Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1976, p. 2

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TIMMYS FROM ORILLIA Ontarios athlete of the year Dave Irwin doent seem to mind the unusual exchange of autographs with this years Timmy 12yearold Kevin Col ALLISTON NOTES hits of trillia lhe 2yczir old skier was in Toronto to help the Unttuin Society for Crippled Children with the ad vance kickoff oi the Easter Sca campaign which gets un derway March 13 with an ob jective ot $21ooow WSCC ldutot Friends help celebrate 25 years of marriage By MARGARET STOLTZ Alliston Legion Hall was the scene of happy event on Fri day night Feb 10 when rela tives and friends of Mr and Mrs John Taylor gathered to offer congratulations on the cecaslon of their 25th wedding arriversary Arranged by Robert Cheryl Kevin Brent and Patti for their parents festivities included brief program followed by danc ing to Jack Tiemeys orchestra and lovely buffet at midnight WEDDING pretty wedding was solem niz€d at St Johns United Church on Saturday Feb 21 when Beatrice Hunt became the bride of Robert Gray The attendants were Ruby Wilmette Cora DeBacker Vict or Lawence and Fred Der mott also two little grandchild ren of the couple Michelle Fair head and Gordon Miller Ush ers were Derk Hunt and John Knuttley Rev Shilton performed the ceremony with Kenneth Ink ster presiding at the organ and Mrs Elmer Stall sang Wed ding Prayer by Oswald Smith The bride was given in marr iage by Mervin Cairns of 05h awa who also was the capable master of ceremonies at the Re ception which followed at the Legion Hall Following short wedding trip Mr and Mrs Gray will reside on the grooms farm near Orangeville Prior to her marriage Beat rice was pleasantly surprised by group of Brownies and Guid es of which she has been their leader and she was al0 guest of honor at miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs Hughson Vellington Street HOSPITAL AlXILIARY Members attending the Im ruary meeting of the SCVtllrlm made favors for patients trays on St Patricks Day Because of illness and memb ers on holidays attendance was small but the hospital adminis trator spoke briefly bringing to the attention of the ladies the need for replacement of some sets which have been constant use since 1970 Mr Consul also invited auxv iliary members to the annual meeting of the Stevenson Mem orial Hospital Corporation held in the cafeteria on Feb 21 moment of éllCllCC was ob served in memory of memb er Mrs Glenna Graham who passed away suddenly that we ek Because the meeting would fall during the winter break school holiday and many mem bers would be away there will be no March meeting GLENNA GRAHAM The sudden passing of Glenna Margaret Graham wife of the late William ll ilillulh an daughter of the late Marshall and Kate Iboblawt llipwell at Stevenson Memorial Hospital on Tuesday Feb 17 was llCI to her many friends She is survived by one bibl er Mrs lhera Camblin with whom she had resided and pre decealted by Errol Ted and Eric Hipwell Her servue was con ucted at tllr lohn Thomas Funeral lloinc on Fcb 20 ml interment in Alliston Union Cc metery COUNTY GLIMPSES Stroud complex opens Saturday STROIII UllttiJl opening of the Strruifllnnirfil Recreation Centre will take place Satur dLy pm The fit million community cen lre contructcd bi Siiiiton iluil dine Ltd of llzitiic house skating rink culling rink li brary and nuiitoiiuzn After ribboncoding by Iif Bill libhins and Simeon Cen tre tPP Art In ticre Mll be tour of the building and llt zujhiti including free skzdixj film 850 it till The ltroud complex uulcs soutzi til Blplit Night ll is the newest ol Illllllils thrcc arenw lhc llll are at Ihorn ton and Leiroy PRICE SKATING SIlttlUI There is no chach for slmtiu cntll lotslay fruit to put it the stroud Infililil Recreation Centre Free sintin nours ho Souti Ii nisiil centre in Lclroy are from to 930 pm tliltlif and to pm illlltlJ NUSTALGIA DANtill Illllt0 lhe South IlllllS fil Figure Skating Club will hold nostalgia Junct on Saturday in the South lnnisfll community centre ill BONSPIEL STROUD mens open bon Upiol will be held Saturday in mourning rink at the Stroud Innisfil Recreation Centre MUEPEL sinuous ILLMVAIJ the Kine hilt dito llliiillt Uriup from To ronto utIl perloriri and the filth IJiglitoen will be shown Sun day at 730 oni in St Johns tluitcd tfhurch locccdlt go to the Sunday School fund inI wttuw lllllllllllbl lurlinn divtw this and pllliilllis will be on dc iiln to iiiinn touulj lulu seum during March Most of thf tli1 from ll lllli ttiltllfi Tc illll cum on lliily Lti five lllllt