Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1976, p. 15

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v4 BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 197i WALTON INSURANCE MIDGETS Allow the Barrie Walton Insurance minor midget hoc Le tcziiii lron row from left Paul Jackson Ken Anc vs manager Jeff Mtunhy and Larry tiitten trainer mi This week is lClctl in minor turkey in Canada Believe it ii least thats what it says on talendar mailed by the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association One week its right there in red aizd it finishes Saturday Minor Hockey Week has been traditional signal to announce ddle row Steve Rinncard ltuiidy Muchityre Jim Mil rs Bernie llutz Bill Young lurray Hadley lim Burke tlstifllunl coach lim Steven on back row Doug Shedd SPORTS CORNER Participation thats important ue lltiltill£ll celebration ot one the Lirucsl poitnii orguzn nations known to Canadian voutn Hockey llllltnl religion in Canada The Il IllhlI til it lltlll leriiip exceedinc 591mm minor hockey players between the ages of 817 out is still growing Barrie is caught up in the on Patti lamblyn John Cox Graham Eiffen Terry Melin iclii Brad lIaskett and Jim on Missing from pho Lloyd Pcarsall coach growth All lciaines rate an increase in teams owl playes iii season Every comer has been cut excess waste trimmed ll0m time schedules to allow ilayers the opportunity to play tee time and its availability is becoming prime source of on cam LACKING ADVANCE PUBLICITY PTlOL to the oiticial procla mation of Minor lloekty Weekh there has always been stccidv assortment of propaganda trom the CAIIA to formally awoken us to the special week Wiih Minor Hockey Week tiicre came slogan Last year it was don the lines of putting the llll bael into innlot iuhc till years Forgot It loud campaign announced the tnit of Minor Hockey Week icri 05 all is well and the TIl feel its best to place the onus on tit iiidtiidnul centre to rec ognirc their otl Illl1lltldl as sociltioiia itcci it alums Uillll unil lo tlttrll our values when tllllil unort ti minor hockey no so much the winning tittil lllt2l tll iiiiiln 311 lvtlt ut putt Theres no newt lo Ilitii tic arguments or iindoopliy nt fill or innkc liict been gone over ht Inuit times that the edges are rounded The minor hockey system is he most important element of successful hockey jitogiaii leach player properly when hes voung and chances are the benetits will start showing when he reaches what well call the iiioncypaying peopledrawing me linor hockey tlr$ come long way Its too late to do an rhin about the stile vi hockey in our socalled pro ranks MORE EMPHASIS PLACED AT START theater emphais item pla crd at he start of the ltidlrr and rightly Loactim pro grams are becoming more im portant Parents 11 iniding out that it is not enough to hate all the desire in the world illnl the energy to want to he good coach at the minor level The coach soon learns fie in to deal with indiidunls tltl their special needs and tantrums lle lit2 to winder how t7 It proper iiiotitation lithind learn his tttfilltll1 important to tho Slccrus of any herkey program Hardin in hold their nun in tLinlt touriiutiiciil play quill ttliit can instill the lllINlu inczituln ol iltltk in young illZJVtI wry intl IICI liim ini print us he progresses lintes no lonynr iooiii tor player at the iiingct or men the lllllillll ltll llt hasnt iinmutd the tuiitiniiien dl til tie gniiic tt course llllt lllllt to Iio ilii to tiltt lllllllj sructuru toiiiputitiii lealuv about lnm itd to in more iy Stilt ltctt tunic Lewd tiiltIs the Barrie Lemon llltlli Ilotlc League Hill the lrzlt nt llllllllllilli Motor Iter iy League two houseleague jslems presently filled to ca pacity ORNER VIEWS Somes Lines wonder it both the Bar iie Flyer and Barrie Colts iouldiit benefit trom game against the Credit lnion ldtim ix Take away body