mid 3111LG MM uw rmmrfl IMFi q¢ at er tan Emu Ailing By lHtlSTESON ll Dear Dr lliusteson Im the mother or ll tIllldlLll lhe oldest is sewn lntil this eat they were all healthy But recently it has been one thing alter another and they hate been on penicillin all the time My IVieaiold as In the hospital tor hioncliitix and our lonriearold has been in tune also with lllletilnlh hus band and both of whom uere formerly PI health lime been quite Sittk MOD iusl tant think all of these Sltklltmt are due to had luck iir area recently got it new water stiptiIV and liti wonder Hit it there IS tonnertion llll our illnessex tould this he Mrs LS on are illuctti iltlli stenk ol had luck but youre not alone multlllt ILl It to tour no water upph tl that ere Elie itttlm other members ot our ttlnllllllllll uoultl he smitlarlv allotted To ease Hll mind though ou tould tune sample ot tllll tail atl lkalftl to rule out ant tottt pipe pittti Jam The Mutation laititlinr it man doctor tiio regularly onettuntei lionelittliis that te semhle holtpttal £lllgt Sitth att nation dilllt dit1 Mtlll thezr there tie eteral illt dren intriin and atnioq tn aiiahh tneirt tillillll hate begun gtthott Stnotii beginner iow on nl Oltllatitllf tllltIS out other upper lCSDllaitll Ildi ll I€tlltlli Ill lil tnili lllt1ii through Iititigteholti the brim tilltlé might hair heen llllldiftl Ir cold tttii tit ttatteria Illdl ptEdd to the lung liiere lgt littie eallt zï¬il tall do about ail Ctrll adon perserrernig attitude and no our best to make thing totnitttz able D05lll€ for tour tamii during this rnLinepitieinit lt the tlllldlell gin inCI lllt uti develop stronger natural immunity to titant oi the lll€ gain the round Re menine altt that mine ll new inletMons ear fttltm TELEVISION BLPFHD RLFEAII lORONlO IZ PETERBOROLGH BAR GOOD HEALTH household streak of bad lock mam ot the childhood diseases 50 it your youngsters are not immunized against them you could save yourself unnecessary one in years ahead by having thts done now Parents could be more helptul to the community by keeping sitk youngsters home from school to avoid passing on their inletlions to others More thoughtfulness in this might much unnecessary trouble Dear Dr lhosteson am on restricted diet for hiatal hernia it eliminates all fresh lllllls and vegetables coarse cereals and nuts A5 result am depending on laxatives How long ill this have to continue The trouble came alter lile time o1 good health Im 65 am leet llltlles tall and weigh t29 pounds The only medication lm taktug IS an antacid lor slight diwomlort alter big meal ilrs fW ottr letter ielltts general problem that appears Wllll div tuthing regularity in my mail The patient receives diag noais tOlllse at treatment is Niggflxlttl The patient follows tne regimen then discovers tOlllleLfllOlla Isnt the next logical step to return to the llllllali and report the new problem ln tout can more war no reason to trade Otll hiatal her lllh diatress tor constipation whith hat you did when you lEsOIMtI to SSIIplEoClled laxa tiies Your diet warrat an all ornothing proposition Modi éttations are pOSSJble and there are otterlite bulkproducing Illetlltdllonb available Cooked lltllIS and regetables would sup pl their bulk and also share til the titamins needed 101 proper bowel ttuietton Smaller more trequent feedings might eliminate the dibtrems you get alter large meals You need Il€ti elall on our problem Return to your tttivtor and get reevaluation ni 0lil prebent status Your weight doesnt seem to be lac to otlen is in hiatal hernia PROGRAMS BARRIPC BLFFAID TORONIO ll HAMILTON RIE CABLE zlGLOBAI MORNING VILWLNG MONDAY l0 FRIDAY n0 9LJ vnrsity or the Air llivartms H055 ape at 130 wRocxetstt 1000 l4Prtcp Rum PI Donawo Plato whomever 800 1030 25 170 Sirov Hiqti R0 to whomw On TN LBS