Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1976, p. 3

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helped her build this father block andtackle demonstration for Karen Desjardins 4lhlt inspector The Collier Street firehall is safe structurally but no smok ing and exit signs have to be posted before the general pub lic should be allowed access ac cording to the citys chief build ing inspector Chris Spanis said Friday the building is firebox referring to its recently stripped interior walls and floor which are very dry and combustible He said the erection of the signs would lessen the potential danger of fire by warning peo Successful candid The Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto held examina tions recently in Barrie and the following are the successful can didates The names are listed in order of merit Grade piano honors Denise Cadeau Grade piano first class hon ors Anna Kramp honors Den ise Davidson Mary Anne Ste pulitis Leslie Walker pass Jan et Isaac Cynthia Murakami Be verly Hawton Elizabeth Argyle Lorelei Robertson Devorah Lynn Hallyburton llcather Hub Fireball safe says ple of the hazards The building is safe for work men to continue demolition of interior walls however he said The work is being done un der Local Initiatives Program grant of $33000 presented by federal government to the Fr iends of the Fireball The FOF has asked city coun cil whether the building can be used by Theatre Ontario for theatrical production to raise funds for the restoration and re novation of the building ates named Dawson Joanne Liotta Sheila Lumree Grade piano honors Jane Fitzgerald Kirsten Schell Grade bassoon honors Chr istina Dixon Grade clarinet honors Ka thryn hchermott Grade clarinet Shcrri Helmer Grade euphonium first class honors Jamie Warrington Grade flute honors Lynn Langford Cynthia Murakami pass Heather White Grade French horn pass LOCAL AND GENERAL LEAGUE ORGANIZED The Ladies Auxiliary to the Army Navy and Air Force vct erans is organizing shuffleboord league mixed for Satur days starting March at pm As well there will be provin cial mens dart tournament Feb 21 and there will be lots of help needed Anyone wishing to join the shufflchoard can sign on the bulletin board ANNUAL MEETING The simcoe County Childrens Aid Socctv will hold its annu al meeting Feb starting at 130 pm Georgian College Cafeteria on the second floor of the theatre builditrr Guest spea ker will be Ron Slolc= psyhia trist and vice ocirlcnt of the Mnskoka Family and Child rens Services READING DISABILITIES Toe Astociction for Ctiildrch with Learning Dirabiltica will snonsor speech by Dr Iluntcr Feb 19 at at Bar tie Central collcgixtc faculty lounge Dr Hunters topic will GUEST SPEAKER Azncs Bouchcr whose paint ings are now on nirulay at the Barrie Public Libary will be the niuest socoftrr at cowsol meeting of the Barrie Art Cub Wednesday libb 19 pm in the lower level of the library She will suell on vlS11i Robert Stanfield Festivities be gii at pm in the Galaxy Room ANNUAL MINISHOW The Huronia Numismatic As soeiation will be holding its an nual minishow at the Bayfield Mall today Door opened at 10 am and the show will close at pm CANVASSERS WANTED The Barrie Chapter of the On tario Heart Foundation is hold ing its annual fondraising cam paign here this month Anyone wishing to canvas is asked to telephone 7239763 MINESING CARNIVAL The fourth annual Mincsing Winter Carnival is scheduled Feb to 22 The 11nil events include parade Saturday Feb til at pm 141 sowing nail driving barrel rolling sled pull ing snowmobile events and other vclued sports and gamcs For registration forms and in formtion contact Winston Maw 7261924 WINTER JAMBOREE Th1 annual winter jamboree of the Blue Mountain section of the mutt Trail Club is sched uled Sunday Rendezvous is at the Dnntroon Community Centre at 130 pm with pot uck suppr punnl Members with POLICE GRANTS STROUD Innisfil council wants to meet with Simcoe Cen tre MPP