EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAOEMEOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE REAL ESTAT PT FOL REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE 39 COLLIER SI BARBIE 705 7288675 MOVE RIGHT IN Over 1150 sq ft of family living with three McCulligh 7262494 01 7288675 IN AREA OF FINE HOMES This cozy bedroom bungalow is an excellent starter or retirement home Situated on lovely 60 INGRII MILLER LOIl GALIANT DON MILLER CHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR ï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬‚lo Collier sI Barri 728440 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 726103 ISABELL SIMPSON MWFTl 71 Jiltll 43134307 EhaRY Llll ILD REALTOR llT llleLOl TSI BARRIE TORONTO 3617941 GENERAL INSURANCE 7289921 Now at 10 Collier Street Luxury Townhouses By Georgian Gardens Barrie Olf Essa Road and No 400 Hwy blocks south IanI 11 It $810 $40000 ml $42300 Mill IM0563 Ke Mlllcr nayml I2 $1000 down 102 17 mortgaging PAC naano Peter Coolzels Hs2m rve Alle 4364015 It uynlta Sadlllnly Bénllcm 4715378 szorif broadloom washrooms attached garages paved drives 533719 73333 21 ggggbk gggéggg condonnnium fee of app $3000 Includes swimming John coo mason lt row mam es Lovcgrove 41211289 pool building insurance landscaping garbage comI patting snow removal water rates general llltllIILClII anvce management fees In attached Iravage walkout basement 91296 first mortgage Immed iate possebssion Asking $118900 Hannah Pentand 7288018 DUPLEX $5000 down Two 2bedroom apartments close to down town Vendor will take back mortgageat IIEVE Asking 310001 Hannah Pentand 78028 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 38 BAYEIELD RHIRIE 7204007 OIEN DAYS WEEK VliEliDAYS UNTIL TORONTO LINE 8800137 in Living room full basement East end Asking $41900 Dora Bar Ircto 7288927 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS bedroom side split oversize diublel damage wall to wall broadloom newly decorated mature everI greens larne lot On quiet street man extras Don Allan 407 213 my 47 OLLIER SI BARRIE WEBMl BIII Mrirellrr 7761865 Corlr Adams 77871879 Dorothy NnrQuarrlc 7786358 Helen ropkus 181662 7768927 IF Georqe Wilson 119 DUNLOI ST 27 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRALSING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL RM Cfi OTTAIVAY Very nice attrlaetive level split brick home slIaped IIVIng and dining or bedrooms sewing room family room Terms Call Rita Sealndrett 7261938 or mIBBS N0 812 SIDE SPLIT in Bayshore Estates Large lot all sodded and land scaped Double car garage bedrooms with living and dining room comlnnatIcn good kitchen with plenty of cupboards Includes family room with fireplace Broadlcom thrmlghout Call Inn Rouse 7261938 01 7265407 MLS 143 mirrtrou REALTORINSURANCE 58 COLLIER STREET 7370611 AGENTS IIOR IAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES mm PE lllOlO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE AIIRAISALS MORTGAGES 19 BAYFIELDST 17 MILES FROM BARRIE $49900 will buy you this cozy bclroom houe at Orr Lalke Full basement with finished rec room nicely trecd lot Good mortgage at Ell03 Call Pat MacRiner 726 1038 or 7263029 N0 779 CRYSTAL WATER PARK north cf Illidhulrst building lotsl 10 300 Septic approval Oalll Carl Doran 7261938 or 7287803 No 801 124 Qrmstrnng ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR 89 BAYlIELD ST BARRIE 72631 Photo Multiple Listing Service IIIIIIIIIQ EAST END bedroom raised bungalow