ARTICLES FOR 5ALE i=RUITs VEGETAECES Alrce Apply Kooie and 5onCon 3Claail Oro 7264907 1288489 closedi Sundays you containers Flo ARTICLES WANTED PAINT SPRAYER for wented to buy also Hamster cage 1=iiter Queen vacuum cleaner Phonel 7266365 F13 CASH F0 OLD FURNITURE1336 dsl od pclures clocks odds and lends Pro 1950 Items 72343234 TF ï¬tWANTED Barrie Examiner carrier 3395 the Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bag In need condition brlno them to the CliCUlOllO Department or phone 7266539 1F aox AND HOIST for ton sinqie axle preterably 8x1 shallow In good con dition telephone 7897272 Huntsvilleflé FARMERS MRKT TFEED SEED GRAIN lUlLlNA lll 3V ll Bulk Service Lowest Cost Complete Dairy llallons rAnTuiDGi CALL FEED SEED 4872929 ThTF 2000 BALES 0t AltaAlla hay and 500 hales wheat straw also 120 tons of rlried corn and 30 tons of malt barley ylor seed or feed Telephone Georoe Jul ian 4362603 F13 slRAW for sale 200 or more bales telephone 4240612 anytime F14 OUANTITY of corn silaqe tor sale Teieohone 3221977 after pm F13 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 14 BEEF cows tOr sale mostly black with white faces Guaranteed to calve In June Inquire 7287876 POULTRY AND CHICKS BUFF GANDERS tor sale also Rouen ducks call after pm 7289647 F14 LIVE erhorn towl approximately 05 75c earh Cram Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 4361811 F18 to lay puilets Also larm Yresl rqgs Craiq Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 4361311 TF 48 PERSONALs CARTOONSi avaiabie to entertain at cnitdrel parties $12 Further intor motion 7206056 most evenings MI TELECARE Whl light your pro blem alone Let friend help Call lelecare 1267022 anytime TF CARD READING and Counselling Day and evenlnti iv appomiment only 728 8868 F19 fALCOlIOLICsANONYMOUS 7286581 It you drink thats your busmess It you want to quit thats ours Call or time iF JAMES SHANAHAN of Brent wood Road Anqus will not be respon sible for any debts contracted in my arms from thIr talc forward February io I976 without my written consent JOAN Dont soy anything to Bil bui lre Lomttrs areal Valentine Iin ner or line Prince of Doneoal on Sat urday Ft EERNCE Id love to take you out for Vasntines tumor at the Prince Doncoal Steak House and Tavern Plato say yes Love from Your an eni F12 MARGARET PITMANN ol RR No Barrio will not be resounsible fur any d3ts incurred in my name alter this date February 11th i976 without my written consent Fl ICAROL CHAMBERS ot RR No Slavner will not be responsuble tor any debts incurred in my name alter nlhls date February 10 1976 without my written consent Fl JULIES 33 Essa Road we trade dI sell used pocket novels Open an 10 nm days week via ANYONE wantinn daily TFBUSDDFIJIIO and from the TorontoBrampton arflrl please telephone 7372097 after for further inlormation F1 ROGER Formerly of Sears Har Bazaar Barrie wishes to welcome oll and new customers to Circle Pine Cod turss Base Borden Telephone 4210271 F11 10 lIELP WANTED MILL WORKER required experiencedi oreterred fulltime position excellent benefits Write PO Box 360 Stayner Ontario HOSTESS wanted tor private dininql room experienced excellent workian conditions oood salary Apply to Box P6 Barrie Examiner FREE APARTMENT tor retired or semiretired lady or gentleman in rcl turn for light duties In small room lng house Abstalners only 7288484 atI ter pm 10 HELP WANTED F17 IOrIiiia 40 hour week Write to Drug ltown Druo Mart 400 Laciia 5t Oril IORDER PROCESSING CLERK nllice or by writing to the Employment Manager NTED Io HELP WANTED IolIELP WA SECRETARY