II Glish Pine Funniture incl Welsh Style Open llutch Top 32mg Cupboards DUSTTTKEZ Several Pine Ciltets ot Drawn tutoring in French Lalln and other PenfalOn far at Grades to ARIJ Dllw am Stostm Comer Cupboard having Open llutcli top Zil0 ttnullcr corner Cup 500 PIN5 board Pine Coffee Table Lttusttul Eng Pine Sideboard litie litt rhen Tables Bedside Cabinets in gtlt and Iulnut Marbletop Wash stands and others in Pine and Oak Pine Tlkllltt tl lttto PU Clock Brackets Hanging Shele Lelter lttxes ctr el gttjle Pub Bench Pine Towel ltuck ltnunJ Oak Gateleg limplent lSlrie Set of Copper and Brass incl Seuttles Hanging Pub Jug Wall Plaques Stick Stands Kettles etc Crockery Bue lteltt Ware 821 of Various Prints and Pictures Marble and Walnut Cm Itlantle Clocks etc eti Plus mun other qucutIx llLlli PARKING REFHLISlIMENIS PREVIEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE it AUCTION DUNIROON VlLLALiEI HALL Mu turn line in lime The discounted rates until lielJruztrIv 39 1976 are 8600 Since penalties and titm can tilt he ilTEuZCl in atynyccusc uh 24 Hwy South of CollInguood MIME this SATURDAY liVliXlNG SlOllAtjll AND lHlLlVljliY AVAILABLE lor the pu REPRTNTS outage by mail an nous picture for male IVAN BROWN Auctioneer CO 61 50113 CannOl F27 accept phone orders Registered Music Ieuehcr Instruction in Piano and Theory also I9 Ross street Ilrric Tlllgtiv ttt tnent blagt and uch otnu no may route with HIM IIIICIImCIIIn THE BARBIE EXAMINER EILEDEAX FEBRUARY I131 14 PUBUC WngflALESW ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC LESSONS DCIS AUCTIONS SAMUEL BOISE MARJORIE HANLLS In ASSOCIATES Teacher of Piano and lhcory in Charter Accountants Pupils prepared for ltuyat no aptt RUSCTgIIJt ssIankagtztfch ConservaIv Exammam gun to LTD 7mm mssu ALL GRADES ALL AGES Wu 15 Clapperton St 72341er 0N HWY 39 WEST or HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH 32575 PUBLIC NOTlCE 0F TORONTO IN THE VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN Chartered Accounfanfs MIMI LlLClISCIa Iate nOIr due and should he procured at the hIltnneznal BR SOt Olltce Munictpzil Building 81 Collier Street lor the tolloutng 29 Telcher Plano singing lhaory llCTUIiceis 3mm PAIIITIAII LIST ONLY Bxflailtgoposhtgm uepllsRogrSDaIEgnsggcaszsnttIianilgIgIlIZSIETi and llLurtlresstug listutblizltntents at each loculionIIzIIIII1 II At n1 Pc Carved Oak Dining Room Suite apt may Rate fluted Telephone 72837461 5533er ltetir3rasci5dtoflil7 Bradford Per Dryer £90 pc Jacques and Hayes Parlor Settcc Sutte lleavrly carved chest WWI 1234713 BIHIIIIIIIIII Pm IImIl IIIIIIIIHII M0 depicting Oriental scenes Walnut case Baby Grand Panto by BroadI vI IIIIImIN trilth wood Math case inlaid Piano by turn Jacques and Manes lllHi II II II Server and others Carved Ouk Court Cupboard Several ink ltruu ROY ETT ll £13161 StalliLxmsuikgfl IHI leaf Dininv Tables Various ltets ot Dining hairs incl line unwell MI SII II II III II and Canadian Farmhouse pc Walnut Dining Suite tuk llull Chaflcid Egoumams PlAM VlCtj llILZORY with Llh 5m 91400 tand and Stick Stands Jacobean stile DoulJe size uk Bel PlllllTS prepared tor Rmat West II II 10 COILCI Street Barrie Ont IIII cum 50 mm III III IIII Walnut bow tront Chtnu ucpldt Cabinet and otheth ltget Maple Phone 