checking nd the slapsliot would torce ttntll to sharpen some basic Htllr There is wrestling ouiiiamcnt in Allinon tlii week Iltl It is the lllli animal inl national tournament at Banting llizh school Sonic to ols will be competing along with number of Canadian champions LIONS NOVICE HOCKEY TEAM Barrie Lions novice hockey riin the Maine Mnior Hock IV b0lillill Ill ICell it Newt jicrlornmi ri Iv toili lllitlit Minir Illfilfi illt Members at the club include Punt mo lett lutk IJAiiir iilosln lire Itrl tire Smith iillj Wolkins llilly tjtdniore lavi Ctocktord and Keith Zyr Second row 3mm All JolLi Keogh Danny rilmlg iike llnbois fanieroii ildLeod Halter Hinton Adam Wrobort Zoan McPherson and brott Metoalfe Third row at tell is trainer Clayton Perry manager llord Cioclatord and coach Frank ltaiin lExamuier lvilcltil Playoffs for juveniles Mitt Illlllltlliulf coil Ill ll Allan ti Cook Juveniles strong showing the Ontario Minor llocltoj tl£llllll Dilly oils The out tlIt windmill ill their sslndlih in rgipitl nshioii last cl plowing sir flames in ttn lays the ltlttltl ot tn club iicudmr into the plnyots stands at eight wins 12 losses and three ties The Cook clu lllt been it per ennial contender Iltllll in league and in tolnndln nt play It was the I9iI76 edition ot the juveniles tiiit it claimed the lfllll clinnipioirlnp nnd the Juveniles beqin playoffs Sunday Barrie Allan Look juveniles manic iiu the Ontario Hockey Ammunition plziyott scent againt Richmond Hill Sundnl lht 2lo pm name In lill inond Hill is the first of lll iicltdt Illl Arena licilinmnir Ullier tynnes Huron virl return to Richmond Hill the imt diijt IIl lli or trim pin tllcoltillcl oHliitc wi ics hunt to advance to the Silver Hick oliampirzlv Moore town Barrio was eliminated in the mast game the first time for the juveniles Team mcmlnir like Iuflk Tracy Heaslip Dave Mc Cullough John Pinder Peter lnnvmmond Scott Alcombrairla filikc Laine Glnn I721Yfl5IC Strive Bergie Anrlrj Shedden Bob Kerr tiene Borgia Mark Gillianders 1d Hoare Vince Tersigni Jamie Turner Watson and Dave Lightitoot Conch is Ted Moore manager Alt Martin trainer Zaiy Fificn and assistant trainer Mike Moore City hbckey teams Sharpen skates in readiness of OMHA playoffs Teams of the Barrie Minor Hockey Association are either preparing for Waiting for or about to step int0 playoif compe tition of the Ontario Minor Hoc key Association following windup of play in tthc York Simeoe Minor Hockey League This year the Barrie entries ranked high at the end of Y8 MHL schedule If not first place then very close to it The OMHA playoffs will begin for the juveniles CoOp midgets Walton Minor midgets URW ban tams Civitan minor bantams Rotary major peelices and Unit ed Steelworkers minor peewees sometime in the near future probably this week or early next week Times for the playoffs are to be determined this week Of course theres more going on with bite BMHA teams than playoff action Rotary peewees are Barries representative to the annual Silver Stick finale in Port Huron Mich This grand championship event is this weekend Rotary is also entered in the top ranked Que bec Winter Carnival Tourna ment Midgets have tournament co ming up in Quebec with the Ju veniles looking forward to road trip against American teams This season is far from over at the minor level in fact the tempo is just picking up Last year was an important one for BMHA teams In that season all teams of the BMHA competed in the YorkSimcoe Minor Hockey League restructuring committee of the Ontario Minor Hockey As sociation moved the Barrie clubs out of the Georgian Bay League In 1974 novice age players came under the wing of the BAHIA for the first time and in turn competed in the YSMHL for the first time It was quite debut as the Barrie Lions novices won group championship Besides the na tional championship of the Co Op midgets the USW minor pee