Arthur Evans to dis cuss the provinces funding of police departments Innisfil says regional governments should not receive larger per capita grants than other municipalities do TICKETS ON SALE Tickets for the Wintario draw to be held in Barrie March4 are on sale at Municipal sav ings and Loan Dunlop and Owen and Jacksons Grill Dim lop and Fred Grant Streets Ti ckets are $4 each for the draw at which Don Messers Island ers will perform Tickets are at so available at the Municipal and Jacksons for the dance March at the Barrie Armouries Don Messers Islanders will also per form at the dance Tickets for the dance are $5 couple and $3 single Proceeds from the dance go to the Friends of the Fireball APPOINTMENT STROUD Robert Cowan BR Strand has been appointedto three year term on Innisfil townships committee of adjust ment succeeding Joe Cochrane former recve of Innisfil who is in poor health letter of thanks will be sent to Mr Cochrane by council WIDOW PERFORMED George College Music Theat re under the direction of Wendy gt sari 4r 01S sbrccht Marianne Hanna bard Deborah Dinsmore Stcbbmgs painting anfl vtl use her pamt 155 or snowshoes are asked to llicks wdl present the merry Jude plmo homo lull Grade saxaplione ho rs ings as l1gtD and f0 df llz1tll ullmiit lor an after Widow ll mugc ll Franz my Caulhersi Ws lldnh Dawna Coultcr pass James monstratiou dinint her lootIre noonbtltitll Also anyone with hell and Milk and lyrics by Charles George in the Grade Plano All his honors Shelley IIadden guests can attend for of chalflc these for shoinu honolsi Emmy Alkmi honfrb iade trombone pass Rob with $1 admission too for non vie March 25 26 27 Tickets for mu I°lll 1m crt Smith members mnmu summon Im Plllllltllc ville Harps all Ems Grade trombone honors lc Uptomctrv finding Ols Thirst an mp and available in Barrie Glflde plant Illéi C1355 llfm Carolyn McAllstcr abiliics lq1ohcl1 Clléfléilla 76 satirical review from 55m Th9 3133 MTV Mlll 01sLi1ura Cockbuln Jacqllellne Grade trumpet first class 1i who Md 14L tz Centre Wl Gcorqinn Coll Stotesbury honors letcr Ila honors David Loduc honors VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT Id at irio Cinlral C01 939 Alllswn from wrayis ney Dawn Hunley pus Nud wt01 Forch 53 pvt mm mane in Lhwmlsgtv Wo Pharmacy ml the Chiroprzctic me FIEICllflfl Grade tuba pas Dorothy dimpped Children in In my 15 rrikd Mi Clinic by calling 4363721 or at Grade piano first class Roma NW Wt Mvth revue are avaib the door hOIIOIS ROSllnna GregmlS ell Grade guitar first C1355 the vchoo Anvorc who ovcs Tothpqriny onactm LIVELY EVENING dy Okpv Nancy BfllbélCll9f ca hfl0r Greg OflllnS lnult momu IgllT1tt5Bockélore Ccmflscd of five of Torontos thcr Jarman Ritchie hon Crude Llllifll first clas 071 Mm up mu be Hungry 31311 Sam the Record be jTZZ musicians the Ted Moses Jazz Quimc will present Lucio Dcl ful hulhcrine Grade saxophone first class honors Anita Ihakrnburti All Art Club mcnzorrs and klircs or films asked to bring Georgian Colcge Theatre Bar Ilun and Jones Stationery down town and Jack Webbs til4 13gtliltciucd Fo mirr iior please illtlllt Mrs Joycc lively evening of entertain ment March 10 at the Georgian SCIENCE FAIR EXHIBITOR the Johnson Sircct Schools science fair but she Public showed her knowledge cf the CITY NEWS IIII BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FllfnlilARY Dobson at 7264869 Clothing Alluitllo liclets are equipment by 1111mliliaq ST available telgphoninq COIICZe Theatre Barrie DeS it after it collan bclorc the IPminwg All 33 339 or 7966733 cribed by The Globe and Mail Show tExamlnth photo Ivyli oir1 huh superbly pyofeszionay and 017 ZCUT COST DOUBLES group the QUIlltCi is béin Fl 14 llV Iirllil will VSTROUD lnnisfil townships brought to Barrie by the Gem THIS llllfllil wzttcr sanding cost has almost gian Colege Faculty Association IBM txb 20 About 1100 are donblcd in three years accord Tickets for the 830 pm per Bell EWBTT SCIIOOI in to roads superintendent