required lulltime typ PHARMACIST ino experience necessary must enlov FULLTIME meetlno public Reply in writing to F16 TIRED OF strikes iockouts and get ting nowhere fast There is one oro tesslon that has constant demand required tor community drug store InI 30 P3 59 EXmIMT Ila Ont or phone 3251188 F16 lWANTED experienced hair stylists to tor qualified people It is sales Just compressoritake over clientele top salary plus check the ads around this one We commission Apply House of Bellini too have openings for qualified peo Eavtield Mail or telephone 726462I TF pie to represent large International Fraternal Organization in the Barrie BABYSITTER required my home 0w Midland and Colilngwood areas It an and Grove area small children you are mature and have car call I5 day week Telephone 7281846 atter Lnow for personal Interview Dennis pm Ior further information F13 rracey 7281982 FIST 10 HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL SALES POSITION GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICK GMC LTD 145 Bradlord SI Barrie Are you dissatisfied with your present compensation plan and do Ion wish to improve your financial return on time invcstcd OUR POSITION OFFERS Excellent rcanunclizitions Training if necessary Paid vacation Factony incentives Security New car supplied TIONS Automobile sales experience an asset Desire to succeed CONTACT LARRY HUDSON 7261885 QUALIILICA iil DIVE TO RECENT EXPANSION OI BUSINESS MIRACLE MAID OF CANADA is currently interested in filling several staff positions These include Barrie to accept duplications lor llle following position with the Baliie Police Itorcc tiiiiicutions will be received by 10 HELP tlTED lhe undersigned illls been ailtllh orized by the Board of Police Commissioners for the City of COMMUNICATIONS CLERKTYPST Typing is essential We will train in Lldio and computer tcrminaf communications Hours of work it am to pm and pm to am Excellent benefits program Applications torms may be Ob taincd at the Police ofticc Mon day to Friday 84 pm All ap plicants must appear in person lor interview by Wednesday Feb lBLh ISCIllltliARl Chici of Police for the Board of Comilnis sinners 0t Police BARRIE nt ario FL VILLAGE OF CREEMOREI requires CLERK TREASURER the undersigned up In FRIDAY FEB 17 lllTli at 500 pm for the position of VILLAGE CLERKTREASURER Applications to be in own handZ writing stating age marital sta tus experience and salary exI pectcd Alpplicant should be en rolled in or graduate oi tMl CT Applications to be in sealed envelopes and marked Appli ation FAI ner For service on Thursday at 300 ANNOUNCEMENTS BARRIE EXAMINER mummy rumour 12197647 BIRTHS HAWMAN Mr and Mrs Ross Haw man are happy to announce the birth at their daughter Heather Alexandra the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrc on Saturday Februar 1976 sic Ier tor Christopher and Kimberley Fl 113 gimme COUNTY NEWS BDND HEAD By MRS SUTIHRLAND int thing you learned in your Mrs IIlugh Dome and early education daughter of Ottawa visited wtth Mrs Keller di played Mr and Mrs Gordon Dunsmore and posters of China Cuba and recently 3111311321 OI11111185 Of Wlllidl we Mrs David Summers return wii learn much this year ed to her home here till week As she outlined China with its fwm 393731 View 399Flt1i V353 Windotion we learned of the Burro much lTLITDVCIT in lioalili impatience placed on practical Graham Somme is work while being educated They hospital at Barrie for surgical are governcd L1 ULiilJii ratn treatment We wSha qinclc re cr than umununism Their 310 turn to health or