Fashion Promotion students at Georgian College in Barrie will present public lashion show entitled Faduon Comes to Llfe March at pnn In the College Theatre Bar WENDY itAMAKtir rze Firstyear students Sher rj Farrow ileltt and Valerze Dunn model cotton and poy estei sportsnear from the Jenien ea Canada line flu ing lilting session at Jack KATIE BROUKEIMNKS Twenty per cent teenagers are overweight IORUNltt ttjli lany cud dly cute barbie are being over ed and lot of children earrv their excess poundtge into their teenage and adult lives lli imnald llill it the llopiial tor Sick Children Jutriton aiiatus sum in 1973 revealed that more than 30 per tcll ll our nlil li tuft weight anl sudies ol the teen age population indicate that as il ilhlly 3t 1001 lll are obese he rinltl Many tomilteI tliI Itiallv hemi trom parin per cent ll tllCi dinner plate and they tolllrl stll be tied nourished he od led Dr llills primary milrest the intltuin lllllllUii on groom ul dingcoppmii oi the tuxtiioa llll IlVlClCllr is accumulating tloiti set ril titdlc In that cars lood intake riiirin vcrtm Lentlb period prima ily one to two years and eigh to yeah tillos the growli of an ecs number of in celb in the body uec formed they PEOPLE 6t PLACEb The craft ol burlap llouei as demonrtraied recently ll thr rirsi ineetiir it into Iti the ln nistil liraneh oi the Suneoc Coun ty Arts and Iralts Assoeiation About 50 members attended the meeting at the Inniswood Baptist Centre Area lCllillIhlltt Betti lc labb gate the exalt llltltllilllull Shirley lclullen and lllullt ltaulknrr llll to littlllllt bott duets ludi SlllPltlF lll rliiitintiate dried lloner plaques at the next meeting March 16 For mlorrmo tion about the group eall Nanci McOlelland at 7260196 FOOD FORUM food forum entitled More About Nutrition and Family Meals Hll he held tonight in the Blue Flame Itoom oi the Consumers Jab Building let its Lane The format II the Iilttll ll include suggested nienuz for lo ahead meals from the freezer Menus tor the busy faiiiili Warm Meals for cool days vegantan specials and hear Ly tare IVLVI ii study shows nmer disappear jorgmg lair in like howexer doesnt orr duee more cells The exitiil ones imply get bigger BETTER TO BE Bln Ur llill eit that the nitem to overfeeding halite Is tially tied tip with the idea that bi is better and is healthier Parents are in charge of tubal tlu tlllll cats until leat thiee or four he said Sonn indulge their clitidren reward good behotzur ih gtLCl or use rookie to nful tllll The attitude that good tltli ircu Iiiish eteiitliing on oii plate that they cant hate des sert until everything tlieyie been served Ila1 been cleaned tip up be the start ol tl eating li llill illll tint lll lcon call to lTlUlllDUlLit then ent lhe II lLIIl tool tliri Jun Ilills by mlne ute lullj lniv Iainin lllll£tils tCllllt around load at meat time Dr Hill said that ohem chil Ill cant be treated in isola lion their families mud be roan sellcil as well he said tlur on going to Iliillzt it ttillilll lii tor licr ll tire iamin because on tllilil Dr Martin Woltish who coun eels many overweight Icrn agers said Theres no magn lormula for weight lows llte lil of pediatrim at tlill orlv ileuelal llttpll raid IIIII perm nct il1l Yt is long term proposition that tnlzes lot at commitment on the part at the child li NLIRITIULS FOODS Its proven time and time agnoi that wellbalanced diet high in nutritious foods flu most sueeesstul over the long iiatil be soul the miit lino up iljitiil lone to lose one pound he nll Rapid weight Io ll toe lllril week of dieting rerriontlr because it to untei lroiii the body in VUlllsll sees his putients lltfllllll eivine oudnu siti port and helping their over dil icult periods like britmui feasting Ilt IL Liiill Im Imttli riot 1pe til iwi or Ilr 11 tt Ptl ll An the lirvo GEORGIAN PROMOTES FASHION Fashion show is armChoir shopping Spring is sprung the grass is ris wonder what the fashions is The countdown has begun Win ters days are numbered lhere is promise of spring iii the air in salute to the forthcoming season and as an entertaining and informative aid to the bllgt woman Georgian College ltash ion Promotion students will plt sent Fashion Comes to Life March at pm in the ol lege lheatrc Barrie The preview of womens fash ions for spring and summer wili include everything from sports wear to evening attire titli the emphasis on interestin quality easycare comfortable clothes for todays modern woman Fashion show eoordinator Bar bara Loveless refers to the show as kind of armchair window shopping It will give women