large living room and drumg room combination full basement attached gar Residential Farms Acreages Commcrcml Investment Industrial Pr0perties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER Ileloll IIIrk 7232318 PHONE 72824l4 tiltTI REAL ESTATE NORMAN BARRIE OFFICE 163 it 109 Bayfield Street DUNLOP EAST 7233293 REAL ESTATE BROKER 728920 REALTOR WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN Bllandymnns 154 bedroom 211 ll appliances bedroom up For details cull AIR ll Rep IPRIVATE SALE year old orzcr barn pll smutdetached bedrooms St Private principals only $48530 7785709 room lownhuus broadloom throughout remslcred Sm sAssnuIArEs no Come Illive Youre In The Wont lid Generation 7282414 DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED AND ON THE EAR0 PROPERTY FOR SALE Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to Soup 0p BARR twinsized bedrooms Spacious kitelien living and dining room WWW back srlit inlnimsieiirs 33131 acme my we 1° John Crawford 4375955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 0IIIo lIrst mortgage mm 00 Phil Franchetlc 7282619 Roger Shelswell 4872702 edaéf Vd IlllllIE BEDROOM IWO STOREY BRICK HOUSE in village 01 David Shclswell 4875560 Ralph Wilson 4873609 mrnarulu efflnbl 1hotrnlon Nicely decorated well kept home Ideal retirement or TF tlgilyDiiiicosimiveit 0475 3575 starter home on good lot Asking $39900 with 105 mortgage J9 LOOK lOWARD SUMMER Fully furnilthed Six room cottage CLOSE IO EVERYTHING Shopping schools churches bUEQS with shed and two room cabin on large lot close to Lake Simeoe and Ehlayélie gm at your door When We Eh at Leonurds Beach Asking $24000 and vendor will hold an open Ie Io Hts mm 2o mm Palmers In Marcie as EIIBRIEWTTI 73th SEEDROOM 60 12 mobile home $17900ineludes some lur giiz sniffIi iflll Ilnf£°n3lï¬ll nIslmIgs and all broadlcom For more information kindly call Joe Les Welnwrlgh 4362396 Fred Walker 7265199 RE ALT LT 180 Dunlap St 1169200 FOR PROMPT ATTENTION MiniMuch Games have reccir CALL 7281071 Ld execlent acceptance across IIIl STE speciul $2000 Ilï¬ 6330541 asking 520300 Loncesion 13 IIIIIiIII ruicd bungalow $13 0131 Ull nun IIIIIIc SI 00 Ian 11 200 treed lot PARTNER vmned for body shop with at easl $15030 cosh Telephlnc 737 ITS ntler pm Iped recl lnnislil F26 WANTED TO RENT II nlrilni Iar IIIIIIPI nagon Township TEIIEIIIIQIie 72609in WANT to lease oas station and restI tamint with option to buy telephonel 1135343 Ml brick 1022 mortgage $41500 down MORTGAGES ultmcnt IOI income large bedrooms 000 lull price no MORTGAGE LOANS DAY EVENING SERVICE Ililcd IIIlst 72001115 or Sillmm IIEI ILS LISTING EXCLUSIVE AGENTS CHOLKAN 1le QRSICJill 11531115 OCIJrIvgnle1 mu Uri1w WM home AND co LTD REALTORS rr moor °° III SPLIT ENTRY BUNGALOW bedroom home Allandalc lleights BEDROOM brick with parade olor v3 FriArt anc room tamlly room prmm Intel qood existing mortgage l70 Amc FINANCIAL COIIIORAININ COMPLEII MORTGAGE SERVICES onlpzllc Our Rates F74 RIVATE SALE new deluxe bed 178 1L ap anres lmislled rcarcat on room mq DOWN End Barrie bonerSolos fully broooltnntrï¬i IIOI SI ORILLIA no IOLL Winona giegï¬lgï¬ï¬mgffn punytam 7741 IoI IIIIILIIIAII SLRIILL semefit or wants actlon mes tor $330 moot TORONTO NE 339 30 om or mam TF Cull Jerry1873738 POIIEROY Frank HOD4 7780676 Idb Aroour 7763897 STROUD subdivision bedroom bUM REDLCLD New brick and aluminum two storey semi bcd Cm R67 nasali gorrnan McAJIlJn 7768957 aalowsrd maria If than WWII 737I40I at 7783253 It 7287741 