want we EXAMINER mmsmv FEBRUARY it im GOOD HEALTH Achilles tendon sultiecl to wear By IHOSIESON ID Dear Dr ilhosteson My Ach ï¬les tendons got sore when Itatttied playing basketball last October finally quit playing for the summer but play nine holes of golf every day The Achilles are still sore and my doctor says there is no cure onLv reliet with muscle relalt xants am 67 but do not like the hiea of sore tendons the rest of my life Is there am hope at all or meW This is the tendon which bends from the leg call to the heel bone and it comes under great strain in running and jumping If you stand on our tiptoes you will leel the Ach illes tendon in action lt le no coincidence that this is the ten don referred to when we speak of athletes whose legs hate gone It is also the tendon most sub ject to tears Luckily this did not happen to you 01 you would not now be playing nine holes of got la indeed ion would he fortunate to be walking abouii agree with oui dnctni There is little to be done beyond application of heat and ue oi the muscle relanaiits Vitli llllt ter arriting in vour par ol the country this might be good time to tt something you don even mentionthat rest Restiig the 0Qlull0t ten dons could leae Mill in pieti good shape tor next summer om letter wil be enlight ening to many senioi c1tizens who feel that 63 is fling number that lorebocles se dentan lite ll0€e there are many exercises not quite so taxing as basketball which are more suitable tor person oi 67 suggest you shop around 101 one Dear Dr lhostcson hane recently had itiononucleOsis ls geographic tongtie some sort ot aftereffect of this lso am told very allergic pellï¬olii tau this be related to the tongue pioblemRS Your tnonoiuicleosis could have been an indirect cause but there are so many other possibilities it l5 llllltlll to pin point one llie tongue surtaie consists at many tiny structures called papillae For some reason these structures can enlarge unevenly causing the pattern we reter io as geographic tongue The name stems troin the maplike pattern that results lnitants such as pipe cigar or cigarette smoke or spicy ioods can cause this and the design can change lrom time to time common in aiii ailment accompanied li lawn its wuh otu mononucleosn In this ll can lie related to gen eral ilehydiation oi the bud as ncll wliallgco ii dict dur ing otii illnes lleigic lCitt tiun to certain lootls can lie 0lel The tongue normal healthy pinkish color ln spectiun oi the tongue an un pottanl nttice proceiurc te cause it can llllllwl gtl€Lttlt nrders including gossitis tli llammaILOn llie slawbcrri tip is seen with scarlet excl the smooth red tongue with pei meiotis anemia the beet ted tongue with certain iitamiu deï¬ciencies Some liquid itaet Illlllllliil the chewing action that uiv mail keep the tongue lthfttl and the IPgtllli be change an TELEVISION PROGRAMS BLFFALO BARRHL BLF FALO lORONTO llPEIERBOROLGH BRR1E ABLE MORNISG VILWING lUllA BEFIAIU 74 lllflllklll ll HAMILTON GLOBAL FRIDA to 730 1000 UtYSt at Ar Rce£st IvVPrpe liLi ariou House 300 or Fvianertsteiri 33x rid Jcï¬j sneemanu M25 has we