wvwmmmmw 14 THE BARRTE EXAMINER SATURDAY JANUARY 31 1976 Israeli police fight crime rise TEL AVIV ReuterIsraels tough border police are being brought into the cities to help fight mounting wave of ex tortion arson and Mafiastyle protection rackets 100percent rise in threats of violence over the past year followed by rash of mystery fires and smashed shop prem ises has added new dimen sion to Israeli crime Police minister Shiomo Hillel has announced the formation of new special investigation aimed at the extortion racket He said he was also moving detachments of border police who handle airport and harbor security and counterterror isminto the fight against or ganized crime One of the first jobs of the new units will be to track down arsonists who have done mil lions of dollars worth of dam age in recent weeks to large furniture stores hereclimax ing in threeday blaze at the independent neWSpaper Haa retz which has spotlighted the rackets in recent articles 8T MARYS CHURCH Roman Catholic linuth Directory gain 71 gr 010M114 attend the Glutid you Clinicp MR PAUL POWERS TORONTO DYNAMIC TESTIMONY MAGIC WITH MESSAGE COMING SOON lutherun Church 220 Steel Street Barrie BARRIE FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 BAYFIELD STREET FEBRUARY 1976 945 AMA Growing Sunday School For Bus Transportation 7286644 1100 AMMorning Worship Service 730 PMEvening Preaching Rally FOR THE DEAF Signing of the 1100 am service every Sunday Rev Carl Bull BA BB Pastor Rev John Klein Pastor Worship Service 1100 am Sunday School 945 am FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH 229 Crawford 8L Barrie HIWAY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH New passports Selfserve gasoline outlets Iorcing closure of others 945 am Sunday School for the whole family for Russians EDMONTON CPl Motor think its healthy Mn DUNDONALD AMELIA 313 1100 am tilts may be getting break on Love said When stations 332935 Morning Worship to price of gasoline at self werent booking baiys often MURLOW Raterr95 it symbolizes that eafll 0f serve outlets but they are suf were empty and mechanics SUNDAY MASSES tbouds of Rlilzllln began belongs to the Nine 1ch tormg me consequmce 54y were idle Evening Service the new yettr with brand new the inseparable bloodlink with the local Automotive Rétauers Saturday 100 am Wednesday 80 mm passporraltnough they still the motclnd Zici usioiy nei Association DRWERS WILL SUFFFR Sunday am 915 am Christian Growth Hour cannot use them to leave the country The small red scntsil ltpcciol cccnioriic with press cowiage are part of fiveyear program to issue new domestic osspori to everyone in the Soviet Union over 16 With the hammer and sickle crest and the words USSR Pasport emblazoned on the cover they replace the non descript greygreen docummls which citizens have received in the past Although the Russians have borrowed the foreign wot pasport the document must be surrendered when Soviet citi zens travel abroad and mut be replaced by special inter national passport Inside the country however there has been some relaxation the rules Soviet citizens who travel out side their home town or village no longer must show their pas port to police when they arrive at their destination vaidcl they are staying for ll six weeks their name in hoth guest book will suffice OFTEN IGNORED Russians acknowledge pri vately in any case that tiat ellers often would ignore iii old vegmation so ll scum 19 books pre amendment has only brought the law into line with wide spread practice The internal passport which is being renewed has sums func tions similar tr the identi fication papers met in it 1m Ler Westenn countries 001d1 lc lVl 12 blfillilttc and nationality as ucl 13 Iniliur scrum 190 Elli dcdl HZ lE mar riage niiri cliilrlrv But the Sovict full lilts lcily want people to think of incthiiiu viiorc Lian mere identity card pilccon bum Li 10 in dommcnt senor lico noliw niuc niote recently in 1118 pro IXlil ztd lor tonionmv ISSIED FOR LIFE lc smplify what was often tinnw ll1iii of renewal the new passport is lSSilLd il liic oiicoidtum 11in ioldeirs have the photograph re placed at the ages of 25 and There is no change in the strict system of jchrirition rm permanent residence Sovict ciliz All 1M mission to live in short Hifil ano have stamp in his pass ill pc to prom ii If title is lii in Iv wt authorization to move to city like Moscow even from the sibibs cuiiinclc uium would find linrdcr till The official argument is that the authorities ziic thus able to keep check on population movement in the best inercsis of cccnomic planning criiw popiilztion is allowed to