room MI rlva rlnurla rOQmS lnrge khan fully bmadfloonmd fun bdsemem Lnucl Lulllle venom EIIIiizmin Im loll 3221575 cnlv Telephone 4367777 eveninls F74 A012 BaITCLOI 7268927 fnruon own Izen 71811727 LII Iraves Orillla Larrx Errm 7239745 Blln Tor 235207 arry IIIII 7763864 Cm TIEAMI ON LARGE LOT bedrooms good Sized ldtenen brick tneplate Ham Dam Hm John WM mam REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate lst anal 3nd Open Mortgage Lllilns Anywhere on All homes cottages farms and commercial properties on mytodde Id fon Olldhe debts Hrine unprrvenlents Lower monlhl paymenls Conslro tiotl funds Morlq WI Lomirm due An worthwhllw cause Hoe aJvncnIrv us We have ready cash to purchase morlrmries l2 DLNLOP 51 EAST MEMBFR an STREET BADR1E ONTARIO ONTARIO MORTGAGE IOROIITC ONTARIO 7260981 BROKEPS ASSOC solam CALL ANYTIME 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE DO YOU NEED MONEY $2000 $50000 131 2nd or 3rd Morlqaoes Cut Your Payments in IILIIL CONSOITDATE ALL YOUR LOANS PAYOFF EXISTING MORTGAGE COMBINE MORTGAGES INIO PURCHASE OR IMPROVE PROPERTY ANY WORTIIWIIILE PURPOSE FARMS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DUANE PATFIELD 7267131 GREAT NORTHERN CREDIT CORP SAME DAY APPROVALS REAL ESTATE Additions or Improvements Lower Monthly Payments Building Mortgages Interim Financing Existing Mortgages Bought For IHamilton 7374000 Tlmlslfl DEPARTMENT THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24 197611 RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT KANEFF MORTGAGES First and Second Reasonable Rates Barries Finest ï¬xliï¬gges IMPERIAL TOWERS 72o9530 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Purchased Adults tor Cash TF Mortgage Life Insurance Available WELLINGTON PLACE FINANCIAL One two and three bedroom ENTERPRISES apartments to rent 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267l 30 Ofï¬ce Iours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Children welcome Lease and references re quIIeII Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263327 cr 7267153 any time TF TF For People Who Care If you are looking tor comfort qulet secluded locatIon HOLGATE COURT LIOLIIIII and BAYVIEW and BEDROOM NOW RENTING 95 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS AT 13 440 lot with creek at back Of property Asking only $30900 Must be seen Call Bob Darrifond 7263740 01 m3575 Anlla Serulno 7266397 Roger Scroqc 7263070 I315 Very large suites Joye Canning 1261676 Clarence Canning 7761676 MOVTHLY PAYMEW 82 69 Robsor Knepr 7767294 Lew Gravx 7733447 LalgL DJICOIIICS NEAR MIDHURST PINES The bUIIder IS Just 1111511103 this Brian Gram 7370426 Dave Stubbs 4589325 $12000 mmippcd pm mom 1300 square feet trIIevel Side split with mansard root YOu tIII Jark Hovden 7269200 Lynda Heyrlen 7236voF MONTHLY PAYMENT $1322 Came TV have your choice of carpet and colors Nicely treed lot Price MW on $30300 Farm $56300 Call Eddy PBILYII 7262444 01 7288675 DEVFUHHITH in Tim at 81 Citv mm ner 10min ï¬wfln MONTHLY pAYMENT $32049 hOIIVCC WELL TREED VACANT LOT 37 220 available in Hillsdale country and must sell at less Call Bernice lhelan any time at PROPERII FOBEALE LOIS $635 726686 Adult 13 Asking only $131300 Try 0111 otter Call Doug SICWCIL 717730475 01 7262334 pRVATE Wooded 3000 sq loot Ir IULOAU LAFIIN flur duhHIJJC aiplldnceb 7283675 F24 regular lot in quinl area oI Tollendal bUlIllu bath lINCOME PROIERIY on Mary St zoned commercial lIIlly rcnt SZL°E32°UII32 Igï¬gfgfcgccpéisml Pa axsggéblgd 728867 