of the press tested for the lflDciC baa to interpret a¢pasd SKILL ON THE HILLS Horseshoe Valley ski teams win COULSON tataffl With sev en wins out of seven so far Horseshoe Valley ski racing teams are prepariiv for what is expected to me stiffer competi tion this coming weekend The Alpine team which has apturcd three victories in row will play host to 13 skilled ski ers fiin Don Valley at the Horseshoe Valley ski hills while the and Plus crew will visit Curlew hills at Huntsville The latter skiers also have won uhree straight Leading members of the Al pine team for skiers 18 and un der are Pat and Chris Walsh Brenda Hutchinson and Nancy Birrell all of Oro and Mike Cooper of Midbursf The team lr lit and under skiers has been led by Kim Blaze and Steve lirawlcy of Midliurst and Stacey Dunn of Don Mills The lluronia ferm registered the seventh win for Horseshoe valley winning at Curlew in the Huntsville area Other teams de feated by the Horseshoe oer formers include Don Valley llid den Valley Mansfield and Moon stone With ample sitcw and good weather conditions the Horse shoe Valley ski hills are having another popular season Between 3000 and 1000 ltlltllï¬ have been attracted on several weekends with visiting skieis from the Bar rie trillia and Midland areas in the county as well as visitors from Toronto llamilton and else where in the province llegular skiing classes are con ducted for all ages seven days week with Inhn Birrell direc tor of the ski school There are eight regular instructors and It parttime instructor and these classes are all wflI attended Students from l3 universities participated in dual slalom competition during the past week end In addition there were thousands of other visitors most of them active skiers on the challenging Horseshoe Valley runs There are 52 trails and slopes Sinee he started the develop ment some 15 years ago Bill lbluiaiu has been active in help ing make one of tlic lllUL pop ular tourist attrattions in the area There is ski shop nur sery cafeterias and dining room and bar in the main building loni Hamilton is the general manager The chalet subdivision devel opment also has been going head in recent years An lithole golf course is operated during the summer ANGUS STUDENTS STUDY CONVERSION TO ETRIC Angus public school student Dardi McDonald holds her big foot one of the projects in recent mathematics fair at school The wooden fool emv phasmes Canadas current con ersion to metric measure from the British system left to Ei mutt teacher Peter at pole Petrtn Dolby itop price winner holding etuwe stitching RYNARD REPORTS Democra By DR RYX till HIP North Slmcocl Mrs Gandhi prime minister of India had an editorial in her controlled press the llindu Im ernational Edition lr started off by stating that free and res ponsible press is non ersally Ark nowledged as bulwark and watchdog of democracy Anything tha at goiernment does to regulate the functioning lE naturally to be rll freedom Mn Gandhi controls the press llih regulatory bod uppointed by herself Freedom of the press in India only no long nr except as lrs Gandhi want he oes 4m to sax our wan olunaiy are in Indian lllCs to yes pcci node of tonduc to be to inulatcd by the press itself and readrnms to allow to be scrttziiitcd at all tzmes had the priiileze ot incein Mr tranche 10 On three separate occasmns had the on 0lll1j to lll th lier riir allei to me one day witrlc her rather li Nehru wag in con xersatzon with DierenbalIev remember Mrs Gadhi as Pa lady Fllf anf acon tln tl0lltilll ens Ligr Ilt didn like poltics and newk uould she be enticed into this IQllFV ll lsl had CCl Lu mm of the hardship and satiifcr by another studentl Dardi lulia Hurst with cylinder and by perboloid and John lrliga llf with model of the sol ar mm budents iv grades and made 30 entries for ch raa ll llil habit mi ll ict Eiz ï¬ller ilt was Mrs tiuiiohi stuck to His ir wile tor while after tiiL lt death but then plunged tl0ltt and deeper wr llIiCl flit to rot country eat dine9 were poken En ii tnl lliniu beat the only common languages Englisn was med In Parlament in ihose do lllt Dil1lCCl gt as zst member of Pariia not limit Xanadu ll ea llliCl esin to note that in 1953 they pun electronically hcit Hi the wife oi board ln illfll at New rent review Act explained by Evans Hv IlT HUB PWANS thlPP Simvm cntim Snce the reudcntial premises rent review act rcceiied royal asrent in December there has been great deal of CUIlIUlHHl prism out of what the legisla tion teall means to both land lords and tenants At this time want to leview briefly the responsibilities of both parties affected by this act and the general opcrction of this bill In this way we ran thereby re once the conluon in the pub lic mind For the landlord the act clear