Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1976, p. 6

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mw FOR WOMEN Cosmetics still big in fashion While types and colors have changed drastically over the past years cosmetics for men and wo men are still big seller says Elaine McCauley Mrs McCaulev manager and coordinator of SiinpsonsSears cosmetic department says every one is conscious about their ap pearance and women from 15 yearscfage and no use num ber of cosmetics BACK TO BASICS in the past many tended to buy the heavy pancake make ups to cover flaws or imper fections but Mrs hIcCauley says the emphasis has changed to skin treatments People now realize she said that it is next to impossible to owe poor complexion All cosmetic firms have lines of treatment products from baths to conditioners and toners The tilaltflQCl noted the instcst scll illI item riqht now is Elizabeth Ardens Visible Dif night cream The cream actually smooths the skin and improves the tex ture she said The products have been Clinic aliv ested she said and they are 98 per cent pure and actual ly work lso high on the are Estee Laudcis forming Extract products The product moisturilcs lirms and tones the skin she said and wo men dont bat an eyelash at pay inz $1630 for small bottle The first thing noticed on woman is her eyes and face Mrs lcCauley said Lild more women realize they only have one complexion tor lite and are becoming more conscious of tak inr care of it Luax rattors peeloff faCial masks are also soiling well and the manager pomted out new mask coming out which will be blue in color will also enable the person to see where their com pexion flaws are While cosmetic sales still re quire reat deal of personal care in sriiesmanssip Mrs hir Cauley noted mes customers al ready know uhat they are look ing for I100 they come to bus Girls of 16 years of age come into the store with an exact sales lists Swiss Pt list of items she said Women now are concerned with self improvement and do much more reading she explainct NATURAL LOOK As for makeup itself the man agcr pointed out the heavy puri take makeups are no longer scl ling and the tendency is towards the softer more natural gtilad35 Every woman should hate coverup or shading stick he said but care must be taken to match the stick as close as pos sible to the natural tone of the individuals skin All women have idols iiti said and there is tendency to try and copy look While there are certain to meti tricks that vill help im prove look Mrs leCauley poin LLAJNE lctALLlZY Illii agar and coordinator the COHitEilL department at hilll psons Scars at the Georgian Mail PJ ilit ltrH mid to led out you have ll do the be vvth what you COIOIJ biiiltito dllil iliiliL¢lllii should llltfLLll ii what tiic ptrson Lai1lii iil lip and check color slioull all be coordinated and wlor should lillltll hillt Mrs bltttsaiilcy said slim dim not agree vitli the old philos ophy thal tyc colors should match i1h1 in that certain ttll or were for bloiitlc brunettes redheads only Cosmetics lzeep llatt lll the fashion trends gtilt aid Totlys fashions have kc on Lin liarri tnl flair and cosmrtli rol moil with tlhl 111 color IIyes are the first iliii iim IllA tllli world of cosmetic 15 still onrre of interest for un iiitzi and now men have join til the group Mrs hitjuice 1eil she smti anti social rate hilliliti be The poison should use coiiiiitn sense blend the colors zinl tiy keep thr iiiukctip as manic and as trit urnl us Dtlgtslii liii ltCtiuley slicvul sziiiplc approach hen minketip routine She urges 11111 all llll sil litall the til wellknown brand 111 ro tiltlt Siic liiJi many witn panics have their own hut penmc lines iiiakciin innit iio be an extrctiiely Xlttlth put of the iltlolic She also 1101 tiirrc rot nori to go injunfntzr illt the till3 lll liiit ltitt Iltl ll ziiiril care women are roiimrncd it the barn treatment 01 Sim more than covering up tlanniinei Pliol iio Pd ll lilllltil mil people in ill2 stoic have received train ll titt pt iii txiiictit slic