HELPING OUT AT THE BLOOD DONOR CLINIC PEOPLE PLACES The Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Humane Society met Mon day at thehome of Mrs OBri en Saint Nelson Square Plans were discussed for bakeless bake sale and rummage sale in March The public is asked in save items for the sale The meeting concluded with so cal hour SINGLE PARENTS All single parents interested in Camp Nottavvesagas summer program are invited to attend meeting this Sunday at pm at the Civic Square Tower on Collier Street BAKE SALE The Crown lrlll Womens ln stitute will hold bake sale thii Saturday at Toners Store on Baylield Street beginning at 130 pm Procseds from the 31 will go towards sponsoring 99 ter cluld CRAFTS GKOLP The llidhurst Crazts Group mil meet Feb at 730 pm Forest Hill public school Ruth Byers will conduct session on the making of apple dolls Participants are asked to brL scissors paring knile flexible V0 wrre old pantmose and two large firm apple AUXILIARY DAKLE The 5th St fees Cub and Scout mothers futdliary is hol ding dance Saturday starting at pm in the Army Navy and Air Force Club on George Street Proceeds lrcm the dance will be used to further work with the cub and scout organi zation There is door prize and Man with 181 donors arriving to take Helping 1th the uork are part Of that number 31 were Darlene Mololiach lett and rejected for medical reasons Donna Cole Examiner Photm Stude or the medical 30b prospective donors at the col retary course at Georgian Col logos annual blood donor c1in loge were K891 busy Tuesday ic The clinic was opened to afternoon checking through the the public for the first time Laurie Winn general secre tarial student Examiner Pho business tot and logos annual blood donor clin ic Giving the gill of life are lhese two firstyear students found out how easy it is to do nate pint of tlood when they took part in Georgian Col left Anna Skelly administration student other prizes for night For Nature of beavers outlined mm 1099 for Guthrie women group Lloyd Cook of Burma presd 34 Hi the 8118 Falme Room ant of the Ontario Trappers As of the Consumers Gas Building day before ruling with fill and satiation outlined the history in Barrie The topic will pl MOLhey he enjoyed he and nature of honors at rev Do ahead moms flOm the free fo years gt0 do hope thlz oTHIE BARRJE EXANTLVER WEDNESDAY LLLAR 28 1976 1191 CV 34511 zer The members agreed to donate funds to the Save Sight pm Ject and letters were read lrom the provincial picsidcnt and the groups adopted child The next moonm wU be held at the home of Mrs Norman POLL Hunt $311 llgflffufï¬mï¬gc cent meeting of the Guthrie Wo mens Institute Mr Cook began by discussing the habits of the bearer their housekeeping methods and dls eases He told the wmn it in essential for trapper to control the beaver population or else DEAR FULLYMy family lme tuna trsh salad sandwiches ti their lunch boxes but not soggy ones now lightly butter the bread for both sides and place crop dry lettuce leaf on each buttered slice The tuna the animals would become crow Campbell with Mrs George Dew PollyWe keep an ego mp outer form and filled them calrd is qandwichei benteon 111 one and $59 Campbell Femmp Gmcncr an elderly neighbor by bkm with cement and rock to the theclettuce niece and the bread would spread charge of tnerrromam ply looking out oi the windwn depth of the tower plaiiLer ap stew hr should be Within one 594P he said one The motto Will be people Each evening we lowers cer r0imately emt to 10 niches ireli not souy314RC1 gr mm 13 colonies are like me they take on brlzht tain shade and in the morning it tlon the top tag iotln An ca our 300 M35 man you 5U them UP is raised So Er 11 shade is not other small form was put in bear DollyBlack hee de the ND an be SW91 in the usual position fl 11 ll and hi was the rim he wanted llifcd Aozw our copperï¬ne The presidetu and 31000 bes ver were harestcd Ln Ontario 93 membus 31 the name Oier to see if something is the pierng space to be imide iahsdycr and nothing would yea am the meat and 01 10 PmeCC Eridl 15 59W wrongMm lle inwrtcd leaj or cooper leï¬le it until