ly states that the maximum renv tal increase to be applied for is eight per cent without resorting to the rent revmw officer if the landlord requires an in crease above eight per cent he or she must apply to the rental officer With the needed data so that an informed doctsron can be made Rent increases above eight pe rent will be granted on the basis of increas ed costs In that case any increase must reflect the operating costs of the building concerned Separ ate submissions on each unit are unnecessary as the rent review officer will fix common date to review all cases Where the rent review officer approves in favor of the landlord the land lord may charge the higher rent retroactive to the effective date of the tenancy agreement Or the opposite applies where the rent officer finds in favor of the ten ant INFORMAL HEARINGS All hearings will be conduct ed informally with lawyer not liker to be needed If neither landlord nor tenant show tip or are not represented at the bear ings you lose your right to ap peal the rent review officers decision to the real review board The officers demsions are bind ing until anJLll determination of Your case made through the til twin tor the tenant the llllGF gicat fOIttEltlb focus on Erie lilel tenant is entitled to an rebate box that rebate applied for and all the duev ton of eviction arising out of rent increase for any tenant whose rent rose ibitantially befall July 30 lfliii no reduction can be made tllll in the life of our current ten ancy agreement But when that agreement comes up for renew ii you can get review it llif landlord applies for another in crease ln rendering dec1sion the rent officer may consider the previous increase Tenancy agreements made be tween Iulj lU and D01 Ill 1973 are limited to eigit per cent If neither party can agree upon rent increase mar eight per cent hen the tenant can receive rebate of any rent paid in excess of eight per cent by Feb l6 lle rutst file an ap plication with tie rent offcer if the landlord fails to pay the excess amount owing within 60 days DIFFERENT RULES For leases sirned between Jan and July 31 Wis different ball game rules apply Both par ties upon failing to reach an eight per cent or less rent in crease apply to the rent re view officer for either great or increase or for reduction lfany tenant has renewal coming up suggest that you sign it Any tenant who is fear ful of eviction by merely contes ting rent increase is clearly protected by the Landlord and Tenant Act ln my next report will outline the new provis ions of the landlord and tenant act One word about leases The rent review act specifies that leases can be written verbal or implied While have attempted to no war some of the many nuestions which both landlords and wants hate hate not gone til prob lflï¬l in Liiiltli Iftllli do nil115olti1iii ti Noxious uifjlOl purl llr lean on Clilt coutein rela Cd in illtlilllldl use lri tenant3 and landlords in Simeon Centre nu can write lent flew lid 03 Home in LAM iljl Ur you can mil ldfl iiic ui loruio at untold MINISTRY CHANGE major change of importanze is Ill administration Because the truism iiiiiitri ilt major landlord lllltll the Untariu llousmg corporation and because rent geared to income is mCICd zndcr this legislation the rent review program has been transferred to the con sumer and commercial relations ministry Consumer and Commercial Re lations since its inception has carried out strong consumer protection program and will be able to provide the same vigor ous approach iih rent review Some people have said to me that the rent review program in Ontario is not needed It only singles out landlords as villains and hurts housing supply in the long run That is not the govern ments intention see this nro uam a4 hlleTcIJil IOillhtl lion in the national antiinflation program Lets give it chance to work APPOINTED ALLISION Staff Maureen Campbell of Alliston Kinettes has been appointed to the South Sim eon museum board COUPLE ASSASSINAIED Archduke Francis Ferdinand heir to the Austrian throne was assassinated with his wife June 28 till by tairilln Prin ip SPEAKS LANGUAGES Cardinal Mezzofanti who lived in the 19th century could ranslate lanzuages and dia ts the fair producing models charts and chagrams indicat in some aspect of mathemat ics llie protests cmcred 15 Hillait metres when display ed Examiner Photo to dictatorship oli lah oncil pm Tim on the piiie 111 34ii in and lit mantel and him take llll5 as line to fall IItIIII PROBLEMS liizi Illillt had ï¬ne or in 1i of Parsing PTIDlGHl oi the the mliltlfi at health who was union in the Citruhan faith tilal llllf only oneviuth of the 0H of Delhi had made iiluiiiiizit zi ill lin 1h to see the to= on the banks mul if ll r1 inter hfl and ie sin wru