LPN Doras 00 Or the us time JiC 11Hc 511 530 I155 Densst Qfrfï¬ii 50 7D in Der at gt 0° innithes 47 arm1 an 950 le L55 at one or lfCravi VArt 00 ét OW vHA Gaiooro 134 mm 100 15 in ll accu sneer iiDaycea howc are JLaoa at our 30 995 151 9Canaoa ci Anercu as Dan vl 30 lacq my new °com llllll5 llG $00 Li pus0 astzel rt ze ha narr¢ nb Lia Mecca £030 WM 40 55 Siacv enc 5ddu Or 01 11 Didl apie Hfl lr mu It LID we on li L30 ionatie vi 715 FR ll llilll 1700 Doa5e DC2J prom in ea dlHl 14 an ev helm room ac we km 33 tll Loo as L5 we l7lleli obi4 Qs rgg Bari MI e4 four li Borim Vows Rea innova NJ ll calv 700 allelmc 70 tto 05mm loi x0 iltoy realm le in lgl htlg eh jig45 it rlUtIOJ LJU 55 dwr vi Lo Bead 33 4Searci not 7510 9019 IGlflW ict rin an Dun mum VDC low Bdill Swat as til2lP you ï¬lHitan 515 10 trundle we of1 Ui Inc tr lie Pi Ark Herd 10 jeoucl Itoon 1100 Cw Lit01 Qvgit fairiI Dodn lam AL ldrv got 00 it JH in Tie lnl 7iror5d imi Jr it Wish ct 01 it 17 Duvma My Guest an iiM To gi 130 510 lt it Lori time 5it¢nm 119m we llifllli Mateo Janie M9 rig timiiilv Flilll lllx inch 145 iiiraw lite ma tam floor liliwi Brim llDFl Von li iAl 33 Penal it Lerr wotnu le uyiiinuu 50 Hï¬tll in IIwhow doioDetttim 10 N31 Qidii law10mm 11 um liBA Barnetoait MV llt Hparw mile 92 if lzoace W90 it toiiiw ï¬lgwea ll mum L00 Mo Boo arri zzOco WW9 tau Aue 1° Bwlri lor Dr all brute V130 Im5 New Cellieiaii oi Nail Huti 71371 Mn fl° lo lclï¬liie liotii 77 Ntlnillai Id rite Hm 27 Lpema fIll Olriim 1000 ROOF My HNe Lint 110 72 Pow lMaiiit Mom Hm Match mine ilCoUir NIH Prim0 Rcau or via inn in its Sever lo Jo 100 MmeI It Marie Melher libSit Finn lldll€ lna lot llllk anti Old tOUHli HAM ii it Bot llemiart 1€Rnnlemt ZJMYlvllamlie 145 9Winler Ol MDIL 54m China 1110 VH Riditai lbO 1130 nTsau YsGeom one or hamletd and won 1orinnv mason endow 745 By OSWALD and JAMES JACOBY nonrn 12 AAQS vkows 0J7 +935 wan EAH 751 not vJs7 v642 eAQGSl 32 +J2 LQtOTï¬iS sonruini AKJlOBS vnss OKlO aAK NorthSouth Vulnerable West Pass Pass it Pass Pass Pass Opening lead North Em NT Pass Pass Pass Pass South 41 6A Norths twonot rump tCslinnr is inappropriate tor on liiicolii appears lie was one point meet minimum lllliUlldlll make loin ol lllt hcu Ninth iiizilcl hand that lilllltli sh oi the itll un ll110 in icint in utiliii huts ltllll lllict WIN AT BRIDGE hearts and then tour clubs North simply went hack to three and our spades He wanted to discourage in Hart not who apparently was heading tot slain somewhere lhe discouragement did rot work South just went to six spades hnuge the East and West lldllll and the contract would litic lieun cinch hut iih cst holding the ace and quotu ol iliiimiintls there was no pliir ior zlx witlioui diamond lead llowcrer West was looking at his own It cards He had to load omething and finally plun lted down the arc ol diamond Alter that unloitunate le it there was no way to keep Lsoutii iioin scoring lll slam We keep getting questions about the correct time to declare honors The correct time is when the hand is over but it tieclaror wishes to do so he lll4V claim them during the play delentler