ioint II IIIIISIESON Ill lleur Thosteso have hem having trouble lllll my l1cs for abort tour years But in the lust six months my right ti2 HHSitll ict Im very active in sports and tn lvtjcutt im went to doctor and he told me have rhouimtoid arthritis tenliritis nrl jumpers knee He gnc mc cortisone shots in it nrx list tw didnt helzi much When play my knee est trly stung nlthougn NIHCIIIHOS it will give out 2tc Ive played it gets stilt Vhats wrong What does the turfone doI how had my luLCi xrziycd but nothing gt11 up Is it paslilch that netl gtIII3CL Worried It on his Th knee is the mostinjurv riizt join in the body bCCLILls ii constructed gt0 as to mom the lower leg Itibia in one plane backwardSl from the litecczp Yet it bears IIIHJOI Ht ut the bodys weight which 13 lthittel in several planes par tzc ly in such tXCILlbL as ll ilt an ir1 purple us their right leg more than as to jumping lhus the moresr nnztoms in your right iu ktICCcuii protects Illa iuit the two mn nv ban5 in the 19 the to lttll abovct and the tibia Ibe ion The ends these bones iovcttil at the knee and are rulthioned by layer 0t heavy duty cartilage Bands of rquuily sturdy ligament hold the tno ogehel ll no together these tructures can ltlllllt outraged 8111 would he thtfictzlt to say whether your oruhlcm atcm ttum cartilage nt ligament damage eithcr nculd iiow up on xrays as noultt bone break for ex ample It the ligament is torn ll uill 31 heal by rtsclt Cartilage llIl tatiow can produce snootcms closely resembling condition alled osteotathritts The coriiv Mine nould alleviate an in flammation of the joint etruc hires as in tendonitis But it would not offer total solution If the cartilage tthe cushion matcriall is only partly jani =td reï¬t and thc cortionc to cthat 1th allAv to th Torn cartilage can he removed snrzically lf ou plan to routinic ti ctic activity it nould be is to look into this possibility Afterwards the leg can usu ally be used as elrcctixelj lt before You seem to be the tyne of perSOn who doclt not 11nd time to git 0i knees kl52€lll 791 and $5226 ou begin by Iain thilt earn it means minsing par of the spawn GOOD HEALTH Knee most iniuryprone in human body You need thorough aval nlution by an orthopedic special ist pretorenbly one who sees lot of athletic iniuries Door 11 lllostcson Is there special diet tor child Itu is lnmnnctive My son is and very active He cant even sit and watch cartoons He is con stantly jumping up and down Btlmv have written the name ol drug tried but he is the same Rl Use the hyperactive label vurily Youngsters his age are normally active and some times may seem overactive to hurried mother Diagnosis hould be made by doctor The drug you mention is tran ouilizcr and hope it was pre scribed for him by physician not by you trom your onn sup ply That would be dangerous wellbalanced diet with ade qtlzttt protein is important AIo you might investigate the possibiliy of an allergy espe chilly it there is an allergic trait in the Inmiy Often lcrgies can be traced to food This time of year many chil dren are indoors so much that they bust their seams in un spent energy This can appear to he hyperactivity Dear Dr Ihostcson tecenlly had the rubella vaccine vould like to know how lone houl it until attempt to become pregnant Mrs The general policy is that to woman who is pregnant or who might heroine pregnant within the next three rvintlu Utmld receive the rubella