usage WwlwW GOOD HEALTH IzEdivoriol Pm 9snorlsmu 10 EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24 Ml Homaronllno WIN AT BRIDGE Every time we think about freak hands we remember one that appeared in the national By Oswald and James lacoby NAG NAG NAG PM SOME PLACE WHEREI CAN EAT MEAL lN PEACE OHWELL IF YOU WANT TO ilzusr YOUR STOMACH TO SOMEONE woo BEGINS Swelling may follow nonm team cranium some it nos 25 3° 3g lt 5H smut AD TODECEVE You on somehow 0mm °e LOV LYMNNERS RGHTFROM th th Sou payers id our THESTART SIII er mus EC om THEVERYFIEST spades on his own every West gt NIGHT MET A51 playel doubled in and even ERN THE lth lia trou rackin By THOSIESON MD An obstruction can result Alta A9 gu0lcltllick lt21 i2 from nasal polyps growthsI or V108 The biddm in the box was De Dr Th°st°s°n°1have severly deviated nasal scp OAKJ 60210842 me most cfmmm but some wenéndg 11111 15ft arm It tum Excessive use of nasal 415 498 Sou players 5mm one round mm 5w 1151 241333 algohfol spray can cause swelling SOUTH ID and opened with four spades been gt 10 mytm 3f leading to postnasal drip AKQJSH couple of East players who moi en 60 You mention an allergy as V3 believed in results and nothing which will b1 tmasiiarï¬g one of your proplems It in else criticized their West part Thi 1555 152d emamgu thef very likely the prime cause of AQN neis lor doubling four spades swebnng 99° your Ifhjt 1113 yearmun Nelther vulnerable but we canvt blame them all you GOTITALL ï¬gEEgggRMï¬MZEREHEzvézsbgoglpï¬g thin or can Itwould appreciate any mt dueg to grime foodar house Watt Nomi mu giiï¬mmlakgs baa SliolESKSï¬ntlI WRONG IMGONNA BUT IT DONT T0 BEANCE GU 111 $211311 gm Ihagothg dust it is seasonal suspect against him must be missing ZPflVVi BERNIEI as some outdoor factor as pollen lot of nice penalties fgfnï¬gs° 11923 °hga low humidity in your home Dbl Pans lie is something like the man cit up SK can be factor as can ciga who sits on park bench Me ret smoking Islll going In fall down but he gt isnt oilI lo an here oi bSuch swellingls 22m rewrite Dear Dr Thomson Does by hen l1 yw appromma per con wh have under one poglycemia have any effect in We pregnancy Can it produce 311 Wte9tmy m°SI larger baby as in diabetes Can cases the swelling represents an the condition change with prcg ccumman°n of IymIh her nancy My obstetrician assures SSW under the km because me that low blood sugar does By BERNICE osol Libra Sept 23Oct You lymph nodes alfl 13mph Chan not exist so he is of no help mav find yourself in situation 915 may be dStITbedm such LDH wedncshy Feb 25 today where voull need to tako surgery The condition is called Aries March 21April 19 ï¬rm position Stick to IPllegemai applicant know of no evidence that ï¬grmiggdyoure Periol gt guns llont be wishywashy 1m Vassace ca low blood sunar has any effect 33 You CW AT BE FIVE elevation of the limb and the on pregnanéy on the fetui shade loo iackadaisicai abom Htworpno Oct Tlllov all ID LIKE TO COPSEE FOP THE Fl use of an elastic sleeve are The mothers blood sugar level that which Sholud be done lliollgli your Intentions Will be 55m 1mg THKEE Akkowg among measures that can he tends to rise naturally during Taurus April 20May 20 Olll good It Will be easier to make MegsAeb To used have seen excellent re preanancy So if you had hy 915 will be relying Upon you 10 pronilscs today than It HII be suits from such therapy WgTycemia before vour pro hold up your end of bargains in llllllll them Strongly urge you to go to the nancy it might not reveal itself D0 expect hem You Sagittarius Nov lxllcc 21 clinic to have your SituatIOn in tea now Shara This is one ol those days where lt evaluated cant understand your stalc Gemm MaV glJune your gcncrous nature coud Gum II ment that your doctor is of no carom ma7 355 work In your detriment Curll timc lcqmms some attentlon help The periodic tests during someone 0159 burdens mi oxirnxllqzlnl llllllllISLS the pregnancy would readily rc may be 100 NSC upriloln III 32Ian 19 05mm Veal any disorder There are mï¬nago LOOI more 50 10 lllxllml llIl with smull causes