$2 NEWS ROUNDIIP Olympic violence possibility being OTTAWA CF The gov Welch Ontario minister of cul ernment forged ahead with lure and recreation Bill Itol ston Sudbury and District plants to realuci the inltIltllll of violence at the Olympic Sum mer Games lhursdoy by push ing through tough temporary measures to stop suspected ter rorists at the Canadian border The Temponary Immigration Security Act given first reading Wednesday went through all other debate stages with all party agreement It was passed without dissent The act will permit Immigra tion Minister Robert Andras to reins entry it tKI is not Canadian citizen and likely to egage 11 acts of tio lence that would or might on danger the lives or safety of persons in Canada It will ex pire at he end of this year Vlr Andras ccuiiterel lit opposdiou nusgivings about the ll bl lt OTTO LANG in cars an is rc toner els contained in kthe act lbv It1css more Jan 1974 the wearing of the shoulder strap is optional but ing the need for urgency in get ting the measures passed Chief or staff OTTAWA tCPl Joe Clark the new federal Progressive Conservative party leader has named Bill Neville former journalist and party worker as his chief of staff it was an nounced Thursday Mr Neville 39 has been di rector of the partys research office since July 1975 and prior to that was special assistant to former Conservative leader tobert Stanfield From 196510 1968 On stacking Iranspoit Minister Otto Lani says increasing use of Toronto International Airport lCrllll in airplane stacking passen cer delays and more noise in the area cant see how we can avoid all the inconvenience Mr Lang said at Wednesday news conference Noise will increase as more airplanes land at the airport he said and passcncers will be de layed as airplanes stack up Mr mmc waiting to land There is no ris was an executive assistant to Ul danger because air tram then Liberal cabinet miniszcr Ullitl lilc 11 lc ludy LaMarsh Ullalc llt aizl Mr Neville alo Worked in Construction of an annurlt at lave nearby Pickering would relieved congistion at the To ronto anpmt lic lllllllrltl the Montreal and Ottawa Im reaus of The Canadian Press irucou He also we 01mm chief of United Pres Inter llll ll lflltll Nos tliluirll national for mg when the prmiuoiul QUHIIIITCI retired to proudc nClWiLCm Ur ed to sue IO homeless WHITBY Ont lCI Dr hurlcs Godfrey NDI member OQDRH CU of the legislature for Durham lww linmc lllllil loll to no West told Conn Rob IQnrson of Whitby Wednesday that he should sue the provincial oi ernment to get maintenance on llighuay 13 at nearby Brookliu Not enough people sue the government Dr Godfrey said meeting with toxin council homeless uil resulted in total swoon uio It Ll Iaiil laillu 21 Iicvcd to IluC bcn caused by short circni the Clcclllciil system Tickets stopped SLUUHIY 0111 LP mt Extension asked sr iuru=s om =cn lIH IMmun imhce vow lhc Ontario llILTI irv of 10 will Tim la ll rllt the remainder of its Inst transportation has been usktd for months exituion or the lJiltl bilingual llfllil lrtv lch 38 deadline for 197i licence is 11 alUlsiiit stickers lini Council llLll lCllmg all Lllilliléuon el3 presgdem or mo mud Mm in It French ll the Yorkers 5am Thursday Mr 12 police spokesman said Comm tad mm pJDem the ctlllllllhluli Io Imui do hers mam of 110m jLM 13 lornunc dllOlllOi the tickets are turned to their iobs this woci after CVCIIIlllJZiill siri are iindiug the ros ol the tickcrs major OXOCYhC Gifts in doubt SLIJIHfIlY nt Hell The Increase 11 tillalists in the Miss Teen sudbury catnival queen conth ate WINDSOR uni iio WY rcccnc some out OTTAWA lCID Commons mm Home in 1350 mum awarded 1w them the night cl debate on government bill to 11 weird 510 Pageant 01 abolish capital punishment in the fi Chamber of dent said Thursday his group distributed area residents about two weeks rgo akin but they be sent on to the minister Seat belts ers will no longer be required to passengers in their cars James Snow minister of transportation weighing 50 pounds or less do the lap belt must be worn CPI