dowzi fut ould see their suliouettm llrsee when the miiiwon lhlll came iie rILy river beds drillwet oicstaztef the whole sewage svstcm making the water unfit for human courtiiimtion causing many 54 of Liiolei ant ohe llS bou lilili person it Into lilnl who had tub Ittllll Starr then they have been thin lP metinc lIl some rill lr irflillll has niu pct off rncrzll cleon =i lndta until more notable time whenever flia llllf lie The excuse ll to cair out lirr Lllnuinl program to see box it works before call in an election Mrs Gandhi sta to illf IIII no itltt of changing lllt tizi motion and blames the vlilcnt in foreign nations of llllllll lnlxr picture of her ita social album It tool as India will not true to worry who is prime min isttr as long as Mrs Gandhi is able to stall tlll elections and Limp the Upwsumn iiieiiibei III tail MIN tiinidln states quite pioulv that be has always sou glif Iplltftllltm for It icws and would continue to do so and has talked to as many iinpoitant peo ple as she could fl LUNG SIIZP think we all have to realm that it is not wry long step from democracy to dictat orship It is not wry long step even in Canada with con trols for tip three years it does remind us surely that liberty and freedom were bought at price and were fought for over the years since the Magna arta with good deal of blood sllGEI and misery tremendous itfltP was paid by previous gen erations and if has been fairly well guarded up to the present It is longr overdue that we should take good look at what is go ing on in the Parliament of Can ada as we see the erosion of parliamentary democracy limit ing of debates and cutting the power of the OppOsition with new rules and the use of closure to amt KLEF end all debates whenever the government thought it necess ary Indeed it is not very long step to complete control by the state Let us all stand up and be counted It is much better to accept the responsibility of seeing that the democratic processes be upheld rather than sit on the sidelines of inaction and lose all the prim leDIES of democracv gained by our tuiolatltriii iixlt Drivers views still varied on mandatory seat belt law llllDlIURSl Staff After month of trial drivers views on buckling up regulations are still varied with some resenting the mandatory aspects it was indi cated by survey just complet ed checkup revealed that mo torists generally are complying with the new law but there has been grumbling from some The chief criticism has concerned the mandatory rule for buckling up seat belts for short drives in 30 miles per hour or less zones Some felt the $20 minimum fine was too severe and should not exceed that of parking ticket The maximum fine is $100 for neglecting to buckle up seat belts Ive buckled up my seatbelt every day since Jan but not because like it said motor ist who felt buckling up should only be required for highway driving over 30 miles per hour Im not going to break the law but think the Allistun council was right IIISTON COUNCIL lbe Alliston council placed it sclt on record as opposing the regulation before it was pass ed and early in January reaf firmed its stand The suggestion was made that the reduced speed limits which went into effect at the same time as buckling up regulations would do more for road safety member of the Alliston coun cil when asked if he had chang ed his opinion after few weeks trial observed If it really saves lives guess we should be glad to buckle up But am still not convinced of its need for lower speed zones and dont think it should be mandatory by law buckle up unless forget crosssection of about 60 drivers most of whom were ask ed their views month ago gain gave mixed views about the new law Some critics appeared indignant but others felt the in creasingaccident toll justified drastic action The lowering 0f the speed limits were mentioned as being an important step to ward belping safety as well as increasing gasoline mileage An Oro service station atten dant said he noticed motorists driving in for gasoline were all buckled up in compliance with regulations although he said some grumbled about the law buckle up myself because it is the law but still think it is nuisance at times he said mentioning the shoulder strap in particular have heard mo torists said they didnt think it should be mandatory to buckle up in mile zones FRAGILE T00 During discussion about illus trations with pumpkin was mentioned that they smash quite easily particularly if over ripe However the human body is quite fragile too he comment Cd ln Barrie as elsewhere opin ions were aiied dont mind buckling up and it heir save lives drivers shouldnt mind answered Ixcauzd driver when asked his reaction to the mandatory law Besides that want to pay ine ltie Barrie petition