Kindergarten children from Portrge View School got the grand tour of the City of Bar ries Operation Centre on Fern Niiws murmur Board to SAULT STE MARIE Ont CPl The Sault St Marie and area board of education will re duce by 25 per cent the pay of its 418 secondary school teach ers who are working to rule in contract dispute the board chairman said Friday This is punitive action chairman Dr Lukenda said We are showing how strongly we feel that students are being deprived of portion of their education they should be receivinz About 7000 students in seven high schools have been without athletics club or other after sohool programs since the teachers began to work to rule Feb Thu teachers decided this week to defy board directive on supervising such activities The first pay cheques affected by reductions will be handed out Feb 27 Dr Lukenda said Spokesmen for the teachers available for comment Fri have Said teachers are rreared lose pay rather then do more than teach The decision will not affect rzcipals and viceprincipals Thu the teacher orn ren rerfiited by the Ontario Secon dary School leuchcrs Feder ation Principals and viceprin cipals however are forbidden by provincial law to take part in strike action Report sought OTTAWA tCPl Opposition MPs pres=el the government Friday to provide full report on the activities of the antiiii flation board and on the prog ress of talks with the provinces Finance Minister Donald Macdonald told the Commons that so far only three provinces have signed agreements to fol low the federal wage and price controls imposed last October However he told Opposition Leader Robert Stanfield the OBITU PATRICK COUGHLIN Patrick Joseph Coughlin of Ut opia died at Base Borden Hos pitrl Wednedam He was the husband Marjorieand father of Patricia lllrs Sharpel of Mincsinc Jerry Toronto Mary Anne Molly and Coleen all of Utopia lie is dizu survived by brother James Byrnes of New York Mr Couzhlin was resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie and funeral mass was today at 10 am at Our Lady Of Grace Church in Angus Interment will be at Angus Union Cemetery GRAND TOUR FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN in an area where the plow dale Drive recently Ferris Sinclair explains now the side wall plows operate to the government still expects sev eral more provinces will sign soon Only Ontario Prince lid ward Island anl Newfoundland have signed agreements Walter Baker tPCGrenville Carletoni asked for report on the antiinflation beards price monitoring activities particu larly since the release of statis ics Thursday that Showed rise in the January cost of liv ing Mr Baker also noted some economists say capital in vestment in new production ma chincry will be adversely af fected by the controls program He =1de lr liarrlcnald to orniide an estimate rf expected capital im€stment this year Await outcome OTTAWA Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie as sured the Commons Friday that the government will await the outcome of National Energy Board hearings and the Berger commission recommendations before making any decision on the proiiosed Mackenzie River Valley gas pipeline He was replying TC Douglas INDP NanaimoCow iclianThe Islands who reicrrod to press reports that the g0v crnment mizht act on its own because of the delay in the energy board hearings Those hearings are adjourned indefinitely until the Supreme Court of Canada decides on an appeal involvin hoard chair man Marhsall Crowe Relief work OTTAWA CP CARE Can ada has contributed 3100000 to ward relief work in earthquake stricken Guatemala chairman Vladimir Kavan said Friday and more than $10000 of that was spent on waterpurification tablets ARIES ANNIE COURTNEY Annie Florence Courtney died at the Collinzvood General and Marine Hospital Monday She was 72 She is survived by her children Florence Mrs She pherdt of Perkinsfield Loretta Mrs Gonneaul of Stayner and Bill and Glenn both of Bar rie She also had five grand children The funeral service was at the Mathers Chapel of the Robinson Funeral Home Stayner Thurs day with interment at Stayner cemetery because its true EXT FRIDAY dream him up His incredible bank robbery is all the more bizarre Nobody could school children and points out what to watch for if they should happen to be playing Reports relayed out of Guate mala by amateur raQi sziy CARE olficials are operating out of tent office in the cen tral square of Guatemala City CAREs rcciilm iitirp demolihorl iii the riiiilvi Mr Kavan said more than $2 million worth of food surl mad cal supplies is being distributed by CARE personnel CARES food distribution is said to be enough to feed 500000 penile for 15 days About one million of Guatemalas six