Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1976, p. 3

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fipavIAr Georgian College may be able Maintenance for Women cour to help you beat the winter blues It you are interested in sewv ing or sculpture car mainten ance or cooking or just want to try your hand at something new or different the College Extension SerVices has cour se for you In the next few weeks varv icty of general interest evening courses are scheduled to begin and registrations are still be ing accepted For full details re gistration forms and confirma tion of dates and fees interest ed persons should contact Geor gian College Extension Services so with Stewart McLurley of Bar llC The Sew for Spring course of fers participants an opportunity to prepare spring and summer wardrobe for themselves or fa mily members under the guid ance of skilled instructor Car Maintenance is designed to teach women how to take good and intelligent care of their cars FRESH APIROACII Georgian College Teaching Master Roman lleuer will bring fresh approach to the 10week Painting and Sketching Course scheduled to begin Wednes day March lava rock and oaiistonc The course will be held at Mr Il gacs studio and detailed out line is available or request Courses scheduled begin the week of March includes Off Loom Weaving March 10 weeks with Sanda Orr Total Communication Sign Language for the Deaf March 10 weeks with staff person from the Er na Drury School Milton and Tapestry Weaving March 10 10 weeks with Sandra Orr 12 week course entitled Cri sis Intervention taught by Ver onica Bennett will start Mon day March 15 Variety of courses offered in Georgian evening courses The course is designed for ency staff or volunteers who as part of their services are invol ved in helping coplc in crisis situatior On April Abnormal Psych ology and Asseicre Train ing for Women are scheduled to start The 10 week Abnormal Psychology course instructed by Ian Wallace is being offered as collegc credi course and will be held Liv evenings each week Assertiveness Training for Women being offered by the college for lh first time is sixweek course and will be taught by Liz Hamilton 115 Bell Farm Road Barrie 705 728193 Ext 317 Accomplished chef and exper ienced teacher Stuart Pearce of Barrie will instruct the Georg ian Gourmet Course scheduled to begin Monday and to contin ue for 10 consecutive Mondays Not only will participants watch listen and taste in the college and Gibhins recto Richard Groii township dork Examiner Photos ial pan Conn Bill Iipple Bill Grant Andradc John Conan Blake Constable deputy rec lrom the left are Jerry lor den of Ainley and Associates Ltd planning consultants who prepared the townships offic Alb T1115 members of hi nisfil township council attend ed the meeting at lhe town ship offices on the Eighth Linc Annexation issue skirted at BarrieInnisiil meeting The land the township is of be involved in demonstration cooking themselves in Tueday two courses are Scheduled to get underway 12week Sew for Spring course with Bertie Bileki if The population forecast is and the 10 iii2k popular Car substantially reduced from what lcring for anncnatzm callliilll tllc township once considered 218 per ccnl ol lniiisllls avail lic added noting that it also falls able industrial land 20 per cent of all its assessiiicnl and 17 pct SlllUUl Barrie and llinis Parker aldernicn Jim Icrri lll councils gently butlcd heads Paid Wessengcr Dcl Cole Jan lliursduy over the townships ice baking ILrnic lloliiian Ncl new official plan sou Garrett Ed Thompson Bill sign Arts Faculty will ask his students to work at freeing up their style by experimenting with shapes and balances in two dimensional and gouache will be the pre ferred painting media test kitchen on they will also course also due to begin Wed nesday is new course for beginners or exper ionced work in soft stone sculpture 5e5 sions life sculpture and carving in lllr Heuer of the Colleges Dc field Watercolor with Solt Stone Sculpture wcck aldis llgacs an eight off campus students who want to for will feature clay work The Barrie committee of ad jiis OH and Duckwcrth streets pla cation because the booth con Fotomat booth at the Gr was refused Thursday tiiicnt turned down tir appli CITY NEWS THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 1976 Minor variance for Fotomot refused by Barrie committee minor variance application six people were unconcerned he said Mr Newman said residents are not opposed to liotomat but rather to any development or the plaza He said the expansion should not be permitted Manpower appoints director Discussion was lowme and Campbell Russ Archcr and city within ilic population liggurcs rcc skirted the controversial issue OliiClalS l73l11eilil101 JCII omiiicndcd by the Simcocicor cent of its residential assess of annexation of