soul but most are itiiiiiliar with all brands She agreed toiiictic sales staff are on ttilillillfgtlitl litit itldel 12 are stiIl iainerl They give arrive but ill tiziil ititt tiisoititi Lilvvziyx ijli Jilnl should or illini licv ii In clown lilti manager aso hotel virus are still an import mi nt of tlm wardrobe ard siiuucstol tl vvoinan slioull hate on li lzr gc no tings Illll to the ii li allow the lifmi to lizeaiii The lively world of cosmetics is no longer just for women The brightlylit counters ot the cosmetic department are no 10 aer list it womans domain says Elaine ICCdtlle manager and coordinator of the Simpons Smr cnmctic department Over the past tew years there has been an increasing demand for male tOsnictiea and men in Barrie are no different Mrs AltCamry said The greatest trend is towards mens cologne and special shav ing products She said The largtwt line put out by Aramis and includes spec ial inavin lotions and creams for sensitive skii llicrc art also mens moistur izers and item railed soothing muscle soul5 soothing sauna soaks and body will flPrtllh and talc Ileie it also iitii= poxrlii iiilf tales ILOCNli IS Illii large portion of the market is in mens coloii and Mr icCauley noted most ot the ma tor tmnietits lines are new ti 1ing out mens products Yves ht I21ltl ii iiit llllltKitltCtl new scent but the most popular is still Musk by lovan one tziiii lll towards mens bronze main lips but ilii is not loiigrr ii the rnaziziecr sani Study of church in Japan highlights January meeting in ILic5d1rv All Iunct Logan entertained the Fish road WMS group at her High Street homc President Vitttlilli ilIJIICLi the nicotine led the devotions The roll vi answered by members and these was one 29 itor Several members were re Iiitmliitlll and also ported sick The business centred around Simply Funds and curtain Second lilc work was de lthLI on The treasurers report was en by Isobel Church The tonic for the luv iiitrodiit ed the 11171 study palkm and Iiowcd by charts the relative do OltipiiiClll of the Christian liuith in Japan as compared with 11111 in Taiwan Assisting iii the presentation were llaiiiilton ll Stillivcll and Muriel Pour The secretary closed with pragcr Illlli10 dit3u 5on printoiled over lea stived by Iiotcss Mrs logiui Fat in our daily diets needs to be controlled The average Canadian con sumption of sherteniiig cooking Oils and salad oils has more than doubled in the past 25 years In 1019 the annual per capita intake was 10 pounds By this it new 21 pounds Considering oils shortening marganuie buttos lard and the Invisible fat in meat fat supp lies about 1000 calories in our diet each day Nutrition authorities recom mlll that no more than no third of the calories in our diet should come from fats For man needing about 3000 calor ies per day this fat intake may on amount for the aveiape ivo man who requires about 2100 cat ozies daily This would mean that fats pro iIC onehvaif the calories in her diet Obviously Canadians esp ecially women should letreuse the intake of fats and oils If you olttn fry food in oil by dry heat method instead such as broiling or baking tir it the fat from tried bacon ol canned tuna fish before serv iig Be 13 liberal with mind dressing Co can with llu but ter or margarine on your bread Eliminate rich pastries or fried foods from your meals whenev hoe all right Bil thm is too high or possible ill10 ait number riiriis 50 lingltrnil nail the liiitcil flnlt If Shirl iii ilti no drninnd for them here in in if llii products cll il indict the same prices un inenr cosmetics Another item which is thliliitlt In Eotontherun wili are the blotterllei dr tigt will iith Liv lancer ill styles more men art find we for triers conven tl the same vein mens inrc pioliui shuntom litioiicts tnil iiii rliln are vlo illllQ Hii hair tflll meals have influenced food habits liiiliiys cal on the iiin iiicals have certainly iiitl titiircd otir food habits and nn trition standard More women lime returned to the work forte lt iiitnic in the entire family helping