him gap is Sartre the People Mr and Mrs Terry Seawr Cuba is quite ziilusli country of Ga Were here WIh MP oi eight million people Their ed Viola Purim last week while ucaiion is universal and may are rttendmg he tunerEl rules or MURIELS FLOWERS 71 BA Yltl ELD ST The United Church Women nch in the Sunday School room on Ilcdnodoy lcli at lipm dessert lunchcon was enjoyed by all with Mr i5 Larkey Mrs Auiij Kncsshiin and Mrs ll Har vcy as hostcltscs Mr Watson conducted tllc worship service based on the theme The Golden lhe Florist Who Cares 7281561 Rule The scripture reading from the Gospel of Luke was Iolowcd by Hymn and Prayer mm $5338 PM Lite Partnership was cm very loyal to their sogan lit the late Mrs Ruth Screwright JV phasile in the Icotion The VOU dOIlL klylow 1031 it you 10 Good Samaritan is fine exam know teach DEATHS pic of the golden rule in action Tanwma Is the newest coun It is the most reasonable and try There are many ditlczcnl COUGHLIN Patrick Joseph At Ease Borden Hospital on Wednesday Febru ary Il 1976 Patrick Cooghlin beloved husband at Marlorie Coughiln oi RR No Utopia Dear lather oi Patricia Mrs Shame 01 RR No Mine sino Jerrv at Toronto Mary Anne Molly and Colleen ail oi RR No UI ooia Dear brother of James Byrnss of New éork USa Resting at the Jen nett imeral ome 157 Bradlord Street Harrie Visitation from Thurs mougm Om uh HURT dayllatf7 pm Funeral Mass at Our as what do ylllidl1l yiul lcili arv Grace Church Angus on Sat dren and grandpiijdycn earn urday February 14 at 10 am inter from pub duwtmn What ment Anqus Union Cemetery F13 do you conidcr tho 1th impoli By Rum sawwn There were Ill tables of euchre rt the party on Friday evening Jan 30 Prizes went to Lois Sturgeon Ethel Steers Hillard Kaine and Lou Crcnon Sllcre the Wealth was wan by Marc Prick On liridai cre ning Feb there were 13 ta nlee ol GULlIIC player at Gillortl The lucky draw went to Mrs trmslrczg or Coakzlown schools with just one LlnltCZ They believe ï¬rmly in selfreli ancc which is their slogan The question was asked Do you iccl we could learn from their educalional system he ICCIlllglllaS that what applies to other countries doesnt always lIl into your and many plIVlleCS such as free education in Cuba could easily be abused in Can ada and other countries Mrs Keffer asked for sugges tions as to how some ot the pro Prams em to Madge pimp bolus in education in Luncda que Tltncegha 53m Neill might be corrected Various an and Lou Crown Them flILIS and commons were gncn another iily next week Story 10 importance of reading too one Mama study book was rcomnicxl uy Mrs Keller llllt program had GROLNDHOG DANLE been great asset as we contn llii Giltord hull b0l held no our study this your Mrs Wil erl Sllcceiiifl gmndlog dam sensible way people can live to gether hynul and prayer con cluded the scrvlcc Mrs l5Kcilcn was ill charge ul thc progrulii busczi on the to pic People and Systems Var ious answers llIIl comments lllf COURTNEY Annie Florence At the General and Marine Hosoilai CollQna wood on Monday February 9th I976 Annie Webb in her 72nd year Dear mo the of Florence Mrs Shepherdl ol Fe klnstield Lorena Mrs Gonneaul oi Stayner and Bill and Glenn bath at Barrie Sadly missed by five orand children Rested at the Mothers Chapel at the Robinson Funeral Home Stay WHICH DAY IS BEST pm Interment Stayner Cemetery Fiz WIGGINS William James Suddevnly J£Fd1wnrw£riiaiii MONDAY cox altcndcd citizens course SZYEUIdal Smiling Jan the late Duncan and Esther vvmqms DAY and had the honor of extending wilt1 JODIJS OrlhCillfa DIaBCJ I01 grï¬zher1l