Enioy the taste of onions us spice or on their own The onion vegetable which Creamed Fresh Onions long takes many forms and has been favorite for Thanksgiving and intl in ieitii inspired good cooks the world over to add to its flavor to me is poultry and to other veg vrnlcs There are very few re cipey other tian desserts which on not include in at least one ttlllll bit oi onion But what about the glorious flnvnr and texture of onions on how 1ll Soiiefimcs it plea sant to sep back and just ap ptl to hiw ird in midi tas tes when its been baked in the Il or sï¬ulccd or fitse two leipf5 used to make truly fllllllllt Fresh Onion Soup or Crcaiiicd Fresh Onions wic Fro1 ior Soup can made two ways both of them iclaie zi tqste depending tu mount of timp 1lll have for preparation and whether you lo vour with robust lir iliivoi or taste thats Tom subdued The darker onion coup requir es slow cooking which gv es the cook plenty of time to only hit distinctive aioma For the lighter and quicker soup 35 In mite llle preparation time but the result are still flavorful and satisfying The resipe uses yellow onions lo lect them look for well shaoed onions that are dry en ough to crackle when touched trv lnitcd Ive=i Furl int Vee ctable ASsociaticn advises The netks should be thin and dry wet neck may indicate tiat decay is starting and the bulbs should be bright and hard Size has nothinr to do with their quality onions 10 inward Watch for new yellow petunia in answer to the demands of gardeners over the past sever al pars trueyellow petunia has been developed says Hughes Ontario Ministry of Agiculture and Food horticult urist Summer Sun the new mul tiflora petunia is being brought out by Goldsmith Seeds in California for the spring grow ing scason Mr Hughes Observed this var iety being bred in Costra Rica about three year ago and saw the final result in trial gardens in California this fall The flower of this petunia is cupped and deep yellow The leaves are slightlv lighter in col or than many of the common type of petunias This new variety will be spe cially attractive when used as good contrasting plant near lftlkCOIOIEd houses or against deep green plant foliage con cludes the horticulturist ANN LANDERS Allow the others to decide first Dear Ann Landers made fool of myself last night and am ruined for life with wonderful guy and his family Im 15 years old and good student but being booksmart doesnt help much if person doesnt have common sense Heres what happened This neat guy asked me to have din ncr with his folks at fancy restaurant Well the waiter asked me first what wanted and didnt know how much ought to spend or what to say 50 ordered grilled cheese sandwich with bacon and soft drink Everyone else ordered dinner felt like an idiot Please advise me for next timeThe Foxs Paw Dear Paw Next time fell the waiter you are undecided and ask him to come back to you afier the others have ordered Then take your clue from them And stop kicking youself You didnt kill anybody Dear Ann Landers Im no hayseerl in fact Im rather sophisticated woman the mother of three But still feel uncomfortable about tipping dont want to undcrtip and look cheap yet hate to overtip and appear gauche or newly rich How does person know what is the correct amount No mat ter what do always feel as if did the wrong thing How about sonic guidelines Ann Instcure In The Big Apple Dear Apple lhcsc days IS per cent is adequate2O per cent is very generous Speaking strictly for myself Id rather overtip than underlip lfugure the person who is carrying my suitcase manicuring my nails setung my hair or waiting on table needs that little extra more than do flu nn Landch am not proud of the life have led If Wedding Photography Len Marriott or Details Call 728I 050 Christmas dinner deserve year round position on the me nu Made with small white on ions theyre boiled for brief 15 minutes to retain their dis tinctive texture then baked in the oven iuidcr blanket of cream sauce to golden brown White onions should be select ed in the same manner as yel low onions Both types may be stored at room triiipeiature lt01 refrigeratedl but the main thing is to keep them dry CLASSIC FRESH ONION SOUP cup butter or margarine cups thinly sliced yellow onions labout 11 pounds teaspoon salt flour quarts