Federal THE BARRJE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 1976 Commerce presi the postcards TORONTO CPI Taxi driv ear seat belts while they have nd communication announced hursday Mr Snow also said that chil ren under five years of age or at have to wear seat belts Where shoulder harnesses and lap belt straps are separate as manufactured before Oll ICP lhe Cana dian Iransnort conninan lhursday ordered Canadian Na tional Railways to continue op craling the moneylosing trans continental train the Super Continental for the time being The decision followed com mission review of its 1971 deci lUll requiringr the train service to be continued The comiiiiissiou has also told CP Rail to continue running the Canadian ihilc the future of transcontinental service is dis cussed Lesscs on Super Continental strvicc have Iltl czulilv to 5559 million in 1975 from $463 million in 1971 The commis ion sail this service is uneconomic ind will probably remain un profitable The publiclyowned railway anl CP Rail receive subsidies oi up to 80 per cent from the roteminent for the losses on passenger SEIVICC Gun licensing OTTAWA CPl Justice Iini=tcr Ron Basford said Ihursday the government hopes to have gun licensing personnel in communities throughout the country to en sure permits are issued for re stricted weapons under the 310v ernments new peace and secur 1i2IlJl However he said in the Com IIIIIIIIS IUIH ho llij to how trative and licensing staff to minimum 1r Boston replying to Pro grcssixc Conservative justice critic Illilou oolliaiii said the government had indicated in leccmbcr that law enforcement would be given special place in the spending Ir Woollinms said sports as Illli1l we would be about six million guns alfcctcd by the legislation DON JAMIICSON to discuss effect Special tariff OIIVA ICP Trade Min ister Don Iamicson said Thurs day he will discuss the effect of the rangcmcnt on Canadas domes prcscni special tariff ar tic footwear indirtrv when he begins IFIi to Asian countries later this week Ir lmll rmlxlu questions in the Commons said he would mention to his Asian hosts the impact 11in ml umc of imported times on the Canadian industry The topics tic industry has been having problems meeting OIITlOlIlOll li4n1 limzwvl mnilg 11 ll wun llong lion and other countries He told 31H licmphu ItlA the question of tho special furor on fun ouclidd of ro IlallOnVCIIlWOIIIIt that able tariff the trip stiictions bir jlldlllltttl no Illr Jznnieson id be aim Ch footwear manufacturers in Canada when pccts to mcct with he returns irom his tour report 11 IIILICE her of speeding tickets in 151 las ilionlh iouci lulu rural lus lJUJn limit on lllgllilj nn lotvcrod in tin nl mm fl mph police spokesman said there have been Imw czun plainls from lTlJLJllï¬is about LIC lcdsction rind man have porcl Iniptovcrucnl 111 Incl consump ROADS SURFACE flood surfaces in ancient timcs ucrc slabs of gtIUII land upon strong foundations of runule or broken stone 46 DUNLOP STW comm mumr Ihc gills were pro Illlql Il II Ilzlll 13 said they wore from jcrcllcr sorv bu It uni hit1 ii mm rti iitli ho lore and Illt gis arc not paid for the organizer sold Want television HILIILIIY In About 331 pirtuil from it cai residcnb protesting pm IOIIIOIT to postpone the extension of educa IlltIill covcrnmcnt wont bccin until the criminal law amendment bill also in troduccd Tuesday is given sec ond reading Debate on thc criminal measures to check violent of lenders and organized crime to begin March Home Leader Mitchell told the Commons Thursday Government sources sin later the dcbatc on the crimin such tcnsive although law amendment bill which contains Government Sharp ll law amendment bill may be ex legisla tion usually moves with relative tronzd tciciision thi arm speed to the Commons justice 72814681 MATINEE SAT ANTI SUN III tomW have been received by Robert and legal affairs committee SHOWN AT 700 AND 900 ADULT ENTERIAINIICNI BURGESS MERIEDIIH Adult Entertainment 5mg at Hiihb Bancroft Eryn RICHARD LEVINSON WILLIAM LINK SJCODUMI ong with R00 own