El Therm Examiner Published by 16 Walls Editor Emeritus TUESDAY JANUA wlt Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Baytield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager RY 27 1976 is Henshaw Managing Editor PAGE ns sr Canadian Chamber views countrys inflation trend The proposa er of Commerce be abolished as part of to cut back recordheavy taxation is not likely to be too popular With families TEE is understandable payments help even little to cope with todays steadily risin family costs received much of the spotlight the Chamber of Com other recommendations which in these times of economic troubles But while this ase merce made merit attention The Chambers concern about the enormous increases in budget tax spend ing in recent years reflects View of number of working Canadians growing who have been facmg conti pay deductions at the same time as facing higher living costs The chambers demands encourage freedlorn of enterprise busi ness and industry to expand and create needed jobs are sound Unlike govern ment projects when priva provides jobs it is just the drain on taxes Private enterprise jobs add to tax revenues The recent costcutting notmced by Prime Minister Trudeau might be considered step direction but many will agree with the of the Canadian Chamb that baby bonuses should national pro many since these as adequate When he ample for other levels of Canadian people generally to follow Chambers View it is only short step The fact is the net effect of the so called austerity progr government expenditures will still rise by some 15 per cent and the public service will still grow by some 13000 emlp That is hardly likely to be considered am is that federal loye es belttightening for an ex government and announced price and wage controls in the fall the prime minister also spoke about restraint in government spending With higher prices from the nu ally higher for action to deeper than to enterprise opposite of measures an in the right makes sense steady inflation it was recognized there would be problems But the need to change fiscal policies which has tripled the national budget during decade with new approach stimulated hope for better trend At least the steady rise in inflation it was felt might be slowed down There are economists who stressed that todays economic problems go much the post just government expendi ture But it is an important phase which cant be ignored The chamber of commerce in calling for real restraint by the show genuine leadership in dealing with inflation and unemployment problems is certain to have strong backing because it government to DOWN MEMORY LANE TEN YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner January Huge statue of Paul Bunyan erected by Chamber of Commerce 400 to beckon motorists to Barrie Winter Carnival Winter storm in Southern Ontario and Northern States worst in years In Toronto 16 inches of snowfall clogged traffic arteries Huge snowmelt ing machine rented for $140 per diem failed to work due to mechanical failure Freezing rain and high winds whipped YOUR BUSINESS Eastern US seaboard Officers of Grey Simcoe Foresters held Robbie 27 1966 on Highway Cartwright Your 1976 list of Howcums By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson New Service That folksy old United States senator Sam Ervin uscd to ay that the favorite saying among his North Carolina constituents was 11owcumand that he had better have an answer Here are some 1976 howcums offered without much hope of an answer Iowcum the Olympic Coin Committee doesnt take the op portunity to make real contri bution to civilization by issuing ninecent coin Four out of five items on any retalers shelves are priced in some fig ure ending in nine so nine cent coin would be far more useful than silver 35 or $10 lIowcum the anti inflation program applies only to in comes and profit margins and not to tax rates postage and prices of liquor sold by govern ment monopolies Howcurn the earth didnt open and swallow up Ben Tor chinsky president of Agra In dustries Ltd when be ex 11 41 Gite Ianrte £1 undue 16 Bayficld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7268537 Registration Number 0484 Second Clan Mall Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by Earrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie 84420 yaarly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly All other countries $4500 yearly Motor throw off $3600 yearly National Advertising Offices Queen St West Toronto 864 1110 640 Cathcart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circula tiona The Canadian Press is exclu alvely entitled to the use for re publication of all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reu ter and also the local news pub lished therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tlaing and editorial materlal cre ted by ha employeea and repro uced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Num ber 203815 register 61 WM plained 1975s big losses Ion ra peseed hedging and on the sale of processing plant to the Sas katchewan government for well below market value to his shareholders by saying We did poor job and theres no ex cuse for it lie evidently hasnt been taught the first rule of shareholder relationstell cm nothing IN THE DARK IIowcom there was big selloff of all bank stocks week or two ago despite their embarrassingly hugc 1975 carn ings Howcum not soul at the banks the stock exchanges or the antiinflation board would confirm or deny or comment upon rumors that the board had privately