Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1976, p. 13

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14 PUBLIC NOTICE is II Wwvv THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 27 1976 13 THE BARBIE PLANNING BOARD WILL BE HOLDING PUBLIC RESPONSE MEETING ON JANUARY 27 1976 TO DIS CUSS STUDY OF THE EXISTING ZONINGS IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY BAYFIELD ST RD AND HIGHWAY 400 WELLINGTON ST SUNNIDALE Changes are proposed for the bIOck bounded by Sunnidale Rd Highway 400 Toronto St and Wellington St as well as the bloek bounded by Bayfield St Wellington 815 Maple Ave and Dalton St The meeting will take place in the Council Chambers of City Ilallat 7200 RM on Tuesday January 27 116 Int rested persons are invited to attend or write to express their opinion Plans of the proposed changes may be iewcd at the Plannin and Devclcpment Department of hours City Hall during regular working RICHARD BATES Assistant Secretarereasurcr BARFll IING BOARD THE BARRIE PLANMJQ JAliD will be holding PUBLIC RESPOFEIC MEETING with egards to the proposed rezoning of lands on tho south side of Edgehill Drive between Anne St and lierndale Drive The area is presently zoned Industrial and th proposal is to rezone the existing 22 single family dwellings and lots in this area to Residential RS tZITY HALL on Th0 meeting will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS TUESDAY JANUARY 17 1076 at 8200 ll All interested persons may attend wiite to express their opinions RICHARD BATES Assistant Secr a1 BARRIE PLANNING BOARD Sleeky simple SIZES 818 ry Anne Adams It buttons sleekly down one ieide from shoulder to hemt Sew tliis easy easy jumperdress plus soft blouse now Ideal ltt knit flannel tweed Printed Iaticrn 4873 Misscs Sizes 10 13 it 16 18 Size 12 tbust 34t iumpcr 235 yds 43 blouse lii ls 60 inch $100 for each pattern43b cheque of money order Add 17c Ior each pattern for lirstclus mail and handling lnt Itsi dents add 7c sales tax Print plainly sizc style number your name addre bend to Anne Adams Pattern Dept care of Barrie Pixaiiiiiiei tb Baytield St Barrie Out 11 PAYS T0 SEW you save so much money Send now for New Spring Summer Pattern Catalog chr 100 partners puntspants tong sllfllt styles Irce pattern coupoir 75 cents Sew plus Knit Book £125 Instand Money Cralls $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 lnstant itCln Book $100 On leadership flllV tfii total 57 delegates have been accre till it ll lllllti Io viii= loadershtp tll1elitilt Fol Ill21 The bulk of them are men Mid the majority of both some more than 150 years old In news release Monday the thirty said about 62 per rent or i8l ol those accre dith will be constituency dele gates Another per cent or 632 are delegates automatically becauSe they arr MP3 cna tors defeated candidate pro itncial leaders and members or party officials the rcmuundcr are members of tho iflnrflltillhf yoth fedor atiruitrc=1iclcd in party inciti bnt linrlci 304 art dclofiolts tlarge pnrly workers and tuiidraiscrs elcctul lo 20 to the convention by provmcml associ atiom About 30 per cent of the dele gates will be under 30 And aboul 24 per cent tl bll Will be women l2 322332627 Cape sleeves 7256 Br ALICE Look Oiitloitablc loci and confident in this capo cw sleeicd tape is so gocrl looking easy to wear Mainly double and single crochet wrih horizontal open ilowerlikc band BROOKS cotfi lsc nortori Pattern 721m tits Sizes 316 $100 for each pattern cash cheque or moncy order Add 13c each pattern 101 lintclass mail and handling Send to Alice rools Vccdlccrnft Dept The Barrie IIxainincr 00 Progress cniic Scarborouali Ontario lll IIZ UltlzilWi iciiliits add 7c sales taxu Print plainly tic Ill lllliUtfl your iiiitiic address More than mcr lictcici 20 do signs plus tree printed inside new ltliti Nccdlccinlt atalogticl ilas everything 75 Crochct with Square $100 rochct wardrobe 100 Nifty lilty Quilt too Ripple Cioclic 10 Scw plus knit book 13 Ilowci croclict Irook 00 llairpin crochc bool 100 Instant crochet book 1011 Instant Macrame book 100 Instant money book 100 Complete Afghans No 100 Illasy art of Noodlcponit 100 omplctt titi boot itvo Book of it Quilts No Museum llllll book