7966100 fill L01CldLULS am tinny IAICIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III design dropfront Secretaire Carly Cabinet Uruutunhunes lurd on Lollcge England IIIIIIIIIIIS IIIIcIICS IIIIII IIIIII II IIIotII robes in Oak and Walnut Walnut ruse Grandmothers Clock Lur 14 27 Silllle Are Utilile ICIIfgIIILIII alIII oIIICIILII uttoI on top Ismrt ved Walnut Ovetmamel Mirror Jacques and Ilium tgtlv Wle MUSIC INSTRUCTION nth iithfili in ZIONliortium 00 Uph rocking Chair and others incl TtCESbUCk and Eng liurm SITTU in Saffroan 10 mum Mum mm house Malt lItlaid Dreswr Oak anl Vulnut dton trout lutreuu =ITIII III II IIII Desks and many other line pieces ur lltlll large Sel ot Cunaltau ANLUS ROPP BA PIANO LESSONu Lmli gtulttqunt net wJIH ELIJAHE WILSON BLACK AITICIMI RIMIII Ilhmc 1113 and other halls Reva Lonvrvatcw NUSTC ilub11c llalls $1000 Inasits 7Tt LINE lNNtsFlL UMP Dog Mule dog spa3cd lemalc It ilatflt 03176 $93973 helore March lat 3600 atter March lxt $801 Female log it license lmtri rr before March 10 M10 NOTCE alter March Mono ANNUAL MEETING mm Drain Layers Contraran SIJOUI ROYAL lCTORlA HOSPITAL IxcontonAitJt IIlIiIlII IIIIoI III woo gc IuiH 131 bDESDï¬tltppï¬xghiï¬vivliIiti In lung School lnatruetor SH In II IIIII II II lJtg Cleaners each in ttiitn Strum tpCSC oi recount tepottn ILLtltll lllBLLLrS amenc IIILIIImca Contractor IBIIIU gt lilJ HULLS Plthlt 10 SALL the meetin BIDS MAY BE LEFT OHM EV ENABLE Winn Lt 135518 $11105 any P9150 110 lmh in 1116 fittitotution 31 iii StyJrhiniiliiliiiiliiikit le DEREK RICHARD OSBORNE or more days betore the Annual Meeting in 1zI your the Ulll IIIIIjiIII IIIMbjIIIIIIIIIIIh IQIIIIIn II AleTlOXlJljlls PlIUNI TCBtBSttttti mm dollur =itall be member oi that Corntttoit 1411 tt jttil IIIH cwihkiuvww II II ta llthSUXS DriStntxo lU Orr rtus uticrtxt tum IZLIIIIIIIII Gait gtW lllEllLï¬lUll HAVE PAID ONT DOLLAR Iill Till MCHTIZTMH II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII CD on matout mucu l3 um IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IyI II IIII III III III RL MIC paper loelt each ITK Shirt it Tuitillttkw MLTi yum It 1It Ihie crittutur or its 111 llliitoulvltmï¬l will lttt =tu lluztther junr trt iTTcLl Lil Tu tutu lLlITlC in or AUChOfl seerCe lllUllleis LU the wlwrtze 11 BARTHF AND SIATCOTJV mom II IIITI LRï¬ll III COCVTYI ul It I3 Ii Tm ltthgt ï¬gment edgy nup or um In Slum Form liability in re new ln in tmtuurnnta lunch munten niti tctuulltn touc LID to tcn DLLti hjtlttTIl $11 AnLques datimac atlcaeu aint Iiillttr tinI II II Household either fallute Ur delu to tm ttv more than tuentiMe at ptctt 02m RADÂ¥315DPOFD drum SUSS lCItTlC hit ext 0nn knhyn In am Ill Ifl II IvAiI II Phone 4167733659 or 70545345330mW NOTTCE TO ALL DOC OWNERS IIIIHIIIIIIII ittllIcIIIIItII Ivqu mu I1F llte linul discount date tor the purchase ot log TltPlTSCS II10I°ITTITTLQWSIiiIILI=I tit IIII BROWNS ANTIQUE ill the City of Barrie is February 29 1976 To take ad Vehicles from hit it rcireslunent we lttiltT of the liScount you may loruutd your money It hide mm or call at the tteusurers office in the ity lTall At other cm lt33 or spewed lentale and $300 for lemnle tter trim liblaws FEERU my as at In unmt his run lle pltttlttidpliet February 20 1976 the rate uill increnxe 