beef bouillon fmay be cannedl Salt and pepper to taste slices French bread inch thick Grated Parmesan cheese Iclt butter in large heavy saucepan Add Givens and cook slowly 15 minutes covered lnnccver iiicreaw to moderate heat and cook about 35 minut es stirring frequently and scrap ing bottom until onions are deep golden brown Sprink lc with salt and flour and tir minutes Remove from heat and stir in broth Simmer partial ly covered about 33 minutes skimming occasionally Set side or refrigerate until ready to serve then beat to simm er Toast French bread slices Place toast in one bowl or in indiï¬duai bowls pour soon over to and spriiHle vitn cheese Makes to servings For quick oiizori soup with milder flavor brown onions lightly in butter in saucepan stir ring until thoroughly cooked and lightly golden about is minutes Sprinkle with salt anl flour and continue to cock at above CREAMED FRESH ONIONS its small white onions peeled butter or margarine flour cups milk salt pepper paprika cup soft bread crumbs Cock onions tiered in liIllf Iy salted boiling water to cover 15 minutes Diflll reserving cup liquid Melt butter in sauce pan blend in flftll Gradually stir in milk and reserved li cup onion liquid Cool strrinz con stantly for minutes un til smooth and thickened Add salt pepper and paprika lurn onions into deep ll quart baking dish add cream sauce and sprinkle MD with brcal crumbs Cover loosely and bake in 330 degrees ovcn 13 min lites uncover and bake 20 min utes longer Makes servings had it to do over again would do it differently but now must look ahead and not back want to do the right thing by my son who is 14 years old but havent got the courage Here is my problem The man who has been living in our home as roomer for the last nine years is the father of this boy Many people know that Roger and are more than just friends To make matters worse the boy just happens to be the living image of Roger The resemblance becomes more striking every year and several people have mentioned iin nocently think Ive told my son that his fa ther died when he was baby flow much longer can keep the lie going My conScicntc is bothering me something awful really think should tcll my son the truth But how Will you help mcTorturcd By The Lie Dear Friend Your signature tells me that you will nevcr be at peace with yourself until you fell the boy the truth hope you will do so very soonin frank and forthright manner Explain that he is young man now and can face the real story Since the resemblance is so strong dont be surprised if he already knows CONFIDENTIAL in Need The Facts Iaam There are no iioidiiiidfud lllIOs for the game But gt0lTlClIInCS when widower refuses to marry again it is because his llll marriage was so miserable he is afraid to take another chance ARTICLES FOR SALE About 50 calls the first night sold all articles Bed cliesterfield black and white houndtooth Herculon with storage section 550 Single oed box spring and mattress new $35 Coffee table octagon teak $25 Teleo phone For QUICK ACTION TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Telephone 7282414 CLASSIC ONION SOUP Freezing is surest way to make book last years VANCOLHLI Lfiv The surest nay in peseiic book is to ficcxc It could km for 3000 yours but ll would 33 very hard to use said lill Filiiiiieiit so she and her llll liziicit uc other iiicfnods ll LlClt lllblflCgt1 Iailztiiiicut Boo tiiscivitioti Since they opmtd their rmull shop livitl ytLi the work has expanded from book room iiig to boil uniiifion liuy nicud books and try to make them last prune win of doing that is to reiiiuc the acid from the pages lliey my distilled water with msgncsiiiiii cuiiwnzitc then bubble caution dioxtdc through it and spray the page Then the limit irzipcd in wax paper for flay For the next two vxck flicy alter nately press and dry the pages That tlltcsnt moan it will fast even 30 £i but the Parlia ments say it will slow down the deterioration Another common job for them is book cleaning They start rm un iitli an art eraser and if that tziils iic liLittllfllj lcn they might try washing Hll distilled water or if its tiiblt born greasespot napthu alco hol or acetone If all llltrf foil they usc bleach But they UN to avoid this lieJose It lClLllUl ates the puou If residue of bleach is left