Jill i3 Quilts 101 today 00 flook of In July Hitqr 00 i3 PIIIF Algliiur No 12 Immigration Act oiitw in Tim gov ernment was asked Monday to take immediate step to rcmtivt an Immigration Act action which prohibits the immigration of persons with certain medical problems including epilepsy Provencher MP lakc tllpp Progressive Conservative inimi giation critic said in the Join mona that spccdy parlia mentary passage probably would be given lIowmor lunuuinliou liinu for Robert IItllilr Mllil hc would rather hold oll iiiilil in department has tunsluyl draft lng package of amendments aimed at updating the act Ihose amendments urt cx pcctcd lo be introduced In the lommona later this your WW Children of Nigerian village indirectly hurt by postal strike OTIAWA CPI lliirtylive children in Nigerian village were indirect victims of the Ca nadian postal strike They are orphaned and abandoned chil dren being cared for with the financial support of Friends of SOS Cbildres Villages Canada Inc an association that has be come part of worldwide or ganization helping child relu gees The strike stopped the do atioiis that pay the bill Founded in 104 in utrii by medical student Hermann tlinoincr SOS Childrens Vl iagcs have spread and grown niitil there now arc of them operation to undo ion truc tion and eight more plated in coutrics For the last live years says Iarearct Pandya spokesman for the Canadian organization friends in Canada have pro vided gradually increasing sup port for SOS hilchcns Villages tluoughout the world Recently they accepted full responsibility for the opeoation of childrens village in Lagos Nigeria where 35 orphans and abandoned chil dren have found new families and homes LOSI All SUPPORT The recent mail strike vir tually deprived them of all sup port she said when donations trom members and stponsors across Canada were cut off The Ottawa head oltice re ccivcd no subscriptions for vembcr to offset its 5151103 montn commitment Although contributions to come in again aiter the strike ended it is feared the loss of income will not be recov ered Children admitth to the SOS illages which are clusters of houses or condominiums in rural setting are uually be tween infancy and 10 years old began Older childre are allowed to move in it mean mtcnli brother and sister from being sepaititril The Canadian branch SOS Childrens Villages Inc which has 2000 members and 201 spent01s including 18 individ uals and 20 service clubs was founded in 1970 Its headquar ters are at Box 4117 Ottawa lxlS 531 Members pay $0 annual membership fee which covers administrative costs of the or ganization whose patron is lmc Georges Vanier lndivid ual sponsors contribute $10 HIGHLJ and service clubs some time pay more all of it doing straight to childrens village withOut deductions Canadian contribution my the $70 month if cosh tor the necessities of each child in the Lagos village When village children linish school many of them move to hostels also built by li lllll drens organization were they learn tr itrotcssion ilarg Pandyiz Ihc organization Lllllli to give orphaiic children normal bringing in thc illauc which is div tlon to it itcr com munity with schools and churcncs Several children livc in each liitttsc with niiiinp wito tOlllt cleans and teaches them every thing mother might teach her children Each villagc has male director who lltl Ii administrator and supervisor li ilItCillfl praises the 103 and of maple who Irivc gtl ported the work he bcgan as student calling them thc par ents in spirit of counties or plranerl children This is sensational umr of goodness chain reaction human kindness ho Cambridge teacher modifying new data to fit old theory CAMBRIDGE England lCI Long after other cosmolog ists hail discarded his steady state theory of the universe lrol Fred lloyle of Cambridge University stall is modifying it to in the acts as revealed by todays radiotelcscopes lloyles original theory was that the lln1lgt while ox pandiitg has remained coitaiit in age and density becausc as old matter aged and lifcamt less dense as the gilldXICS llcw apsrf new nrttcr was con stantly being created to till the gup and thus keep the overall ago and dcnily constan This littered