Mrs Jain Pewbeatonbeiirk TUES grccings Irunl all churches this tIl1slloor my rsma rs iben ncc 0W tratlord and Miaroaret Mrs Brucel WEDNESDAY IUlé $259 10 11915 but he umbl DT Sterinq predeceased by SPORE ll 44 LJII 2l all jgnn lremhlaonRobertw Esifllalteth Fï¬lld tngir rcgpuiisibilitic d1 noggin AILCI the lance everyone on the in ec eralpHome 33 qurslcy PStreeCIK OarrLT FWDAY new lrom billlplCSJa Lump as UlCd I¢ 13 I9 ConDlFete snrvice in me Chapel on Fri sllc rcccivcd the H1deth lid on bun Rabid and cake Ill Fails albéfiridiaal8333mgg231 SATURDAY combo shc pilltd out several boil bcil cxlonl thank Oil Bay F17 items oi interest 10 all who came and made the tItJLllgt Its tillllclilll ink 15 Mrs Orr conductcd the busi 031le film955 ulLlUl lililliltitI LIICIC lb 35 mceling in the abgcnce of CANTIMER in lovinu memoryol no DUPI dz to 3an LuCh Mr askion Delegates dearpcllusband Fand lather Petrr who day no illgt Lliisl Illilli chow or the annual mgeting pass away eoruary I7 1965 5le Loving and mm in an hi my Itwu ll tilt Miclt and otlcx lLlns bill IkllN IIIIltN cIcik Municipal llices EREEMOICII Ont Flt wE REQUIRE running sales Deinonl in 31 LIIIK general oliice experience required RETAIL ACCOUNT COLLECTOR years finance company experience required including know ledge of telephone collection technique SENIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK years experience requier including reconciliations trial balance and UL posting lit addition to an cxcellcnl starting salary we utter complete bcnc iit program if you are interested in growing with rapidly expunJ in firm Please contact MR CURI BEMBENEK MIRACLE MAID OF CANADA 274 Bayvicw Drive BARRIE I705 7288722 MANSFIELDOENMAN GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED JOHN STREET BARRIE 7266520 TECHNICAL TRAINEES llle successlul applicant must have minimum of Grade 12 in cludlng math and chcmistly or suitable alternate science This applicant must also have an aptitude for Engineering and F17 will be expected to undergo year training course which will Ecomprise of on the job training together with appropriate studies This is career development program in progressive and ex punding industry Consideration will also be given to Grade 12 or 13 students uhii intend leaving school this summer Applications for the above position are obtainable at the security 13 10 HELP WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS Earn Exl ra Money In Your pare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS in the following areas WORSLEY ST AILEA QUEEN AND UC KWORIII REA BLAKE AND ST VINCENI AREA IOILIERBAYF1ELD AREA ill WELLINGTON Sl AREA BIIIIIW AV lI 11 IREES SUBDIVISION Slillllt MlilSING TRAILER PARK COUKSIOWN AMELIA EUGENIA Sl VINLJIJNI Altlhi CREEMOILE ELMVALE BORDEN Please fill oul the application below and return ii to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bavfield St Barrie OR PHONE 7266539 Nam Address Telephone niii xii aa iil IIAIIIIIII uaiia Aqe lF IllIOIIIaanhlIleeIOOeIOIICIOt Gal weekly basis for our paint and wallpaper depart ment Preference will be nivon to there Dorton Drovidinn drmonstratcd rxper lirnce in the above area Please apply in person only to Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St FE Barrie Ont Flav LAW OFFICE requires experienced le secretary telephone Mrs Hamil tDn 7261181 LEGALSECRETARY with experienie in litirlation reouirod immediately Please Write Box PI Barrie Examiner FIA BABYFITTER needed to tome in iohts from 340 to 100 am For more information call 7760593 F13 EMPLOYMENT WANTED