told the banks its for mula for restraining their profit increases Howcum the Trudeau gov ernment staunchly dedicated to achieving bilingualism in some part of the country meekly tol erates the threat of its own civil servants in Quebec to deal with the public in French only un less they are paid bonus Howcum car manufacturers wont extend warranties on models with defective engines rusting problems etc except to owners who complain loudly and become obnoxious Owners shouldnt have to isk ulcers high blood pressure and heart attacks Just to get fair treat ment Howcum the only govern ments in the world to prefer bilingualism in air traffic con trol to maximum air safety are those in Ottawa and Quebec City Are Canadian air trav elers lives worth less MIBPLACED TACT Howcum talking of air safety the prime minister wont complain to Fidel Castro about his harboring the man who hijacked an Air Canada D08 to Cuba nor about his per mittmg Soviet intelligence offi cera to grill othcr Canadians who were forced down in Cuba This is the same prime minis ter who protested to Washington when US ambassador spoke PROMOTE AUTHORS TORONTO CPl Toronto public libraries will bcgii pro grqu to promote Cunudiun au thors and the llbrarics exten sive collection of their works Canadian authors Al Purdy Joan Sutton and Pier Giorgio di Cicco will read their works at various Toronto libraries Burns night at Barrie Armoury Among Scottish dancers pictured by Examiner were Mr and Mrs Tom McConkey Major and Mrs Al Gerow Capt and Mrs Dave Douglas Piggott native of Barrie promoted to general manager CNR Mountain Region at Edmonton Gus Viau of Barrie named director for Northern Ontario of American Motors dealer advisory board area from Oak Ridges to Fort William ewev When ROM PARLIAMENT HILL Telling Ottawans the way it is By STEWART lacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Scrviccs Jan 22 1976 Just one floor down from this office in Ottawas National Press Buildin lll phone ringing vonstantly in the bureau of the Wall Street Journal Ev eryonc waan to speak to re porter Sharon Churchev Yes Ill go on the openline talk show ic lclls one calla am so surprised everyone is taking it an seriously she tells another Oh you do agree with uha gtil remark in another And then hc patiently lllcus lo wmc luncly pcrbu talk about life in Ottawa Ms Churchcr czm scarcely llllfl lime frankly but privately to Cuna diuu rtpovlcrs llowcum the Metric Com missions newspaper Metric Monitor dated AugustSeptem ber 1975 arrived from Ouaw in Jan 16s maill Nice to learn Commons committee will dilt cuss metric conversion Oct 21 1905 Ilowcum all fhoc cou descending economists are tell ing us that we never had per fcctly free market as if that justified the prime ministers threat of permanently ovcm meritcontrolled economy llowcum bureaucrats can keep Winnipeg businessman before the courtlt for nine years off and on over relatively modest tax case when they regularly ignore lawbreaking in countless publicservice labor disputes Ioweum Canada didnt even single mention when NBCTV did its recent tlucc hour news special in the world situation Do they take us for grantedor simply regard us as totally unimportant Howcum the unemployment insurance people dont make their longterm clients watch daytime television lhu would get them back in work get CANADAS STORY Queens choice caused furore By BOB BOWMAN This is day when the beuu tiful bells of the carillon in the Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings at Ottawa llillllll be broadcast all across Canada Today is the UlllllVClSlny of Ottawa becoming the capital of Canada in 1858 The choice was made by Queen Victoria on Dec 31 after good deal of competition from Quebec Mon treal and Toronto Quebec was considered to be too for let and too French Toronto was too far west and too English lonlrroul was vulnerable to al tack from the United States It is said that Queen Victoria was influenced by some paint ings sent to her by burly llcad wife of Governor llcatl She was good amateur painter and captured some of the beauty of mtawa on canvas from Majors Hill park where the llidcsu River flows info the Ottawa to do her regular work As reporter she may jut be the most familiar name in Ottawa Ilglll now People write letters about her in the lord newspapers and some of them are scathing Editorials have been written about her and THE WORLD TODAY Onefifth of world classed as free By JOHN IIAIIBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Iltclmli illlllrl IO has released its latest study on freedom in the world that word referring both to free pics and civil liberties Irina number writ of our to cvv Rib nrlWm in wellfunded organization states in its lilin lrl declined lol 7242muliou per sons in eight countries lo of tint licurc wan taken up with Indias change from democratic stale lo dictum ship under the banh pro rut civil liberty controls Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi lhr higherJrankiur countries In the scuc incufln 17vrl Stats Canada France Britain and vWv 21 Mn rlu and Scandinavian Nations ILI lll li nnu 1va were other strong reasons or he Queens chance It was reconuncndcd by llowm er flier liillitury authoritiesincluxllng the Duke of Wellington was far enough from the US border to be protected It had good wu tcr transportation connecting the Lawrence unrl ill Hyatt Lakes Ships could bypass tho US border by using the Ottawa RiverItldeuu Canal route Nevertheless Queen Victorias choice caused furore and led to the defeat of the government It is