out at meal time consumers are looking to rpt aliiv and value in food There tool to be greater aware 105s of what our money is buy ing toiisuriiptioii of meat tiLCltthtKi due to the lif in food prices llziin dishes still revolve nroiiiitl scourtc of protein but lll tiirilciity is to ulllilil tlCii sivc meals with the less expen sive protein sources of eggs lilt1 drictl pens and ICitlgt pasta and rice illtnC lrcnds wr illllllitlg tlic tlitlopmeiit of new cooking iiii liodv and food choices including onepol mcnl llii is rimplc nutritious way to serve dinner llll time is at premium 12v ervthina is ready at once and il it has to be reheated this run he titllt 1115in and does not de trnit from taste appeal typical onepot meal includ es protein such as meat iil km or fish carbohydrate riitli as rice or pasta and veg ctables all cooked together in one vessel to blend flavors and preserve nutrients Smaller ain omits of expensive protein can be combined with beans choc sc eggs etc to stretch the protein value Less expensive Hits of meat can he tendsriled by the longer slower cooking process Equipment to cook one pol inputs in has also had renewed ynptilarity reerrr to ovcii tcrole and Chinese woks our hot sellers Newest appliances include the electric slowcookers 1hc entire meal is cooked in covered put at an evnn low it teiiipcrnliuc over long period of liiiii The energy consumed by the lowvcnokcr is about equal to that lurid by light bulb 77 to 31 units The cookingv temptin ture is maintained at around 9011 degrees so that cooking low and sittitty Most dislr Itilvc about to 111 hours if cooked on the low settiiiL nv of the ctpiipiiicnt designed or llllf pol ookiizz ttlllili iiinlm your lllili planning coder Loii sidtr this lllfllltld in lic weeks Etilfitl Social notes are intended to tHll the general social life of the city District vvctldinks parties travellers and visitors are all items of interest to readers of this page Your help in supplying this new will be greatly appreciated Ilttlq telephone the Barrie Examiner at 7266537 and ask for the Womens Department Wedding Photography Len Marriott For Details Coll 728l 050 THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 27 1976 PEOPLE AND PLACES Tilt home of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Wray Grounwich Street Blilllllbld was tlte scene of mini family reunion Sat night lit members at tlit family and their spouses were in attendan ce includingr Mr and Mrs Arnold Hanscum Royal Oaks Michi gan Mr and Mrs Jack Watts RR Drumbo Mr and Mrs Fred Wray Brock Strbet Brant iord and Mr and Mrs Stanley Vray Cundles Roac Barrie Two family members Charles of London and Mary Ratcliffe of Kenora were unable to attend BAKE SALE The Crown Hill Wbiiiciis In stitute will hold bake sale this Saturday at Towers Store on Baytield Street beginning at 130 pm Proceeds from the sale will go towards sponsoring foster child CRAFTS GROUP The Midhurst Crrfts Group will meet Feb it 730 piii at Forest llill publi school Ruth Byers will conduct session on he making of apple dolls Participants gt to br ing scigtstis poring knife tle xible wire old pantyhose and two large firm apples AUXILIARY DANCE asked The itli St tilt5 Cub tiiil Scout iiiutlicis llxlilll is liol Jim tluiiti 11 starting at pm in the Army ivy and Air Force Club on George Street Proceeds from the dan ce will be used to further work with the cub and scout organiz ation There is door prize and other prizes for the night For tickets contact 7268313 or 728 1099 DINNER DANCE Barrie Montessori school is holding Hearts and Flowers dance Feb 21 iiom pm to am at the Sunnidale Com munity Centre Dancing will be to the music of Jack Tierney and buffet lunch will be ser ved Tickets at $12 per couple may be obtained by telephoning 7263633 or 7386194 01in 83 ickets are available and all ti ckets must be purchased in ad vance LA LECHE LEAGUE The first meeting of new series for nursing mothers is sch eduled ly the La Lechc Lea gue ol Barrie for iiitii Jail 27 at the home AIIS Lucy Meyers 21 