77637 313310 EWJeuroom mgm Rabin 633 ed Vlue Is In Inn and buildan CIll BLIIIC Villelnn at 711 Ml mugg vlmnw wnun 111154119 1320230 53312333 °9° Ma INXISIH NEW HUME $I3701l01i1clr1ue Inollom ILLtin Iors 50 BUS OPPORTUNITIES imam upstairs armor Ural 736733 ask Mr Bo to thlan have the key l1 iw apanmem Remqeraim stove hear DAI II UIOLI PROV mm mm Wm at VaiIJMUUEd 0° 728651 an IIIELAN 720233 CI mm 95 1me 7231998 BERNIE RUTH 7170017 REALTOR OPPORTUNITY AvallalieimmedIatelv 7787966 BEDROOM apartment close to down town newly decorated ï¬replace priv ate drive and garage trig and stove included no pets adults only Please call 7269200 F24 KINZIE LIMITED ISL 2rd and 3rd MORTGAGES Lznndtl DistributorlIins are if no mull III III IIIS ltlz Ill Two BEDROOM oniillmmil Grove VHY luVIvI Illll llllc $3300 IIIIIIn ll il DIJLONDD 130 Sllrrel dIIealrctIIrrilcI and stove SUD morn IonIa lll II nus AVAILABLE on ANYlgf€ 52 93102 02 In tun $3000 down Il bIIk lllzllll1lIl 3101 Ilrm bnl ISEFUL punposg 7374172 1r $200 per Ilmnll RLLILI Ill llllOlOy UIIILII Conmndaw Bins agwï¬ï¬lflgg 360617556 IllE stove laundry facilities and parking No children or pets TF FEDROOM apartments available immediately Children welcome no pets relerenves required telephone 7780485 alter pm Fl6l7I8232I25 CouDlS 0an Apply Aol 251 55 Blake St Cari DISCUSS YOUR MORTGAGE ONE bedroom bachelor aoartmenl NEEDS WITH KINZIE LIMITED ifslfLILI°éssi203Ii25350 oun ADVICE IS FREE lEact SUEYZDafilgianr Rp70lt4l3121kan Rafa 5a Call IAN KERR Anytime Business 7371881 llcmc 7267226 IIIcmbCr Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association IxIXZlE LIMITED 10 Dunlop St East BARRIE TWO bedroom apartment $225 month llv utilities included one child wel Icome no pols on bus route In landole TelluiInn IoCam TF TWO BEDROOM amttmen for rent avalallo IJ JII incl es stove retriqerator heal parking laundrl IaCIlIteE No pets Telep 7287893 F28 TF3 ONE bedrosm apartment to subler overlockinu bay available April MORTGAGES bouqht and sold Imme laundry facilities relrluraraler shove dial acton conï¬dential Davld parkim $213 monthlv dam to plat3 Wass Real Estate Broker 7284651 Telephone 7370780 alter pm F75 evenings TF gt or EDROOM apartment tor rent ONE MORTGAGES 151 2nd 3rd bouth newly decorated downfovm area $150 monthly refrigerator and stove includ ana sold Immediate action contiden tal appraisal service included ed Telephone 4813600 or 7262910 TF Aulai llz BEDROOM apartment tor rent 15 AND 2ND Mortgages Bought downtown area SlbD monthly refriger Sold arranged FIrsls from 1116 alor slow and utilities Included TeeF seconds as low as 132 Promptlphone 4373600 or 72629l0 attention reasonable rates conliden tial Call Rohlr Jupp Mortgage Man SUBLET bedroom apartment ulilitiel an Philp Jupn Limlted Realtor Included $750 monthly Avallable Feb 7288675 evenlno 7371362 Jyl2 may teleplone 7371615 F2 MOBILE HOMES ONE AND two ledroom apattments in downtown area Available immed RUSSELL CHURCH MObIle Homes er and parkirg Telephone 726639719 lately Rent rantIc $100 to $155 month TF Lm 7264070 Iv Telephone 7263757 ONEEEDROOM Striient in Allan dale on bus route Includes relriosr NorIhlancler Travelux scans retardantshas General Glendale Available now telephone 728 5168 F24 Cash or terms up to 12 years OPEN SATURDAYS ONLY DIIRIIG JANUARY EMERGENCY SERVICE 7239806 Highway 11 South Burton Avenue 7289866 TF 71 FOOT motor home tully eouippedt BEDROOM apartment central locat tion in modern buildinq $225 monthlv Includes refrigerator