said that even John Macdonuld was not convinced that Ottawa would romuiu as the capitol until just few wcclts before Coulctlcrutiou llu inscription on the corner shrine of the original prrliunwut building laid by Edward Prince of Wales in 1860 echoed this doubt It read Cornerstone of the building Intended to receive the legislature of Canada practically every time you turn on an openlino rtdio show ome0ne is calling in with ci lhcr complimentary or caustic comments about Sharon Chur chc She receives more crank call than crusading police rc portcv few months ago few people in Ottawa had cvrv heard of Shawn Courther and with the Izmv miniVt rl roundiug her its fair to ask how 7lc illllCll ll No lidnt expose nnv maï¬sivc lllzttuls or sound12L in Mill Plum l1c iidrl slvuk through the hallowed halls of Parliament nor did she try to fill anyone Lie would bi rclulhcly mint lcnw lhut Ms Churcher is guilty of Jilin down at her typc writcr Iclnlivv nmwnmrr Ulilv mtl writing about her impressions of life in the cm Runway jluuchcv You 30 oulsulcr art not llpp0d to do this in relatively auslycs for example Sweden does not get top number biliint because of the excessive role of topheavy bureaucracy Swedish public life Nigerias muzzlcd press once considered one of thc frecst in lou will omvr clnl liberties in that vast African nu ticn ch two in the Freedom Home chart And of cmva ULH Ice lic Irllorhlps as hum of the ILSSJI and North Korea haw reading of one only ASH NOT FREE In all of Asia only lbailunl 190 my marks for showing pres freedom and cnil llbcr firs as we know them Indeed the Freedom llUllM liuly which will be llbllllllllCl to every member of Congress in yashinglon concludes that only 198 per cen the worldlt lTlUlllf livc ullltn rcc iu tilution continue by ICpivllln 111 your ago 35 per cent of the worlds pmplw ucrc lrcc again reflection of the change of Indias status as nation with ow sunmillion pcoplc Now the lvuvmi lo study might well raise the ques tion of what ltni um Iudiu whicx ws our muml Asias largest social dc mocuacy How many of that countrys hundreck of millions have ever been free in me sense we understand the word They are not true to move from one place to another be cause of abject povcrly um cheese their own cavern ll thou of their children aguii be cause of dlsmal conditions of employment If people in given country are not free to go where Hwy wont work where they uni then what does tn irw mean in state like this unless Constantly atlavks lua luv freedom for all he citizens in the country In question This has been the hvill3 placed againJ the most promi nent newspapers of many of the worlds leading developing na tions that they serve only the it paign for the real issues affect ing their starving and illiterate peoples small cities Its okay to visit Washington New York lon iul Ir li and Ilully lLu mm to pif lilll cvcu con dvmning luronlv Eur llClOlllC second only to hmka as Can adas national sport but its simply not done with smaller lllcr The chamber of com nu docml like itunlms of course the remarks are com pllmcutru If may dabble in under statement Ms Cuurcurs rc markc were not complimentary She wrote about the average 86 inches of snow each winter the searing cold the lousy shopping the vaudeville aspect of mu versity students posing as sold iers for the changingofflieguard cert monies the lack of resid ll theatre or ballot company the poor newspapers and the TM that Ottawas suicide rate is twice the national average For those trapped hcrc insulated from the wintry out doors and all human contact in fluiv doubleglazed homes thinz can get dcpcrutc linst Coast transplant is lllIlLfll Iiuz ltl kill ml self if thought had to live here lmcvcr uwim liytt le pour 10o impressed with Parlia mcn In llu In n1 Com mon momch Parliament thump thcir logtk bloltcrs and girth and LlOLll lllllll tltc mil question pcviml in pov formance that is as slavish an imitation of the British routine as the strutting of the student nrmv ousidc No rho doesnt mi much in her survey of our capital In the wake of such seemingly devastating review you would DC MS uuvvhcr l0 lu under constant attack But many of her callers actually support 110 for writing such bunt proc There nipcm to bc lot of lonely people born slu suya It wult really mount to be tongueinchcck but obviously mot people didnt read it that could write many of the unu things about lushiuqon or London but right now 1qu 10 be licvx AM who knows Ms Cam chcr may just get to lake the vilv An onwqu of is rill iuuvill lu 1l lit l4l effort to prove how splendid Ol luvu Icnlly is HUHUJIII cs Mic lIu itm chkcnd on tuuu ll succesth to flu lliv lllf zlmlul lt Centre restaurant scvoumilc sknlc zlonu the canal on after noon of shopping dinner in lltip ll2 run night with Tc Nutlotnl Arts Coulrc Or tivoclru illlll5 mmc dancing luv liuc funds to the Natioqu inl and other al ad Yul nu with vii lllf locust or And lLllC is going to tkc Vim 11 on the offer But to we like gt0 sir pounds hike The on ltfil Yul lv rurti rape bowl the PritMnbovn vxl= be scaled 7000 ltflf mg own of flux of lru iv ll lcnl mob in 125 in marching lav sensitiw aISo lime targe 3ululllt BIBLE THOUGHT lloulvil vulu do the wor shlu mu innhint for dottriura lh umwumbuculs of mm Mark It is cumr ac vegan as gos pel something good that man has to say rather than check it out with what the Lord has sail When in doubt do what Jesus said Search lne scriptiucs LETTERS TO EDITOR Innistil roads anger writer Dear Sir As my parents and myself have been taxpayers for the last 52 