Iivf TIL TllI gt atoned Iwile the former Lydia Gullaugth er is survived by one son IElmer and two grandsons Mi ichael and Colin brother Earl ot Edmonton Alixrte and sis ter Luella Mrs Gullnughcri oI lAlliston Friends of Dull Graham were sorry to learn of his sudden pass 3109 on Friday llioining In his fMill year Don vas the son of the late Mr th Mrs John Graham itnzl lilelung resident got this distict lie survived thy one son Glenn of Toronto and ltwo sisters His rsitc Kathleen gpassed away last August Mrs Laura Sinners gtpenl ifew weeks recently at the home of her soninIznv and daughter IMr and Mrs ieorge Proctor at Timmins and vrhile there had the honor of attending the mar riage of her granddaughter Pa tmela Mrs Hazel Morrell has re turned home their having spent weeks with her family Mr zand Mrs lien Hoyle at Frank ytord Ontario Mrs Lee Kennett has return ed home after having spent an enjcyable holidy with friend Ton an 80 day Mediterranean zCruise with the Yugoslavia Ship sLines Greatest humour golf remember oldest ST ANDREWS Stotlulltl liere il lining town the greatest names in the Elgame have slammed some of LIthei arcitrt =Etois on the ttorlds ndw rotlvse And ntimeiesiVzept to the IIntarterxilarim have some glrom ala exorbitant expense ï¬lo nerpetmm someof the worst gloozles ever inolkd since Scott it shepherds began shouting Tore inl belting Wee rocks crooked stick called qovv lt08 Inc mm moullmg but thin window or lunch said London why the Golf Club lookirg dist the big bag window on to the first ti 1ifl last hole pt the famed Old lonrse Iuentyix Jack to gel to he lirs gin IiI over the road Its quite extraor dinary the Illillllk really bad golfers who come here From this window Lourton Jack Nicklaus peel Ioff his cardigan open up his shouldehs and with south westerly gale blowing explode tee shot that carried to the grassy bank beyond the 18th green to win the 1970 British Open in dramatic Sunday playoff with Doug Sanders gVISITS CUT SHORT From this window he has watched any number of your countrymen meaning Amelia cans arrive bv hired car outlit themselves with clubs shoes and caddy play the first hole Cmu over lo the Pb 189 tiny back again gr in Hair and go home just to say theyve played St Andrews The intoxication of blasting out of the same Cottare Banker that Bobby Jones mastered for an eagle on his way to the Grand Slam in 1930 and daring to go wide on the Road Hole like Sammy Snead did in win ning the 1946 British Open is basic to the magnificent mum Fipa obsession that grips St An drew5 No city is so devoted to one ifsport as this ancient cathedral Zand university town Scotlands zoldest seat of learning where Mary Queen of Scots an arient jgolfer spent her happiest days land Bobbs American towin the maximal iit 15 iv lute city since Benjamin Frank tin isnumberretl among the pa tron saints The Old Course lying along ilhe River Eden einries in timations 0t golts immortality Cwith bunkers called Hell The iCofIifls The Grave and The tPquit and fairways named Fields CADDIES OUTSPOKES The calmy candid out usI outspoken caddies of comlizws help spook the 18 hoie nightmare known the world over as The Old Course Tony tLema always maintained he won the 1964 Open by obediently in tin whatever clubs Young Tip Anderson handed Shim II hat should take now Tgolpgr trapped in Hell Bunker Instead the caustic Annin lurk akbll were ye he loplied LId lake the 940 out St An drews II Another told lvlttICbttll or the mlverslty its only learn 108 the laddies Greek and LLatin but when it comes to 380 yo need hcudII Golf was played in bcotland womotimc before 1437 when it his recorded James II Ilunnrrd he lame so his subjects could LE on with their iticltcly pluc Nice to dciond the kingdom againsi England But by 1003 plumes IV was torking over 14 lsnillings or set of oltibs Iou gPerth blacksmith cnnzu promo The madness soon spread to England Catherine of Alulw complained to Henry VIII tlhut ago Jim to Fin 0th outta lo ellottl of the local minute and returned from Florida to spend Jones the lust gom mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1976 ALLISTON soottits ii By MARGARET 510er The annual meetiiiggnt the Soil MED and Crop Improvement Club was held in Alliston reeently An in Sympathy ctmmumtV terestind meeting followed the was extended Mrs Gllroy and noon luï¬cheon gIother members oi the retinin Friends at Jim Hunter plI no the recentI death at Toronto 9mg wiearh is netting along