some 5000 ac lamblyn Ben Straughn llcri gian Task force study for In nicnl lr Jordcn said res at the north end of the town Kirk alld Ray Am 1911 numbed Ujmm engine Alcona Beach will be the ina ing and planning in these areas ship which Innisfil has offered The official plan has liccn writ by the two municipalities and for Barrics expansion to Toronto for approval Mr it ICSitltniial hub for llic town Barrie as rejected the WW Jordon said mph may ilkye sillltislitl will llicrcolc b3 illlill said suclicoopcrat on storking With winter 1clv llllli oicr rcsiocnccs by 1091 for iotal inihc Uillha nnd Midland areas the Canada Manpower Centre has already turned its thoughts are four or five major objec and in the interim inct 1520 tli yearsI lets gt00 what additional sily iciclopiiien wi21i iu growth will he needch by Bar ation orientation and some light ric lr Jordon said Lcts ililllillizl ilscs Mr loricn scc the impact Lllll lets work said together its plan dungnalcs two largo luturc transportation aricrics illiltllfi the north end of the through lnuislil 10 Barrie were township for annexation by llar also intusstd population of 9000 he said ships annexation offer and is It will be lownicdiiuiiii preparing counterproposal tlic details of which are secret No major objections were voic cd over the plan by city officials and city planner Waynian Fair weather expressed favorable re action to the concept Coed neighbors can toward summer and finding cm nloymcnt for hundreds of stu dents Marilyn Jeffery was recently appointed director of the Can ada Manpower Centre for Stu dents and to date has receiv ed about 400 applications for tors including developers ratepayers associaton The objections wil necessitate an Ontario Municipal Board hear ing sometime this year before the plan can be oinirovcd ic province and implemented by the township make dinating programs in this area for the past two years She has had previous experience coor summer employment lraveues the inienlon of the pla zas site plan The plaza was built according to site plan which showed only UllL building on the site on the inter norihcast corner of the section cation booth About 10 residents attended the meeting to object to the appli Ien Newman of 241 Duckworih said he took survey of the residents within 2130 icet of fine plaza 0f the 37 IledClltS contac ted he said only 10 favored the Once the thin edge of the wed ge gets in then it starts he said The plaza grows an grows and grows llie plava ii on square feet it was built in lo and is zoned for retail stores The Fotomat application for free standian building 36 square feet on the southea corner of the site The plaza has 130 park ed with the Fotomat acrc ste with one large building of 22730 neighborhood spaces and Only 146 are requir 74 as of st ng rm zgz good plans he said But good plans dont always make good neighbors Gerry lordcn ot Ainsley and Associates the plans coordin ator outlined the townships plan ning of the century for Mayor Dorian strategy up to the turn BARBIE AND lilnisill ials met Thursdays to discuss the townships official plan In The official plan calls for population growth rate for In is nisfil of 715 per cent car for population of 10000 by 10211 oliic foreground is Corry laniblyn city administrator and Ald lid llt block to the nut of the city chcdulcd for immediate an neaadon while an arc111 the Girl is proposed lor phasrd nonma 20000 POPULATION flailice Lakinx lim lClll laul liesender lilin Ariher lcl Thompson In the back are Aid Cole and Nelson Garrett Mayor Mayor Parker said the pr0in the idea of fllll1llil0l of clo vrrlcai at the lllll COIICCSSiOII and Highway 1100 and CfxlClisllll cial liie townships present growth on by thc city nch and communications will support rate is seven per cent Mr Jor for more space lciclops he of llayvicw Avenue south to link said den said mu Asmhlllu ministry liaiiziniYLtoi Dorian Parker and Ben Strau glinn city clolk liic meeting went from 815 to 10 pm Aldermen fed up with delays on Huronia water agreement llllllclll LUlllll council is delay in the lluronia Road wat cr agreement and some Barrie council members are fed up with negotiations Aid Jim Ierri criticized the townships handling of the ag rccmcnt during meeting lliursdav of the two councils Ald lri said the city has tried to negotiate the terms of the agreement in good faith but linelil wash unnecessary delays About 20 homes on lluronia Road are using the citys water system liieir wells driel after the city put sanitary sewer in the area Ald lcrri said the city does not accept responsibility for the wells but tried to help residents by supplying water Innisfils maior concern is lllllpCIbaliull if the area is an cxcd b1 1124 The agreement includes an $11737 bill for water mains and Rynurd will vote in favor lg llic township inc cily annea cs illt property Conn John