New 5lZiir Dread 845 llzw SQFretn at never 155 sesame Street 43 In to 35 an tb on no oroort Plow2 Drat °iltarcerus Yoqa 3fAtc llaGa lootria Geo tczom er Fig Let art 30 9vTaKe Kerr Iona la Alter 700 1rlotrooo Sonar Icap no AVouoa and Tm 3ltDaoeltr MO Reuse Aaoa agree ta Att er IuDDv Days araoa of wt Qttn Your 79 lrr no Snob 92cvcer Room la TELRSI llIG 60 rtcza newt rare at Be Gtien 38 tim 53 air irilo 97 1rci atape uUe xJohim arson to 54 Hg Grtugr Hanan teCt yam Ira Orlaid reverie lyeMn rm Dra Li J0w At 150 NJ IIIVCJ or 71 IZOO II 491 mm at ne Gallcol Buttone Hell 71 tr on VEIEFTiIIII lvrltT Hawk var gt Ll at mm Bavam Ce IOVE Stunt rr no or Dem QuiAan Ilovve the Detectrot to ertï¬ no YM 770 tr Qr my ottiorro lI init DC Fl boatm ten tn IV 21H uOliqSIlCE harq whammy 555 than 2J5 1555qi tbmnnl It N¢r Quinn llill l4 IILHXUUI Donn Iltt30lt 4ttari some ownanus VVCDJ Joiitrnancter tom 30 iivlouna am ILlf Restleu Arno wt 400 Das Of Our Ltes rt tlttt Renew tp ow 2Ntorio The Front rttwte ard R9320 tnq Kentuckian 700 tMoira Hunt 22Hoosooo lsvate Tattletales 7w Itve Fatttlt SlZForest Ranger mketehrtiv Common ll tttartuz Netbtt MD L510 000 Parent 10 Jlarte Lallagttat Jtillll£ti Mano teat Beam 215 IanHomemade 455m For Jdeiii Tumtron 130 INiKa Douatlui 7t Hi 1H to am 98radv Bunch part can Do¢tor 500 i735 s4bI2Eaee itgl 72Houans Heroes orr We who KTruili or lmllï¬ te 500 onseauericeo rr hota Inflobert Young hour 100 Family Doctor it ALJHH timid Ftaxton Boys lzco mythTale 30 Olronside Htn LAII lt TN Fmtt tlDinah 3Daiccat It untreral HOLDIG LlFamitv Attltt it Litna in Be MI went 530 Marll we 330 NTna Gif lt24th timzn ooav flutuo iNews anthm 352LeLEDrtv Coors 5l2 Partridge Famllv FR ll Il ZornVet liner None Lnangc at toore Habit 39 too tt are Ilr Larrv Sotwu an WAS Ill Dam ato have 1150 Noe 05°t alive IONovte tBunrty Lake LAOwE Mission Actit 10 zoo 7r BNovm lnc Rattt llPai yawn Aak Take End ItoVie t$torntv II Dam tvarttt Weather 3547 Navy ova 9Mrvte tMy Sister in viva sinister Eileen rim Hit Do Mot we 2No1ie The Priiiie mag in lor Treasurol oi flint Jean Brodie tt lew thvtp Grtttn Aid ILMovie Nho Killed ttnW Il677t Phoenix MIN Whaler Name TI Trt lte WW 30 rt std cam on Low 00 MW Vtll Amt in ARookies tfnshv ACI IJtl tr 39 Dibnqem Movie JFinKyI lw Ernst2 mm NP 200 Ito trmu vMowc Lurtatn tlnl it that two 0° IIO nlUm l4 It er1 Gittttrt an We 3464 iltth ll10 220 715 itIzviie yNiovte Its Hr VI in 30 Pleaaurei 27 VB ii ed II hglir 408 77 Jttit mu wa lillrr itnt¢ Hit and iwuntord and can LNemi Root WIN AT By oswald and James Jacobt alniwt every me who has played run heir bridge hag rim airrugs to datys textiemelv heakish hand The chances are that 1411 BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26 197B BRIDGE lhe reamn is that If you take new deck 01 cards out it as ot ion as you wish give it one ab soluter pertect shuttle cut it some mare and then deal it out you will produce this monstros itv it the dealer happens to hold the spade suit and he and his partner are using the grand slam lorce the bidding is likelv to proceed along the lines shown in the box lhoti anything ran happen with treak hands We can imag ine tens of thousands of bidding sequentes Some people may even stop short ol slam th FIS will double their opponents somewhere along the tatV The one thing we can be ceiv tnin or is that irrespecthe 0l Min 281 Ht hlil lilit the ltide With the spade is likely to wind up playing the band and it they get pushed into seven they are likely to he doubled YOUR HOROSCOPE By BERNICE OSOI Friday February 27 Aries March TilApril till after lull week you Siltlttlu lee like letting our hair tlooii bit today Make plan llldl tr elude fun1m ing triend Taurus April 20May hit two popularity lli he at high peak through toinorrou Dont be too surprith ti you re the centre