lWestIernIHospital of Wilbert Gii nit in Stemr° Memoriai Troy ms 73m ye 595m his Huspltol when he was knitted on udvico his Dodo met cal Volunteer Fire Brludo and with others the department put in strenuous two days and nights that woohond Wu or still hearing conimonctationii on tho all who assisted to avert what could have been greater duster to the Town Mr and Mrs Don Alderson Christmas with their family to ving later to spend holiday in the Barbados Mr and Mrs ll Kirk Maple Lane St inventionnod mm an enjoyable twoweek Caribbean Cruise Mrs Margaret Mortett in open ding week at the home oi her son and daughterlnlaw Mr and Mrs Hoqu Dunn in Ottawa Mr and Mrs George Skippen Dennis md MI and Mrs Larry Skippon and daughter Cor 01 Anne of Staynar visited at the home of and Mrs Thompson last Sunday Mrs Edna Hotcher spent II couple of weens recently with her daughter in London Mr Douglas Hand of Burling ton spent the weekend with re latives here 11 course their subjects all the time do be busy with the gowte 50 Mary Queen 01 Scots was on yi the back nine when word came that her husband Dumley had been murdered She played hrougb Jamal VI took his clubs along 151 when he joumeyed south to be como James at the United KimzrlOm Charles received word of in the trim rebellion it 1041 on line 151 links at Leith near Edinbugh in History reports he gallopod Te off on pony to save his crown 311 Inoe cynic of St Andrews still r17 maintain he galloped off to save half crown being four holes 181 down at the time in match with Scottish nobleman 83 lllIAIIS APPEALS The Society of St Andrews co Golfers was formed in 175 it became the Royal and Ancient Golf Club in 1834 when King op William IV granted his patron ll age and since 1897 has been th golts ruling body More than 3000 golf clubs around the world subscribe to its thick annual volume of Rules of Gall Declllons Ind the secretarys desk is always piled high with appeals to the Rules of Golf Committee The club with 1050 British cot and 700 foreign members in 45 In 000 ct rulmtries has no golf pro and doesnt even own golf course The Old Course and its three adjoining courses belong to the people of St Andrews and tor tee now 82 20 $440 are Open to all comers Up to the Second World War local taxpayers and students golied for free They now pay 128 year HEINZ CONDENSED TOMATfl SOUP LIMIT PER CUSTOMER WORLD BRIEFS 1° FLU 01 The er BtLLDOZER BIGGEST snr TOKYO Reum Jam DAILY LIMIT OF 4000 TINS THURS FRI SAT ncse machinery manufacturer has produced what it says is the TNFLATION FIGHTER SPECIAL COMMENCES worlds biggest bulldozer 78 ton giant that can bite and lift EACH DAY AT 1000 AM AND CONTINUES 35 219 cubic metres of earth at time The bulldozer also has UNTIL LIMIT IS SOLD OUT 905 ripper attachment that can gn break rocks at rate equal to uII ordinary explooives Cost of the machine is about $370000 Resume CATTLE mm DUBLIN CPJ farmer con haslrceiveda ransom note do In manding £300 I$600 for the rc the tum of six cattle from con his land Ttheï¬armer believes highly organized gang is behind peg the new style milling in but Thurtles County The number of Gian rattle reported missing in the county so far is about 60 of epl PROTEBTS SONG bud NEW YORK AP The In tcrnotiotol League for Cyber netics has written letter to Ieontz itwnrds int tilt the song Robots for Ronnie as detumatory towards Lnlllgt Ihc letter says the league is de vnted to improving the image oI Our annual January Sidewalk Sale is loaded with fantasticbarg ains that will save you $$$ in every store in the Mall robots in society and asks Have you ever heard of lot robot isio DUBFLIASETClgiMflufstotal oi wth th the SEBTCH IIEIIIIgnIIIIiIII IIIII1IIIIIIIII us Is wee en an save We re open 10 am930 pm 335 rigged Winniwigmgit It Bhargcs has been given sen EgIII eye tonces of three to six months detention for malicious damage taking postman of car and loitering llhe sentences will run 23 concurrently Used DRIVER BECAME HERO Glee DIAMOND SPRINGS Calif tele APt Claude 003 propane trltCIZ driverwhn hot been on wow mm the job or only three months mu discovered liquid propane gas mm mom wa leak whfle homlI MOMMA Ivrsii uinusArsIlMcotmnmvs LARGESTNDIIXR bond livery He lmm atoly wont MI bllPIt II WITH AMAlMRHLLEDHMFIORT mm the hot Mil turned of III wm Minm nopnuflMRls IIHERW mu lhes sources at which might tel inIIuse cm Ilotl The 1303 BAYFIELD MA are up was par vtous was briefly cloud and theth WWW MW BAYFEU MALL Ten nee had moved