Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1976, p. 2

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SKI TOURING BECOMING MORE POPULAR IN COUNTY Some snowmobilers com bine trail rides with side journey on touring skis This Nordic form of snow travel is becoming increasingly pop ularin Simcoe County and el sewhere across the country Special lightweight skis and poles are recommended Ski touring is becoming more popular recreation and is helpful to in accompanied by snowmobile Il11 ior Iltll tions Theres special Joy in Thornton senior citizens to meet at St Judes hall THORNTON St Judes church hall will be the SCEllt of the monthly mectng of Thorn ton Senior Citizens on Monday afternoon Feb starting at 130 oclock The meeting open to all res idents of the community who are 60 years of 11¢ or more and it is hoped there good turn out Plans for coming activities Will be among the topics discuss ed Elsie lennett and Muriel Clark tohosted progressive euchre party at the home of the latter on Henry St on lan 2zi being postponed from the previous night because of the inclement weather There were Six tables at play With prizes going to Stella McGladery Lena Cald well and Isobel Elliott for the ladies and for the men the win ners were Jean Evans Torrance Blaick and Besse JrQuay erv na Jennett was lucky enough to have her number drawn The hostesses served lunch The pro ceeds were for the special tal ent money proiect of St Judas Anglican Church LIVED AT IVY Word was received recently of the passing away of George Harris at Heaverton In 1114 cor lier years he lived in the IV area later taking up farming on 101 Concession nuts til He was interred at Beaieiu tno Cemetery Jan Wayne anti fary lubman and family who nzire been spending the past weal llllnlf the lat ters parent Him ani lIilcn Catt have returned to their home at Munster Hamlet in inc Ottawa area On Jan 13 Trinity nncd Church ISvoice chair chose lioye Found Way as illull anthem for the riguirir morning service Rev Pan Parkin or tinued in his series of sermons new candidate for stardom when Gable and lomburdi is out 105 ANGELES AP1 When Gable and Lombard is released next month the film world will have new candidate for star domfill Claybiugh Shell know seen whether 10 years of labor in the theatre and movie grind will pay off in stardom aVing had dis appointments brlorc she is cautious Youre setting your self up to be knucked over when you play someone so well known Both Jill and James Brolin who plays Clark Cable in the Iniversal move face jeopardy in impersonating such famous figures Brolin will be impe cially vulnerable since tables career continuci to his death in 1960 and he is krown to all gen erations as Rhett Butler Carole Lombard killed in an airplane crash in 1042 is less familiar to the younger crowd Mvmttxhswwati PAH1 lil herself admitted that lthe had only known iaguelv about Lombard before she won the role and had never seen her films At 33 Jill has been working hard all her adult life though not out of necwsitj Her father is lbert Clavluirgh New York executive her mother was production secretary to stu dio czar David MftlNk ALWAYS WORKING 1111 was never long out of work even when she was she had the cushion $200 per month trust lund llor credits range from soap operas to play ing Desdemona in James Earl lones Othello at the Mark la per Forum in Ixis Angclcs She sang on Broadway in The Rothschild 1nd Pippin ao pearcd in TV series such as The Snoop Sisters and PD on The lcn Commandments Re visited dwelling on the fourth one which is the longest I1s Iozii 111114 tcd to Stevcnson Memorial Hos pital liton in than 31 Iriniti lnitirl church loiniu will he holding their tili innc in at the home of Ir iiff ord Stephenson it it pin liie theme is loc with in at propriate rol call of alein tine Verne tors will he tl comi lMil the Royal icforz lloapiifil li rie iihcii he lflltlitflc slilLlIly 01 Jim 25 TitVIM aim Fair 1it11 in IllfIIRI WINNERS Iweiye tables 13 present for the Siiuriiai nght eitchre at lili lhiiuioii mange Hall on January 34 Kathy ha merlt had her number nraun in the 7030 draw Ilit word runs tt Nora lcnmlt Iiauia VIIllllllgtttll it li mi Selby for the ladies title the lucki mcn were liltoril Siiili Pnlll loirancc Black and Phil lip hlilmllan loiikstiiwn ome and mom your fricnds from web othlr llilitis as Stroud ltopiu and Knock St ludts Illllllll lilllltit folks are expecting you all to come out lo their annual oii tine supper on Feb startingt at pm Pleap note that the place this year at the Thorn ton Orange Hall St ludcs Voilrv intcling was held on Int with all the ni ficcrs reinstated