of attention Gemini May TilJune itii oti should be able to communicate extremely well today Allies van be won especially it you im your sense of humor Cancer June 21July rat lne most profitable area toda Ill be in situations where ttt ahaie something tn Omnllllt With one you l0e Leo July 23Aug 73 tine your strong suits today tire ability to mediate Newpulmx It you have mo lriends butllllig you can bring them together Virgo Aug 23Sept 12 lot are still In plOdtltftHe lelt where initiatite and lllgCIlth van reap hartes ll ttu pm lorm well oull he amplx warded OUR BOARDlNG HOUSE Now TELL 15 M5 pulsating WHY THIS BEW or BEAUTlï¬Ã© i9 PICHEIZNO MR Meow marzin ousTo ARI CAL LE FAT LEFT is trims to variousmrton FWECUENT Ad RECREATtON Bgvtttasis ll Trl IRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Libra Sept 23Oct 23 Dan tfupid hits plULCFLHQ eye on you llct Youre even more popuv Lo uhere oti already hate ilht bond Scorpio IUtL Hal Ile votc tttll attention to things re lating to the tamily today ou air tlit tiitrliating tone that nll tiring iiatiriony where there tllltt oar llbltlltl Sagittarius litlieu 3li lml tilpltllllilt and tllallll are itttnntlahlt tittth in your hand ttttlat It are sclline some inn ltlid be difficult in tutti you dottn apriiorn litc iiiJan tilt For the next too days your ma cttnl tiioxpett look ety prom hing You run leather your neg tllllL writing to help thing along bi Aquarius tJan lOEeb 19 Be tttlt nun persztn today aboxe tll iron can operate mllth inote tilletl tel the leaders ttit Elhtls tloh illMarch 2m rutlt tnztttttie ltlhlgllt should he tttiizt reliable today partied Itr lI int inrohe an area lllo Pllllnlltt tttir ntatts with Maior Hoopla DONT BEAUTY us Oil ktzE CHAUVIN IST NE WHIZ MEMBERS DEMAND THIE Réjrll V0 WOLLD 10 RATHER TALK ABOUT ME ANCMWOHEN ACROSS Inwr ttjmrnsn eSlafllll oral Kenneth Amati loltfltty Enlertamot Aumo Maxwell eon ltncoln Inn 46 Ration miter Algonqman nutrient Indian an HDHIN Plant stioot 5ft tome 7A Compass oomt SA Sim t5 Shelter cloth Hall err 17 Saints tan 57 Ann others luamesaxe at 31 witnemd 18 Move liimvely tt aunt British 33 Mtisteltno l9 Intestinal $8 Dwarl princess mammal inflammation 59 Ankara thl lasso 2t Einstean indian in Italian to 40 Oman 23 Musical 60 Alt tiniesth it Eotiitn letter Oantis bin direction at Love god tpt Said Have seat 16 Ntttt hands on 43 Recorded in 27 Overloox Pttn way 29 Found Ft Down on European 45 Steeple Anne Modem planet when 46 Above Claim Algerian 72 Iqrieotis 47 Climbing plant 36 Newspaper is uaport Appear 48 Mother at new W0 En age tor 95 tndta toomh ho to 37 WNW urgtncns tormt 50 Osgood MM Aston kingdom Sadness FL War Lattnt 30 Greatest Smelt shiatd 28 wiser 52 WWII boots ounntttv Easter tlowers 30 tool 39 39W VOT Submit Stravrnsky 55 Island Ft I4 IIIHIIII II iNEiW FAN Fl Il PlKlfiL Ahbb ANDY CAPP KERRY DRAKE WIZARD OF ID no BUGS BUNNY BORN LOSER FRANK ERNEST SHORT RIBS 25 tHOU owe you BUt you AINT GONNA TAKE OVER Mi CLUB Mtcno DOGS ANX IOUSLY AWAITS mv ousmrss BECAUSE FEELTiIAT IT tout acPEDtTE DELIUERQ IF we Iammzr THIS PURCHASE BE ELIMIIOATION OF INDiUtDUAt 69ECIFICATIOM moves the ORDER i2 CHEESEBDIZGERS wort PICKLES AND cnrsopx LL PAY you THE Loos IWONTLETVOLl THEIK CACOPtIONY THE FIRST DISCORDANT wot FORCE HIM NOTES FROM MY ro thm ME BELOVED RDICNgt HF WENTID MASQUERADE PARTY WESSED DSAN lNDlM By Roger Boflen iiiliiiiiuiinuiiuiuuullllflllllllllllllflulitltlllI vavwvpww WW TAKE ME MK aECAuse IM err may OWE ME BERNIE BLANCH wuené THE LA5T TiME You WATeRED TH5 PLANT P6146 the first 4000 thick testerreg OCTIONAgx gt lt 67031 maintain lMUAFlOL To PROTECT rr MADAM an HARDLY CALI rr MEANINGLESS me on nr 1ng waut vn NOWES NATIONAL HEQO GOT DRUNK AND ON HIS AV HOMEPUSHED SOME PACKING RATES FILLED WWI TEA INTO BOSTON HARBOR II it Mth wt 713gt