laminae TELEPHONES Circulation 7W9 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266337 112th Year No as Festival first for Barrie man Ueunonu Male oll Piulriu pid no prize in the concerto modern chss at the Kiwanis music tes lival in Foronto this week He received stunning ll marks out at possible 100 from the Judges lor his stirring ren dition it Khachaturian piano co erto in tlal leJOl This is the highest mark aw 21year rlit rtltrl the lllflIC= so far in the week long music competi tion he said Desmond is devoting his full time to his music these days and studies under music teach er Evalyn Lindsey of Tollendtal south of Barrie He also studied under Derek Bampton in Vancouver during his teenage years FOR GOOD CAUSE Its Bowl for Millions Bowlers are knocking down pins today for the Barrie and District Big Brothers Association Free bowling is being held to day at Kempview Bowling Ale ley from to pm for spon sored bowlers These participating in the bowling are asking sponsors to contribute money for each pin CAPT BILL LENNOX tries out his retirement gift helmet inscribed the names of his fellow lirelight meet knocked down For every 310 in sponsorship money participant turns into Big Brothers he or she will receive tree Wintario ticket and chance at $100000 With the increased number of ycnhzsters needing the helm of the Big Brothers Bowl for Mil lions has been oreanized to additional expenses 31s on the Barrie Fire De partment Mr Lcnnox retired Friday alter 20 years service with the department He was Fire call delays marking his retirement Ironically it was tire call that delayed the retirement par in Capt William Lennox of the Barrie Fire Department liri day The surprise party scheduled for noon rad to be nu ml l0l about 45 minutes while the 20 year veteran or the tlcpurHivht was out on cull Fortunately th tire was nun or and the tried chicken was able to be kept warm in the oven while his tiretighter lriends cooled their heels Mr Lennon spent nine and ahail years as volunteer on the fire department prior to be coming full time member in 1937 Born and raised lll Barrie he or the young pianist who has only been playing seriously for the past two years an asrsociateship with the Royal Conservatory of Music RCM is the one of the highest honors musician can receive to have over with Big Brother by the end of 1976 at Kempview Bowling Alley and Sheas Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday February l4 1976 This is the tirst major award lie hopes to eventually try for An associateship with the The Barrie Asmciatinn expecllt ltlll hovs matched Smiisor sheets are available Next Saturday various cele briiy tournament will be held Kcmpview and Sheas to rai se tunds for the Big Brothers given the helmet by Chief Dan Keast at party in his hon Examiner lhotol party is one of our captains on the lorce As symbol of his esteem am on his fellow workers he was presented with plaque of ap preciation and fire engine red helmet inscribed with all their names He has one daughter Mrs l3 Armstrong who lives hm llC CANADIAN TEAM STILL SAVORING KREINER WIN Skiers skaters from three countries win go lNNSBRUCK lCll licro Gros won Italys first gold medal of the Winter Orympic Games capturing the mens xlalorn in Alpine skiing and Dutch speed skater Piet Kleine and crosscountry skier lvar Formo of Norway took the gold in their gruelling events today There were no more medals for the Canadian team til savoring Kath Kreiners skiing gold 24 hours earlier Perhaps Nancy Greene expressed the toelings best right after Kathys win Its like gift She skied so well Grog who had not won race in 13 month alter taking the World Cup in l974 produced briliiant attacking second run after linishing fifth in the first leg The Zlyearold ltalians time of two minutes 329 seconds was half second faster than c0un tryman Gustavo Tlioeni the world slalom champion who won the silver Willy Frommelt of Liechtenstein got the bronze his countrys second medal of the James could not have the gold can think of no one better than Piero to get it said Ihoeni also silver medallist four years ago as wel 12 ld Winner in the giant slalom Kleine racing in the eighth pair won the mens 10000 met res last of live events on the mcn speed skating program llis tune of minutcu 3050 seconds was an Olympic record World champion Sten Stensen of Norway also under the Games record with 145330 look the silver and another Dutchman llnns Van llclden got the bronze timed in l3tl20 Forum 24yearold student finished first in the gruelling 50 kilometre 312milc cross counlry race in two hours 37 minutes 3005 seconds East Germanys Goltsle on Near lll vcutlle condi 1ni iur lilt utc to Old lun Winter pro mi so to make nn inter carmial the lct evch Sulrlilnc and lltll hmkt 01 snow greeted llbtln this lllullllllL tor the two days ol car nival lnjinks and frolic nhcud at Millsrink lnrt nut on the ice ol Kcmpculclt Bay The cuiuiiul