MODELS wearing denim Linipsuzts dance iioedowii ion the runway o1 tNIt xe car transformed iii to mail room The new all teuim line by St Ittttntx ItIlittI ot bltlttplt Iimitc iiit reduced three hour uriner Urn was I1ttIi chitin Luxurious train ride launches fashion line lttIIil iiIt ltllls try1 Ililt woelet titt mum hi the taiiizcai of aw Ilte Ioiprecd denim Cdliit lilii Ilttiqu Ilt1iIlctttl cl ion oi Sample laiiiiitae 211i11 torp of ilontrccd liitcd tieiar train from Canadian Nfilltl liailwafs iztt tool ziuiu Iitl buyers and Illtrt in o1 rdc to doiitlesilf 1wit end and trait to IllIllItIiltt Irewashed him de rsln ottlih the lustron shot iar eiiit IIIIIII it ltilttl with It iii ctr lies II title fit liiilie titilzz tic sad preeiitation it the Itliti lllt tIJ li titii RI mictel in iItIIillI lIltt ltli IIII Iiilllilllll tIItI rte il Is caps Ihc iert the itllC zIiiilcd shirt oiitt cves and parietal I2ilier an rtiiii 1riite palelo1i iiiii iiiiiitii tirlitti tltti VIIIIIIILIILIlIUiI2 ioiise and 1rt lo and tltiiII wiu itt 1x and iicc cei dentin iitii ir lielee11 13 iid 31 ILiitplieM icar iri for Iiltltlittl belted blouse 1il Illtttlttt Renting fake wedding cake is one way to cut costs IIItIIILII tl LI It tacoros it II If iiiits cal10s calei tor wtddnn re cetlrons and the cakes are lichllti Ior couple may rent tiieeticrcd take take wcsid in lane 143112 The uses are showpiece and cen ientcce tor Lie bridal table and are photographed for iie we do album Its matter of inoiaw Iiieoros says With the soarin costs of Hour and sugar over the las cir threetiered wedding from bakery cots between 330 and $7 The icing costs silt cake like his he at The hey cake is seldom Mr trim ttt iitt raittt because wedling Quests irc scrrrxl anolliir tnht cut and wrapped in advance either be eaten at the reception or itIIloll home as sOtttCmt ith Ir CIIOUtth iciitxrcidie pii the family still bakes one genuine cake Iraditionally its baked by the brides mother or grandmother otten from rec llt handed down for gener aions Itentin cake iiioic e1 icicnt and economical says Mr Clieoros IUI LAYER SAVED one time it was cuiiiiiiiii oi the newlyiiiairieit couple to saw the top layer of tiieir fancy Cake along with the ornament Theyd keep it til an airtight container and sharp piece of their wedding cake on their 17rt annircisziry IIut now Ile ril people ltI dont hate I£It for tor iye in then tllllll ipaitniciits iia etcn III an airtight mittainer coke wont day Irwii toittel Ir Cheoios says that plastic cakes cut down on waste In to days cilorieconscious society many people dont want to eat all that icing and taiiey decora lh cake alone is rich Ilil Wedding Photography Bv Len Marriott Ior Itelall tall 728 050 LIes to 111 IIlIdl Ii iiieitt lit itiiil tiI lched tieriin 1l tll iititfdWtit it tltiittlt flltiil IIo Ilhv hit it new ciii lIt IIILIltfI true ii xhtte irid 11e the riinined iii whos not pil Im 2111 tIlv next eiitaeie 11 him he lacl blue ii no He says that cakes trIIti trend liicn rtllt witui tttiiilt lat in liieil tiie today ae of en hull on do ta pillars or cuict is nevi Despite the 5lt each cake ie the Ltlildt skil 11 tn decorator couple ma ciiiosi from more than 31 decoriiiiir I1 Cheotos tents about iiiii 13110 week RIINIIII ALI IIIIIIJI There was good till tin early summer he ind it was Iieatc itt beplcinber me weekend he rented all three cakes The couple 411 to IIIIII iuaiiist damsge and when the cake is rcuriicd Ill Jood condition the deposit rc turned Itlilllli However his cake me not iragile Ihe platic 1iiiii eeii tres arc entered with hard sc illL that resist war Its mull ot sugar water and meringue powder and takes iLlIIL to It ilullts l0 Ir tlieoios is iciitin oiie calJs new but at ttIIlIli that lie IIllLLIli change the IIlIlllIILls and stait renting for 2111 or itltih d1llLl sttllt ed there Ir Cheetos doesnt pend Linc tlli about critical those who Ililt on gtlttllllt and tiitIiind calm Ie Iltt with this age o1 pla tii loam tIttI lIIhIIIIIix and lieltiH in ltt ALL Otter available to Felt 38 UNI llll IIaa illt Maple It ltllib Illltbltlih ticorelan Mall taii ride iLI Ihvie ii Ill II l4 illI it it it Cominittee says Toronto study VtoS waste 1tiilit t1 twill JIIIIClitl te at Illlt Ititilfi