wees were OMHA finalists with zone championship tucked up under the label of the John El lis Comtruction minor atoms and Kinsmen major atoms Lions novices Finis atoms Kinsmen atoms Walton Insur ance midgets and Slessor and Periard midgets all bagged YS lltlL champicnénips In 197376 there are 17 teams within the BATHA this includes Lions novices Bell Canada nov ices John Ellis minor atoms Kinsmen major atoms United Steel Workers minor peewee Rotary major peewee Sar jeants Ready Mix peewee Bar rie Credit Union minor peewce Civitan minor bantatm United Rubber Workers major bantams Giffen Farm Equipment second major bantam Gwen and Rose second minor bantam Waltcr insurance minor midget CoOp major midget 911 0r and Per iard secorid midgeband the Al Ian Cook juveniles Follmvingis briei look at the BMHA clubs BARRIE LIONS NOVICES Illte BMHA Barrie Lions ap pear on the right track for repeat performance of last sea sons championship win in the YorkSimcoe Minor Hockey Lea gue The club currently is un defeated in league play This sea son marks the second for the young team under the BMHA Ihecurrent edition of the Li ons team is strong in net and in the scoring department Billy Cudmore and Greg Smith share the goaltending duties and had allatved only 15 goals while the Barrie offence has netted 124 The Lions have perfect 13 00 record in the YSMHL and two wins and two ties in exhibi tion Lions were beat out in the final game of the Staynet tour nament Members of the Lions team are Greg Smith Sean MiacPher son Bryn Carill Nolan Keogh Adam Wrobel David Crookfoxd Adam Dubois Mark DAmbrosio Craig Perry Walton Hinton Garry Wilkins Cameron McLeod Danny Schaty Keith Cyr Scott liebcalfe Dana Forbes and Billy Cudmore Coach is Frank Rawn manager Gord Crockford and trainer Clayton Ierry BELL CANADA NOTICES The Bell club is in its second season of competition in the YSMHL At the time of this writing the novice entry had first place hold ever the league with record of 18 wins seven losses and five ties The Bell goalteiiding tandem of Bobby Despms and Robbie Richards have 14 shutouts to their credit heading into the OM HA playoffs Team members re Desnins Richards Mark Ragot Peter Daniels Stuart Fauld Andrew Barton Mike McLaughlin Glenn Williams Scott Ford John Mor Todd Marrow Derrick Robin Jermcy David Robbie liceor Timmy Dey Dacy Taylor Coach is Gord Gunninz manager Bob Hadley and traint Bob Williams ri Young Priest Clubs rank high MINOR ATOMS championship was theirs last season in the Yorkaimcoe Minor Hockey League At this point in the year the nineyear old John Ellis Construction sponsored club appears on the verge of duplicat ing the feat The club has 26 wms against one loss in league competition at the time of this writing In exhibition play its an 011 nec ord lhe Ellis club cleaned up so to speak at Christmas tour nament in Kingswn This past weekend the club was honored with an invitation to participate in the prestigious tournament at New York Only the top clubs are invited to this particular tournament Team members are Allan Falk Jeff Williams Stuart Gar ner Mike Ragot Jim Sands Brian Cyr Jim Laine Brad Me Clocklin Robbe Tunin Shawn Deane Shayne Carson Andv Wal ton Tim Viktil Ricky Corby Paul Taylor and Greg LeBlznc Coach is Paul Carson manager Terry Taylor trainer Joe Walton and assistant coach Bob Garner ROTARY MAJOR PEEWEE The Rotary club of Barrie has been backing the major peewee club for seven years in the BMHA This season the entry in the YSMHL has firm hold on first place with record at the time of this writing of 27 wins against five losses and three ties 16 wins one tie and three loss es in the YSMlILl Rotary will be in Port Huron Iich Jan 30 for competition in the annual Silver Stickcham ploughing 3vaan win in the area playoffs PM Rotaryjust missed silver were at the Golden Horseshoe Tour nament with loss in overtime The