nort oi llutlit ll IIIIARITVI llt SINIIUN lltc lulntr in Municipal lotrd ll IlOltl public hearing ticr approval of severance north ol tlutlirm next Turntlr in Urn lltdllsllllli uniuicipvl cuilgln lvmi Struth an is appealing decision of the committee of fliljillnlil illll would allow him to sever lot rom In no in sold it to someone other than hit one Iilltll llIlltl CIOKSIUJPJ worms to tliscuw moncrmion in fire pro ltciou int lllt tillc oi thiilt town and the surrounding town shins of Innisfil Esn West Gwillimbuty unrl Temmseth will be held Thursday March at 730 pm Cookstowns muni cipal hIIIIrTIIl Dr and Mrs Bruce lludgins and Mr and Mrs Derek Grundy llZI returned from weeks hol idriv on Grandcavmnn Island Mrs llaruurtt lltrrett will return at the weekend from twoweek holidziy on Carrib bean cruise Mrs Jenn Leonard in return ed home from holiday in Flor itlii Mrs Jean llaiid spent the weekend with her son and dau in latt Mr and Mrs Douglas lland in Burlington The Golden llc Club charter ed bus to go to the Front Page Challenge TV Show at the CBC on Monday night Reservations for second bu have been made for March large group of Boy Scouts Cubs and Brownim and their leaders gathered at St Johns United Church Sunday morning for their annual church parade marking the beginning of Scout ing Week Religion and life badges were awarded to quie number who had met standards of growth and achiewmcnt as requned by their denomination rrV lnnistil Lions to the rescue St ouo Ihe lnnisfil Lions Club came to the aizt of thc Goudfuflow SchuJ Buys Club ihis week lnnislil council had told club organizer Robert Brown an ex Joint development The Simcoc Klimt llonrd of EtlUCLttiUH lttls decided to enter into an agreement with the Township of Venom for joint de velopment of community alth Ieftie field at Forest Hill school in hilidlnust Several months ago the town ship asked the school board tor permizslion to erect teams courts on board property and it was suggested the two pnrtics enter an agreement for the develop ment operation and mainten ance of the site The agreement acccpieti by ELMVALE NOTES the board at this weeks meet ing cells for the cstnblislimtnit of board oi management made up If the school principal at trUStee of the board it represen tative of Vespra township conn cil ul appointee from the Mid lnnst community centre board and an appointee from the par ents group ztSocinted with the school The school will Use the field during tie school day and tilt townhip during non School liouilt Curctukin anti mainten for Midhurst field nicc costs lrom Steptcmber to June Will he the nisibiliv of the loir on ii tor nios for the remainder of the year All funds will be handled by the board of management Which will also be responsible for any construction on the site All ca pital Projects muit be submitted to the scltot board for approval to ensure that all safety and health standards are met The agreement will last five cars and must now be approv ed by the township Toronto gospel singers to visit Elmvale Sunday llitltll IMHI An open invitation is extend ed to everyone from at over Simcoe County dlltl all over the world for that muttcrt to come to Elmvule this Sunday evening St Johns United Church is presenting the movie Eight een and the talented group ot gospel singers The Kings Chile then from lcoplcs Church in Toronto The home anlitoen is about port lithlili teen iutets short lite Ullzl how it al lectcd everyone around her She touched gt0 many hearts and minds bringing many teen agers to know how important it is to have Christ in their busy lte There no admission char collection will be taken with poc€eds going to the Sunday Schoil work funds Remember the date Sunday at 730 pm at St Johns United Church If you enjoy singalong hymn sesnion come out curly at 715 pm and join in the songfest LOTTERY WINNERS Its the hullway point for the Flos Elnivalo rei Seating Lotery now that draw number 10 has taken place The lucky ones in the February draw were Melville Prit of ill Mines inz winning the Goo firt prize Rolly Mclxnn of lilmvnle win ning the $300 ecoi1d prize and William Taylor of RR litm vale winning the 5200 third pri ze The llth draw in thi lottery will alie place on Monday Martti l5 WEDDING Coiigratulatiois are extended from the Clllilt community to pair of newlyweds in Elm vale Charlie Show of Elmvalc and Norma Kerr of Orr Lake were married curly lllln month while on holidav zri Tulifornizi Followinn the ceremony in Los Angeles the Shaws embark ed on short livucmion to Mexico They plan to live at Orr Lake RECIPE BOOKS ll hockey mothers are ask