ARTICLES FOR SALEI LOSE FOUND ARTICLES FOR RENT 3PN aALL game also Skittle boardI eiectric in good running order plus extra parts Apply 439 Blake street att ter pm M1 IO HELP WANTED MACHINE TEE BARBIE EXMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 1976 15 il LEGAL CAT male black lost In st Vincent NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of RDSAIBEL 11um OMIEB the Township of Ore in the Gun ty Simone Married Wo man Deceased and Orchard Dr area white on threat and stomach answers to name Wee Tommy miaoo reward P23 WANT PARTTIME JOB THAT ISNT BORING OR DEAD END THE MILlTlA PROVIDES WM ARTICLES WANTED LeiA SPECIALIST Dotti Directory of Business Services and Products mm MW iaack any Barrie Exgmlngr canlg bags In good condition bring them to the Circulation Department or phone Elspeth Oates late of the Town 7266539 TFl lop rate training ship of 0m in the Claim at OPERATOR CASH roe OTTO FURNITURE mm ppm Sim Married who ALUMINUM FIREPLACES MUSIC INSTRUCTION dlsldir od 131111 clocks adds grog advancement ammo died on or about the mth bay of tan Pre 19 ems 728423 good ALUMmUM Sidmg awnings Buy dir Am MASONRY specializing In PIANO LESSONS at my home studio Fulltime person mquiied pay up to $60 month Sï¬plember 1971 are 30 921 no installer and Instal fireplaces Written warranty Also develop techniques and toy In play OUTBOARD MOTOR wanted to 10 for local industry new mend that to send if lame lanaiis rar imprOVe your home with brick block and stone 7285673 Au24 Ind Mrs Altrows 7281732 M27 no must be good condition and to the undersim on or We 28 priced reasonable Telephone 4245042 FliGood wages fringe bene fits steady employment less cost 7370890 4563011 APPLIANCES suck stock stop work Fireplaces OUITAR LESSONS Classical and popl FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT clalty Free estimates Stan ular Marcel Potvln Guitar studio Knlcgely New Lowell 4245150 Auto 0614119 or which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the 29th day of March 1970 aft ELECTROLux Canada Ltd author coLONIAi Fireplaces all tual factory IPAINTING ARMERS MRKT APPLY IN WRITING rm GREY SIMCOE FORESTERS the darn5 of whim the lzgd sales and serVIce 13 Alliance inII 301 Tittm 7234040 TF grv mqu Box PM BARR FXAMINFR Sgned shall then have notice and Wampum nagging36531 ARM FOR pnorrr 142 Alith ARMOURY in undersigned win not be liable re astmae IC BOOKKEEPNG liHwyI Watson for tree estimathtllihgï¬b 7264 175MB TF SHOP QUEENS PARK BARBIE OnL laegnï¬opeirson 311E whoseï¬glalms Ea on ave no MOBLP BOOKKEEPING service your DON SIESLING prolessionai 0517111110 bnlcolr 15113101 $75 $100 PART1er rt to partial ori HANDYMAN int sr ter per ban DATED atBarnetluazsm 18 3303 7t€i° mommy W1 slimline ouErLrciteecE COOP $125 tzao tuLLTIML 12m mm PM nuts AND Tulips 7233761 of February 1m 66808 FREE 7065531 For sales trainee Must be able Hfl mi LIVINGSTON MYERS AND CARPENTRY 1G ages cleaned Tram hamed vEIgréggrasilggorlel75 FT to work four evenings have COCKBURN pin away 7287696 F28 car and be Willing to learn Bdrm and 801101 FENERAL 193mm visiiooniiliilttin JUST GIVE US 30 FARM MMHTNERV 39 Collier St Box 698 221215533 elcy reasonable casrorrs l$395335331113031533l gm an appointment call 4352097 BARBIE Ontario 1AM 4Y3 M11 45173525 72153141 ed wall and ccilinqs Telephone 705 N12 bnhmtWS