in thc p2llll ill slur l2 ficr dctcihfruition ul li Illlllftllltlll after bloatlilo ie wash it till running water for 13 minutes He first became iiitcrcï¬fcd in viiiiscri lllj book uni 91 utilkcd at Simon Il£ti liii tflsllfl library in iuuiliy lulllt ally lvccntiic iiifcrcslcd in rrsora llll lllt llltitt ulllltlill ts tublished llliï¬ltll llpart motil he said bciziinc two mending SllpClllllCllfltlll dd lot of reading and studying and became inttreited in restora tion work Eventually the ouplc brought their theories to business ven Lure Where portrait photbgraphyo anartjt 99c Per Child Plus 50 Handling Per Portrait Adults family groups welcome 99 Per Adult Plus 50c Handlinq Prr Portrait OFFER GOOD tuzsmv THRU SATURDAY SIMPSONSSEARS flyum llzirric Georgian Mall 509 Bziyflcld St FEB II FEB Tl Choose from finished portraits n0t proofs Choice of poses fom piuils avaif able at reasonable priCcs its obligation to buy additional portraits Limit one offer er poison two per Iflllllll Child age limit weeks to 14 years for each child photo graphed iii group SI each adult Photographers flours liics 930 min to 530 pm lrd lliurs Fri 930 nm to pm Saturday 930 am to pm Wcic still myoruncnfm to see how to solve roiiic prob lems li Parliuiiiinl soul So for their gcul challenge was 2i family Bible The follow wanted in make lighter to coriy around said Elis IillllfllllClll so llf Just tore out what he thought was iiiiiiCtcssuiy Ontario Blue Cross THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1919 DEAR POLLYI to tell Naomi the way have remomd ihe designs from flour sacks for many years Never use hot water since it will set the dye With cold water wet the design and rub with bar of If several hours When rubbedi washboard with more 308 ihe rest of the color sh yellow laundry soap Rub and rinse out as much of the color as will come out easily and then put in small amount of clear come out After design water rub plenty of the soap on washed out use any gap the design and let it soak for bleachOLGA v7 wand tf your Coffee Magic is Model 71452 igvve might want it back routine production check has revealed that limited number of ProctorSltex automatic drip coffeemakers sold under the brand name Coffee Magic have defect in the wiring This is one of the models sold by Canadian Tire Corporation Stores If the unit is left in the automatic keep warm position for any ex tended period this defect could cause it to overheat and damage the countertop or supporting surface HOW TO CHECK YOUR MODEL NUMBER The model number and series number is stamped on the white bottom cover of the unit If you have model 71452 you should check the series number immedi ately below it If it is Series 57F48 57F49 57F50 57F51 or 57F52 you can get replacement WHAT TO DO NEXT 13 Regardless of where the unit was purchased simply return it to any convenient Canadian Tire store for replacement THIS RECALL DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY COFFEE MAGIC UNIT WITH MODEL 0R SERIES NUMBER OTHER THAN THOSE LISTED ABOVE The following identified models are not part of the recall All units with galvanized bottom covers All units with onoff switch flflfl FREE ran sILEX Division of SCM Canada Limited This announcement is made in the 7le of public salary by ProctorSilent Dunstan SCM Canada Unnod WELCOMES EMPLOYEES OF Nieson Auto Wreckers Limited CambridgeGait hose employees now have the added benefits of extra health protection for them selves and their families the Blue Cross Ex tended Health Care Plan plus Dental Plan EHC provides protection against health ser Vices not covered by the basic government health plan coverage for such items as pre scription drugs private nursing and private room accommodation in hospital Dental Plan dental treatment to group subscribers TO EXTENDED HEALTH CARE DENTAlNDPlAN7 including such services as examinations fittings and xrays As your Ontario Blue Cross representative am pleased to add my personal welcome and look forward to serving you along With the many others in this region already enjoying the protection of variety of Blue Cross Plans Graeme inston 665 King Sheet East Sutta 203 hitchenor Ontario NRG 2M4 519 5784700 ONTARIO BLUE CROSS DIVISION OF THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION provides basic preventive