for 1976 St Judes reports tinting had quite satisfactory year Illrt rear Joint and cxcliince summer sci vices were to he planncd by Rev Brute lcfallum and Rev Paul Paykin for the clergy vai cation times Congratulations ti Libby Inc McLean and Lloyd fnmpbcll on the birth of their first son on Jan 22 at the Royal Vic toria Hopital in Barrie Iso grandson for i1 and lrs to Mr and gns Campbell and Mrs Bruce Mthan of Cook town KISSING DOVES DEPICTED Ihil hooked rug depicting kinda doves is one of 00 examples on display in the limo County Mum which continues until the end of Feb ruary lecture on the craft is to be given at 130 pm Saturday Feb 21 by Max A1 ten director of the Canadian Museum of Carpets and Text ili in Toronki Examiner Photm breaking trails and observing deer and other woodland crca titres in their natural habit at IN COUNTY AREAS list of housing subdivisions recently considered by the min tstry of housing has been sub mitted to the Simcoe County Board of Education The development witihin 15 mile radius of Baimie includes IN RARRIE 394 units at Edgehill Drive and Main Street proposed Dec 22 15175 50 condominium units under construction at Duckworth and Bernick Drive 683 family units north of Edgethill Dnve propoed Aug 21 1975 single family unit ire tween Donald Street and Well ington Street approved Oct I975 Io family condominium units on south side of Adelaide Street approved Oct 28 1975 70 family condominium units between Stee Street and Blake Street approved Aug 10 1973 16 singlefamily dwellings on Anne Street approved Oct 27 1975 INNISFII TOWNSHIP 26 single lamilv recreation al residential homes at Tollcn dal lot 13 on 14 approved Sept 15 1975 ICSIRA TOWNSHIP 41 single family dwellings at Vlidhiirst lot 13 Con ap proved Dec 1075 0R0 TOWNSHIP Subdivitinn on lots 27 and 28 Con at Shanty Bay re jccted as premature ESSA TOWNSHIP 77 hoch east of town line and adjacent to north boundary of Alliston proposed Sept 20 1975 COOKSTOWN 20 single familv units east end of village approved July 78 1975 02 singlefamily homes in southeast end approved Aug 13 1975 ELMVALE 88 singlefamily home in northeast comer of the village approved Nov 27 1975 4l Iols south of Queen Street cast of CN tracks approved July 22 1975 FLOS TOWNSHIP 20 singlefamily homes cast of Anten Mills lot 15 Con protonsed Doc 1975 MEDONTE TOWNSHIP 62 single family homes at Warminster lot Con 14 pro posed Oct 30 1975 single family homes at Mount St Louis lot 11 km proposed Aug 21 1975 tive single family homofi DISTRICT NEWS 2THE BARRIF EXAMINER SATURDAY IANIYARY RI I976 InnisfiI building permits up 25 per cent during past year SlROll Ililillll townsth is11cd 33 per cent more build in permits in 1073 than in 1974 the annual 1151 by building iii spcctor Doug Iiiiii show This rcni1rlrihc in that the national inncs 111I121ll3 rt Ilttl ii lIfflII llfifi from 1971 Illllltx ii litid ol tltllll 11 Ht tor llllllli HITS llit wire for IWllllllfll and ltll ages Ntyi I11li il=iritirin to tallcd siiiiim Hr iilllii tilt iiirmit no 11 wictl ll lt Eliot iuimtt llt1i in new it With ins anti tltlil to tow iii 31334593 IillfI 1lil 17 Itltl 11ci iIliililili rs Win new 1ch Iiljlltl hzin lf lIii iftlllli 1fli IJT to nl Lotion 10 ti in pcimitc new iiitn trii 1llt of Sititlt1 lhc Imlirr in new dwell n23 1ti Wit 1iw 1TTl zyhcn pcimits were isuod 12111 for 316 homes This past year set record tor new cottagcs commercial rinlrlinzr permits totalled only 11 in 1975 compar cd with lllt fo Ifliilf Val uation dropped to $642200 from 3835800 Mr Reid said new biiildhgs that add to the lifclyle of township lfhlfIOnlS insluiic the South Innisiii toriii inns tcntie at Left0y the 1hiirnton arena Stroiid Innistil iesrcatuu icn trc and the Lorenz observatory on onccrsion Hr plIiiOtI an upswing in twuiiiiiiiral ii 10m HP no Building ode Act for Ont illtt iinrl InnN bylini will relax he building 1flIAIIIIAI in siriw lairts of ltlfl struction he said Button and plumbing pir mit toes in 1073 totalled $14807 up from $33226 in 1974 Build in illVpOfiltiflS rumbcrtd 13648 up irom 13274 Simcoe beef group to sponsor programs at Continental Inn By HAN SCOTT 121lll The Simeon Heel Iriipioi mcn 1ll1lltll is spun Olltl one tidy twrf cow pro gram on Iucsdai Fmruai 10 at the ontincntal Inn in Bar He The prngiani will ge under Wiii at 10 am tinth prcsintir tion on the dollars and seine of tho con I11111t by Dan How of Marlidalt ltnn is former extension voikc in Northern ntaiui and tic ill Im than ug on hi ciwricncc in the north and 511le sfitlcs of hurt cow op cratuiio in tlic north in making his Illllliilltlll llii morning program will tear turc