from the Buzz Bang theory of the creation of the universe lioylcs theory challenged beck in when Prof Martin llylc now Sir Martin Rilc Astronomer Royal gtp0kP at public news publicly 1hr 1000K conference Ryle argued that obsemations made at Cam bridge with radiotclewopcs had already shown that as astrono mers looked farther out inlo space and gt0 back in time they lound universe increasingly different from that of today This meant he saidand mot others now have accepted lhlc viewthat the universe could not be in sieudy state but must be evolving and changing with time But lloyle did not accept the evidence as final llc rcdtougbt his theory and ptit forward again in now lorm which put crudely sought to account for ltylcs and other obsenations by proponng that although the part of the universe we had so tar been able to obsciwc as in deed Ol it anl cangin viih tune tln was only little local iircgtdaiiltv Newfoundlands forest industries hurt by fires pests in I975 tCri itl ST JOHNS Vlld Newfoindlaiidx toxc cs1 industries had had yca in 70 lllC do liit on Ill 31 pints stroycd lill dwrmmi stands of valuable timber the islanl and in Inibradii The main rcaon lir ccio lirp damage was It cu sun of drought and drying IIICIS loicty and fltilllllt lin lsItl lliilttltl lgtllllll tltttltl tlt liclitilii 1hr lilttd on iccoid titi llllllliCiS bi illllL total ol ll iirty 0n the iland 01 tires dc stroycd 4000 acre ol prime timber and ippronnnatcly 17 000 ults of young growth In lllt Labrador pica 13 lllfS lfllll€tl in llllT dctruclion of H000 acres of merchandise timber and sonic 330000 Rtltlt til inoscovcrcd It Practically O€l put the pr0v1nce had record stlnllllil temperature and les thn onr inch of rain fell on the central part of the island during Juno By midJuly scvcral llllt were burning out of control on the island and in Lubratlor The worst one raging lntcrno in and pg of the central arch of tho prov incc had spread oici Li 10 suaiemilc area and filfil the Price Ncwlonndlaitd pulp and paper mill at Grand lalls more than 3100000 in inun powot transportation and tom suppliclt for tho liicliglitors The Price Co also lost pro duction at tho mill ititi00 loci of hogte and 2000 cords 01 har vested ptilpwood consumed in the binc ln Labrador lliglllL liic fanned by hiizli wind threat cued the scttlcmcnt of Port Hope Simpson during the sec ond week of July and the womb children and aged had to be evacuated by ship The Port Hope Simpon lire which conic within hell dis tancc ol destroying the settle ment was one of tree in Labr adm reported to have been sartcd iightnniz snortlint hot itiiiociaurc riuiml Liz tlcgiccs clsius and high dry lll spread the outbreak over tfirdtiinioiinn iltu llcoty inns cvculually ttllltltlfllftl tho tonilaginlion and the 0£Jtllft returned to their homes On the Hand ilscll tires that were burning tor 01le in the central arta were eating down through the oil and new dc ltfrlI1011 an infrared brought in 220111 Iillillll ww thc Innzidiaii lllilllllilllfl llic now firm which Itsid proicd ilS cllcctitcncm in spotl in ground bros iii initirio and western Clilltitld proved Iiclnlul in detecting where the fires had gone underground spokesman tor the Protection Association said normal sllllillifli lllf ovci tho tlllllitf but hr the lllll to dry llic liiou turned iindrrgioiinil 3hr twwi ptttl for iurligluni ii any years recent report of federal provincial task force on forestry lttod tht t1l the last 50 fifilfi illl illlllllivl ittllf til pioktriititcly H000 and of io lorod in skirt ductiie forest land has been taken otii of proluctioii in some gots ptiiiitiitiitl as it rcnlt Hf loict li In tho fittytni were three really bd ycai IEHT IOGI and liltil In 1961 the tire were CMCIISIVC and in tcnc that the Canadian Army was callcl in to help WATER BOMBERS HICLI Lid yaai thp prmince had to look to the Canadian main land PLLtlll ll hclp Four wafer liombci lll troni Quebec and pcvially cqtiippcd lti water bomber was sent lioiit Ilritrh Columbia The DCti car llOll professional crew and was iiscd in spraying special lireretardant chemical that was llown In it the ton by the Canadian Armed Iortc liie spruce budworm lllth is the major Illjmi pef in lfsllllt