Conan also ques tioned the rate which the resid ents pay for the water He said he has received numb of complaints because they ham to pay 130 pcr cent of the Barrie water rate Mayor Dorian Parker said the water rate 1lt set by In another $3000 lur lircc hydr ants Blake Constable deputy re eve said the township is con cerned about compensation if the area is annexed He said the agreement should contain cl ause saying the city is prcpar ed to pay the township if the area is annexed The township returned the greement with two choices lor the city either agree to make compensation or leave the claw se out Barrie chose to leave the cl ause out and Mr Constable said this is not what the township an Doll Alexander would rather quit than try to fight ity hall AUIUIIAD 05 Mr Alcnander withdrew his application for minor ariance for the Grove and Duckivoitli streets plaza bclorc the commit tee of adjutmcnl lllciiill lliiirs day The major rhoon lor willi drawing he said ciiincilr ic cision Monday to pupao The applicaton was made tor sell serve gas bar at the plaza which Mr Alexander said the only commercial Aid Ierri said alter the city agreed to one of the choices the township is now saying thats tough were not satis fled Innislil council said it will scb niit number of proposals which will guarantee lilllllCIlrllllOn in space nislils previous council She said the rate was reed by bolii lilCS and cannot be changed now Mayor Parker said residents using the water are paying 1n nislil township and not the city The two municipalities hate worked on the agreement for bout 18 months and have yet to reach decision Station owner drops fight for selfserve gas station At the present time he said he doc not believe he would re ceive permission to build the gas bar at the plaza even through site plan amendment Mr Alexander owns and opcr ilcs the Hayfield Siuioco Cai jobs out her major emphasis for thc next few works avill be sunding benefits of hir student The centre has only received re mm quests for workers ed the same sloeaii for this year as last Have Young Summer to have the student manpower centre open in downtown lo cation within the next few weeks of Glendon CIllCCL York Uni ystcm in high si100l and widv ez choice if optors to sildenl has caused some lepaitmcnts in school to reduce and lt llowevcr Mrs Jeffery pointed per cniploycrs about the Canada ilanpovcr has adopt Mrs Jeffery said she expects Mrs Ieifcr is graduate esrsity and has lii ed in Barrie MARILYN JEFF Because enrolments fluctuate there would be no change in the lirv war ii rediili 1n the second car the department head fillii£lll would in cu by hull and in the third year reduced to the illvilltl classilicntioi lfll tomhr inclurtrl surplus he will be notified by Iilarcli and iii id ill im The introduction of the credit Since school department alaiy is bucd in pail on the number of students in vlt lvtrl the bimc County Board ial groups were awarded plaqu es and cc and operatin crews in the county During 1975 cuts 34 for maintenanco and on Nations and 32 for academic staff Of these accidents 37 were declared as lost time In alitl Plan for reduction in salary to match enrolment reduction the board safe driving awards FAMILY LIFE CONFERENCE There were 21 objectors and lOCAL AND GENERAL sented the proxince at the Can adian Festival Of Youth Orches tras at Banff cailer this month lohn Montague is the leader and featured soloists are Steven ie Donald Reed and Treai or Dcarham The orchestra has 14 members from the Barrie area Tickcs 212 Lle the door and at Harpers Phar macy Tritcs Bltgtolore Mar iels Flowers and Punting Mus ir Centre MAN fllAIHilil Barrie fjin Police hayc charg ed Lloyd Norman Wright Room Wellington Hotel with assault cauing bodily harm after tight in the Wellington Hotel Thursday night Polcc answcrcl the call about pm ind have sent the as et unideuliiicd victim to Sunny brook Hospital in Toronto lie was suffering head injuries and his condition was serious BRIEFCASE liliCOVliJlEl Peter Glenn Rocha 171 5121 SAFETY AWARDS The Eastview Secondary chool paint crew and custodv key tags recently for aving the best acc1dent lree econd of all scltool maintenan tlie safety committee ealuated 84 accid 2l9 drirez employed by iion received their first The Family Life Association of Barrie is presenting conf crence and workshop on parent child teacher ummunications Saturday at Georgian College The program of panel discus sions workshops and film is offered in conjunction with the Parent Cooperatiie Preschool Corporation anl the Association OLLOUCadzln decried to iilptfilolilvr tunit Kitllltfdfllilll or Early Chuth EducaHon Md St Barrio was Charged 2883335215 yyggidnbewriecmccd ea of Ontario The conference begins nh possession or stolen brief at 10 am and costs so per case by Bame Cm pence The lelson ReglCtlatO l5 1le briefcase disappeared