grow so fast and ftisic No statistics are avoiablc for hi mw be living in city like llow nit gtcmiiii or min4 forged pnpcrs OLTSTRIIS SIPILY But sumc iziilicziion of the we demand outstrips Ill lt 10 pl or oczmt by newspaper report of young women on llllij ic iiiziii marrying hliiscoiiic ll ilic Tole aim of moving hcrc Uiiil cpozts on the liorliicliori ucii gri2lt sires li Il lli tr3li nit The authorities surfacc lmli tu run from tlic lnw mil ml Sing turgfil pupar In cm Ill iicnli Ulicncc igziiil li varyf wiiiellv in to lil ic tiill tln authorities son to it tznl ii mm li lcist Itll ill lll tn lcgziiit picsumu bTy punsuo1 tic if one iciiiniri sci cnic in Ill sport An oil boom in the innate chocres lite in the Amazon Q1 llUti lrcru RCJICI Au ml boom in Peru ilfltlllffvimn junf tiiflllillli1 liudi tionnl illc in thc lllli Anizixui lhousnrd lamJirzs nivo BI lined their tribal scitlc ment on the ri Imth in lucrnlixc work in the glc oilfielrls About 10 years ago the prov ince cf LOItJ twacd mass 1inulc cwamp and river provided enough food for its no tive oomllatinn find this 00000 inhabitants this Amazr tnhl me naliics iimkcd mull plots cbacivs hunted fish and animal on nlicrl boner try an Imr liiirout 0r ill the inland waterways to lqiiitos ir con la irlc nnil don hc ivc lil 11 nearby native market of Belcn city of floating house wiirh rise and tall with the Amazon flood but they are pouezcd to 537 by outboard motors and many carry imported food In fact Zess than live cars since the discovery of major oil depoiis in the jungle 70 par cent of the fool czitcn lien has to be transported acros Il Antics from the Pacific coast tiosiy by air PRICES SOARING lianwort costs and arrival of foreign oil conviunies have uparkcd an unprecedented rise in prices and this ity lcru Atlantic port has become thc must expmisivc in tho couniy ilie exodus fm he jrnulc chizcras has helped push up the men 1ion in lquitos to about 180000 Weve got nnamatic piilll iem on our handsa falloff in agricultural production and an enormous influx of unproductive sectors into the city Lorcto province government planning ottlclal said It CITI 111 ll Wpeople have abandoned their 417 IMo tho oil boom gni Ill 1071 liauinlc ll lil drug in iian Lriiiclmii iic liltilllllllf ihc punnin oilical will Iticc cultivlim llfIl dropped by muc lwun llilfnFttflilll Ilic criiducliuri drop is 30 lllklVI Ill local piizl For Ox inplt ignr ix flirtc Emcx wilt it cois in limb Hunts are about five times what they were four yInis ago IIXIIILI UNEMPLOMEVT Iol uovcinintnu officials tllluflt tlicy ncic caught un plCDEifCfl by the oil boom but now are conducting largescale studios and proiccls to rope With the itiiitiou Now ihzi thr exploratory sinch or the jungle oil oper illltl wnicli rlcmiiri the max mum umuulil of labor are enri ing local authohitios are work ing on tillitlntfi to alrorb the cispcclml inflow of imcmploycrl flaring chinod what for thcm is small fortune in low yours fiw of the families are gong to bc willing to return to lhcir subslicncc life on line iliucifii lhc Iowl tilllilill Silltl lncic arc whomcs for citing um lnrgc coopcrntivc Ifllm in tho icgicli winri onlv ti3lllilll of suitable agricultural land has lCi chi irnjic iv ivlllrlll ALIIIIIIIIII pu rim tractivi lllirldlt iiiwpli to return to farm ililc lll Ill iluslries like timber boutbuild ing nil in tiiici oi ll lll opfiu id pioviiliiiu tUll for the uprooicd Amazon natives RUN HY BRITISH Almost half tlic gasturbine airlin rs in survcc in tin mut ern Word at ni llflllilli of 108 were plntmlil by Brillh CIlgllltS The expansion of selfserve stations which sell gasoline at between two to four cents gal IOIl chcapoi is forcing the con ventional stadium to close tho group says About 40 closed inst ycar in Ednnmrlon and those that are left have to mch the Iciiinnd of millnll is who ncci repair woik on their vehicles Sonic stations are booking or 131 giiicuii ax wcck for re 5llix Dc clnllcs cxccutive liiccnr oi tlic association said Iw result motorist oitcn lldt to Hill for cmcrgcncy ic imii iuil Bs lim Linc liiipciinl iii lm ziitumoliic Illl munuoei mid ihc solicic ou ciutois are not to blamc if 12 burnml cllr mil illv Wu lii scivicnu and binaux motor ii ii Kiln within li il niic cffiniciiil iirt 74 Association president Peilcy Vail aid motorists will suffer if manv more conventional sta tions go out of business or switch to sellSPIKE Too many selfcivc outlets will aUM VIIII1I dis location of tho Oltiic tation iiiaict and manwixc shut down conventional lif station 1030 am 1200 noon WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 730 pm Mass