years think have rimt to voice by opinion on the condition of the roads in Innisfil Township have phoned the roads de partment and they inform me that there is not enough sand to do all the roads If there are so many new roads and residents the the township must be re ceiving more revenue Where is this money going am mainly concemed about the school routes As live on Adams Road have to phone after every slonm Other roads are sanded and dont mean just the corners Mr Gibhms informed me should be like the man in Pene tang and take my son out of school if was afraid of his rid ing on the busessome attitude There shele be some taken out of council Also the snowmobiles tear up and down this road like race track and it should be 15 mph The polite department has been inflamed but rarely is cruiser down hcze am certainly not against the younger generation enjoying themselves my main menu is the safety of my son If he is in an accident on the school bus because of road conditions or hit by snowmobile travelling too fast will hold the towndlip re sponsible as am tired of plian mg Also thch are many settler citizens and people with heart conditions in the area Could they not make an effort to lift the blade on the snow plow at their drivewziys in case of emer gency know this was done by Chris but he was little more considerate of has hope the res lb id will not think am only thinking of myself but will agree tth these conditions cxit The township has grants for other activities Why not sand Yours truly Mrs Ruth Nuttdl RR Stroud Lets give Canadians credit for program deveIOped here Dear Sir Itefcrrnrcs lo your picture Talking Board fWomens Sec tiom Jim 20 am quilt turprlsczl that this is the first rofcrcncc in this type of communication made by your paper is from me Ill ted Sizzlcs This symbol program was started in Canada at our Ontario WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for pub lication must be original con ics signed by the writer Plea se include your street address and phone number although they will not be published Lot ters which cannot be authenti cated by phone cannot be pub lished For the sake of space public lnterest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter QUEENS PARK Where are you Charles Darrow By DON OlIEARN Queens Parl Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Where are you Charles Darrow Where are you Jake Norman Your people are in fight and we havent bccl hearing from you And tlus is most unusual LAST YEAR Contracts covcrin about threequarters of the 75000 per son civil scim now have passed their deadlines lhc agreemcws ill the luup expired the end of October The sccond group Dec In such situation this time last year we would have been hearing great llldlflllfllll bellows from the hcudquzrlevs of the Civil StlVle Association of On tario CSAOl You will lCi1llllfll in last years negotiations under presi dent Chzulcs Dmvow and acn cral munaucr Norman there was first of all demand for 70 per cent increase in salaries un thvn slcudy flow of rhetoric llucutcnin strike and other rcprisnls llis year two hasnt been pccp The association and the government hm cone to uvbi Nation on some issues and are approaching it on the others but there hasnt been Kllll of pmnucuudu cunmniu nt lu militanty thu up have been Irml lo lrum lo CSAO in re 0le years ELECTION ISSUE There is very obvious rea son for this strange silence The associations hellfor lculhcr leadership this your IS afraid Shes alwaye been hopeless about making up her mind Cripple Childrens Centre by tteacher Mrs Shirley MacNaugh on The symbols were develo Bliss of Australiafllhi program for handicapped child ren has grown from Canada throughout the world Here in Base Borden we had the first Child to be entered in puliilic school system using sym oo She was in special education class from 19731975 She has since moved to Quebec In this tine she covered years aca ldemic work by using the symbol word This vrogrlm lflll to be equal to braille and deaf sign language in about ten years The CBC had documentary on this sygnbol program on July 16 1975 called Mr Symbol Man Lets give Canadians credit for our programs Sincerely Mrs Sandra Bednarek Joseph Kaeble public school CFB Borden lt doesnt dare engage in its wild sorties of other years For it well knows if it did it would be walking into trap Waiting with wide open not is government anxious for it to start shooting from the hip and the more and the louder the better This is government which is anxiously looking for an elec lion issue And it know that the CSAO could provide it with the best one possible Let the association engage in its antics of other years and it could quickly get to the people It could bring in legislation probably taking away the right to strike It could make it confidence issue the opposition parties on their public policms would have to defeat it and send us to the polls And the government would have strong sunpovt There is general antilabor feeling any way On top of this civil ser vants have never been popular with the public and their offi cers have been running down even that image Then in the key Metropolitan Toronto seats thrc is strong and probably lustinJ resentment of the re cent teachers strike Really its drcum issue for the government Which is ll opposition lcmlcr Stunu Icwi who of course doesnt uaut an elec tiou in probably making sure that there is muzzle on the CSAO rebels Even at that he may have trouble keeping it on There have been reports of dissension in the top ranks of the associ ation