Mike formance are $3 in the main llody lift By LAURIE HAYES sols have on our environment SalonsVi Mt Dcmvsfier wme Sanding 0f Of the theatre and in Sthe SIVROI WHEN CHM is minim moot contemvnn in lifIlIS Iimu is pxpmypd to cost 335000 gapcrms They are nvaiyable tends to buy the owl lcI Lwort On Lb Mme psljcd which in be mm lt in 1976 it coxt $13410 in 1973i from Sam The Record Man scuool 1m gt1 541 visitrt ln hm at Joes with WM on Cable It will be no tilimi 311400 In 1974 and $20200 in Muntz Centre and Georgian Col 1ch Walter supplying the mus tclcviscd in short while so 98 Ioddcrahlp mm the railing 19m lcge Three days of stage plays 111 start Wednesday Barrie Eastview Tsecondary School will be the site of three ticuings and one afternoon of theatrical productions beginning lncsduy Tcn schools involving about 23 young actors and stage crews will compete tor top hou or in the Georgian Bay Drama estival It begins at pm Wednes day when Huron Heights Secon dary School of Newmarkct rer forms is version of Th iill Soprano followed by an origin al oneact play from the way ner entry entitlted No Name 01 GOO The Stayner play is about the plight 0f natives in northwe tern Ontario whrse rivers alll fish food source have been con taminated by mercury from pulp and paper mill The following night Graven burst High School cast takes the stage to perform Masque Later Barrie North Collegiate will pew form The Pigeon With The Sil ver Foot followed by The Wiwl by Base Borden Secondary School On Friday Bradford High School perform stage adap tation of Dylan Thomas Under Milkwood and the Eastview Sec Undcr Milk Wood The pin TOLLENDAL HOUSING SIROUD request building permits to allow con struction of 20 lots in the third phase ol the rlollcndul ubIli non will be discussed at inc of Inuislil councils commit tee of the whole on Wednesday Abusco Management Ltd are the dev Norrick Holdings and etopers at Eastview ondary School entry will ac The llurdcr cf Lidicc Millqu School follows with llnppy Jour ncy 0n the iinl day if the lcsti val lfllitlillfllllilIll Sexual zry School will take the iuc at pm lo perform Mun on louutaintop lhcn tudcnts from Oriliia and llitritt Colic iate and Vocational Instituc will wind up with St Joan Winners of best acting and bct production awards will be announced on So urduy at 71 pm at banquet markingy the end oft ht festival at East vicw Secondary Schol The winners will do on to the regional finals in Oshawa April 12 ll and ll Other chools in hc rcqionol finals will be from the Ottawa Valley St gio nd llrucn mm drama cunpctititn Iionzl compclitins will Toronto Guelph and Timmins The tOp ninc plays in the four regional festival will be invit cd to The St Lawrence Ccnt rc in Toronto May and lippcr Lawrence Seaway liawurthas Durham Re llri This is on of four regional in bold in Ontario in April Vin rc III lid schools ct II linvvrt nnl Icfrov became mailubc in 1073 yili cinplitiou of thc Killurncv Burnh school Council instructcd tlcrk Rich irl Grub on Vttjllf to ob luin from ill nicoc ouuly iozrd of lili vw lt paus anti hcatti utmrovnls for Ff dent here was chosen to repre nc mursiy of location gem our School as Tom Queen Tl Vl As she goes on to lic finals from boards of education for on If Si and legal fees SWIM COURSE The ionic branch of tho Can hold tion 1110 Red Crosa will swim course for 13 years of adion eadcr swimmers over The courrt runs Feb 30 21 28 and Jtl and cuss $10 The fours will be hclrl 7v flB Borden and car pool Wlll be in tcrcstcd should coniact the Red set up from It riic Anyone Clt5 large ic It wus quiic good and cv cryonc there seemed to themelves lhzs Friday chb 131 etcrday sleigh day come to St Joes 10m 12 noon til about 230 there was sleigh riding at Sunnidale Park we wish her luck and hope she has good time participating in the activities to follow lncidently Mr Zya science teacher and basketball Coach came in fairly cloe to winning with tool of two whole votes Better luck