NevinATS 15K we zinev lnarlnn tree removal tence re paired etc Pmaee Lair Harold at 72m 1116 Fl TRUCK DRIVER requires tull or part tmr work would like to learn to drive tractor trailer Ionq distances no prob lsm Reply to Box PA Barrie Exnl iner F13 MARRIED Man residinq in Barrie With several years experience in consumer ï¬nancing and mortnacies snekino no silion locally Telephone 7287618 F17 MATURE person vnll dorhouw leaninri Telephone 7764514 Fl REGISTERED watchmaker and towel Ier wih year with one Iirm in aniand lookino Ior parttime perm anent ioh prcerren Tcltpttone NilIii FIT ll LEGAL THE SUPREME fOtltl UNIXHill xotici ro JEAN ALLAIiiA liUGllliS Million III dIWiic Ilils bccn presented by James Douglas llughes You may inmpccl the pet ion at the ofï¬ce of the Local Registrar ol this Court 11 491 Steeles Alcnuc Milton Ontario If you wish to appear to OIIIZOM tho petition or if you suck other relief your Appearance and Ans IIver or Answer and Counlcrpcli lion rist be dclivcmd in accord ance with the ltules OI Court Ill default of Appearance or Ailii¢l you will not be entitled to noticc of any further proceedings copy of the Petition and Notice of Petition will be mailed you on receipt of written tltill addressed to the above nulnc Local Registrar CAROLYN AllslAlI 297 Lakoshore Rd 15 Suite OAIVILLE llnlario LGJ lI3 Solicitor lor the Petitioner NOIIC TO REDIIORS IN THIS MATTER OI THE 151 lATE OF WALTER ELDRIID IHENRY surru lute II the lownollip ol Essa in the County of Silncoe Retired Farmer de ceased All persons having claims againII the Estate 01 Walter Eldrch iicnry Smith late of the Town ship of Essa in the County oi Simcoe lictired Funnier who died on or about the llth day of January l976 are hereby notig lied to send particulars ol samc= to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of March i970 altch which date the Estate will be di tribulcd with lcgurd only to the claims of which the unlorsigncd iIIdIl then have noticc illld thi undersigned will not be liable ii any person ol whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this glith do of January Iliiii llllllfl Ill III SliiI i3 IAIIY lCllllll iiilltl Executricnn by their Solicitorn BOYS SEAGIIAM TAYLOR 13 Owen Street Barrio lnlzlrio Ill AN l5129 pinc blankct box old milk bull AdleOT Llpriahl and test to the end at his day lilili exits Itc IUltiilllllcfltl that my and kl it and mind mil ldli lill Id loiilorluw and aut lemor IcIl behindbe he dillch It llI you get results Alwav remembered by his wile Jean Al gr nli cugt ill cxpclicncc nests taken core 01 Meeting was By VILDA CAMPBELL brought to clue with Itev Dalhin pronouncing Benedic lion Mrs lloward Campbell Mr Beverlcy Bertram Mrs Pil and LLffffï¬ PM with ill iim lzliil Allin About 30 ladies atzcndcd mis Fey and PI BPS Pude COMING EVENTS know lotionnu the best do CIILIIICOLIS shower hold in the heeijle mgeï¬ng Simcfe in stall Win it every day bat3mm of the United Church Presbyteriai Unlth Church to Is the igsl Iii gldHlIIM In Friday mgnmg honor of men at CIOWEhLll United Guirch PBl NC Thu Burric lixlimincr Clcissilcd Miss Marla Rolfe bride to be As it had been postponed the al Scioll There were 30 tables playing was Sula She lzd immELLows ml LlLIIle in the liar on Monday finsemd delimit hoi lunch IIII 7331 it ill Prize were won by Bos EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Sig McQua Elsie Goodycar Lenten servicesiwll beheld PM Shirley Brccdon Dutid llemil guilt Hubi ntllxutlme gird ll ll ll Ililllilis Il TCLI Ion Ken llayden and Lm Joyce 14 eff mevlé 123 11 