preceded Parish Devotions CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP in Barrie invites you to come and worship the Lord at Georqian Colleqe Business Buildinq Sunday February 230 pm For further information 7266204 7289975 NonDenominational Church YOU ARE ALL WELCOME ion orner Peel Arid Gunn Sis Barrie 930 AM LORDS SUPPER 1100 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL With Classes For All Ages FAMILY BIBLE HOUR Guest Speaker Mr Robert Council of 000 700 PM EV Speaker Mr Robert Cannell SPEClAI GOSPEL SING Do You Enjoy Singing Happy Fellowship If so join us this Sunday Evening at 830 pm at Norihside and enioy ENING SERVICE GRAND OLD GOSPEL HYMNS NEW HYMNS OF PRAISE SPECIAL MUSIC REFRESHMENTS EVERYONE WELCOME THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Qua Road 51 dudmun 01225117101412 PrcsbvhHzm Church at flurton Ave 50 IIssn Rd Ministcr Rcv Gcrnrd Bylaard ILL MIiv Organist Mrs Vern Diamond 930 am Church School lunior to Senior High 1100 am Morning Worship 700 pm Bible Study and Fellowship Primary Jr During Church All Welcome Prcsbyterian Chouh Owen and Worslev Sts Ministcr Itcv Samuel Stewart MA MDiv Organist Case Van Ilemert 11 am Worship MOUNTAle OF GOD 1145 am Senior Church School 1100 am Junior Church School All Visitors Welcome Rev Wayne Dunim 7268750 Secretary 1285614 Mrs Florcnce Downing Friendly Witcome rmsr FRIDAYS Awaits You Masses 730 am 730 om BAPTIST Clapperton WorsIey Rm Ray Waldork 1030 AM FAMILY WORSHIP THE ISSUES OF LIFE Itndiicsday 430 am FAMILY NIGHT Nurscr Prm idcd Al The Living Heart of Barrie TRINITY CHURCH Collie SI Next To Post Office RE JOHN SPEERS Rector Canon Nalnbv Assistant am Holy Communion 930 am Martin Sermon ll am Choral Eucharist Sermon am Evensong Sermon Sunday School at 930 am Nursery available both services ENJOY Presbytirian Church 170 Steele SL near Puget Minister Paul Mills 10 am Morning Worship THE GOD WHO IS IN FRONT AND BEHIND Nursery provided Junior Church Grades Hi 11 am Church School for all ages Bible Study and Prayer Wednesday 830 pm Everyone Welcome to ChristCentred Ministry HlWAY CH 30 Anne St at Hwy No 400 Pastor Rev Ray Running Assistant Rev Howard Courtney URUHA AFFILIATED WITH THE PENTECOSTAI ASSEMBLIES 159 COLLIER ST CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM TESTIMONY MEETING 2ND WED EACH MONTH PM Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm Thurs 730930 pm Tel 7261602 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent Street Barrie SUNDAY 830 AMEARL WORSHIP 1100 AMBAPTISM OI BELIEVERS AND COMMUNION 700 PALPIONEER GIRLS NIGHT iMARGARET ItOBIRSONi WEDNESDAY 800 PMBIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER And uhcn my heart is right THEN you will rejoice In the good that do and in the bullocks bring to sacrifice upon your altar PSALM 5119 in ANGLECAN cnuncu 5T GILES CHURCH 95 Cook St Barrie ST THOMAS SHANTY BAY The Von Basil Tonks ST GEORGES Burton and Granville 900 am Holy Eucharist 1030 am Holy Communion St 13 John Dowker Installation of 55 Church 0mm 830 Holy Communion St Thomas DUTSPIY and Church 1030 Morning Prayer 5011001 1000 Holy Communion Rector The Rev Kaye Sunday 500001 and BA am Nursery at both churches Coming soon Our NEW Pastor REV RAY RUNNING THIS SUNDAY 950 AM CHRISTIAN EDUCA TION HOUR 1100 AM COMMUNION prayer for the sick CONFUSED MESSED UP C0NFOUHDED Message COME OUT OF CONFUSION THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA We Invtc you to share In our Worship at 1100 AM when our topic will be WHAT DOES THE LORD REQUIRE Ilicrc will he the installa tion of Illdcrs unis We have Church School Classes for all ages and Slow BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Ministcr Rev Purdon Organist Mr iarruway CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Corner Ross and Toronto Streets MINISTERS Rcv Donald Jay 1111 110 Rev Evcritt Ashton BA ILD INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP at oclock SACRAMENT OF INFANT BAPTISM MeditationCOME AND SEEIRev Jay The church schools meet at 930 am and 11 oclock WELCOME TO JOYFUL CIIIIISIJTICNIIIIII FELLOWSHIP Collier Str 112 Collicr St Ncnr City Hall Pastor Wm Fritz Tonight Youth 600 PM Christian Fa 30 I1 lii Young Peoples Wedmsday at 730 pm Adult Bible Study WAR hiuvc St Iuast at 700k St Minister Rev Arthur Storiy 1100 AM MORNING WORSHIP FILM STRIP GRACE UNIIIJID CHURCH COMMITMENT eet Church 1100 Pu MESSAGE The Hardest Blow Of All TH PLAN Church Schools 1100 am for all ages Infant And Toddler Nursory Available For Transportation Phone 7260796 The Friendly Fellowship Ministry Programs Ill and Life Discussion IltOMuI T0 ALI