peowees will be in Quebec tater in Februarv to compete in the annual Quebec Winter Car nival Tournament There is an other tournament planned for 01 ilha in March Rotary club was allOnt tario finalists last year Team members are Wayne Lynn Billy Montvre Print Wha ten Rhys Cavill Terry Tilleczok Mike Maill Kevin Itsttin Steve Neal Mfe Hoffman Gary White Gerry Colliershonor Mike Forbes David yr Jim Foulis Erie McConnell snail tinvi Drone Coach is Mike McCann Bill White 15 manager and BiIIMav attire the trainer CREDIT UNION PEEWEE First place of the YorkSim coe Minor Hodch league iscurv rently held by the Barrie Coin munity Credit Union peetwee entry At the time of this writing the rltib had 12 wins with pair of losses and one tie The club holding its own againfl top flight clubs in exhibition play Many of the players on the second year team are in their tirst season of serious competi tion having stepped right from the house league system The pwwee club ended in last place last season noted coach Roger Despins 11 pointed out that the spirit and thing called guts has helped improve the teams standings Emphasizing team play has also helped filed the coach Team members include Nat Alkerton Iodd Bowman Steve Graves Allan Sinckir Mike La pradc Bill Hoare Henryk Sien kiewiez John Gray Stan Stone Karam Kennelv Steven Know les Ian MacSpurrcn Mike Dan Iels Gerry Hadley Tom Harris Mike Despins and Bruce De gear Coach is Roger Dcspins John Bowman is manager train er is Jim Hoare and assistant coach Mike Fisher USW MAJOR BANTAMS United Rubber Workers local 535 celebrate nine years of spon sorshin of the major bantam club This seasan the URW en trv is holdinc its own in the YorkSimcoe Minor Hockey Lea gue The bantams will be compet ing in tournament in George town in Maren 3° well as in North Bay Team members include Chris Harris Dave Johnston Irwin Johnston Terry Keogh Steve Itiirmons Peter Fosscy Steve Bouchey Dave Maynor Kevin GucstJoflm Surgenor Dong Tof ten Dave Miles Andy Brown ing Matt Lalondc Ken Thomp son and Darry IllacKenzie The coach is John MeCann manager William Harris and ulnar lom Thompson MAJOR PEEWEE llhe Serjeants Ready Mix ma jor peowee team is in its third season as force in the BMHA So far in the 197576 season the club hasnt fared too well in tournament vommtition but is ranked high in the YorkSimeoe Minor Hockey League At the time on this writing the mower club had record of 16 $6 leam members are Geri Skipwith Tom supp Stove Le may Riehsrod Snow Kelly Cum mingu JetlIny Craig Brian SmithJim Walker Bobbie Illn nearri Ross hlcierthp Gwen only Bertram Wanen Collier Brent MacDonqfi Randy Rab botte Craig Guest Jet Pasha Coach is Oscar TIicklinp mane ger Harvey Collier assistant coach is Hunk Psalm assistant manager Gerry Skipwith Jr ROTARYS MIKE HOFFMAN TESTS GOALIE Teams looking forward to carnival tournament Walton Insurance minor mid gets are one of tour Barrie teams which will be competing at the annual Winter Carnival minor hockey tournament Jan 13 tFri day through Sunday The midget chi first place of the mine midget division with 14 wins loss es and tour ties It was the Walter club which handed Waterloo 21 AH defeat at the recent Barrie Minor Hockey Days Barrie won the consolation at last years carnival tournament Team members are Paul Jackson John Cox Brad Has kett Bernie llutz Bill Young Jim Stevenson Randy Macin tyru Paul lamblyn Jim Miles Graham Gluten tiia IIulley Jim Anderson Steve Rinneurd Doug Sheddon and Jeff Mumby Coach is Lloyd Iearsall man azer Ken Angus trainer Larry Giffen and assistant coach Jim Burke tinislir ll GREEN AND RUSS MINOR BANTAMS Attention begins to shift to wards the weekend of Feb 13 and the second annual Barrie Winter Carnival minor hockey tournament One team sporting Barrie colors ill be the Green and Ross titnemls minor lun tam This marks the first season in the Barrie Minor Hockey