priucutalion on weaning Iimvicr lich talvcs by ieoff Young asoc1utc agricultural rc prcscnlalive in Souh Slinfot 1n the afternoon at 1151altin lrclantl of Everett yill IlI speak ing on ly Sydnm Calvin Will be showing slides and speak mg on the syslcm that he uses in managing beef cow cn tctprie FILM IAY FPIODF TORONTO itl iihcn the owners iii 1111 Mm loiymnun Centre lliczitre found 20year old rccl of film in their hold in Ill iallcd police ant had bombdisposal truck remove it The film documentary of the 032 aiiiitlian National Ex hibition was made of cellulose nitrate which the theatre own irs said break down into an explosive subdancc TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS IIIONE Tull$414 About 50 calls the first nlght sold all articles black and Ilorculon Bed Chesterfield white houndtooth wu storage section $10 Single oed box spring and mattress new $35 mfce table octagon tcnk $35 TcloL phone For QUICK ACTION TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Tolephono 7282414 Fccdlrit flay is scheduled for he Continental Inn on Wed nesday Februaiy ll siarin a1 10 am The morning program will feature presentation by Geoff Young on the handling of newly armed feeder cattle As well 01 Rcdman Will be cov ering the veterinarian aspects of this topic There will be slides to supplement the two preenta lions Beef SpeciaiiSI John liorsythc of London Ontario present the iinal topic on the morning program John will be presenting cols and returns for four lll fercnl iccding systems uid he Wlll also be showing producers how to caltiilaic thcir own costs of piwhiction 1n the afternoon Dr Larry 1ar II of the economics departmcnt of the ITniversily of Guelph will taking the topic Do we nccd Stabili1ation Dr MRHln has done considerable work on the impact of production controls on both beef and pork and recently prcscnted paper on this topic at the January farm meetings that were held at the University of Guelph LIVE OFF LAND Agriculture it mainstay of Brazils economy at Prices laments lot Con 13 proposed Doc 21 1975 40 single family homes Moonstone lot 15 Can approv cd Oct 29 1975 12 single family homes at at Hillsdale approved Nov 1975 43 single family homes at Hillsdale approved Nov 10 1975 Tillage research on saving energy ode to save fuel by reducing the tillage required for production of Ontario field crops while at the same time maintaining ex isting levels of production is being Jndertaken by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food as part of the provinces energy management program The study is being conducted by Professor Daynard of the crop science department Ontario Agricultural College Guelph At present energy used for tillage represents up to 60 per cent of the nonfertilizer re quirements of certain crops Ficid crops comprise over 97 per cent of the commercial farm acreage in Ontario and we be lieve substantial savings can re sult from reduced tillage Pro fessor Daynard said The study expected to be com pleted in April 1076 will inves tigate reduced field require ments machinery needs tsactm power time requirements and corresponding cron yields asso ciated with various systems of reduced tillage Until now most research in this area has concentrated on zero tillage rather than on minimum or reducid tillage Pro fessor Daynard said Past results With tillage re COUNTY GLIMPSES search have shown that while field crops can be produced with out any preiplant tillage yields are generally reduced From an economic viewpoint minimum amount of preplant tillage is gen erally desirable for field crop production The project is divided into two parts the first wni study seva oral systems of minimum till age for grain corn production the second will analyze the en ergy and economic requirements of tillage systems that are currently being used or could be used for major field crops in Ontario The results of the project are expected to include detailed evaluation of the return benefits of various systems of complete and reduced tillage for field crop production The study is one of several re search projects being conducted by the ministries of Agriculture and Food and Eneigy as part of Ontarios Energy Management Program to moderate by one third the provinces increasing rate of growth in energy con sumption By 1930 EMU officials are looking for $1 billion reduction per year in total energy expen ditures across all sectors of Ontarios economy New plan for Cookstown CXKSTOWN The village planning noard will meet with planning 011UIIZdntS Monday Feb to discuss TcKikstowns new Offl1il plan llillion lid of Toronto has been hired to complete the plan at of $8700 Olltlln in permitted land use The major development pro posul in hrikszown at preent is for tillot reidcntial subdivi sion otikilanc Developments IF the potential developer louncil recently ipprmed re loning tor the euiidiyirioii and then askcd the Ontario Munici pal Boird ti torcgo hearth One objection from the piblic haK been lodged again and ad aicn commercial section ccordiiig to cicik Ici Indor mod the 7onion would hr iOnlmCltlfTI hold sit that no development could proceed im mediately ANNIAI MEETING GITIIRIE The Guthrie co mmunity hall board will hold its annual meeting on Wedneda at 830 pm in Guthrie hall TRAIL ILIB The Blue Mountains Bmce Trail Club WlII hold publicuy meeting for the interedcd public on 1hursday March 11 at pm in the onsumcrs tas Biiiidin Ferris Lane Barrie HRH MEETING COOKSTOWN Surrounding municipal councils have been invited to attend gmterul meet ing of the ookstnwn and dis the fire are committee on lhursdai Feb 16 at v10 pm In the village munic1pal office REZONING PPROVIZD SlltOllD Innisfil muncd has approved rcmmng to allow church to be established on lots 12 and 11ton 12 north of Pains wick Heritage Baptist Church rcqucsted the change Council al so has rezoned commercial lot Crown Hill to Goldwater jacenl to the constructed February 4th 1976 INFORMATION CENTRES HIGHWAY 400 BARRIE TO COLDWATER STUDY The Ministiy of lransportation and omintinica Transportation and tionc is conducting study of Highway 400 from It is proposed to construct two additional lanes ad present highway and upgrade the existing facility to fully controlled access divided highway with interchanges at various locations tcr tain roads will be closed and some flyovers will be llic public is invited to attend Information entrcs at the raighurst Community Hall on licbruary 3rd 1976 and at the Moonstone ommnnity Hall on Traigluirst Centre will be open from 200 pm to 400 pm and from 700 pm to 900 pm Moonstone Inf Centre will be open from 330 to 530 pm and from 700 pm to pm Your panticipation and comments are cordially tn vited Ministry of Communications Ontario in Stroud to permit Brewers Retail Store on the lie of the former Fina gasoline station COLLINGWOOD IitW 71LL1GWOOD iSaff Mrs ti Moyer heads the Trinity United Church Women for the new 1976 term with Mrs lerle Joncr vicepresident Mrs Lloyd lcatlierhczid recording gtCflClltly and Mrs lirrill Kirby reasur Ms lIiriiin Nicholson 15 the corrcsmnding secretary LIONS IIB BINUOS COOKSIOWN blail Bingo dates for the Triokmin and District Lions Club gtl3DlltllCI eicnts at the town hall liiic been tui Wcitnwtta Ho 11 and liiinisiop Feb 33 stalling at pm OWARD OMEDY ORILIJA IStaifi comedy by Noel toward Nude With Violin will be presented by Mar ipnsa rs Theatre at the in illia Opera Home on Thursday Friday and Saturday Feb 19 20 and 21 darting at 830 pm each evening CRA lTS BAZAAR COOKSTOWN Staffi Tenta live arrangements lime been made for an arts and crafts bar aar which la to be held on May from to pm local organ iritions uill have the opportun ity in sci up booths and offer macrame and scul sewing ceramics knitting paintings ptures SEED SHOW ELSIVALE 1Staffi Plans for the annual spring seed and fecsl show will be discussed at meeting of directors of the North Simtoe Soil and Crop 1m piovcmem Association here on icdncsdajx Feb Ron Coutts of RR Midbursi is the prest dent SP EAKJNG CONTEST DRILLIA lStaff The Cath olic Womens League of Guar dian Angels church will sponsor in oratorical contest in the church auditorium on Monday Feb with Miss Christina Ken nedy in charge REENIORE LIONS CREEMORE iStaffi Har old Kciser ot Stroud chairman of Lions Region South Zone make an offimal visit to the Creemore Lions club on Mon day Feb TO SEND DELEGATES ORO STATION iStaff 0m countil will be sending delegat to the convention of the Ont ario Association of Rural Mun icipalities which is to be held in Toronto on Sunday Monday and Tuesday Feb and 10 Sun day is registration day it was stated FIKE District Manager 7261890 There are very good reasons why you should buy an RRSP from Investors With hundreds of hays to organii in flllbl ubun is the first way We can find out together iiiikiis in the Gm crnmcnt butlch can af tch your saiiiigs pro gram can slimy you how it Imcslois ycriices are easy to buy we come 10 Min 1m calors provides simpli lied tax reporting One form showing all tax ex empt purchases We provide the financial planning services usually associated with banks stockbrokers trust and in surancc companies Investors makes II outer Get your future qoing today SYNDICATE LIMITED

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