next time sir In the Consumer aerosol VolPct Somr CONSTANT READER By PETER LISNIAK William addis second novel in 20 vcars lR is not for the faint of heart or the intellectually indolent LalITIULl totally on dialogue whilc plot and descriptive narrative and other more conventional no veIwriting techniques are done away with enjoy slciqh ludv Slianuhun Gracie sin Education arcu its Arthbert has got ten her ciaSS together to do an the poin°s l1llll1t out in thc study are what llic ptloblc aerosol products and their prices are that all preparations may complct ed Now for some facts about the month of Fcbruary Did any of you know lgirls or guys that this year is Leap Year The year of the extra day The day that girl can ask guy if he wants to get married Well if you didnt you do now So you bctcr pick quick girls because this chance wont come by you again for unoher years and by then you may not want to get marricdl This coming week is camera week here at St Joes so evcryone bring your cameras and start clicking Try to take good black and white pictures because only thhc best out of these will be entered into our yearbook Dont forget smile and say cheese Oh by the way everyone here at St Joes wishes all of you floppy Valentines Day Second novel in 20 years not for faint of heart Itis years old althoth acclaim cd by critics is still largely un known and unuppreciatcd Following this early setback ll executives took up career writing Speech He never identifies who is es for corporate PEGGY COFFEY and Petrr Smith play the Pughs in the Bradford District High School production of Dylan Ihomas Festival FAMILY CAMPING for Anyone interested in family camping is invited to attend the next meeting of the Barrie Boomerzings Monday Winter Vi activities ol the group include 01 tumcs bowling lllLilll wiulcr be held at the home of tic beginning at pm will be seen on Friday night Feb 20 at Eatvicw Collegiate in the Georgian Bay Drama cmnooul and plnmtiou for sum mcr camping The meeting will Jack Giorgiunni 93 College St Bar lts 726 pages of often brilliant sometimes boring yct always in spircrl prose will bcdcvil even the luzldis unlike so many of his American contemporaries does not take the path of lead osis tancc mos tirclcs reader For But any pursil of the slightly demented mind of Mr Gaddis down the convoluted course of his fiction is worth the effort llis gem if hook mirrors perverted image of American rc ality where money in skyhigh golden letters rules over people who 18 IICIJIOI plav out their empty lives in its omnipresent shadow Imagine lishrullwl literate Sixthgrader named JR who on clus field trip to the stock exchange succumbs to moneys lure of power and hap pincss Nurturcd on the daily bread of free enterprise in school and instant success by the dozens of commercial magazines and cut ulogucs to which he subscribes he founds his own linunciul om pire 1n freakish stroke of luck he parlays bid to sunply the Ar mv with 0000 Kirov 41 wooden picnic forks into multination ul ctmglomcrntc MODERN TOM bAWYLR ly 1R is the modern agCS Tom Sawyer in this black satire And where Tom cruised the myster ies of the Mississippi in quest of adventure and manhood llt nuv igutcs the wild was of Street Along the route he gets cm broilcd in tho lopcrutcly funny lives of uilcd nilllu cutthrow luoltcrs unloth Illlllllt lolly Iltll pinlor itll uubv lump nnzl jetsam cf human llotam who bob into his path Gaddis puts it all ingothcr all speaking to whom or where and leaves the reader the sometimes difficult task of sorting out the cacophony of voice that engulf the sawedoff entrepreneur on his trip down the corporate main stream As reviewer in Time maga zine wrote reading the book is like sitting in cheaply cons tructed apartment and hearing snatcnes of neighlnnr l11llbl tions or the eruptions from their television sets The chaos of the lllllll011 reflects the chaos lad iis 01s bout him nightmare world where people no longer things because