Associ ation for the minor bantams and subsequently their first year in the YSMHL The club was unbeaten in Y5 lllll play at the time of tin writing it4 straight rinsl Team memhsis include Steph ei Despins David Duncan Scott Guest Kevin lilcndrv sthni Crocktord Todd Bouchard An dy AyLeist Don Coulson Ken Walden leriv 7ylcii ll ll Little Shawn Saunders Ted Itdirbank Rob McCann Ed Mc Cormaek and Sephen roci torti Coach is Hugh Knowles as COOP MIDGETS DEFENDING CoOps end YSMH schedule with an impressive IS wins Barrie 300p major midgets are live this season in the sha dow of last years national chain pions Many of the mus club have stepped out of the midget ranks into juniir hockey This years Colps were knocked out early in the playoffs of the Wrigley by Orillia Bar rie finished in second place of the YorkSimeoe Minor Hockey League behind the same Orillia team The club waits tor the playotts which should on them against Orillia once more Upcoming on the CoOps cal endar of events is major mid get tournament in Drummond ville Quebec The team will leave Felt tor the giant tour nament to which over 90 teams have entered CoOps underwent change of executive earlier in the season Both coach Orky Kerr and man ager Joe McCullough reigned in apparent protest over decis on which allowed two players to leave the Triple club Curry Daniels took over coaeli with Pat McCrath the manager CoOps finisheu the iezular season of the YSMHI with an impressive 15 wins tour losses and one tie Team chambers are Dave Campbell Barry Brett tire Campbell Tim Ctaydon Don Shannon Dan Keans Brad Mac Donald Vince MeGrntli Shane Tueke Rick Bowman Plill Tremblay Paul Delaney Todd Lalonde John obey and Brian Degeer Trainer Frank Inti ter assistant manager Mas Mae Donald and assistant trainer is Craig Bunke STERLING mm II ROSS FURZECOTI itawssiibject To Change member of Canada DepOsit Insurance Corporation Year Guaranteed Investment Certificate 7286495 Bill Kennedy is manager unh GorJ Burke as trainer CIVITAN MINOR lull5 Cirittn minor lullldllls aloud with the John lllhs Construdion minor atoms ii Wilton min midgets and United Steel Work ers minor ltCt will repre sent Barrie tlJilTii the 5ui1l annual Winter Carnival Mii Hockey Tournament Feb l3 Clll1l chili iinszed it last scheduled game of the York Sitticoc Minor Hockey ending with at record of 10 iin nine loses iiul ticLmrl Cllolllil for third place of the SMHL The tilt riddled tor end in thn Guelpii lurtiment lillll ituiis dill compete ear lier in tzr sea in the Whith ourn ment but ere eliminated in the 2conl tunic lt xix llull icebcc whlc1 arrie bumped Hen Sound was the Club tile Citnuns lost to irsi League tlllt Tcznn menihtr= are li Keogh lxrtiri Johnston ilikc izlker Myers Rléd fliainber litilt Vollebragt it livi itiii lord laelhest iii liurrot lngli Benton Dean Reavic llttrjh hurcix Gariep Robin Chalmers lorry Mum IJ Coadi is li pl rite Man ager is Joe Qin zld trainer i= llenr ait coaclt Bruce lcr IOFFATI SECOND ATOM Mutton Alertor second atom teni has lt Jame iith four cm in the tlllt SJIlOl lie the York imcoe ll gnc ill lhorniili ear li iii Il ci Ins which on cool in the tin it lJlIlC ir been stioii The Bob contenders in rewiits enterv ed to date in 31 st son the ITliiivrle Christ 115 tourney Bur rie returned with consolation title Bthcnts will be llllillillvl ll Penetane dnrir the Winter ama testitiiics Bobcats illl looking to the soon apninnchinr blarinfts ci Till lieseitil the atom club has firm hold on first place of the YorkSimcoe loop lcm mumiq ll cl Woolse lridl Maser Dennis Stewart lad luiil Ste lonrd Druid llogben Gary Jer iiiey Ieter Ytigihko Steie lel Iiitklmltiili Iile Iol David Ityke Ker il llEll lord he let laiiueublxo manaeer Bill tviiliith and us sistant iiltLIl Bob Saunders EBJIIH inc bMC new EDEN RENTATRUCK HATFIELD sr 7370800

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