is not allow ed to claim until the hand is over since in so doing he would be giving his partner il legal information YOUR HOROSCOPE Bi Blllll lcli ll March tnii ritla ries Ullllilll ipe who lsiit in tow setbacks lo lLllLlOlitf lo llll lanrtis ipril igtll minor do ntl lltt out llitlititl titl illnlltteiljtili til Ui UM llitil lli lttli1iiiii tvlllaflftl lig llrl Liai Mitt curl 20 Hay ltti itiiililiiiiilt ii iii iiiiii in Ilil it tint lllti leniini Ola ll June 01 it neiintwise neuin oito In in Ltftllllf ali Li ill oil iitiii flint lancer tJnnc iiaiiittii llll tonimiiiioin inc tdlkliOtl with can do tact llLlit to iltl iiciti lliill illilt Pm cutiim iinl mini Mt lico Iuli Eliot fti tarelul Lida no to illliil1 pass on some llLtsu lllllllit um light llll Virgo tll iiiStun fli liliile mu man ilti Ji lot 73 mii tltlt Him oun BOARDING HOUSE ACROSS examine Latch lrirtarwalm level imll log tinnt ltiqariq Va With l4 Margarmq Motion Fltm vahi ll Arlmescent neat l8 Antiriiiannd 70 Atwts lramnr Junrm wequ Hnatniiy 78 Hriho Mom at pantry 74 Htinhiih 16 ompaqs point 317 liimlet 138 llï¬ï¬ltflV 40 lnivel ml lanquagp 41 mm caning Knot 4l CaravanHwy 14 WSW to Us Tue iiitr llniipv JI Mm tomJed More Dtflti 512 mange runnwini 30 VlIer ll at in ritltm hlillll Woman tum out limit filteriquii mid Mi NWL JPSPl 67 permit tiP ivvirirnn llll DOWN tï¬an IQHNOV Opera hy Veitti Angers Desi Ht UNIV looted vase More igimhlp Decoys Nautical term 10 Sense Imp lltilll llll llil tili Jitltii l1 ititllllll liliru iScpl 3iUct ï¬lti liicie lUl jxolll tvr ilc titi sliiiilwtli to ltlt 111 ltilJi ltt Mi lltllrlllllllll Scorpio incl Llo 31 It in llllllgN twin lic tililti to it on loin toting li itl iltill iiii fiil tillltl Sagittarius iI Iiillcc El lltil ll 1111 lt intiltitm it wit tiiiiiui tiiiii lithillfNt illunit wml Mitts uil Mini it llll lil lit lint 11 aplnoiu llc fllll lli llii ilii igt iiii monolith tinY DINOil it it llflltl ltl lltll oi an lli itc xn UHIIIHN Jilit EOIch lfll iiii int fn lLlIHH ll lllll lIlllll lltrf in ill 7i tH liscrs Ill Ill lJHll 10 RP lli ill at ii ltiiii lilil with Maior Hoopla mix in 3Q ltiï¬ilfl WON Hyman lt At Ontario Ian tinmniv ii inmo xJNHeIly AP rwit Ariarnal arm Miliii ill All IMJHUPn llrilnds so mat ltiiwm Aunt tan Lh Wench nnommi pirxizri had PW it 51 Rnatmr ztl Mimi 5x1 Wan it Farm 55 OWNWW Ct Antimil Iiiï¬h 57 mm capital it Pionnmlirm FlexMoon full liiil diirili 6t rIliï¬rmï¬‚ï¬ cancel ii slAPLR Li Llltht ALLKJ ANDY CAPP KERRY DRAKE SHORT RIBS WlNTHROP FRANK ERNEST WIZARD OF ID BUGS BUNNY BORN LOSER mu RE DEéPERATE to ONO VOU C751 ON CL EA ROAD lL CATCH U9 TO YOU lN lliAl OLD iAtoel min To 755 MR lAVlE NikiJr YERminim AFFTKM HAVE GOOD LEAD ON WAKE 175607 70 GETAWAY DONT WANT TO QPEND THE To TALK 10 ABOUTA msaam WHKI lité BEJT NFY T0 L056 tbjttos lN It zw tea3 ioo Laetitin TOOK YOUR TlME bETTttic HOME FROM THe OFFICE ciivxofyctt Guess lT CAN WAIT WE T0170 You BEFORE YOU cANT BUY ARMOR DlSCOUNT 912326 JF LATELN itq mm CAFF CU HAVENT EEEN ELJTTEQNG ME UP lT tkx QQCH nice AFTERNOONJ DwDED lLtzr DMZ er YOURE WONDERFUL DIDNT Know WHAT SIN WAS CU NHAT Ki C50 UP