LTILE noes mo HOLLEN vou we WILL YWISTIN rtrful uith dealt with Boycott ends WINDSOR Ont boycott of Frenchlanguage ele mentary schools in Windsor and Essex County ended lhufrsdaY About 1400 students in the school system were kept home by parents for two days in pro test against decision by the lesson County board of educa tion not to proceed with con struction of Frenchlanguage secondary school in the county Secondary school students however held protest demon rations Thursday at the Essex County civic and centre Rail talks OITAWA CI Conciliation talks in the national rail dispute have been adiourncd until Wednesday while both sides pol ish arguments and Mr Justice Emmett llall ponders his role as conciliation commissioner under the federal antiinflation program Neflotiators for the II railway companies said Thursday Mr Justice Hall former Supreme Court of Canada judge is bound In the some realities and lllc same laws that apply to the railway unions Lawyer Ed Pinsonncault rep resenting the companies said the offer of 95pcrcent wage increase to 93000 workers can not be exceeded without con travcning the law cf the land However opokcsmcn for the Associated Railway Unions say it is up to the antiinflation board to decide whether scl tcmcnt is pcrmisible under the program of selected wage and price controls Awmgc honrlv earnings of the 36000 nonoperating employ ocs including killcil trodes mcn our amwunt to about 5030 When earnings of all 93 works out to $570 an hour licuri is in VMnmdny NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY AWARDS Lakehurst NJ 1937To this day the truth is still questioned1 eorge CHARLES DUBNING RICHARD SHOW TIMES 645 10 PM STEWAT to he lunu of HE NIGHT AWAV IGGIE AV mi rifllir education our workers are considered Ir Iurticc IIaIl ajourncd the STARTS TODAY SHOW TLTES AND 925 DAILY SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE 115 cot ROBERT WISE PRODUCTION The Hindenburg een the survivors cant be sure Hons cl 113s1WlIIlAM ATHERTON ROY THINNES GIG YOUNG DYSAHT userko 5mm 833Monmcbookp¢MlCllAELM moomv in NELSON GIDDING oairaisahiim mm to iI1oiicinoai haul It LliliIIILd Fit liitli lIv1ltlLili0fl IMMVILLIOII STIS TODY CHINESE STUDENTS GREET NIXON named acting Premier AP era apparenin referring to Photo First Vice Premier Tong llsi coping and his supporters Former US Pres Richard Nixon is greeted by Chinese students at Iekings lsinghua University Wednesday In The posters started appearing background are vallpostcrs at the university earlier this criticising capitalist road month after Hua Kuofcng was Calls for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse Try 01 Famous TORONTO lCPI Ilam chologist psychiatrist if avail oa ilton physician has called for able nurse along wth pub mandatory reporting of sus lic health nurse and rcpresen pected child abuse by hospital Intirc of the Childrens Aid emergency departments Society CfilfiadseenFgotds Dr Joseph Jacobs member of the contmittcc on child abuse Here 15 no law In Onlmo or in Canada which makes report lm the Ulmdldn That lug of known or suspected child 7251610 bucicty told an lllltlp10f€b bh BanquetFacmm sional seminar lhursday that Le Umluorl suspected child abuse cases The provincial ministry of community and social services should be examined by an in hospital team The team would social worker pediatrician Licenced Tavern 41 Dunlop StW Banie sponSor of the twoday seminar consist of keeps register of reported psy child abuse SAT MATINEE 130 PM You loved the Classtc Film of Heidi NOW THRILL TO THEFURTHER ADVENTURES OF HEIDI AND PETER 1N TECHNICOLOR we INT LRTAIHMLY Dilctlcfl by ROBERT WISE int HIMMERS GROUP Adult Entertainment linear or BAYFIELI MALL CINEMAS WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT INEMA THE HINDENBEIIG SITOW TIMES AND 92 SATURDAY TINEE 115 CINEMA non STEWART virus on I11 1I ow in sun1mm sriiiis AT 810 ONLY CHILDRENS MATINEE HEIDI AVD PETER I230 lI CINERANA RELIASING PRESENTS AN puicos PRODUCTION Siiliii PFIIR tlISIliNfi IHIRIIIIII HIMIllth WRITN IlIiII SIFPIIINIFRFICHIM