for the Who unisum WORK done specializing MEIween 10 3m Bnd 513° Wm VE JD USED ROBERT JOHN GATES in rec rooms and additions Call Joa at PAINTING decoratinri drywall den F27 7264421 M16 lal IlALI= TON truck to move lUnk EOosonaoOrI Treesealilhgiwenssaflxliibh1 panï¬ Chemlcalb bervue sinner cm SPENCE HowAnD 12 TENDERS Iithe cabinets IDEcllllV 7265641 GENERAL REPAIRS carpentry re VELLINGA nalnllnfl and dmréifnq Stliiiltl 4361510 Irlld ll NW5 1795 Mzzu novationa painting etc Reasonable Interior exterior tOrk guaranteed MVF Jutï¬ time 10 make I01 55$ 5011 CXRPE NTERM do rec rooms mp Reliable No iob too small 776003 Eslabllshed 30 vrs 726200901 7269002 Mgt mg AVON Be an indo ovations remodelling eit N0 101 loo gt BPOWV VD BELL pendent Sales Represen Small 77612 HOUSE Reruns painting outsidel BENERAI carpentv renovations re °°7°5 °dd im elcw Jeylgjfl Farm Dairy Equipment tgggfémicupggï¬lgMHZ at creatiifn reapis tramr2iz77ggrriaflgeagogé IArIETICZRlAM IIRvP lilr lrmiure DELAVAI rances family poodums HOWARD JOHNSON RESTAURANI be 11 sir vtcr an at M23 shtiï¬abfergfgxargirrï¬ï¬i gift lat5 Norm2 7988633 M17 Flirt 11 blfflgcg at competitive prices mm BM IBM 51 is now intervleiimg for the position of dies TON WORK Nations traile tor movim Snow ihovellino um 0111130 me dlly jewelerv and LeftToma repaï¬rgwgdgmgns and blowing 4362387 M7 PLASTERiNG Itlli LQIinmcnt and Supplies many shown on 13 ï¬r9 JV HEAnNG COOLING PLAsTeniNG turnip1 inn tinnm BJITLZ Uzi5 113231Egé your own boss expel PUBLIC WORKS alnraionltaiir rind aiii CARPET CLEANING JESPRA VALLEY Hem new med my If Jim 9M MWFTF 1539 £23112 8liiust br enclgctlcnmatulc llCLtILII and quick to learn day work CONTRACT NO 7611 renovations humiditiersw Mock Salaried position Successtill illiliLililI must have restaurant ITALIZE your carpets With steam sysmm AL and slmcoe Count Ca IeEaiiiing residential and commercial Ana Wlsm 72807 77H M26 cuda lTiE15ND¢Jw£Ntake olrtatggrpuilx 28 9652 ted experience in dlnllig 100111 isealed tenders will be received A1 5319 Cleaning 726632 M2 COLD 11 wdrabzlltf mw Ilade or radar bled ay or er bv the idaRpendagle service Fgr Fuusrn ligating RgZFLNJSraanariiegtrg reriétsenrnaalibolgsuall i336 dug chzfnh 959 flow wept Xgew 01Vilte 10 blitox Applï¬ 1N 1714150 Ml 5le joiner £14 li 114 arrle iv tr isc Sic ar SUI 93702°n9737261l on M2 IF antidolnr IlgbbY armor craniandscÃ©ï¬ adonBalne $11017 Esq WAM WW MH ll 0200 pm Monday March 8th DEAL WITH designer Custom made war ener er 1975 for the supply of home service Randy Forbes BBYWOOd HOME IMPROVEMENT Hugem SEWING recruiters roumv AND cnicxs ANTED MANAGER MANAGERESS in DRESSMAKING f°m°9fl SEWING MACHINESinduslrial and rln £751 ul mm mml SWEEPER WITH 22$Aicsf°l°iiï¬iif 152 I22 meigiig SmjmmacmrgsWilmalwesr rods craig Hunter Poultrv OLD FASHIONED LADIES READY To WEAR ATIACHMENTS DRESSES FIT IF made by JOSIE rooms 4364179 11 DB iFarm Stroud 4361811 TF AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits RE 7Rr HV ill Hill are the TIBIHUTl ie arc lunklllq lOl ltiu ivill be experiencea Specififalmï¬Wmmf emet Stash an alterations 76 Worsley 76F ISXEiobEdeoomlliélgg 53251 aï¬cdrvmoib SNOWPLOWNG LIVESTOCK we are mtercsled talking in ambitious and lashinn 0111x1011 apes may be obtamed at the of DEVING SCHOOL LEARN defensive drivinu trqm quaIiI ter inst 0SL grad For into call