an idea of whats in for spring and sum met and what is available lo call without hating to trudge arotuid to the various stores themselves she said Clothes for the show are from Jack Webb Clothing Sears The Loft and Evangeline Shop The Show also promises to be lively entertainment The commentary will be accompanied by music dancing and special lighting el leets lhree Design Arts students are in charge of sets liekets are $2 and are now vailable from Jack Webb Cloth ing The Loft and Studio One They may also be purchaed trom booth at Sears in the Georgian 1all 0n leh 21 ill 27 and 28 or at the door the evening of the performance Seeoudycar falthion 1Ollltitittll students are responsible tor 0i Quinin and executing the en tire project till lirst3ear alt dents acting alt dressers and models The purpme oi the tootear coopciathe fashion ptoiiiotlon lgtl02lam at the Barrie Campus is to provide gttudents with ho backgroulul of knowledn and liliaiirl experience in mot ptcs ol the lashion unlittr with the eniphass on merchan tiigtng promotion and dwim Second year ti Itnt iniov ed in the show are Barb Love less of RR St George Co ordinator Karen ltoesler of RR It Eganvillc lublieil lenie Atkinson of Collingwood com mentator lea Laltatos of Brail ford Model coordinator Cait dace Topping ol lsracebridge and Holly White at lhornbury Dres sing room managers Brenda llawton of tilt 3i Chesley Music Adviser Susie Latkin of Barrie set manager Irudy ltranklin of lllt lilwortliy stage man ager and Linda Adriaans of Barrie and loAnnc lirytwah ot ltll NiagarnontlieLalm li shion Coordinators Nine firstyear students lltl have been coached by second year students and instructor Kathy Barkcy will model the fashions lip other lirstyear students will act as dreders Co ordinator of the fashion promo tion program is Anne Saso Fashion show models will he Linda Mainprize of Newmarket Wendy Rekct of Barrie Kathy Esposti of Sault Ste Marie Sher ry Farrow of RR Tara Cathy Cote ot RR Penetanguishene Sandy Alexander of RR Tivet ton Valerie Dunn of Collingwood and Margie Binigham and Mary Montgrain of Midland Dressers will be Sue and ltli Mhoti IL Bat iiL Dev Allen ol lxenoia Anne Gaze oi Witlowdale and Shelley Matthews ol Midland For further information about the Fashion Promotion Program at Georgian College in Barrie contact The ltegistrar Georgian College of Applied Arts and Teclr nology 401 Dueliworth Street Barrie Ontario tl2ltilf tlllvll lir sluon lronittiun lns ruetoi Kathy lintkc it mini year student J0nne Brytualv tlllllf 1lltl lLlNill ï¬nd vi Jack Webb tliubiug Baritc cldhe It lid rhino to pie tilted by Im in it Itlll Girls its your turn to propose to the gentlemen lt nttlll to fl it tut llll us ing ti tl ll mm on it llltll ii it it till In II villll In It dawn lrgm1 St tit lui vi o1 latitl tlifiititl tli iltd Iii Ille Hail liit men that toincn could lltll1 to men in calt vrar lhe citncn no man could refine her he the be illm wont ion mde iilaii mm gt Ilï¬rl lttiii ll Elllnllli ltiltilg Illllil Zuill uni SUSAN IINIILIE LURNA POOLE I5 tits um ll rout iotind lUliI lint lite the imih the dca oi allow in women to lllll her nin spread to Florence tienoa and lianc in EARLIER MYIII ovcn earlzei mstii tcl Zic sior ot group of mm de manding equal izglit Apoareiu lhulJtt npprowiui laliicl one do bccnu nuns were in retolt ItlotiLll the sympathetic saint sud lie lit2 thought there would be no total Ctllllilli be granted tlllll Iu iLgEit to propose one ch en 5t Bridget lTLCl petss trd lltl linnlj lnw Nllittl fir nounn to propr one till PENNY EDE in Your titi lamp xlnll print iumu tin li tilr lui violinIts liï¬il ioi the llC in puc marther tEn it llt liau in around lot I1l ll ctcn lltllljlll lii ltt il llit lldll ulilidcd tli llll git some cl llll inourinn lll iLc II iii In lit hill school llliltli lint Collegflatc iiiot girls tilt the ixti of tumor the tables in routi nIp um gicat idea tirade it llltlij tlul mule gtI1d illlifiuLh be ll er heard of the lean 4r adi ton gtlll Ilw fti tv It It own chatter it flu gtiriilj OFTEN SIIYIIII tii air mien im earls aiii gthe lil noun be like that cciji gm unite illll to make an men in world Kalle Bltllllxllllii trade sudent lll no on sticks to tradition tllcc im llli iii ltH ol Hill Qils shouldn be able to lioj out Donna tiurrie raid the anointifs movement has slight cingii the Infint ittusilllli in lllll school but basically it remains the some oiiu ll Ill3 ti think its tortnitt luriln llni tinic ll Anti ent said pcope lull ibou tia tav things ie clineig bu when it comes llll to the tutti