sent by Frank Stephens of Burton aeiic to James Snow minister of trans portaiion and communications oopsin the goxernments leg islation making the wearing of DISTRICT NEWS ZTHE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRLARY 1976 Complaints exceed dog tags SIROLD laere were mor mer dog tags sold in Ifllllslll township in Bridge Innislils Inlay enzorceiizznt annual control of complaints about animals but 1973 says not sei There were 1170 animal control complaints in 1773 up fzoni H215 in lOTt But only L205 do tags were sold compared to 1370 in lfth Of 717 animals handled 3t dogs and cats wexe shelter of the Ontario Humane Societ lll Barre to the animal 32 were taken tr the veterinary strayed and 51x foxes dertroy ed li Bridges department handled from 2130 the year before takci hospital ll motes dr urn fOillelll in 1913 up issuance of busmess lltelCE dc licences and assessiiienl 0f corut fines brought in revenues of $1350 up SteH irwn 15m COUNTY GLIMPSES red to by quite few drivers The government is telling us just too much about what to do Mr Stephens was quoted con tending evidence is not conclus ive that belts will save lives in accidents The lower speed lim its will be more effective in help ing road safety it was suggest ed The petition had 263 signa tures More care and consideration are the main need said 50 year old driver pointing out that it should be conSistently re membered that excessive speed following too closely and mo mentary inattention were usual Iy considered the main causes for accidents The MPPs should be buck ling down to the important ec onomic issues instead of pass ing such laws making buckling up mandatory remarked anoth er objector who said he found the seat belts uncomfortable The rillia Packet and Times editorially criticized the manda tory aspects of bicklirg co and reiericn to police problems in trying to enforce the law fairly Ar Drillia weekly commented in part While its fairly ad mirablc concern on the part of our provincial legislators hct all drivers buckle up for own protection we think passing law which essentially Ilgisla tures that very cl called common sense ed to either asan else prolonged llil01ll SAFEH Itll At Churchill members or the Womens InstituC were llii3C5 cl wth 11 film sits if consultant for if transportation and communica tzons They cportm 11 film showed iow ï¬ne hi of seat belts could help prevent serious initier in an accident Pilots and stitntdriiers wear scatbelts and should be an Giv ample to others the head from hitting lIiQId or teerlng wheel sear is dom iiue to on ilc bets can be effective in ciuc tr injtiiiC if from 24 omrliaklccd Orillia iiau shid lts awkward get cigarets or other things out of your pocket when youre all buckled up We should have choice as democratic iht The Maple Valle Womens institute has forwarded memo to area legislators protesting the ea belt legislation as undcmo ciattc bigned by Rugby Fergus on on behalf of the institute suggested motorcycles and mini likes were more hazardous on highways than most cars and nor do lltien it comes lf fl to liquor Seek building inspector MOONSTONE Staffi ile donte township council hopes to be in position to appoint new building inspector at its next regular meeting which is to be held on Tuesday Feb 10 The l0ILIIlI is now seeking applications for the poston fol lowing the resignation of Karl Miller effective from Jan 3i Mr liller thanked the cotinl for ooperation lCll him while he has had the responsibilities of the JOI teeie lngram Amos preridcd Ht the mceting and all members were present The clerk llow Rfd Robinson was authorized ii resolution to advrrnse for ap plications ALLISTON DELEGATES LLlSTO iStaffl Mayor Oakla tray and two LOlllltfi lolin Taylor and liden Who Ian have been apiioinLed Allis tun representatives to attend the Ontario Good Roads convention at the Royal York Hotel To onto Monday Tuesday and ed nosday Feb ill and The clerk Brian tlauley also was authorized to attend by council ilï¬ $00000 IJSIIAMIIZ UIIILLIA tStalf turd raising drive to help finance ren otations to the Opera IIour planned by special commuter Estimated cost of the lCllOR lions was placed at $700000 Un Ill last year the Orillia munici pal haU and offices also were criteria include 1976 at 730 PM RLCHARD un lhe Barrie Planning Board is in the process of estab lishing policy on the converston of rental accommodation to condominium accommodation In making decisions on applications for comersions of existing townhouse and apartment rental units the proposed lb The physical features of the development The vacancy rate of rental units within the City and the number of tenants willing to purchase their units Planning Board will be presenting their views on this matter at Hillcrest