Irsill saei twt iiris of its Itlll tIIlttl Irate lwen tIIOIltI at reminded that pelteraliy ii tlttltltiilt menu with It tittire itii Iltt Imt re in III II lle tgrll iienlies oi coiiiizilttee sad at or iierettie that women iril hail iioi iceii ottcied tretmct city pom titii1il itIItI ll Liwt are tall let hi or rolled lii lllll III II Hiiliid nt tiiiii Illtll Ilfitllllllt ittlllIt til 1hr woooo hailv was too iniII to ear inï¬rm kit 114 1m ohiiitiers pre ii trii llttlll that rttII Id tiptrt are t= Ittitlid on in Septem er ltii tlltllllilitt reports In iliidd iloiiiiito Ill illezted v2 erinrimtim iiiii tIIl eIth tiarain iItl rt lltlI 1e 11 ct limit1111 protect in gtiliiinHinitlire tl1lti iit etiercril dieme iio tIttttlltlll teitie ii Iiicold ol tIlitt tIrll and Pollys Pointers Itear IoII jut read in column about the IIiI tiiiise eatttlts ran tl and the lp got on her shad carpet le alone and tell asleep with tittIIt IJttllllllL and had the same thin happen It hllw hi tub is tII spot was on place about eight lift Itll iielics o1 new blue IIi tttl put ite cubes on it to harden the was and this helped me to re lIItxp the In IUIH oi wax 01in iioiccd strands ot caiitt cie coming out with the was so olitcd paper towels thrcc thick 11 an pill IltLii out lld towel oicr that Then used or fairly warm not real hot run to go over the towel lhe ieat incited the was that was Iien alrorbcd by the paper tow els kept ttIttlII the paper touching it became oilcd lliis wa icpented until all was 30110 ow no one would ctei IIC there had been hot wax on my carpet did the same to elas topped cotlce able wince was serapin ioiild scratch the LIII have leatned lot troiii all your reader so thank you Reggie gbzyesrrau Ask our professional stylists tor PERM WAVE HAIR COLORING STREAKS 20 I976 IIIIiHIII itiIIZ II INll II IIISH lithi AND lIUlilIQlilI 32 dittlll 53139381 THE Survey of Canadian cities shows food prices are up By JUDY CREIGIITON The Canadian Press Reports last August of droughts floods and poor yields in potato crops now are trans lated into higher prices for the vegetable survey by The Ca iiadian Press shows 0f 12 cities checked in the CrossCanada Survey food has ket prices were up as much as 30 cents for 10pound sack of potatoes Only Regina showed dropthree centsand Vinni peg remained the same as Dc camber Last October market officials forecast 28porcent decline in the Canadian potato yield from 1974 Inckers increased prices and it was predicted that grow ers would hold back stocks air iicipatin higher prices mcr the winter months Potato growers in kota and Minnesota hitrt last year because ruined cttral IIttttitllI of potatoes Although 60day pritc freeze placed on foods by major chain stores in some proinees in all but the nonmeat trcshproducc IIII dairy categories was lifted North Da were also tloods acres Jan 17 the surch SIIUHW no radical upwing in prices ex cept in Charlottetown where eottce rose tit cents pound Food basket items are priced ill the same supernuukets on the last liicltliy ot each month They include one pound of siiu ointip roast beef allbeef wie iieis centrecut loin ot pork pgrade chicken ground ciiiick steak frocn cod fillets topgrade biiitcr tomatoes tro Ien green pom drip once and apples lo included ate one loeii Illlxlilllll eggs one quart of whole milk 31oiiitce loaf ot IltI white bread to pounds ot 1tlgtijlttl0 potatoes Ito pdtltitlh white iandnlaicil stlLILII and flitounce can oi halved near St Johns NtId the tour prices changes only potatoes tnl tiil showed marked in 11r11v thix Itttlttt Wiener tIHI lillt 41I I4 II 111 10 eii liy sIJJ 51 ill Io compared month In total was IeiNre tlII wear tit cciit to 1in bill was $11316 witii 13I3 Iat Ittlllitl 1103 the 1129 IInIita Ioh roe tLi cents to 31 p1oes 30 cents to $1711 itill loat lit cents to SHIT eeken 1t cents to 81011 apples tito cents to eeirs and i1tee If eei Ipll todlish dropped 31 cents to Still and sugar in mus to $131 Itaskct total was $15 13 cents mcr the prctiiiti month SHIN Ia January it was Sltititt Saint Joint NJL Ch ii dioppiI 11 cents to Til cents 11 iiiatiics 10 cents to Tit cents anI sugar eight cents to $151 Ilge were up two IIIlli to 5011 eciil piihues fill vlis to I11 iI peat it cents to on