postnasal drlp 15 ll group swnpmms that 0cm Cancer June 21July l1 Iimunlwm ur dogmas Sinus trouble Whal can be with hypoglycemia including °° mg day when Illli lilliorx ll ll oxpcct 10 dam to relieve it Does the headache sudden hunger could mommy wmmhmp lnlltll ollll 0illtllool lIl mucus JLISl keel 3CCUmU1dms sometimes heart palpitations Egamst yml hell flulllmem mark In your nose and smuscs d0 genera nervousneii But of Cl platflulr llira ind Immrim Um why If mpg Vw CONT Irr AT ALL hdVC 50ml BIICIS PVObllms these can occlu without il 55 mo M2 lï¬ï¬‚L with this 1mm Wabtemia and men on Into carclul colisldoratlon loll ll mdmflff rt Lnrx Wonix CcoKINQI Mam germ of Noodles icns and szliigcslioln ol Illiill Hllllllvllll WM 01 POSlnabal dllP l5 lhc dlalll iloudh reveal the true state of workerV They my hm mm URNill IIMSHICWL ake ol EXCESSVC llIuLlt Ilrlln armx thing worth listeningI lo Willi ildINW dllllmnrv the nose into the nasopharynx you could be contributing Irgo MugT 13min 2h ln Ilwls Ill villMInh which is the poyï¬on of the these flyinmoms with unmet business doallllgs lodnj loll ouvif IlkCI be throat behind the nose Nor mm condition hich if it did make 111010 tollctosullls lllllll pillllllytll llll lli IllI IlllllhlillllI many these secretions mo Hist would nm harm mm necessary Bc lall hm donl Illllth ullllx In lllllll no Cl forward into the nose and are babyIanvwav ire aVldy the slore lo gllllrd your Mil lnlorosls discharged by that rout lion ovor swellng of the rand lt sages as from an irritationcx G11 Fox cessive smoking allergy or sinus infection wastes of thil passage and the drainan by lhc nasophalylu directly into Iiirc Drpl izsSlill the throat This can provoke City Police 1285583 coughing in an attempt to rc Ambulance SCIVICR TillX101 3th FORWAKD lease this drained substance OPP nilMM TILmMKw0L Lu TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BAIUUE BLFIVAIO IORONIO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON 12 PETERBOROUGH BARBIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL nonsmo Viime new 10 runny 6° 600 IlSpecial Place I000 hUnlversllv of tho Air me 49Pflco ngllt llHllaiou House of 7Rockeishlo IPnll Domino Friahmnslein 000 1030 625 35Ill2Ont bcncola Iquh Rodn 7Vlndow On In ACBS News 35l2Mr Dust World l45 1100 1230 255512Frlcndly Glam giant ol Forxv can nam Sreel 0211 7Dialmg For Dollar 4Gamim QAN 30 pATDV HID LHELEK HEAD EM OFF AT TH aunglse Barley 9200D IK LY DQUIRREL SWAPERED pASS WELL CATCH arOOfl CY GUS Hal areens UGO zSS JsliLMon Aml llGalloolnu Godr el TH VARMINTb YET IEmolovmem Flo oComacv 30 gt 1Tak Kerr 9Tounlo loda 27430 Illen 00 91 2Hoslvwoco boome 24m l0nlarlo Schools 4Youna and The JDaybeai 930 Restless 4Caolaln Kangaroo 4Love American 7Haopv Dav 9Canada AM vale 9Its Your Mon lMorninq Show 9Romccr Room llI saw That ILlcsnn EVENING to llTcnv Orlando WE 747131142NH4 ham 77Neh In 3Mwie Cocklcsnell 1966690z° Hr foil IV 1100 23 ultimo 22wm Hockcv lilies Have you tried llstenlnq to soar operas lhelc nothing like ovaoommn alEZHiléveoua Iiésonm good cry to loosen up your sinuscs QAddm7 QENDiino On 24ch Hellman 79rcg WW 34 Gama 35Kjlilno Is In 3332 bow kwik er er tiuaocklcw reo 77 mpg 3mm 27 My Gm SWI V8 II 22Odd Coup Eggnonl an Cameron Iggyowe Crv Rene ZBowlmq lor Dolor 900 INovlp rno Amww WNW tggrvneeevjzmfl 2Pollge Woman lure Walks Among Us 730be Vinlor QTllgki 55 gigohrw CapOh Ie 111 gt7To chu Ine Iroln mo 340on The can 06 Bmm dessl Acnoss 35 Charqed 7ifmcrcen lest AiwLou Arm rmie The PJW 1Pull aiorrs 22Laverrc and Shirley Style La 533852 Manitobas 36 Sacrlncial 4NBA Basketball Iozoo AllMerv arm capual block ggï¬leuralï¬onw 235l1Clly ol Angels mo 13 I8 layer 38 Homelrms 717 2Tomorrow 14 Handelslorto 398 7Blonlc Woman 9Marcu5 Welov AMygtcrv nuu 155mm 41 Kgxggarggi IL 16 Antarcuc sea Medlclne ah IIIII1II°bU AI ah00 17 Fun drlnk 44 Mumcalquallly 22Caradian CHVBICladt 22 Private Lilo Rglrlguw Ergiésw 31243 If new mam 241Agérï¬e 990 imlo 20 Shnshonean Instance Nth labI MWUIPCWO RJeanle 7Tllifllll Zone 2mv 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