mil lion inhabitants are repored homeless About 610th are in jurezl The fficial death toll has been placed at close to 19000 Witli regret TORONTO CP The CBC said Friday it has accepted with regret the rc=ignation of Judy Lallmsh frOm her post as host of the morning radio pro gram JUIY Future plans fr the rrOtram described by CBC officials as the networks 3IIIiliirl llt the show are being considered the CBC said in news release Miss LallarSu ciiirman of the Ontario royal commission into violence in the mcda gave her resignation and 60 days no ice on Thursday Compensation OTTAWA CF The federal government was told Friday it will Owe Ontario $25million cmpcnsntion if it takes Over the invlin Wriion Ill Thousand Islands International bridge in eastern Ontario The suggestion in the Com mons came from Procrcssive ConservatichomCossitt whose Lccdt ridinr includes Ganaanuc the Canadian town nearest the bridge to COIlins Landing NY fivemember United States contrtllcd group has operated both the Canadian and Ameri can spans of the bridge ince 1938 when Canada sold its righs to the LES for $5000 Altscts on the Canadian side including land the bridge and new customs and immigration the most is IMPERIAL CINEMA hly acclaimed filmbf the year nWw flow the might be near Examiner Photo reduce teachers pay facility now are estimated to be worth about $25 million All this would become Cana dian property when logidation now before Parliament is ap prvcd The bill is to on into pf iect April Plans confirmed OTTAWA tCP The de fence department has con firmed plans to tediirc the 173 bed military hospital at King ston Ont to 10bed clinic ef fective April The move will spin 15VLnl11nl mean that frm King son will use the areas nonmili tzilv llOllil for emirgepcy care while nlior carpin clurlinz elective Curlewwill take place at the National De fence Medical Centre in Ottawa Fined $500 BRAMPTON Ont CP Entertainer Ronnie Hnwkns was fined $500 Friday after he was convicted of possession of marijuana Gary Lucas 31 of Lakefield Ont also convicted of posses sion of marijuana was fined 51270 Judge ll Hollingworth of Peel County court refused argu ments from Hawkins lawyer that the singer be given an ab solute discharge Hawkins 41 and Lucas were arrested Apï¬l 1974 after Peel regional police midid llawkins Mississauga farm house and found 195 cigar shapcd marijuana cigarettes in side the nouse and in car Last week jury acquitted Hawkins and Lucas of posses sion of marijuana Strike continues KIRKLAND LAKE Ont CF The strike by 96 secondary school teachers against the Kirkland Lake board of educa tion ended its fifth week Friday with no negotiations =chodulcd board spokesman said talks Thursday between the teachers and the board ended in stale mate Held Over 2nd Week Shown at 710 915 pm the Ia doloe vita for the 197051 hdlth am new york IIInah warren beatty iulie Christie goldie hawn do MM nung Imamm Held Over 2nd Week Sun Mat 130 MONSTERS lid Ilglool Loch Mm Abomlmhto 8mm menu and at Mn Illtllllil AEREAREMONSIERS VINGAMONGUS trumpeting AV title and iIIIJLIcltI ti ROllEW wle YE fivOtIutedlinHARLh sciiicn JR iUfwlUIuilmhii Got Sydney instead of White Rock OTTAWA CP Benno Frie sen Progressive Conservative MP tried to telephone his Sur rey White Rock riding in British Columbia twice recently but in stead reached Sydney Aus tralia Mr Friesen complaining about telephone service in Par liament buildings asked whether Communications Minis ter Jeanine Soiive thought it might be cheaper to buy equipment Mrs Sauve replied that she has the same problem and you may be sure that am doing all can to get those people to get our phones to work OTTAWA CP Progressive Conservative Allan McKinnon said Friday the government is having trouble finding the money to finance its purchase of new longrange patrol air craft for the Canadian Forces Supply Minister JeanPierre Goycr replied in the Commons that his department as well as the defence department are looking into the problem and suggested that the Victoria MP be patient Mr Goyer said Defence Min ister James Richardstm would make statement in few days about the financing talks Total cost of the contract wili Lock heed an aircraft company is about $1 billion OTTAWA tCPi There might be as many as no Cann dians still unaccounted for in the aftermath of the diiitrous earthquake in Guatemala the Commons was told Friday We think that the total number of Canadians in Guate mala can be rvaliiatrsd at 100 Monique lcuin parliamentary secretary to lzn lcFirlien external affairs mniistrr said in WM to Frank Maine flu Wellinstou Of these 460 have been located Estimates to be made public OTTAWA 7P Federal soonlira timits for the fi nancial vear starting next April will be