ed to donate one i11t1llg recipe sonicll ll them to be published in recipe bork to go on sale at the Little Nllli Hockey Tour nament which gtLil5 March Thou recipes can be deposit ed in special recipe box at the Flos liltmule arena and you ire asked to do so as soon as Immich wot has tlltéltll lxuun to rcntly them for the sale date Iilllltl intorninion can be obtained by calling Mrs liv AleMann at 3222716 CIIARIIQR NIGHT Members and friends of the filminlc and District Lions Club will be celebrating their 27th View ttjw ttl log in from Prince ttlt led ill Itlnd inniivtignry ontccncc H1 lllt lllitllti furtl 14 llllllll Ill luionti rtli 2nd Week 650 915 rydAwards iricludinggBestuPicture and Actor hours later the bank was like circus sideshow hours later it was the hottest thing on live TV 12 hours later it was all history And its 10 nu UH all true MumL The language in this film may be offensive to some people Tho Manager charter night on Saturday Feb 33th Plans are underway for gala celebration at the Elmvalc community hall with dinner and dance and special entertain ment to complete the evenings tclttivitics IY OI PRAYER Friday March is the day to set aside to attend The Worll llny of rayer at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in lilmvale at pm lhe theme for this special day Education for All Life llult lgt ClVle for all four churchc in the village and everyone is very welcome to attend is pensive precedent would be set if council gave the club grant of $75 to cover liability insuran ce on five adult supervisors When things looked bleak lions Club member Orric ill ins jumped to his feet at the council meeting to say his lub president Dave Warwick vou Id pledge $75 to help the boys club Mr Brown along with nth Line resident Bill Fedcr and Goodtlellow School principal Brian Wiles thanked the club for its support Earlier in the meeting Mr Brown said If cornicil doesnt help fear well see mmpletc em to such programs He said he wasnt about to risk his proper nod tiuus with the cllnm WV sued as club instructor if boy were injured the school Itciuesting financial support he said Dont turn your back on the youth Reeve Bill Gibbins argued that tho groups could also ad for help if council acceded in this casr if we do it for your or ganization were leaving our selves wide open for other organizations to come in The towrrships recreation coin mittec of managemen lind rel ommentled that council give $75 to the club on oneshot basis in view of its success over the past four years Ilf much mHVv welld be tiLen ou of the Community or club use Mr lirown sail some bos who do no have money are allowed into the club each week The club has paid $7 for lio Iility insurance this year leav ltl rt ing only $20 in the hunt for special events About 75 boys between the age ol seven and it take part tliviti lliluv tilli from 5313 to 830 pm at Good lellow School ih tintion 37 it cert per week dues to play survll games as floor hockey and dodge ball mic COUNTY GLIMPSES sump snow liLMVAlili The tw day seed and feed show of the North Smcoe Sol and Crop Improve merit Association will be held in lihnvalcs community hall March and LIQUOR VOTE CltlIISMORE special cnu merution is under way in this village to list qualified voters for the plcbiscite in the spring The vote will rule on serving of alcohol in restaurants YOGA COURSE SIlttdfl 10week course will start lhursdny March at loodtcllow cltmcntzirv school to pm The program is oped to the public IHH AVID MACHINERY Nicwmniuer Crop and Machinery Dov uninsured by the Wed Central Soil and Crop Illil0itlll0lll Association will be held clnesda March in the Newniorkct community centre starting at it Lin with Speak cr from the University of luelph DISTRICT NEWS THE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 197 AT GOOD ROADS CONVENTION Among those delegates were tflOnl leltv 110m Prid hum meniimt If the Simeoe toiix rrrtd czourirttcc and New of Sittiinidtlc town hin lllllll titliSlllt IX Llltl in 131 it ll PASS alio ianin liliS llllllilhti Ill lnlllllll lllllll llllllllilbltllt it on wt in out tinstlii piilfiitaiilfitiofiirsifiigl ll Lttlillvt it il llllllnlhlltllilll in MM on Jt tlliliili ht ttll Eugene Smith ieeie of la township John Fennell chair firm of the cci road tmt mittee Orville llughcs Sinr cue tolniy tii nod li WAS le END It THE Lth Jll vii In now too Milton uou intuit tlcriit llllllllh llllthFth tlllNSthllltlllllll illlXNl in Reeve Ken Knox mem hcr of the count road com iililin tlnonto Bureau Pho Int MIIIIUVVI uv mm mm man Ill

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