gritty things are generally tin ame trade it student Susie liit said bots should gtill trutlic is hunt but tint It leap iini uoiild be itilcrcdtiu tirade fl ltltlll lc lidc iiltl dating in Eltlrt mice minitul lucaisuc of group points NUT FUR NH trade it student lnina looc said change in tour Hilw would make Ior an interesting situation But not Ior good Some are indilfcrent Karen Ford ants it unitrs no tlllltl once to me it IllllljJ chance She agreed group Mltlltlllll en ablm ciruaI til1oiiini trade It student lulie loirou said shes not for the change at all wouldnt take it ser iously she said trade it student Catherine Coftill said leap year is tl important year think the idea should be taken more Stlltilhl am not for womens iih but dont see any reason why girl shouldnt be ahp to llx guy out illusion tllltt lllill Pto lllililil Underus lIntited Id uon llli tilii tizr Ia illtill box II tut lllltl li4 11 WW lllllltl Ill Quints born at pm in the College lliea ire lairtc Miss liltik is It IUllliill toorilnzitm tor the show and Milts COttli is lit tlTl BA li RIF CX lili of Fashion ltilllolltti it liLOlZ zen College littl lLlISlMY llLLrIILARY 1976 Some dietetic foods confuse SllLli SLSAN Home lIconomisi North hiittcor ouiitx li Pull dlt iuiicone liti to ul to cailiplratc tor or eating then ou probably need ten terms exploited ltriir gtuch as calories callrum Simciies ind sll ir under ciriolidinte catcgorv div Visible lidgt the lacr ol lid on lllLtl lid sciind eaergvii di nutrient group is similar in the llli lil tet margarine cgctablc oil and Put an people with their labels pulti cheese and lliligt wu unl to cut dour 3w ttal through llv iifl tlli tvoii it an mud re vl lite Iniic carefully fer al du food are not necessarily low in calorie luuigt can lie lgutllm talmh and curluihjtdincm inn onl Irv rotor toil titer confgizu too tttlllllmlifl lltll and on ad no llliid that Ml pt cent at rilozcs toutd ic iniulg itier lulll itltllviik iiid elilace Lott lsad drex tcin protde titl lltll mg mp Hothi Vfflil 10 Ill 141t1itv rvltlitl tree owl iuzo co lIlJtIilClltillLt Alhd htill Iii tllt Im ll Mimi twp Llifl butt In other iflltls llltf ity aunlahli ciiloiiuv lui lll Illt mlmitS gamutc icc creiii up ir lfvitii Illlltlllfllitlt It iiltllt lllillx titaj are more ci ticidniu nutrient tout My mt with 1th most cxclirively in tools or Lvimii ugh MAM plant tlilillll tnrboliiilratc ohm WM MUN the lll ecoroniicnl Mritlic oi mm ï¬li 1th ltll in iuiniiic oi calories rch paniit butter II but tli litdl bull joi liltiI lt l1gt iziltilic it per loin Most of the nondairy creanr are just as ltil lIl calories as ilisttml or there ie also iniisiltlc tatsthe cotter cream martini tlnougliou meat Illttd read the tie unit on diets c1 with in ltotiiogciiicd etic lnlul ltvti13a all pew ll Tl unit millt product Ill nuts iiiix for ilmtctjc lllli llllll and ill iltolcgrain cereals llu iS for llftll ltit2l unns gciieinllx do not need as ll percentage ol the requir ls td calorie lrom tut arc presently absorbing they lllltl5 llIll lllly libill llm third inmnhm Hm lltllltlllltIl llL lllllirll mote three not and Man oru triangle is protein lint its capital of lihran send their to itunip tinnton llltlll to nlso inolc tnluc lcnrtun to Ilt on all growth nid boil lllillltlllll in cic pitntt war the cf lr Li lrotczn gtiill include merits then llilll in in clll Hr Ivt txrtt ll oiut liin in it one pound l3 new tl tents onl rotnutwl doint tllllll it lttllll tol on to NPR ltillll icll Item mmtlilt prcitniturc Wedding Photography BV Len Marriott For Details nll 7281050 WPOOL$ 77380492 Ridge ml Shanty Bay ull John Campbell GEORGIAN COLLEGE lot to kii in SliW FOR SPRING Izrlic advantage of thc cth lite cutting llll senor STARTS March 1976 FEE AR MAINTENANCE FOR ciuphnsdcx lhc instrueior SIMllï¬ liliti to lrcli 31 III Boll Farm lloal BARRIE EXTENSION SERVICES Iiiiiurut nat sin Il prepare gtirit scl Muir chldicii Iiu couwe itll tcnuro Iteosing patterns and apprcprate tliric f1lllltlli touch all under the guidance oi Lon $3500 12 weeks repeat of this every popular tlllIIM designed to women how to take good and intelligent cure it Illtll eerv car tlllil lltli Ill titihn For information reitritirn aitl Forth call 7281951 Ext 313 or men us it LILilrilnzl StlRlCPm iii ltiI lllnl tuo multiples of Ilic uni roots lint Barrie Extension Seitices this ruler and Nillllu ccn nth that are loit Illlx id summer on lrulic tor tr ozir on titttt rd lll lllt lll itliiviiiml sldlcl tr vt lll Wino WOMEN tcivh ttei czzs lltl gtll bit irtliit liitll Il li1c ii Ill It ll3n=lmit