3200 mp MumIliHZIIITENTRIU1Vl Viewing lTOrn nun Inloam al al our Engine5 Ot Pt SlliAliiiiMN 11 irrk ttIuI imtuio Ill 33 Hit tty lerk ST tll sitrtud llltttl tn obta Imn lumte hop to nu tau at ti SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Birth $450 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 wordSt $450 Additional words cents per word lit Memorium no verse ercc incr coun ilnC extra 20 cents per but Conung Events $294 per column inch BIRTHS COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Saturday Feb 28 ant to pm CENTRAL UNllED CHURCH toss St Aurpwm ljth CUBS SCOUTS BAnniE 7370 8T F27 3lll7 ANGUS LIONS FLEA MARKET Highway 90 Angus EVERY SUNDAY 12 to PM BOOTH RENTAL 728lbél Call 4216986 or 4241862 after Ant pm liTF FLOWER FAIR BINGO SATUTUAYS AT PM the wrist Who Cares WEDNESDAYS AT PM South Ward Community Hall ll IUH ULCK Lux Lilli to Bond Sts rtllta 72030 T2 TELLTl IPAINCAKES AND SAUSAGES SUPPER Tuesday March pm to pm ARNOlD ST GEORGES ANGLICAN huntml llmne Chapel CHURCH HALL l2 HATFIELD Sl FREE WILL OFFERLVG 1t 7282530 lrnnil Courteous Serticc Mll3 THE PLANT PLACE Florast and plant It all occasions BAHItll MALL MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYITELD Sr Jilb wmwosxtfit McGINNtS William At the Permq tann Genera Hmpial on Tiuzdavl Februar 76 T976 Ell McGinn of Warner Beach in his 73rd wear BleI TELL MORE SELL MORE lwed ULtiad Nina Miler Dear 11 mar lot erL Lvons oi Elm ale Ihrrmet Mrs Andreasliwim Wu Place Your Hilde Stamnraiuvh and the late Sheila FOI 5318 ad in The Barrie Ex UrlVeJ ï¬ve Grandchildrent avt matrtrandrhtdren BrotherlamlllCl keen these pomts in ol Thomni Pifllltt Mamm limit SWIG Fl TA HP lonr mum and the lat Noah What ttcrn l3 Frntnct the Jame rm Tlliwéll HM Elmmlr Fer tomotet VFVMPt 8mm Fem rn rtannl on atttrdav Februarv LLCSSGFTGS and attaclmients MI at om lnrmcnt later Alan Cci United emailbk F27 Epkcfl ilon LONOtttCU PARK Rov Andrew Suddent at gt Irinth rgvvn on Ttursdav Peonart Po Andrew Park in its Aï¬th A39 an rozel ohnnl Bower CU an Ijttrlx All hn Daar mm HIM pIIIInile lL tart1 for the prospect Hm turtle FitnmH Hume 30 in Imiln Bart awn 200 pm to huj 119101qu Fhe Les nirca rnmiue mm me for Sale classmeatton is the iï¬fjl Nonde ai Tl at 10 am IflCFiVEWT at Feshrton PEUPTC 313k Plne INCLUDING FOOD STORE COUPONS APPEARING IN NEWSPAPER SUPPLEMENTS FOOD STORE COUPONS REDEEMED WITH PURCHASE OF THE PRODUCT INDICATED ON COUPON THESE SPECIAL COUPONS Pl This coupon is worth 25 with the purchase of WESTCANE GRANULATED WHITE OFF Kg bag Offer good until close of business Mar II 1976 LlllllT one coupon per customer lnnnl This coupon is worth 30¢ with the purchase of any one package GARBAGE ms Offer good until close of business Mar 1976 Limit one coupon per customer flH This coupon is worth $100 with the purchase of one swurrs SUGAR PLUM or OFF zuccvs COOKED SMOKED BONELEssIIINNEH HAM Otter good until close of buslness Mar II 1976 Limit one coupon per customer COUNTRY CUT fryer parts 58 HINDOUAHTEHS WITH WHOLE BACK FHONTOUAFTTERS WITH WHOLE BACK NECK l3 WINGS GIBLETS Canada 1st grade Loblaws butter 99 PRICES EFFECTIVE TO MR WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO llMlT OUANTlTlES blaws IOIn steaks porterhouse tail off or sirloin 148