German men nccnu oxi hould itll at let thrte monthlt he tore becoming pregnant CS Dear Dr Ihostcson tlll tton concerns douche that wm prescribed tor my vaginitu It contains iodine trom the lnlwi intormationl Inc problem that while 320 there gtomc lktll about iodine in rel ton to Ill Iiytoil Illtlllllll ly wllllt nptnlvc nu Inuni he omeuhui low In I1 all conlttmex me tnd om upposcd tnrt medacctton for tluroid llltil Icm Some medically ltivnl douches Lo conn 1mi=nr in Illitll ccctiruion lhc you mention ljv hymn MM In your ccr is one it them ls 3nccnce II tic couciw min on would not tttec mur 1h nl lunction either an nor leill attcc the ftyvoxl incil ilwv gun to tukc You loud in dcu if h1t lninetg ir ttgroul union under control inth your uginï¬is problem i0 Humid gland her much 1m pith hormone regulation tunic clieniiir YOUR HOROSCOPE BERXIIJI USUI Saturday lrb 18 Aries tluri 21pril Ill Gael Iortunc should accompany wit and your asscciutes today lick JCLIBI trtcnds to June yur cntcrpric ot aitlllthr Taurus April 20May 20 You 111 the onlrtunity ottxf he lllf tor today to talk to who ltl llvllC your rhkus intcretz Level turn run irinlni IIav TWO ZJUl ufiw youve ltl vuitin Io tn1 lovcd H125 may he Iiit7 lL It til louvr lnc let others know gt511 Ctl iic reuclcl Zuluer June llJllly who you hue hclncd nill willing to lltllhULO today ion huvr my nrcls dont co to El tlr July 321502 umwt tr lJullq 351 Crowds tnnqs you rig to m1 Etc Mm hurl tol1 Hn rl to itc ulonc vtti one fir ulnilly ucll Scpt 25 ch Mir piote attuned to buy or cursor today hcr tifl enjoy nirtvlne youll irgo Mug II SIDE GLANCES lngzrr bun uu ninlun In Libra tbcpt 3Ucl thl lltiI Tiitlf litli if oure not ltllCl to putty on olr Kilnre 11 milin compumot ot the oppo ollt ex Scorpio tUct WNW 25 ion mully thi appcurs to he tor tunzitc day for you nith the kind of an entire you hope tor in Other career low salgitturius Nov 22lllcc ill Youc Iootlomc and Inncy tree lolziy You llIc tendency enjoy one roup tor tile then llit to another apricorn Dec £Ik Elite tnnt lZlj Luci nut lCLll you more trump cords today than he does oth ers li you sense the advantage grill Aquarius llnngs that Its It Jim EllIVII lfll niictl you Igttllllt all could he nrulitihle lw dny Its povible you could hen etit lnwtlirg pint unplcnn int ltrsson Pisces IcI IIMarch 50 nlicreby inutciial benefits may nine to on coil tddcnlv up without your bidding or by Gill For 41 Tum oft that set Cosetls talk is writing my plahlsl 12 THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1976 WIN AT BRIDGE By Oswald and James lncoby NORTH AAKST V984 0J73 41061 WEST A1062 VAK95 OCH dull EAST VJ 73 01061 ï¬AK95 soon 11 V1061 OAKS $034 EastWest vulnerable West North Int South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Oponing lead Iodays hand is at freak It is the Opposl produced any time you deal out new pa without giving it one shuttled You can cut as often as you like but this comes after no shuttle at all More the American Contract Bridge League used computers to produce the duplicated hands used in major championships the late George Goff used to dcal them all out personally George was main of great hon esty but he got old and the last year that he made them up he produced one unshuhfled hand for the open pairs It was caught early and thrown out but before this hap pened one pair had achieved some real notoriety North made one of those shaded third hand