Jillcotirt Cics and south Jan 21 it the home of Mrs iitv Burg IIilctii lr Topic of tlic evening1 is The Advantages of lrtnttiecliii to the Mother and lluby Books lit cititurc nntl ictuiiiiicnts will be available Interested people are iniitctl to attend iiital further iiiforiiintioii iiitijv lit obtain ii iciiphoiiiiig 7288717 7231771 4304050 antyhose Regular style Spice Heather Cinn anion One size fits 100150 lbs 75R 018 020 Reg 99¢ pr now 43300 Whisper Alhnudo pantyhose Spice Cinnamon and Heather One size his 100 to 150 lbs 757 418 121 Regularly 99¢ pr now 79¢ or 43300 Allnude pantyhose with sandal toot Cinnamon Spice Heather One size fits 100450 lbs 757 418120 Reg 99¢ pr now 79¢ or 43300 Whisper regular style pantyhose Spice Heather Cinnamon Sizes SMLXL 75R 018 025 Reg $159 new only $127 pair or 45475 Whlspo allnude pantyhose Cinnamon Heather Spice Sizes SMLXL 75R 018 1258 Regularly $159 pair now only $127 or 43475 Whisper Marvelle support pantyhose Reinforced toe Classic Beige Amber Glow Taupe Mist Small Average Tall 75R 019 030 Reg $450 now $360 lAtl SHEER inemmmo oe Enjoy it new Use your All Purpose Account Al Simp50n6SOaTS you get the finest guarantee Satisfaction or money refunded WuerSlmpsonsSears Ltd History of two churches is retold by member By MABEL DUNSMORE In the year 1832 the first An glican Church in the neighbor hood was built on the brow of the hill at Crown Hill corner It was constructed on the land situated in the south east corn er of Lot 11 first concession of Vespra containing one acre more or less which was donat ed by Thomas Mairs As shown in the minutes in the first vestry books it was decid ed that the beautiful little brick church should be called St Ja mes Church and the adjoining cemetery St James Cemetery In 1906 the cemetery was en larged by the purchase of part of the road allowance along the south side of the cemetery from the township of Vespra The ves tiy and chancel were added in 1895 Then as now bazaars were in vogue and in 1857 five years after the building of the church the women of St James hold their first bazaar the recorded proceeds being 45 pounds quilt is still in existence in the neighborhood inscribed in the centre as being mazle by the Ladies Aid Society of St Jam es Church of Crown Hill July 1894 I1 is composed of eiiht inch square blocks of white cotton each bloc containing five written names embroidered in red over four hundred names in all All the old iiciniliotlioozl num es are reprehcnted here as well as some that can be recognized as being from Barrie and the surrounding oiiimunites Each person paid to have his name on the quilt which was then rallied oil at one dollar ticket the lucky winner being Viliam Par iiiii corner Lot is Olo tridge grandfather of the present owner In 1955 the old brick so it little church were covered with white stucco basement was added and other renovations cui ried out For many years St James Church housed an active congre gation The adjoining St James Cemetery which has never been consecrated as Anglican has al ways been the community bury ing ground For several yearr there have been no Anglican services in this church The building is now be ing used by Dutch congrega tion FREE METHODIST CHURCH In 1892 third church was es tablished in Crown Hill This was the Free Methodist Church which was built at the upper Croiwn on land donated Thomas Luck This was an Pvttiizelicnl chur ch and held annual camp meet ings in Mr Lurks sugar bush In 195 this building was torn down and the saltaeeable mater ial used in the construction of now Free Mctoulist church in Barrie Pollvs Pointers Diur Polly313 oet peeve is findingi Mical and powdered tziiil pitducts slit open so they impossible to reseal tiglttfy The stock boys who open the packing boxes should be more careful so the foods freshness is preserved complain to the gti0lii manager and hunt for an nnslit box rather than allow my purchase to go stale quickly Jane Soars Barrio Georgian Mall 509 BaytioldSt

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