KempBay driving school 7267963 M1576 DRYWALL snsctALtzING in tapind and texture spraying Call Tony 7281102 An EAVESTROUGHING UPERICR EAVESTROUGHING Specl 1a st ice and snow removal from roots only 4241956 New Lowell TF ELECTRICAL WHEELER ELELTRIC Industrial FTIITPJCILI restpentlal also applian 132 24 hour service 4240234 Angus Jv sIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial Com nercia Residential Farms 24hour aintenance service 7233234 TF FENCING SUPPLY and installation of farm lance cedar post chain link Barrie Fence Co 7263063 A019 Try Examiner Want Ads 7282414 lice storage space Also painting wait papering Murray Ball 7288906 Mia HUMIDIFIERS ELECTRONIC air cleaners reducel dust ielleve allergy Symptoms Vespra Valley Heating 7280733 7281286 M26 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared for small business farm and home Nial chella Bookkeeping serVIce 7262973 A09 INCOME TAX and accounting services Business and personal Experienced 11 Owen St Barrie 7261216 M24 INCOME TAX returns prepared am in pm Kidd 945 Edqehzll Dr 7263407 M26 INSULATION 51MCOE Economy Insulation libre alas bIOVllIl and batting Free as timates Scot Muir 7281267 IF KARATE KWANS SCHOOL OF KARATE class as Friday run Central Col qulaie Gym For Intomation pnore 7263654 TF MOVING AND CARTAGE EsSA MayElia and CJEEeTrzaï¬ii or 4240711 A03 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT BOB GARNER Construction EIVVVIIOUF service Hunt rind loaders 7284832 or 7262211 77119 SNOW REMOVAL from roots rcsidenI at and Cottages Telephone 7267191 F23 IlRl HTS SNOWPLOWING iii loiiinrrria and raridonliai lfluOnIIJIQ rates Phone 7267757 Mia TELEVISION LEASING BARRIE ONLY House of Lea n9 Leas your nnI CJIUV from 31 rOnth Barrie TV Olicr street 7284297 Tc TvAND RADIO HARRI ELECTROVISION INC 13 Mis to al train 17 and 1lllI SQUinillcIl itll3156 A15 15 wWATER THAULAGE THEEI WATFPMAN ImpX lt55 JIlli vets Cialeriis Sulil mu pool tilled 1F WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WlNDOW CLEANING fIIPIJIliliï¬ mu dildfllll3 and stores Totem are 7914 Jr WROUGHTIRON WARREN BROWN DJ Music id people who title to dance Good rates 259545 JU23 RAILINGS Idli lireolai roens room olvidcr lrnrrn pool lenchrim Free emirates 7263712 Jy19 4ARTICLES FOR SALE KRAZY KELLYS RCA XL9O $583 W1 out To Own $130 Weekly or terms available PHONE TONIGHI DELIVER TONIGIIT KRAZY KELLYS lizirrie Iqun 7371182 lI itaHllCIILa 1111 April 1976 lF LEADING Canadian Swimminq Pool distributor has left over 1975 all alum Jium aboveground rectangular pool packages complete 18 27 made 10 zell for $2225 now at sacrifice prlca of only $1488 Limited supply Call days or evening collect 14162214840 M5 TELEVISION color 15 inch portables years in good working order Inn telephone 72811112 TF VGURNEY STOVE ior sale burns wood and coal good condition 5125 Tata piclle 4245605 F23 GUITAR Gibson J45 Brand new Val 5500 New hard shell Borg lined Value $8500 Sacritice both $450 phone 7263020 MIRIE TV New and used stereos rle TV 29 Collier 7284297 JY8 EBUMPIR POOL new for sale new with balls cues and chalk 3150 or best offer Telephone 7267640 atter pm FACTORY GOOFS Due to an over lnum 74 It round swimming pools we must sacriï¬ce immediately complete noul package regularly selllnq tor $1 495 now only $999 Ltmlted su ply all days or evenings