ch royal sendmll lrulm night with spectacular ltiltlllllell parade firework display and warm J15 ing bnnlirc tllUrt orange lla mcs provided chccrv comfort for parade particuan and sp CCitiinl Skirting on the ll ghostly nin brought fit tiqu cud in 111 tivuics with pnmrc ct mire ll tun lll lhc titling tor carnival bolisltl lmlnv the Quml timiw nllllll tie with lfxtlllll things In gtlt and do both indoors and out door The minor hockcv luurnmicnt which hogan llltil continue at Barrie Menu on Dunlop ht rcct and llil Along while jampacked ltlltll lll at Molaru uk gthwull unuIx dc lull tllxllilll and thrill even the hurt hluisc There are ride md game for the kiddie l0lulcytlv nkl ing dog gtlttl and 1ll0lltl rac es for winter sports cnthusmstx And hccr gardens loud booth and rclicshmcnt linl lor tho so who like to lake lllll tun sitting down llighliuhts Saturday should he the national tllilllllllllllgt of the studded tire motorcycle ruc es the world hroombull chump ionshhr and the Wondstrcum snowshoe trils and tltmstlllll tr ski races Sunday the kid and his mutt rm 51 rll LE0 ln conclusmn mar Klinisc competing in lll third lympics took the silver medal in L0l3l wul Swe dtnn lcnuy Suedereicn wn2 surprise bronre winner clock ing 239 131 American llill Koch illcr lending lllllt liuishcd llh the highest pltuillq ever in North American It was an up set day lor the ltussiunxrhcy placed only one man in the lnt six lvuzn iurunin who way luurth Fiftynine skiers lrom l7 countrie tltlllCtl the 121cc and ti finished including three members at the Canadian team mun tl1l rtitC iwl GE from left Debbie Leonard Susan an Eustview wins iC at festival ronoNio we mum Licence plates may last to 1981 lilltlllJNlth nt Itli lhe liveyear Ontario cur lisencc pintcs lll ItlTJ likely will turn out In cllicinl ol the ministry nil tiLhi+poitalien Secondary Sclunl nun lvn clnnr ltllc lrnli nl lllt llwinvlt unru lc liizil util mark ul 10 nill iu the one llLll llwll mlcuorv and lll if mner in llu tirade fl and HI competition Slrstlord cnlrrl Seconlnry Htllirtd hurl lltl mnks to win seiwulcry school 11n1l class l1il1cv Secondarv FchmI of an my irrlc lulJiIfl lint with nt and 00 ill coincit tlllIl unnpclition louic tilill ut lw 1llllx lll lit murlasx um lll hijhcil Ill hc piano itlll lul per onu 13 years lllt nl lnnhr llaktillc Yntih tlrcluutru had it rt 00 in ulrm nuhe Ira nuipclilinn llnn Skinind of Devon lil was in the lust hull at the lltltl llll cmlid Jnd nu Elt ll1 lid llvv ol Vrlcmuunl llt lx nlh nil ljrnn Lemm of hurt Murhriy NWl lrl In the speed lilting mint tlicu over lln tiImilt nlllui lvlcinc only iftillluth ml ccnnd ill the Iiltl Im0rd ni Ilfit21l thit Stcn on set lll tllo horvuy lvt muuh lxlcmc rclltlii cnrpcntrr was the silver wlnncr helmul Stcnncn in the 5000 lhcv rccl with lienty mow lillinu lultdlq mnlmunl clum ID of the mnl Ldicl not think tween the Illll and doctors of it TTING READY FOR limit Few charges under Sun closing law lllllONTt ICPl Relatively few charges have been ltxltl un law on Sunrluv and holiday storeclosing hours 50 lllf llylif lllltltil ul hlm Minliclh said Friday Mr Ma tcnncnt that police rcceninc excellent coimerntien trnm re thnx Lily Pons is dead DALLAS LU prnno win Illlzu Vu l5 llltltl make it sail Kleinc ulru1us lirst point the mc cznm when cm trow pl ltItl Alell nlltltlltllil Illtlctl lltllliY TUlTltSll In the mcnlt sluilum lim llunc ol tLIlii clocked tltfl mid l0l0 lul his runs over two trick tltlllt placing lfrlvl mctu 10 litlxihcm Ihe first run on steep and icy ilirznllkwpll mountain was 520 metres long with drop of 220 metres alll had t5 gates The Proud lltlzl the sumo length and hop but there were 63 gates Bob satiata of Joroutn was and Lily lons up lrn more than llllllllitllllll tli Metropolitan Opera lied liriilugv In hospital ilter Che Ilium Ex emitter 15c Per Copy Carrier Home Dellvory 85c Weekly 20 Page quoruml to er wide the grudge hroomlmll match he Royal pin SKATING BY TORCHLI t7l 1d medals L27th JZITJlC lhncui champion won the world coni hincd cold mcdul tor lns Olym pic ctlorls lle had been 26th 11 the downhill and lutltllll in the eimn l0l penalty points 2l 02 lirommell combined 4807 the with should explain just the trenchhorn cnlnrnturn so WEATHER FORECAST Sunny today Cloudy Ltlit mild Sunday loniel it High Sunday See Page Victoria llosplt ml at GHT Anne Strode he lQlll cur pluter communicleions said Lllctlt gtlll in with the New length connilcting the hills in the ltllii world llli lnlnm llrieni bird the look the world lll medal will pomtlt nnl ire John of limited States the bronze 584 lluntel vus eighth in the cum hiued with 0713 prints He was ltllJi in the Olympic downhill 31d the giant slalom CANADIAN lrciner ol the ministry of health by clase down so mny hospitals Htillilt liminins lil hv tint ls carried on the shoulders of teammate liim llunter yester tltl illil Mtllllll the geld slalxm at the utcr lynip ic Games tAP llmtol