remit lantiarf built was Nlliflitt coiiipaicd tiII le iii Decem hci and SI 03 lad year hurlottctown Ioil lt down to cents to stint Hack to tents to lift cell 1111141100 11 cents to Til ceiit apple tour cent to it cents and sugar two eens to hlJIII Cod rose two cents to SILI potatoes ill pelvis to £1111 and cottce tlt rent to $133 Ioal SIHIS 111 pired with Kim the prcxioas lllttIIII and $1771 one year ago Quebec ity Iotal IiIct eut me up still oer Dercm her $1771 tjiiiick increased Jo cents to s1 tit pork 14 cents to $213 chicken six cents to SHIT rozl ltt cents to $139 lint tcr tour LIII to Sift pantres 33 cents to 3113 and tomatoes tour ettib to tilt cents Iiik dropped tiiiii cents to Iil cents roagtt licet Jtl cents to $301 and apples and pears rix cents tivtIl to cents nd cenim ILrltLI incl Iual IlilII Ia1 car was $1710 Montreal 1Jceut drop put cottee at $1237 the Ittll ir tcyed Ioik roe 63 cents to Wilt $304 nitnets the cents to 1m cents sirloin It cents to slim eggs and butter Three cents each to 11 cents and $110 rc iil poiztoes lll cen to SLICI pea It cents to 43 cents and sugar ecii cents to $131 NEW IN TOWN anddontlmow WM my to turn wilt7e dilemma no 7261454 4240676 Youll be glad you did till BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JAIN Bread dropped one cent to 38 cents tomatoes one cent to 48 cents and apples seven cents to 22 cents Basket total was $1668 compared with $1583 in Decem ber IotaI last year was $1603 Ottawa Potatoes were up 17 cents to $104 wiencrs 11 cents to $105 pork 14 cents to $159 chicken little cents to $102 and codfisb 20 cents to $139 Butter dropped four cents to $107 up pies three cents to 20 cents sir Dear Ann Landcrs am in agreement with your Atlanta Reader who is in his 60s He critici7ed you for printing too many letters about sex and re erred to himself as one who had been neutered by time Ile asked that you print fewer let tcs in your column dealing with problems of trigidity im loin roast 70 cents to $158 and potencc incest homosexuals tors dealing with sex becan it should be nut nizcnts mamC pens 15 0011191034 emits this truck drivers who wear pan has no interet to YOU is ciatc call now and then ket total was With$215 more tyhose and Funny Uncles 511054 unfair Tim culunm Please nn tell my son Id than Dettemhft Ill Ifllttlitly you old mm mm mom deal with human problems and lore to hear lrom him men if mm It 15 mtl iieccssutrilr liiiic 1o iiiitur by Id Variety Iy I0 SUY1€II0Hi5 Toronto Iork dropped to mhivmht AWN In peopc many of whom are still Mother CNS Sm IIICl 53 115 his twin etc thrith Interested in sex Dear Mother dont know to fill cents chuck cents to 81$ rhyppivw ly Mr whether Ive seen your son or ccnis and coillish sccn cents to Im me and Dear Ann IIiI you seen mv netbut III Knows and hope M18 Butter rose three cell to Him Mp on lie was that beautiful little great many phones wtli ring $112 bread cum cents 01 free of mm Thug bani loved to rock and today cents potatoes 30 cents to Mott mm lw 1m cunilie He was fine student peas 12 cents to 33 cents and We mlhmmn vmmy iid grew up to be handsome Dear Ann What does Lac cottcc rose to cents to $4167 To MN WT ml fimnufl iiian and married one of the Curtain Irish mean Im not tat bill was $1703 to ccns Iclt 13m RH hip yilulll Im an Ltils in 1own putting you on really need on than December Last years to m1 hureiit seen or heard from answer Someone told me they tat was $1638 them in quite while 1ch pu once read the definition in your Winin Park There are so man it in IIt It always helm the one to column iii you hunt it up for cents to $1243 wicncrs ill cents WWW titttt It will me From Tip ONeills Dis SUD chuck con 3mm cant perform tc Ltlllgtillt It Iou see him Ann plezisc tricl cites three cents to 13 cent Ellfthef Ittlttltitdetlttli Mother cll him now much we Iim Dear abridgc Lace Curtain In co Wm mm are has dczdt ltlt tu iii this tlI Ills wile and that MISS irii are people Irish descent WNW 31 up illitlll Is hke Ittlntl your ip IIIIILJIIQ and chatting wtli who have truit III the house Upped no Com SH petite tor ciiar when ttl an 1cm over cup of cotlcc and tlLl nobody is rttk matoes It IClltlt to cents sir loin 37 cents to $161 and end 31 cents to $128 Ilasket