collect 141 255 4840 RADIAL Tills months old also weddinn dress size best otter Tele phone 7260255 F27 PUG rul colored nylon new 12 l7t or brat nller Telphone 7372200 altnl rim F27 ANTIQUES ir aale IlllltI alllo turnt Iir Harvle Pd RR Iarrie in 27s 7mm MI NATURAL GAS dryer loam white $125 natural gee stove haryeat geld $175 or bent ultr good condition tele phone 77170905 alter pm IZO2I2ll $175 on display main Ollice Brookdalel PIANOS from 575 Visit the lower level of Bar production OI 1275 aboveqround alum ARTICLES FOR SALE TEAM UNIFONMS and iackels See ton Weeks at Georgian Sports 40 Essa Road 7263200 JO COLOR CONSOLE $499 Barrie TV tor best value on Can adian made color TVs year picture tube warranty year parts and labor We service what We sell Compare then visit Barrie TV 22 Collier street or call 7784297 M1 lFlREWOOD dried Split hardy030 mostly maple Delivered 12 inch Lorri 535 16 inch 515 7283715 7718 FLEETivOOOCOLOiifl Console years old in excellent Ipn rtition Asking only $295 or best otter Call 7265126 after pm Ml ISUZUKI GUITAR lncludinq rate like new will sell for $50 tirin Telephone 7253676 F73 SWIMMING POOL kits 1975 model in loround kits size 16 32 and iii 36 only Limited supply at reduced prices ThF FEBRUARY SALE upright vacu icleaners $813 new singer sewinq mach ines lrorn $109 stretch stitch machin Ees from $194 Sinner Company Geor Illafl Mall 7287960 727 TF OUSEHOLD articles lncludinq tree er dehumidifier sorted tables dressers sets of encyc nnedias all in reasonable conditian 7280775 after 530 pm F28 GAS RANGE for sale 30 wici natural or propane condition 3175 Telephone 7260560 F28 TELEVISION and stereo console Sil vertone wood cabinet in aood iondit hon in oood workinq order Inch Hard SSO Telephone 7762283 before F28 STOVE Frinidaire 30 Inch wliitc class in oven door Good condition Asan $25 telephone 7287587 F28 HOOKED RUG handmade new circu lar 60 inch diameter floral design ask inq $375 Drawincis of Walt Disney characters and Sesame Street char laclers Telephone 6352119 Hillsdalor gt78 CEMINT wheelbarrow like heavy duty telephone 7287044 Special deal $200 cash re hate when you buy new piano from Neales 30 Queen 77 Elmvala Friday DW F28 or Saturdaysla22l940 25 LOW BOY color tuily recondi tloned maqnlllcent Mediterranean ca blnet only $393 No Mvmenlr 1111 February 76 Kran Kellys Barrie Plaza 71171102 TF LEADING POOL Manufacturer 1m above nr0und redwood tyne ponl available Willing to sacrifice at half price call collect anytime 1416667 1302 wThFF26 PROFESSIONAL model Guitar and am pittiar also accaaaoriaa 3250 Perfect condition Telephone 7261 F27 IIFIIOIIATOI for sale 14 cubic loot Mrclliry Fasv 1215 lb freezer hand runnlnq condition Telephone 72 9359 F77 IryrawniTre Undlnnod porlable scrrnl and speed automatii humidi thr tioor Usher brush Girls ea All like new Tale none 7838301 37 ROUND POOL 24 ft nave ground $7110 also 13 toot screened Ga7eho $200 All In excellent condition Telephone 7264972 Ell Siariile Pools John Campbell 7780492 in errellont Asking ha ARTICLES FOR SALE GENDRON lururr airpllrr $10 tiinlii LIIOII $5 usert tor one viiilri vlil icin phone 77601107 1328 20 ZENITH nior loinism v1 taml r100d 0111900 $175 r1130 solid woorl rOl tee and and ladle Iamrnod atylc pecan no or tilW Inn lnLIlJIid will 77811175 F18 FIRESCREEN nr sale than $15 ntO lwn