publir next Welnesdiv treaiuv hoard offi il rmwtinjpl Frirloi It will Im the Fr iDOlHllllIV for Chadians to measure the promised rekiraipt govern mcnt spendi that was an nounced last Doc 18 letn Chrcticn treasury board president said then the govern ment wzas sinWin $13 billion from its spendin plan for the comma fscal Tablirz of the main estimates on ledpesday will not tell the whole soiy The government generally comes back witi sup plementary spoding otimzites at bat once IZVIVL the finan cial yccr marlin AT BURNS MEMORIAL DINNER John Symington past chief of the Barrie and area Sons of Scotland centre addresses the haggis during the groups Warn TV bill will harm CanadaUS relations OTTAWA ICP Progressive Conservatives warned Friday in the Commons that govern ment bill to stop Canadian ad vertisers on US television sta tions from deductin their costs for tax purposes ill harm rela tions between the two countries The legislation which lisp allows 100pcrcn tax dcduc tions for the aivertiscrs also Tribunal appointed CPl The errmoot appointed Frda temporary appeal tribunal to hear appials of wage and price riiliiiz under its antiinflation proï¬cm Justice oisler Ron Bastard announced that the temporary tribunal chairman would he Louis Collard former deputy rccentlv retired as chairman of the tariff board Alfl serving as interim mom bcrs of the trbunel will be Ber nard Wilson le retired in 1073 FQ ntvqw thlt Frank Dubrue dicctor of the tax litigation section in the jus tice department OTT rev emit ri OTTAWA ATAGLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRFSS IRIDY FEB 13 1976 Irvinu Pulp and Paper Ltd of Saint John NJ was ordzreil to pay $123000 for contravention of the governments wage and price girls The government appointed temporary tribunal to liorir ap peal 0f wage and price rulinzs umltr the antiinflation pro gram Opposition MP3 pre=scd tr government for full TQVII on the activities of the antiin flation board Tom Cossitt tPClpcrlsl said the federal government owes unaware MlCldAEL canoe Ontario $25 million com pensation if it takes over the arniian portion of the Thou sand Islands inlcrnaiouol bridzc lritv Witter Awtoir Gil lespie said the bovcrnment will Ii1l =1ilnal linoigi Foard and Northern Cinoln hearings before deciding on the proposed Mnclzcmic Valley go pipeline IONDAY FEB 16 1076 The Commons meets at pm EST to continue debate on the govcrnmtnls magazine bill The Senate is adjourned until Tlciday Feb 17 domed by STANLEY 31an titlch GLORIA KATZ ACRUSKQFFVENTURE PRODUCTION ROXY CIDIMLOPILW an WRALPH BURNS WARNTNG SOME SCENES OF VIOLENCE IllI ion Dal our Shown at 700 and 10 Adult Entertainment Matinee Sat and Sun 130 annual Robbie Burns memor ial dinner this week Flanking Mr Symington is David An applies to Time magazne and some other lorezn periodicals The Conservatves have recently been aiziiir for an amendment would allow KVOSTV Bellingham Wain station beaming into the lower mainland of British Columbia to seek Canadian taxdeductible revenue Gordon Towers PCRed Deer said dlllvl debate on the amendment hai ijqc hgll mo of several recent steps by the government will harm CanadaUS relaxonss Mr Towers asked uhv such upper Ty and unreasonable policies were being folloued iiirm Arnold Malone PCBattle Farrrt said instead of trvin to close the coder anadian broadcaiws and artiits should be trying to increase their share of the North American market ZKbEEiEBENTRE voids 3636633 MONsTHURS 830 RM FRI AND SAT 830 PAT mi revenue for small Canadian sta wanted the benefits of Canadian broadcasting without moving to this country and conforming to WED AND SAT MATS 200 PM BOX OFFICE OPENS FEB 19 derson and John Chalmens who wcre the haggis bearers Examiner Photo But former broadcaster Craw ford Douglas LBriiceGrey said earlier that the hill had al ready brought more advertising tions The US border stations RadioTelevision CRTC regu Canadian Commission lations he said Mr Douglas said government figures showed 400 Canadian television stations made profits of $61 million Iasc year while KVOS and two Buffalo NYA stations beamian to southern Ontario earned €47 million Stuart Lezzatt tXDPNew Westminster said he opposed the Conservative amendment and supported the aim of the bill to give financial help to Ca nadian broadcasters MARCH I3 DAVID ATKINSON MAN OF LA MANCHA THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM 650 500 400 300 750 600 450 350 550 450 350 50 itiiiioioiiiai LEE Inn01M nun Jae AI lll WHITE rCleInl T0 snow TIMES TELLY SAVALAS PETER FONDA HiltiH OBRIAN 0JSIMP80N 715 AND 915 tenor rm by MOVIELAB Q3 An American International Release Double Feature Show Tmes Sidecar Racers pm American Graffiti pm The worlds most spectacular speedsport