wrdobe for liddiiy uni lllllllliltil the Lfann iin Union touncl itlrl iiilillit riiffet ltMili it ll your gust you slip into iic niiiiil choice IlNl pii cciil cotfoiii Ihiii gnuy cottons gthï¬rlli er voile sof tilllfltï¬ iiclicnte coton knits and lilktlliith pilc fciiic faivc to Illttli vliiiics as cnily and iiniiirnll as you lire prick and snap loi kcepirc is Jlnlw cotton vll suiid up tii lions oi tinvLl slichilcs wfh supcrb good linivi and the ifltiilll minimum of cure iid loo pc ieiil cotton igtovi lll soot olirr than ever look with fluid Ily slizipcs gtli lIUlh textures and the llllillliiit in functional and coinforinhlc clothing Spring summer 70 slillvc balance of iol textures mum and sliape loflnng iilive moving feeling oi iiliilt of SEARS BEAUTY SALON AND HAIR BAZAAR THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28 19109 Minister urges CAS secrecy TORONTO 01 James Taylor Ontario minister of community and social services has instructed all iildreps Aid Societies to tighten up on dis closure niormation about where children have been placed for ciloptoc Mr Taylor said luCSlziy in min if st that the 30 societies across the rovinee should not ï¬e lt iti vino information regarding adoptions to anyone wiiioia Limafin min istry approval He said he was responding to considerable nidnlier ol adopt llll parents who have expressed concern that there appears to be relaxing of confidentiality in disclosure of information The statement said the mini try has established small orkinq committeecomposed of adopting parents adopted chilzrcii anal social workers which is to submit report oi inc whole issue it disclosiw March 31 The commtte will recommend provincial policy ministry spokesman said Mr Taylors ion resulted partly from incrm ing iifrntion in the news media to the ques tion of children rights pgl Meanwhile llryni Icro vice president of the Ontario Associ ation of liolcs nl icinl iorkers gtnv lliltlifl Societies which say they can work within the provinczl percent ceiling on budget iii cicatics are 01 living up to fhcr respicisihilificu to providr care Mi lito said liiiy if liltCllllL of the Nll Lflldls th the agencies arc doing dis servicc to lhc lnmiic itid cliif dcn they are supprcd to scrvl and protect llc liltclthl ilic giivirinncn for continuing ixroirnnis which care for social ill but vif barl draslicali in the area of pre ventin program in llCiIlIlllfll llUit5td iocinl work if fh LillivCiQlj oi loronto said tin province ifLiiii liiciis iii 7lii1iiiii1il health care rather than on pandin Ulllliiilllily healthcare reeoiirees She saiu the government closin libslllth and expect ii the commvinit lri pi ip the slack while many of these com munity services are nadcqiinte ind poorly lillillltft Volunteers get good expenence LUKDUX Uni WI ol iinteeiiiig to help another pet on can be lOJltiEliI Pr periericc in itself says Shirley Kendrick of Fanshawe Coilcge in London The ccondvycnr social seiv ce mudcnt ruzs Uie colleges oliinCLi bureau which brings toucther oooplc in need of Iiplp iid Hm willing to provide Elic llf learning in no iuiillllCl to flime on the receiv iva an Niil oliiiieerain lis lvnd ricl lHl Whor iiiiify for training for job and to viorlr as limping person in ilw community Cotton popular winter energy illtéfli Small ovc foii bowl or subtle striping clear biigiits flag colois and pretty mixture of tonelt and tex ture are the things to buy and wear rgiif now and carry you right through summer liic iicw loose cut styles with the tic ups on everything and cry where striiigs at the sh oiildcr vvnist lip and wrist demand fabric as versatile and iciioii oriented as 100 per cent cotton lIrny clothing that rc lntes ligtCll to you and your llfciylcs What woman today doesnt an prcciafr the cool fresh uncom picned advantages of cotton with ll durable eay care ezisywenr freedom Icifccf for travel days and stay in homo days l00 per cent cotton carries over from ICMtll to summer coolly and be iuiifully llie infinite varieties of weave and liliigtll allow this nifurni thru to span any cli mute any time zone any mood any ocasion with comfort and case From beach to countrysdc to iiy lflif per cent toioi lr your mod reliable companion lllY llXlllll lIlOMS TJ LZIH Db PERM WAVE SPECIAL REG $3500 Including UCHgncl llaii Idow Dry and Iron ow you can fry it the exciting new hairstylcs crv special value for MIlltldUlKllllOIIS as it springs your hair iiilu iclion fniclul expert service by specially liillvl lvlflll UNIS COME IN NOW DONT MISS THE TERRIFIC SAVINGS LAST DAY MARCH 13TH foinc in or phone for an appomtnienf Satisfaction guaranteed IlKl THE NEW NATURAL STYLING lltRlzS HEADSTART NOW $1750 eut Shampoo and Sci or LAST TWO WEEKS OF OUR SPECIAL You may use your SimpsonsSears charge account The tii lis hciidricj places work with retarded and handicapped children at the YWCA for Im trons Itlcoil iii nor clinicx and the London pin hation office Cheri Linton English and lilinty student ITIiivriiiiljv cl efern lllilifl is lis veiiliick coiiiifernnri luf ho iob as her of the iinl second year vainilys iiliiiiicri liiiiciii not iilDIIilifll rim luv conrm at with If Kori rick Miss Linton has rennin volunteers to help hm find job 01 ii fill llllnp vlnivv ltiifi are fir tiloik for clemenlaiy and Itch school l1lllC Slit lt3f= lllhl iivcrify dents in psycholner and llljbi Hi zcrniircd find the volunteer lil iv ir in bureau hclp Iit fluim The jobs ran from routi selling or licpiii at the Chil ITlls lic ll stzfute to teaching retarch or Ciipileii children llx to Mrs Iiiifon lEEthl with the eithiuiaon lic hidlt for Olllllifl have ccivrd Sle mid she it proved when Slu first both working the lilllll licii fiiere didii went to be llllliil interest Now she =ivlt there lin lirpr ens folio in do an Ilitltiht in the irvnilzm men Ollllliftlilll il gthc has no exploitation for this Volunteering is rlvill4l dc Vision she said adding flint peiiiilr muf really enter it oiliervvizsc they wouldnt do FREDS FLOWERS Highway II at Sfioud 900 1m to 000 piii FLOWERS III ALL SIOXS this quality perm flint