bet OIIDIQIfl 310 Both 111 Vnrr wort conchlicli lelcpllolie 117 afitr 1311 pi 123 EXERCISE BICYCLE moll Oniotrr Illl Orrun aliu iiirit Phone evening irr Rollinf IR ursso OIL FURNACES 7w édléftnn be inutallnri Telephone 7731111 11 MOVING WEST mutt II millionth of IlOillf articn 11 IllI lcrrinuri 11 dryer liiiiiv hNI Irixn kitchen unite and llrtll more lclopllonn 776 5531 M1 CLARKS HOME rUIlllIirlq Jvir house Annex Raticlil at ripod used pi irdrnon lIliPIItld sell refririnratiu from 62 25 lI 539 93 rirrer €177 nllOivnfir mayhem Grid Lila no 0ch illoglrrlloli rlmvr from $51775 new and dinwrr the dresscrr walnut or mapvr Illft BOATSAND MOTORS 12 FOOT ALUMINUM tar loll 11011 llIUsl so rinOrt Mild lilllll 217 Telephone 1M 6117 assorted size beds as SAILBOAT 70 Palmtop Jerill tin ll zloop ii vvintjr irrirlln luv prod toraria unit apliiiri Al nq 310111 telephone 71 Luau 728 DOGSAND PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA liIl planiu all Tlcrirlr price 113 Arrinqli rrl Hit0110 Aquariulm LOIINJ ll DOBERMAN PINSCIER Dunn 3107 or obedience giro til Rho Vrm Marlon itern CIllian import Dam IPA Vnm IIau 17IIllllllOI Til1 WinMW 7371091 AJS PROTECTOR ASSOCIATES Obedi enc ouarddou raIninO and rentals Specializing In breedian nl Doberman Pillschers 726861 or 7371021 I9 LHASD A050 puppies weeks OKLQI lent house pets do not lone llnir Vol inspected needles CKC Reqistratlon Phone 4872503 F28 FREE To qood IlOln Welsh Ter lier years old male registered Needs room to run Telephone 7283007 alter 530 pm IBARRIE POGDLF Salon LIIIHIIIDOO lan lirr rllhmr nl rill broods South Slrnel East ItllAlli lLAB PUPS rcqislnrnrl sliolh IIOIIIIT ion sired parents xrayell cider 11Ic piione 7054075011 M20 POODLI TRIMMING proteaslonal oroomirio al breeds pickup and delivery 72611795 Pet Studlo TF CHIHUAHUA for air nilrnhinrl rm Miners male utiork nitt Tlllfi mil leleltlinne 711111111 Ml MAYs P001116 lnilpt Iluinriunal clipplno and qllflllllll IOlthlabIO ral ea Ieleptmue 726006 Ml MO FRUITS VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Kuule mri son on resilnn Ora 776 19117 7238437 closert aundaya your cardamom ly 20 ion 385 ten in the bin Tele 177 TF PALAMINO MARE years Old sound 11 v1rid limb and sight good disposit ion Western saddle and bridle also to bales 01 hey 5450 Must sell Moving telephone 7266946 evenings F2 FEED SEED GRAIN TlERTA HARLEY for sale ior turlher information telephone 7288077 MIXED GRAIN for sale approximate plione 7781306 MI HAY nr sale larqe or small quantt iics telephone 7263831 alter 10 ami people who believe their income should only be governed by the work they do No government controls no hold Ibacks no clocks to punch you are your own boss parking your own timc Mi We will Show you how to succeed as representative oi the Dom inion Automobile Association amt we offer special incentives and benefits to help you along but everything you desire to acliimc is in your hands moo BALES of bay extra Iarqa baII 436 F28 excellent quality 7227 Telephone 600 EALES of hay for tale iullable nr terse tor Iurther information catil 7805 F78 N000 BALES excellent quality Itll A1 tar 6171 5150 per bale telni phone 72712411 or 7370058 alter pm lwiore an MI PERSONALS ACCUHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 drink thats your business il you 175 to quit thats ours Call