we applied were both new by the trapper Tle hoflew 1th be my oi sczao lllIC every once rubbing compound used on car Beaver mat 15 sold to the imam Campoell and MAE JaCL Dear PollvCJS wanted to 1m zeo opal tom the in inch$26 circular motions It Unim States my dog food and 3041 make big outdoor cencree tubs tier form to tie outcx one for worked Ererv trace of the die the association held Success 30min CamDDCll on lorrlowers and ranted to know llCJlagkLOIlllllUC to the disariocared and than two coats Mrs Peggy Loundos SBlVCd it they could or made Lll iric Hll cement to tie of car wax made the top hue ful auction in North Bay WVFd Trapping is good industry he said noting trapper handle 510 million worm of turs each scar Last year Simcoe County handled 5293000 worth at pelts Mr Cook added there are trap per course held at Midhurst and at Georgian College Mrs Ellenor Pilortson introduc ed the guest speaker and he was thanked by 3123 Jack Jones agriculture converter who was in charge of the program Vice president Mrs Rober Campbell was in charge of tr meeting Mrs Robert Bell comment on the motto The longest jOJ ney starts with single stem and Mrs Ewen Caldwell udder humor to the mating Roll call was answered member giving the name of wild animal common to Canada concrete ci to and lot act or one um Great Value on your favorite Beef cuts lunch readymined Suppad 2va 05mm mode we m7 depot to plOgIhLoIVE mocm Ccf3 ROASTS bf secpcltzrty chinictn xggldwcll Blade 3W ane Rlb and members wore reminded of Roast 1j steaks to Toronto where ll Wlll be dispersed to all needy hospi tals Ontarii Examin er Photo at Georgian College The clzn ic ran from 95 am to past its closing time at pm The blood collected will be sent on the food forum to be held Feb Boneless Blade Roastw Short Riï¬ Roast Cross Cut Clinic assistant Hannole si monen checks mough samp D105 ol the blood received at Tuesday blood donOr lllllc RESTORE ANTHEM CANBERRA iAPlMar wallas new Conseriative go eminent restored God Swe the Queen as an Australian national anthem Wuinesday Former on SIMM curs moods thrn fuller Brisket lranlt Harrison and Date Hig gins and Bruce Clark Games are played at St Goon and Vivien Alenene Ella Seam and Mar Flanvclling and Mur ray Bell and Don BaldOCk Bridge Club news results The Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club met twice recently Friday and Monday night Winners of the Friday night Monday night there were 10 tables in play with the Winners being North and south Peg More and Date Lewis Mary and John Lucas and Marnie and bherman Boulter rges Parish Hall every Monday and Friday night beginning at 745 Information may be ob tained by telephoning Lucie Tay lor 7268240 prime minister cough whit lams Labor government Which the Conservatives displaced made Advance Australia Fair the eomtrys soLe antlwn to anyhow Australias independ 350 to400 pm sotnrday 150 to 00 pm FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Rib Roast96c Plate BUNELESS cross Cut Rib Roastova sIIS Braising Ribs ur LEANDJNELESSV games were Narth and south Gale Baldoclc East and west Donna Oliver TRY EXAMLAER WANT ADS once from Britain after ha and Ode Boll Don Allison and and Mike Fulmer Art More and PHONE 7282414 timal poll in April 1774 BMW BUMUSJ Stewmg John Hazell and Lucie Taylor Shoulder ra rmt Roast 396 wt 3331 3311133 193 MEATY soup STUCK rnooucror llth 8E6 Whats Beef can arm mg Egg Neck Bangs me Is HAVNG 43 3333333333313333333333333i333sxnfsntno3334333333Y WI mocouu runes muss cuocoum GA uuswemuro ammo summon wamuumm cm PEANUI sumo cm on BEST assoamsm on ounce 1mm mNcmmm 49 Colonlal 79¢ Fruit Mamimmfl PKc an Bunch cam surest Cookies Junces mount manhunt OLE Wm mm mm too was vtoriAaLi mi Cucumbers it 49 mm WOW Sliced Brea ruins enema no mm 51 in mm momma Murrome x9asit Ill ii M23ng iiir39i il tumult Nu Mm mu unl Pepsi $1750 AND UP PERMS Special in effect to Feb 5th MOM THRU THURS ONLY POWERED Td Dieteergent 13 $41 Get your FreeBingo 4240676 7261434 Youd be glad you did IGA Ketchup it Tea Bags artindie IGA 33¢ Sunny Morn Pg 100 Hair CuttingStyling Shecialisl COLLIER ST BARRIE 7267621