Public School on Thursday Interested persons areinvited to attend to hear the pre sentation and express their views and opinions Assistant Secretary roasuier Barrie Platoon Board 1C locates the budd it Olilts were aimed to tiir lllC Orillia public allies ding APPOINTED LOWELL Staff in fleeie Mary saccy has iee appointed Sunndale represena five to the Collingwood General and Marine liogtpiial board Blti BROTHERS DRILLIA tbtaffl Orillia Bi Rrotbers Association will hold tag drive in Orillia or liida eveninz Feb and on Saturday Feb for tunfls to operate the ivtflll Uliieino let the fit it $21th PLANNIth BOARD btaftf Sun ll LOFiil or tree of adjusimcnt or rludes former dcpv were Caster Longinire tango Rogers and MarioriP iard ii Temple tlrtd 30 plan clude= l3 Baos li ton and John RGJDOI IlZBLlC SPEAKING XtilS Crada and stu icrts at Our Lady of Grace school will take part in public speaking conet at pm Tues day leh in the school The contest simmered by the Ca rnal Womens League BANQUET BUDGET lllDlfURSl Staflf bud get of $3000 up from last years $2505 has been lHIomlllClldCd February BATE for he expense1 of the lulo Clil bonus Leftie cur ne 12 Lilli5 IRDILS llllsnr 45 opt Lego has been return as iecters iltzm lould as to ward of idans trig an church here MEDONTE COUNCIL MOONSTONE Staft Me dontc township council headed by Reeve Ingram Amos will hold its next regular meeting on Tues day Feb 10 starting at pm the municipal building here How high do you want to 93 25h fawn 66 fCtCe ti youreth up viclidtCll€l 1+ Beco cedar and desert to Rep wrist Con bat so Ans sari orter you It to soft ice But ll Louioatilwinsinteieza golf touts lot seltgo or lookirg liu sane special lob loaf can bring out the best in you Come on Reach tor we too ill Combat Aurelio sorr euvrig sper ta itt be post GET INVOLVED its WITHTHE er CANA mu ARME FORCES CANADIAN FORCES 25 St Clair Toronto seat belts mandatory was refer vote we get chance to voice our opinion by voting but when it comes to wearing seat belts we are just told to wear them or else pay the consequences the men said We always hear about the lives that were saved because of seat belts but how about re vealing some truth about the ones who were trapped and panicked because of seat belts Did you ever witness an ac cident where the victim was burned to death because he was wearing seat belt and couldnt get free 0f the commercial where they demonstrate with an egg the Maple Vallty memo signed by Mrs Ferguson said have seen the commercial on televis ion where they drop weight on an egg and it breaks under pressure Then they change the box tie the egg down and do it all over again Come on what has this got to do with spat bealts or is this just way of telling us we are bunch of thickens Observed 0tlllgilCT after buckling tip before car ride dont know why they dont make you wear crash helmets when riding in tit lhe would protect you more it seem to me Said 15150 old liiiClf usually buckle up but oc casionallv fuzc tlicr troll to buckle up when driving but font thzi to be very danger air to in seat belt imze out in list make it l3 For longer trips on stlTIlOC it satcr Thets what the tell an way Iraged driier wno re buckle an himself re marked that he poilced tIllC are meticulous about seat belts in the mornings but some don take the tme to clear snow of their car headlights or CCll Ichs Wacn iinv 300 this really dangerous he ticServed Mother asked what he thouen IIiL 293 belt law replicri lent rdiculous for covert meat which lowers the diinlvni age to 16 years to make buckv ling up seat hels martlatoiv for safcty The lower speed limits should help litle the drink in age should be harried back to 31 years ITO DINTIIOOV Bill Leach of Dartroon sent protesting letter to certain MP wih 26 signattins which strongly lriticized iht get belt lair mak ng buckling up mandatory for motorists Be5d5 commending Geer County countfl the stand the ilt on the question Mr Leach gttli In wear sea belt that your business some of mine however if dont want lied in ca mi rows So for az is the case rrtv not aziu makr it law when to sch on of bi ldiit etiv Vail coat and rirsw Lat lt inieli rain oe son develop cold or suinv ld roke in hoptal evene If there isnt slop xi it this kind of noneuse wha he the next stop he kitl going on to Ilettllbi the law as an infringement of pcronal rights Concluding hc letter said If all our MPPs haw to do to amuse themsehes is think up some stupid law we woull be better off to pay them double time to go home go to bed and mind thtir own damn business out lttv sr RECRUITING CENTRE Avonuo East M4T 1M2 Telephone 416 9666564 NOTICE The Mobile Recruiting Team will be in Barrie on Thursday February I976 at the Can ada Manpower Centre between 1000 am and 300 pm