they are worthwhile or Important or necessary but be cause theyre driven to do them like captive animals are driven to pace their cages This philosophy is underlined by the most sympathetically drawn chuluctcz in the book writer turned l0lCIlCl ORDER DEFINED While calling on unruly class to order the teacher informs them early in the back that Since youre here not to learn anything but to be taught so you can paslt these tests knowl edge has to be organized so it can be taught and it has to be reduced to informztion so it can be organized thi leads you to assume lint orvruni lion is an inherent property of the GIS knrwlcdgo isclf and but from the outside In for ilv of chaos it first novel The an unorthodox style that relies published in 1955 when he was scripts for industrial films and public relations for drug com oany out $695 for book on flow To Watch The Olympic Games Star and The New York Times think you do ing order and chaos Ltlt simply in relevant forces that threaten it its exactly opposite Order is sim ply thin perilous condition we try to impolto on the basic ltlill iillltllh Is mort tllnu tomillul with the blind vicisitndes of random chance and luck for lus Recognitions Planning for the day you retire or buy your first home means having master plan for your investment in the future So we have two plans to help Registered Retirement Savings Plan and Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan They both com you valuable tax savings and when you subscribe to either one or both plans your contributions can be applied to any one or combination of these investment vehicles Do you really need to slicll ABC Sports The Montreal And they may be right The title is little mislead flow to Watch The Olympic Gamcs is guide to the Olym pics At the 1972 Munich game there were 188 goldmedal evcnts Even the hardicst sports fan cannot be expeclcd to know the details at each of the gold mcdnl events The book answers the ques tion Whats going On Down llicrc for events in esoteric to Canadian eyes as fencing field hockey toom handball and modern pentutlilon Each of the 21 major Olympic disciplines is listed An explana tion uvcn of the sport iong wth the history the divisions which the sport is divided the basic rules and what to watch for The book also lists medal win ncrs in each snort since the mod games began and tells current income as is compatible with maintaining reasonable price stability as well as moderate capital appreciation Equity Fund Investmcnt Imiulv in Canadian common stock p011 tolio which is actively managed by the some professionals Longtcriii capital growth with reasonable current income is the objective of this fund Its all in how you plan your struthy YourRoyul Bunk manager can help you work out master plan Why not call or visit today Now ii your move Royal Bank RRSP and RHOSP Deposits lnlcrcstbcuriiiq deposits with The Royal Bank of Canada liltlllltl ti Illllll interest lClLlIll paired It llu sixtythrill deposit rule xtltlltllt licmusc of the long tcim Imttue of these deposits it is posslblt to my llllllLl rate of Hitcicst than on conventional savings ltfllll Income Fund lligilryicld bonds Itpout insti umcnts and mortgages izisiucd tuith the National llousing Act Inukc up this portfolio which is actively managed by professionals The policy is to achieve as high of Branches in Barrie luvlicld 51 Barrie Shopping Plaza Simcoe Plaza tiiyyicw Little cin 31w und who we mmmu Don Day Garnet Peacock Gary Rolston Dave Bockman mm be held It probably Manager Manager Manager Manager the most complete guide to the 7264M 7261829 7264002 7266540 Olmpics ever published llir writind is clear and simple and the book wellorganized and wellillustrated ft is not only book for ports Inns is book for Inyonc interested in finding out what the Olympics are all about You may not need the book but it is well worth having 69 ROYAL BAN serving Ontario

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