from car to 100 For more information Stolen from R055 Rodgers of lirh and the Sunoco Self Serve John and station at lxons be built at Grove and Little plaza In 1975 he paid $110000 in sal aries to operate the two exist ing stations and over $2000 in Anne str eets lie was proposing that sta Duckworth and at the Bayvieiv were made at the 6th Barrie MERLE BERNIIARDI 75 receiied gifts and award3 for his 10 years of work for scout ing recently The presentations Lab and Scout Troop father and son banquet at Central United Church Shanty Bay Tllfrflifu The car was later recovered by Metro Toronto Police ONE ll Barrie firefighters answered call lhursday About 630 pm phone 7231611 EVANS OFFICE Arthur Evans PC Sini coe Centrei is opening riding office in Barrie next week to enable constituens to exliie any problems in the area The they put out lllf in car Street parked at Barrie Central Col oflice is at 2913 Owen and opens Wednesday The office will operate Tuesday to Friday am to 11 noon and pm to pm and Saturdays am to 12 noon ORCHESTRA CONCERT lhe Algonia Camp Youth Or chestra will perform Sunday at pm at the Georgian College Theatre The orchestra repre legiatc The car owned by Al Graham of 11 llich Street sus tained minor damage to the wir mg THREE COUNTS Bruce licdcriJk Stephenson of Oro Township was charng with three counts of paw forged cheque by Barrie City Police The three cases go back to the start of the year Why you should let HR Block worry about your income taxes We take all the time necessary to understand your complete tax situation to make sure your taxes are as low as they can legitimately be with charges business taxes Al0 he said he paid $24000 10 the public utiliti es commission Now lm gone city little further north 01 He said the gas bar is need rd because the closest ca 3111 lion is about 16 miles away Ive proicd it is needed service and needed attraction of retaining death penalty of lose to invest in icienly the per cent parliament now which follow lender honored this week for 30 years in movement SiiitlTCl lo ALSO IN let little pcacc of mind OPEN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY AM TO IM SATURDAY 900 AM TO 400 PM N0 APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 7263323 15 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE based only on the complcxuy of your return GEORGIAN MALL the petiole in the Simcoc Norili 0llll eliminate the liiiil llfll Izilng faior capital punishment ally hut extend the prion icrmn in tlic silon business hr and iligi he said after the vum 110 years Swutln till work man ajs lory Ml Ill it ltyn ii lllUlflllf In it 11111l llut cannot cope with the mitten of adjustment meeting The 1565M ELICCL ICbld loin 10 he decided to haulan lgird and tlicrefoue he will vote said object to increasing city hall opposition as my Thursday ent served in all areas of scout uniformed leader of the em all favor of retaining the length of prison terms Is it number of residents in the in beginning With the organ Ballle 5001311 00 Dr tiii wl Hut non ioter ti exact bevialzy or dcs immediate area of the plaza iZdliOIl 0f the ill Brant TlOOP in January 15 15 3651 El flake me year 80 whicth troy person inclitany day by were also opposing the gas sunscmlrllox fAMlAlGN in Brantford in 1946 the age of 75 he has decided pm Wm roban ram any V111ml=illf her because it llonkcll the Slic lln licolgiiin lliiuidution Guild lie was ill stall 23311 33h gtn niUN down if limllill mmay high Compaq toutc got lqutl Cltllllt plunvholnf lllfllldflliiit iiirci Mn innnpn 115 mm mgrip World Jamboree ln Niagura things little c2zer hlr War mm mum mu mam £lgtlL1C llr lug lhursduy 1o lllfl object mm Hmpmgn gt Shamrock on lhcv bake ii I933 end as 12 yard NW quarters or mm some people say cnpital puu lOllr tumhm Monh the lunch been active 11 the movement Mr Bernhardt was xiounrrd luont 30le Mal meh isliinent is cruelivvtcll incl Mr lChiJlltlll said hr nin my will he held at the Brook since coming to Barrie in 1939 wth gulls at racer 7213931 ii ieiy stiungly Uld when uuu consider applying tor site plan dole Hui beginning at 1230 pm llc jomed the 76th Barrie hs honor and received acxnow ledgnient of his work for scout merit Since then he says there atti liai been no coange in index Commenting on legislation he mai walks into bank with gun and pouits it at somebody he knows there chance he will kill somebody are filled amendment at cost of $300 In the future when the townhou ses and apartments in the area 7285763 Tickets are $425 and may be obtained from any guild mein her For more information phone Group committee 31 October of that year Hes always helping at camps and outings said Warr cil and the Cubs and Scouts the 6th Barrio Troop int from the lrovmcial Coun DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS of

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