Jackpot S100 retroshmcnl Imiilll Scrcrtil lucky draws were hold me tel all Igni tillll lliwll and on tickets sold Annie Mad 13 to the one at Toronto comer SELL NIORE lII Colin ilienby Mrs lh ence annual meeting last Ma Mrs Bulliom and Mr Iilomp PFIallalla Elm ITicn fiiitl lilziic ltill Arliclh lcle lucky winners MI Ldulfime Fraser i5 Ifll 31s NasalHEW tlnd gaveW ONSIGNMENI all rs iiarie ore al Its ill Atari at CROWN HILL mi ill Lee IIIICIIIIJ UNINIINIIY are Spengmg 591119 me Ill llll II RS OLA DL SMORF pringc with choir daughter Mrs 16pin Ilthlllt moms Dori forget the Annual Com alien Waging Ind children sl fflf munity party Sponsored by tile eorge an uzanne 2be lain Jyfffl omens institute on ltliduyFeb Allen Walma rm drum on gale Miwhim mnï¬mt LLB lJZIIy will pm at ll Crown Hwy 24 110 Guelph to work on and MWC inlliu nt ik ilili united Cliurill licic lhcre 181127 when hit car was in mks lidéhnulu 171 $1175 will be wine and cuchre tilr col lSlOIl Both cars lardcd ill III In ougllont the evening Lunch will ditch on the other side of the xrxed road and were completely dcmv es mi lamps out many more old litit Im Ill llllllLI Its ll Long oi Cannlnoton View 01IICCI qutl gillLKIIIlLILiIlgtFIII III bu lnilli lllIItl lli Attic cs mm MR and My Lomg Allen 511 the Item llé Hg 51 Summers ni IlliniIY nnth werk care uili of Kitchener Water 01 DL I00 ho ILal liiiTmiim BRADIUIH 113 Ill II III COOKSFOWN SALES BARN illlI 035 01 Cliqikxtoun on Hit 89 Blthti WI SELL llY TUESDAYS Livestock and PILKILlIt Household goods or tlllll you UMIIIIIIII lAltl ANII HOUSEHOLD DISPICIISXLS lior lurthor lclails colitisfl FRANK WEBB Cozkslou lTltSl 4539172 4589711 IT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Clawlied adwllsemenls and polices lor they paqea most be received by om day precedinq publication wlh the exception oi Clasï¬illcd Bsoiav ad verisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES All words $450 words ct Illlc Futures HARDTWIST PBOPYLON ACRYLIC BROAOLOOM $897 3777 Der word CARD OF THANKS 25 words 50 Additional words cls per word MEMORIAM NOTICES vcrce $450 With verse per count line 20 cents per line COMING EVENTS $21M cer column nch 2A WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Asr Discount Rates apoly Uillll willilr SOYD 50 YD BALES It BALES OF YOUR FAVORITE COLOURS IN STOCK days One or two instlulu 9c nor word Insertion Three consecutive nitrtieils II Cl word ilt iuil lo $612 Six consecutive Insertionv It per word per insertion total sits E3 Multiple Insertions mil be ordered sublecv to cancellaticn when atlsur torv results obtained Method countinq fewer than 24 words court as 14 words Each initial abbrev latlon set oi numbers etc moot urnarat words MARKHAM TORONTO ERRORS AND CORRELIIUNS Ali Dlllile ILSEIIIOTI orders are at ceplcu ronvcmervzo Ir my oil verltuii Theretoie lhv lptiticn Advertisiio Deiirncn iu rd adver le lo kirdlv re hey their advaliuemeril iiimzdialely alter Iirsl lnsertiw in twin than any error or unmsriovi may he putru before am In ondr trill arm msv be uiii tot lllc li27lq day uubll lRilOi The Baltic Etalnillcr re iconhue tor in one incorecily printed insertion any advertisement and lhen only to the extent at poatlon Ine NEWMARKIT at ad imt Iiivpive lne Inisurlnl 01 which no not lessen the value at aililavi Plan the adverllxnwani or not ellqlble lot Juv will III Lolitamen Line Just North at lad Coy ï¬e chrrccllor by incke noodle lhe Bifm IOU ids north ol Hwy Across horn Georgian Mall xam ner rorvcs the ran cass IIy revise or reiect any want ads 898100 Apt PHONE 7281414 1llt