thc islands tmbcr lalltlh illltli hard again lat year and allcctcd omc 33 mil lion acres during the dr warm wczgthcr forestry spokesman said the tllllflil outbreak of the spruce budworm began in 1972 and next summer where the worm has caused defoliation for two or more years llCP mortal ity will occur Mr Collins id the iii tcdation remained steady on the not cozit lot your but in creased in the central area of tlic provincc While budworm spraying con tinucs to he an option the procut plan is to harvest the llthtlffl wood Mr Collins dc partmcnt constructing forest ltIlltlll to got at the wood and lll II before it rots In Labrador the blacklicaded budworm was reported to have extensile damaged 33 million acres of stpruco and lir stands llllltnl there and the situation is becoming more serious OTHER PIZSIS thrr iiicots allectin the piriyiiicos Invests last year in cludcd thc eastern hemlock loo per the balsam fir sawtly the birth czrchearor the larch ca Qltfitlfl ho lusty tussock inolli tlic 1100 aspen iorlrix titc dcdruct ivc larch noodle wnrm and the leaf roller spokesman for forest iii ct and divozcc lltf for the lcdtial eiiiiionmert depart ment said hp black budworm ttualion is becoming serious in llilllllll Iir and spruce stands in Labrador lhe spruce budworm iv ciioitsly affecting balsam tir and spruce in hc central and we torn part of the blah and threats by the hemlock Ioopoi are building up against balsam and spruce stands ill the same areas In previous years warm ltpclllt duling the spring fol lowed by clear and colder weather in early summer would kill considerable numbers of brooding insects lllsl your the llllt spring con iiiictl told and lltll It iiiiiril tiini illl llt 310 Jilitc and tart liil tiic imnc post so gan breeding rapidly unuiler rupted by any cold spell The forest industry is one of the iniziinsluys of the New loundland economy and Us im portance growing and when we were able to look at the universe on it large scale with more powerful in strumcnts we gtllOUltl perhaps lind that it overall age and itllzlly did remain constant In the srunmer of 1961 at crowded meeting of the Royal Society Hoyle and Dr layunt Marliker hi Indian protege propounded their new thcoiy ol gravitation This created almot as much controversy among cientists as had the steady lttae theory It was comple and likc lIinstcuisand indeed New tonstheories of gratitation it could be properly expressed only in mathematical terms But what could be said about it was that it got round two prob lems which still were left in lltt air by Einstein One of these is that accord Girls and fBoys More than iust regular in to Einsteins than the uni versc till CliIh omc siiuc ltllt mcn dl lii Ill ltci in it is rcmncd list drutttiio willi out malttr docs not make SOIhf lhr ohci lllill Iinistciis gravitation works just as well if llic gtlLl in arc dl llUl cd so that lllt apply liot away from Newton itistcd ol liiltlii on his litad lhis NIIIICllllIl which llll ptiviblc in Iiinstci clearly nian llllClnillL not possible in lllf rcal imi crsc lloylt mil titlikt 34 lllil both tllCC tlililtlllilfls by consid crin grmitation not prop erty ol the tourdmcnsionztl structure gt but simply force likctliotuh in impu lam rcptch also tllllIt lic othcr ltlIthllCh opcinc lwccn mtry pizttclc lll ozcry other particle in tin uui tlc Come 011 it Ed FUNNY BUSINESS 6M RALPH LETS EDPWNW BROKEESliIEQRE REAL Fatenout Batten OF PEOPLE first Illoot3l00 Three balls in the lake Isnt an that badt LIP OLION AND lAlL TODAY YES WANT TO EARN MY VERY OWN REGULAR WEEKLY INCOME ENTER MY NAME AS CARRIER NOW NAME ADDRESS AGII PllONli PARENTS SIGNATLRII IHII BARR EXAMINER Iti BAYHELD ST BARBIE 7266537 Joiti llto over lO carriers earning their very own iccittldi wool PPlY NO income lilc stilt your application is on file now Well call you ll11 route is available in your area Dont be left out ltllt othcis earn regular income all winter long llc in on the action 1l7 act now Phone 726 weekly income Prizes Too Contests to earn extra money and chance for exciting never To be forgotten trips Theres lot of advantages in being newspaper carrier who arm Lxmninrr

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