film TF JULIES 33 Essa Road we trade and will U3d packet novel Open alli to 11 iii day neck M89 ENGLISH RlDlNG lnslrUttm lndoor required by leading liiiinutacturI er of Pneumatic conveying equip ment Wind A017 arena lilIUIQ tlOtTl Barrie laurlil larm 7260197 gt CARTOONST avaiable to entertain at inildrc larties 512 Further interi Iron 7I1U36 mot evenmqs Ml TELECARI thl tiqht your pro ctcm alonc Let ri triand help Call telecarn 7267022 anytime TF SLEIGH RIDES available 520 an nour rm to 25 people Telephone 4363776 av Oniiiq F202427M2 DATES ARE arranged according to needs IIILrczts and personality types Ill iiiormation treated vritti strict confidence for it nor FS TF WIDOW alone lonely Owns lovely ItOlle Friendly happy nature Wants iiigore lTIIIclllIli companion early llllf Give phone number Replies tilrcrl Box 20 Barre Examiner 393590165 Some Babysitters are UNRELIABLE Babysitters are EXPE Babysitters Babysitters Babysitters Babysitters Babysitters DON F2728M1456I If you want better than nicr age days pay for an 11011051 days iulk sonI Iirlcl rcslilnc to DOMINION ACIOMOBILIC ASSOCIATION 201 King Street London Ontario N6A Ilii Attention Dun Stuart Divisional Manager All rcpiics iiill lir licpl cmiiidcnI tial and will be acknowledged 123 it Equivalent on Cost Control REPLY lt BIIX lltt COOKSTOWN ALLANUA LE IIOME HARDWARE Dem 89W lizcs an opening for person lur men Wm 80 N96 Bum Exam Inside iork Must be alert and capable to help unload trucks 1628 F2527ltliill permanent position for rglll applicant Apply in person at 200 IlNEI5 POINI Ill BOOKKE PE NSIVE are UNTRAINED are UNINSURED GET SICK WANT VACATIONS GIVE RECEIPTS For SUPERIOR SERVICE ilII lin nail established IOI Please forward complete res 11 iiiilc cnltslriiclion operations Plml All viiirillulit Hilary will lie Box 69 DUBLIN or telephone Irial balance with quarterly ilitcriiui linancial statements Specifications and tenderevmveb KICIdISkOOI Opes may be obtained at the Ealncs in works up lrescliiulcrs tar lice of the City Clerk Itiil EAT IPLD SI Iii 7237108I DO Anggbdéo binnll ld1lill POWlest 01 any tend not we ilwI lyii gt3 mined ALL lMtUllilizb slltiULD b1 MADE 10 sritAuouAN 0K 400 BARRLE 19 HLPwll£lfl15lm my nu 10X 502 BARBIE Vlill rum RESUME 1mm 97 P27MS3 at Experience TRAVEL CONSULTANT onto agency for aililic Position open approx May 151 ulna and salary expected to Flux 112 ilie Barrie Examiner 211 COOK lulllimp dining room rook re BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISORS Required immediately in Eastern and Southern Ontario to supervise applicants with considerable nqivllolico in Ilillll0k lilorl iilllI concrete placing will he lltlthI Only Offered to qualtlierl applicants Apply to Looby Construction Limited Ontario NOK IEO 519 3452800 Qualifications emphasizcl 1121111013101 knuiilirlzo lit plating Ill heat treating would be an asscl lice of the City Clerk Lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted STRAUGHAN Box 400 BARBIE FEBRUARY 1976 1W1 Ollcr an oxciiilig future in lupltl uponding tactics wear chain LOCATION GEORGIAN MALL BARBIE Im an intorvicw cull collect 11106240130 Ol loriiiirtl our routine in IRENE HILL ONiARlO LID F2527ltl4li 1616 Malllcwn Blvd 14ml 12 MISSISSAUGA Ontario F27 it are REAL ESTATE AS CAREER 73 13190 liliuii 111115 unruuts lli luau ESlAlli 1111 PUBLLC WORKS