oal was $1674 compared with €1311 last month and $1637 year 4110 Regina IIees were dwn three cents to It cents wciiieis two cents to 83 cents chicken 10 cents to 88 cents potatoes three cents to $116 2IIII ptis tlt cents to 13 cents thiick ws tip l1I Firt ator lidward lxcttnorly titein ciiooIpolice liaion program to cents to tllix coitiii two he telletcuuotd son tIItlI ot leii =ilt correspond and sometimes substitutes as cents to $133 teiiiiitoe 110 eeii Ittlt lhcit iil titi air ep ii lt iiiiiiciroid an Lltletllt traItic reporter for to 69 cents ant butter two cents dcrwcnt rt iaiicir brother Jeffrey died of Im Miami radio stationBut it to $116 Ictal hzikci waskct and tfiird son had leg LIIIIIHI plizitii leukemia form of can was crazy weird that it was Silittll Si 73 Illtlt hzin the talent to zop clc ILil of tie cer in Hill second brother wasnt something youd com 1eioult month total last year III Now armour south Iiciiael now 10 underwent siir plain about was $1701 erlaiid It hosjiital wili ptryin ltlTZlol malignancy yams at Miamig Mercy Edmonton loik iiiI not liraiii tumor the lining of his spinal nerve Hospital last week discovered each dropped to ttlil to Sim 1od tten what could FAMILY me tumm in the Upper right and 91339 respectitclt lllttili hay pen the pros and the cons ma 245 ccns to $17 and Sou lIltliJI al iicsday It Puritans bad lilow but they hall II It tII IIlt cents to It 11 itemwhim IU tittr tlt In tI ltlit It eitlx to itit Wit IttI to It tit prth tip tee Jti cents to SI and tIlthI children ittcr III iicj to cents to 73 cents liital lii Itlt lieii Ilrltilll are ery ket was Stiltlithe Iowet ir 5111413 slid the 37yearold tletITIII celli more thin lle Italic oiiity policeman When cciiilters 313131 In lziunai talk about cancer we dont 1973 it was $1731 11 tIIliIIt oi Vancouver Itltitfitgt 11 ll all Ucphrn 11 relcited Jt cents in IL cents and apples lIIIi ll 1117 IC11 he and tour cents to Ill cents Silolii Iid Ieiircd Ir became rem droppel ltt ee to lt1 lift tIlllIlt Ate both tinderth 1e Heneis tour cents it ccri ainputatiiiis to stop the spread chicken ill cents to Sin and vw iit rul eiihf cents to $2 to young Kettllttl the son of Sen gt11 Canadas leading brands from major mills Some priced less than youd expect to pay whole sale Choose from Wide selection ot fibres colours and patterns deep plushes twists scrolls shags velvets hilo cut loops commercial and many more 220 BAYVIEW DR BARRIE 14 LOCATIONS ANN LANDERS Reader tells Ann to change column no longer afford it So as the kids say Cool it honey Bast Amour Dear Basia If you consider it blesiny that mu no longer need sex because it is not avail able to you through respectable and mo al channels have no argument with that But to re ques that no longer PIIIIIIO STIIHING Doctors at the National IItItIIII Iiititiite in itciiiewizi Iil wec to examine South eilaii truth in ittemii to learn whether the tumor is im iznaii the family already is the ubject ot ttrl by tiie National Cancer Invtitute He had been SIIIICIIIg trom blackouts ior the pat three tears said Stephen The dirt tors thought it might be hs ItIC IOtittl of ItItVind all three kid in the famin coming 10th with canczr tell IIZZIIICgt said Southerland who works in 7267471 OPEN MONDAYFRIDAY 10 I1 SATURDAY IOT WeSton Scarborough Bram ton Kingston Sudbury StCatharines Sault teMarie MISSI Free SHOP AT HOME Service is available even with these savings Financmg can be arranged Free estimates with no obligations At Mr Broadloom Warehouses quality and service are guaranteed Barrie Ottawa North Bay ssaugaW dsor Winnipeg Iitening to their plans or prob lems And ask him is he has seen his inIaws lately hope he 111 beerwe they are lovely people400 nice not to keep ci with CIILZI my son and his wife have many friends they enjoy spending time with and thats as it side ot Southerlands brain Stephen who along with Mi chael Ii gtIlttII no recurrence ot the Ilxm said ItIS tnutitet Sara again is holding bedside iqil iicn Jetf was sick she was with him then was sick she tool care of me said Stephen Ir iat year organized group which gives children who have iittcrcd 1rom ilrcw chance to talk with others their own age Now my and MI and its her turn to be with him he said