stove heal wat TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent Suitable for workino couple or work ing girls Close to taclories and down town telephone 7286520 F2436 FURNISHED bachelor apartment bcdroom llvmq and dining room with patio and patio doors linens kitchen utensils all Servces including cable TV new Inlet resdential Angus area to responsible person $175 nlonlhlv telephone 4715795 F74 BEDROOM aportnrnl trig and stove sunnlicd pay own hrrlro plus parkinq $200 monthly lecglune 7262859 Ml TWO BEDROOM apartment close to downtown On bus route Available March Children vlcome 5240 men thlv stove relrloeralor and parking and laundry Iacilities 7266725 F26 sleeps For sale or rent Telephone 7371000 TF TRAVEL TRAILERS GET READY for sprlng Have The Hitch House Ltd solve your trailer hllrh problems all types equalizerl float and utility Custom built or tacl torv bolt ons Call Harold tor appointl TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apart ment stove and refrigerator pay own nenlv ot parkina Married Telephone 7285135 alllï¬r ACCOMMODATION TO SHARE ment 7789700 Jul RAVEL MATE MOTOR HOME sale or rent Holiday In com home comlorl Barrie Tent and mg 20 34 anfield St RENTALS THE MAYFAIR BARRIES NEWEST BUILDING Lergc bedroom ap3mepts TWOWbedrCoIIT apartmeht rioflshare IItII Leallv nice we IICC soul with warkmq lady dose down no recreation room and manyl town and bus route Reply to Box P13 other features Ready to move in Th3 FXBIWC F25 today TWO businessmen COME AND SEE US Nrnished executive three bedroom house In Tall Tre=s area Applicant at IIllIW0Iil lnd Bernlck or mus be aptlmgkcn Telephnrm call 7262510 days or Toronto 362 7760158 alter pIn F71 lIIIIl TI ROOMANDBOARD LARGE bedroom apartment tor rent available March downtOWn location refrigerator stove heal supplied no pets no children telephone 7261754 TF 5017 GIRL wanted to share apartment In Iamllv iTODillle Located near Wel linotorl lgzzl and transportation Tele phone 7372285 FM looking to share ROOM AND board in oulet new home Good home cooked meals Llnen chanq ed weekly Abstalncxs Teleohone 776 FILE1628 APARTMENTS TO RENT RENTALS ALBERT TERRACE lrc 111511100 149 BAYIIIILD 512 lI Illll AVII routh of Music new It hectrmm brick and II 76 982 lllllllllllll bungzslow bromdloom throughout full basement attached IrnIy up IILI1 Allan Thompson 7281024 MOI VIC garage large lot many extras $49350 glam KUHIZ KILL 7283753 Ensubeth Rose 7370625 GAGE SER Iarilyn IIICISOII 7262895 David Wigley 7268497 Two BEDROOM APAR EPTS 5240 IP III storey brick duplex contains 2bcol Thomlb MM 73 David Selmumbcrg 728mm TM It Lulll aptInItS pollute enthalnees lull basement WIth rec Loom Gram hm 7H worm me 7289387 ADULT BUILDING Md IUUXLM meddlme throughout we mmmamw ASkmg IilutIIly Walls 720720 PIIIII Iiumoulin IIRI canng for canada Newly decorated includes hydro and cable TV sauna room sun Ernest Walls 72117209 Cit ILA 73707111l deck Cull Resident Manager 7057285408 ll Kill23355013037iii °I 735330 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL WT LIll ry lll IV Ml Ollering Best possmle rates Immediate Commitments Ann Available 24 hrs day Two bedroom apartments REAL ESTATE Wm COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA mm ppmimifa dr on room FOR BEST RESULTS 282642 RES 72851 87 loll DUNIAJP ST OPPOSITE ARENA 89 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7213410 BARRIEI NEXT TO SIMCOE PLAZA JOHNSON AND BLAME STREETS MIKE WOLLENBERG 8030308 TORONTO PHONE 720330 TB