Written quotations will be receiv ed by the Public Works Super aitendent 165 Ferndale Drive Barrie Ontario up to 500 Monday March 8th 1976 to the purchase of the following equip our our plic 111111 lilliin IIiiiiluuii Illttllltlll lixccllcnt LOlllilllalllll plan Ill liv plus IIIIIIUFf Mortgage tiiulicy availahi Health and life IllrlliitliLC benefits national roiclrill gttcin latrem Canadai Member of tlic Bari1c Ontario Canadian lieal Estate Associat ton Hit will til tiic lCUllllCS ic OIIOI menl For lnntidclitinl intervimv please contact VABOUI 1908 INTERNAT lOUGLS VIAU 7261771 nglgï¬posm 4WD BACKHOE F2027 Each otter is to be accompanied IWIih deposit by certiï¬ed che que of 30 of the bid Final payment by accepted term to be made in full prior to retailer of equipment EOREMAN ILE OR HDMALIJ with lo dlb ChitCliCIllE Ill metal stamping prOLesses Equipment 01 sale as is when is Highest or any quotation not necessarily accepted Milli Ill lililidCliifC to Leonard IOdid If the Information and host may be arranged Wong DECOR METAL PRODUCTS M1 W011 Dev3mm 140 131 51 erii urox our MIDLAND Ontario lublic 1lorks Superintendent FULLTIME PUBL JILKS CONTRACT No2 7612 ISealed lenders will be received WE REQUIRE AN INDIVIDUAL WHO lby the City Clerk City Hall 34 Collier Street Barrie Ontario un IS CONVERSANT WITH Itil 500 pm Monday March 8th 1976 for the supply of ltllcuritc system containing accounts receivable and accounts TWO 121 NEW VEHICLES MIN IMUM GVW 27500 POUNDS payable PARTTIME DAY LEADING TO PIFHER NIGHT OWL with van for early morn delivery In Barrie Must be bondI 4163615138 PROGRESSIVE lLliiber and buildinql suppl dealer ICJUIIOS branch manager ing end sales ersonnol in Orillia area able Telephone collect Telephone 753252161 for GDOOIIIITTIOFIIIIE days Mr Norm Britten MI ume DRYWALL FOI farm antiques and GIRLS Drywalt applicators and drywall tagi lo dislrblile advertising material all ers telephone 4356506 or school hours Material delivered tOi Sales Representative your home Pay delivered one week at business closures Cali GEORGE PlFlIER 1523Sltl333iwilï¬lIt 322 31 vgu yr oi Mn io g°ragi°i WWW eveiy av re YOU presen mp Barre Examiner 13 ed sawsI 50 we require 53 ropreseptaiive lei our Cradlat anld CoEm munlca ions bua neaa in err 13ngdlayqrhaï¬olflgcyhmlDCIICnCE in credit andor communica tions helpful but not eaaentlai Contactl Don Wheian 72H552 6111 to FTF BILL BARR WAiTaaasWAITER untied 730 MondIVo FrldIY am to 430 pm Monday to Friday REAL AT Green Corner Restaurant Telephone 99 7286711 F27 PV Em Mm Antiques farms industrial Dunlop Oarrle 72 1001 M4 household estates mortgang COMMISSIONED sales person for ex Irlusive 115 and canndian lines Oper ORDER PROCESSOR consiignmeiits and valuations aiinri Barrie and North Telephone 778 gai oriented person with tuiura Ill 4270 daily and 7267107 evenings iDeUNIIV construction sales tiald ORONERSHIOT Eons taxi ATLIIIKGnd perl ï¬gfwï¬ï¬ omgwépgqugd ï¬lï¬tï¬gi Limit ilrllvoiï¬Ã© mus be 15 0E originals 5ng to be negotiated Complete deni lve ciau ura Iceilce MOM onnmy patty bendIlls sane resume to In Barrie Examiner aln0°stte°i 130703113012 13 may EXAMINER WANT ans one fulltime cook and one lulltime FOR BEST RESULTS 9L1 rags SiliCCbSOI to Jerry Couglilin CALL 7280744 Iii£1 dinian room personnel Full traininq provided Apply In perm only Ml 73344