bids South responded with an unsound two notirump and North compounded the felony by going to game West opened the live or healtS Dummy played low and the defence started with tour heart bricks lhen West led the three of clubs East won and led hack low club South played tow and the defence added four Iuh tricks They still hard to get another so South wan down fivo TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON 11 IIJII1RIIOROUGH BRRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL 62M tlvt1 3Movie Form Fl hM Hours 9Detinirion 530 22vAdaml1 lli tlPartv unite 12Snace 179 100 7771mm lvROVUIJT lor OS Ithnacn fr trio 4CBS Hem Svivwvv Harm lTo To Irv Irwin VSemfcrrt ard Vin chm1 ltrl 730 tyuitr FRIDAY ICYIINING 3A512Murv Ivlcr Movir Chaim Moore Habit My Sam llLarrv Solwav llvDornv Ind to H250 9Conservative lIMovie Bunny LabI ConventOn ls Missmal mo nzoo JMovie tThe Rain 35lQNasn maker 90 5MVl stormy impart who Weather 35174wdyw3 3rd 9rtvvie My SISI Snuaer Ellcenl Mmin yary ll MOVIE Ill pflillf on Tmawrv of Viva Jun BredA hWJVi Gmm Md Mom Wro Killed Pliocmnt Marv Whaor Name 930 03 Old in I00 urn won at 00 ARonltu Strirukx ll IIII 140 89 Dlolo VN nu I030 150 OrMJr Curail UT la 110 gt II to 11 Ir It 30 er wt 410 NMi ft livir ti ahl He Fw DAILY CROSSWORD Eheater ACROSS eat Pavlmmarg 17 ltnmldrm 17ltitOrtirio 14 Bird Jaws 11 Lomer 16 thoroughfares 18 amok letter 19 FIrhltcal Pcrnmi 10 Evamt rruled VtVIfI lute 15 Armani name ot Tokyo 76 Noted actor eluc country 29 Anqor 10 Flenoah writer Aqent 35 Modern Ianquaqn ab 16 Australian hud 37 Actors mm 30 Europe ah 42 Armed conllict Aft Plant IIturl 44 Girl name 45 Contidamiat Intormntton 47 Suhzttttitg actor J0 Milne OI Aï¬ltotlomy 53 SDI at If 54 Memorable details Dtpart 56 In aware 51 Roman chariot DOWN Ctll oIt clonly luv to Spain Without company Knaehhe pm Beinq Latin Snqu Prontreading mark Want allowance Canadian nrovmca 1n Scratch Scot 83 Medical 11 Utter 14 Suhduo 17 Watering place 34 Stag Rom Answer to Prevvous Punt HE IE PH EEEHED ERIN Sowet 38 Roman coopevatlv goddess GI 23 Go aattav harvest 24 English over 39 Herb 26 Theatrical 4o Coflncgd abbrevnauon 41 Chateau The earth briand hora 78 Ovum 43 Malevolanca 28 Passesxiv 44 Coins of India pronoun 46 Hoatelnon 31 Chemical 43 Place at sulhx ceramic 32 Small In 49 Periods of tlmo number so Times of moms colt Group 51 Cnvlar Ian 52 Boat burden nonII ï¬ll gill onl own III nll fllll INMylMLHI WWI WWII II tIIJIllIIJlS Aotul BORN LOSER BC WIZARD OF ID KERRY DRAKE ANDY CAPP BUGS BUNNY FRANK ERNEST SHORT RIBS nor DONT KNOW it WANT TO BE MANAGERESSPET gt so ON KID OFF YOU GO To THE VICAR AN TELL IM 1b WRITE YOU REFERENCE ow OHH II WASBO SNUGAND FEEL LIKE GOING ON GRUBADE 5325 anew wtirN Tut IHEN iftMHeg UpwlthD PLWL 109 Kr riot um mm 2A 14 SUPERMARKET lnhl amigo STlCKtNG lth KNFHI ARMOCJ 1915 um lnc Whew We that Wraps up another season New know how George Blandd reels THATS FACT ES NEVER LIT ME MISS TUMBLE SALE SINCE WE GOT BECAUSE was REGULAR CHURCH GOER Fungi nan5 glamMn CANTLET OU SAY IT AGAIN ra Amwx Smuit GUMEtt 90MUOH FUR THE VOUJNTEEIZ FEAR Amer te MUCH LIKE ME iAttv ME WHATS THAT STUFF STICMN our ER wwoows MV It DOCTOR TOLD ME TO car CALCULATE rr were SPENDING AT THE ranr ar dill0 PER MILE nqulwv Titty7 THAT lNT mom HIS LL69 ITS Hts BEARD lg manger NOT TO MAVE LAT HE El€D HIS FIRQT PITAGLZN BY Roger Boilers ITS PLUMB Ito FACT tTIs LITTLE BETTER Ftton PLOKIB