To those who write fervent the editor decrying any thought of civic Ellie home Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfiold Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Ho THUMBS UP To the organizers of the Barrie Winter Carnival whose selfless work for many Bowl months provided weekend of fun for all To the Barrie and area musicians who did so well at the Kiwanis Music Festival Their edforts put Barrie on the map as much as the Flyers efforts THUMBS DOWN To the Church if Scientology which seems willing to harm good thing in the interest of advancing its own cause To the Barrie Flyers executive who seem to think the taxpayers is obligated to support private hockey club youngsters the three rs support for the approached The their fight again letters to France plans big increases in its military spending To the bowlers who are making the For Millions successand helping To the organizers of the Georgia11 Bay Drama Festival and the players who have shown that there is more to school than ject but say nary word when the llyers ask for piece of the municipal pic To the lallll Trees ratepayers who first builders and then say the media is writ ing wild stories about their problems nshaw Managing Editor a=ssswom farehall restoration pro Exaniiner for publicity in st the subdivrsrons home 39 YOUR BUSINESS lml lm nm Immmg mulr Jerry III udilse rum unmienrml muunr Ill hmm and WNW Hm PARIS Router France is military planning big increases in its military spending over the next few years and the trend now is to build up the countrys con ventional forces Expenditure on nuclear mis siles will take about onethird of this yearss 50billionfrancs about slobilllon defence budget But higher proportion will in future be spent on devel oping conventional weapons and the armed forces greater for ics President Valery Giscard dlistaing has approved 16 percent increase in the 1977 de fence budget totalling 58 billion francs about $116 billion and by 1980 military spending will be increased to 20 per cent of the overall budget The French president has said that an independent de fence policy remains an essen tial tenet of French global strategy France says it is the worlds third nuclear military power with its three missilefring nu clear submarines and land based mssiles being equipped with megatonsize warheads ATTENTION LACKING But former defence minister Michel Debra says that the countrys conventional forces have not been given enough at tention in recent years leaders including Chief of Staff General Guy Mery who says that while nu clear war cannot be entirely ruled out in the future it is more realistic to plan for lim ited conflicts Frances armed forces total 600000 men compared with West Germanys 495000 and Britains 345000 The French army has 33000 men com pared with 330000 serving in the Bundeswchr and 171000 in the British army The French navy has com plement of 70000 compared with the loyal Navys 77000 and West Germanys 37000 The French air force total 104000 men compared with 10000 in the Luftwaffe and 9700 in the Royal Air Force The French army has five di visions two in Germany and three in France FRENCH AGAINST ARMY The majority of Fromh people is against pl0lgtl0llll army General Marcel Bigeard the former paratroop chief who now is secretary of state for defence in charge of army reform said it is much easier in way if you have professionals But it 00sts more and who would want nowadays to serve as regular corporal France is concerned over the time that France with the dispatch of two air craft carriers vessels bases and Supporting from their Atlantic He also scnta helicopter car ricr and several missilelaunch ing French fleet in the Red Sea and vessels to reinforce the It was the first had added submarines to its fleet in the In dian Ocean The president has announced that he is grunting independ once to the French territory of the Alars and Issus shortly but he is determined to hold on to the French base at Djibouti the French naval and air base on the Red Sea at the gateway of the Indian Ocean NAVAL MIGHT GROWS As Russian naval might grows the French navy now is equipped with Flying Fish ship toship missiles as well as ant aircraft missiles It also plans to have 210 nuclearpowered sub marines tiring conventional lor pcdocs The French governments main effort now is directed to Indian Ocean wards the army faced with growing malaise among officers who want more sophisticutcd weapons It is equipping six tank regiments with nuclear tactical missiles while the army is receiving more Crototc mis siles designed to hit lowflying Dodging those pitfalls in your pension plan By VINCENT EGAN monthly figure Business and Consumer lUltjl Affairs Analyst however lbc town Thomson News SCHlCC lluu lion toge 0f Clf lot CJLlltl loc omc Cnltddu PCllslHll llon gunmrzla if you have bccn contributing and dont bothcr to apply for the penson as soon you reach age The full pellsiul amoust to 51313va month this your Up until 1975 mullci of licrciontkc ibc pcnsion on turning or work and con tribute to fl licy ml by agr in order to achieve lulur QUEENS PARK Shedding some light been conmlctcl and the pmn mature in actuarics term The pcuiou lCi than flun maximum only if the cnxirib utors earnings in ally your were below that your max imum pensionable carniuus For those who are cliuiblc Why in applying for the pcu ion doubly costly licxidaw lolcrzoinu $13480 month you would have to continizc imp1 into the plan until you do apply or life lllllLlll llllll lluti 11 on govt services cars each train passes every CANADAS STORY Surprising sequ to their feuding By BOB BOWMAN Evidently plans are being made to produce an opera based on the 17th century feud between Charles La Tour and DAulnay de Oharnisay It is one of the most dramatic sto ries in Canadian history and has surprising sequel Both men claimed to have ex clusive trading rights in Acadia La Tour was suspect because he had deen made Baronet of Nova Scotia by King Charles of England awhoug he was sup posed to be French subject Chaniisay was related to Cardi nal Ridhelieu so had great deal of support in France The flnal clash between them was in April 1645 when Charm say raided La Tours fort at the mouth of the St John River where the city of Saint John now stands La Tour was away at the time but his wife put up heroic defence until she was tricked into surrendering Chamin than hanged all her acidic and Mme Lalour died of broken heart Flue turned the tables on my He was drowned who he canoe overturned near 10 tickets costing 11 cruzciros el Port Royal If is said that an Indian assisted by holding his head under water Then came the dramatic sc qucl La Tour crossed the Boy of Fundy and proposed mur riage to Charnisays widow She accepted and the union took place on Feb 24 1653 It was good arrangement because it from bus to subway This is one of the few places in the world where you can ride bus and subway for the same tare said subway spokeman The subwaybus combination has cut travel for many city workers to one hour from three in each directicn he said It still is too early to estimate what effect the Metro has bad on other city traffic the spokes mnn said Sam Paulo is one of the most polluted cities in the world and its one million cars trucks and buses present constant traffic lnm Noise pollution is couscd by Brazilians who lean on car horns or belt out symbolic blasts on their buzinus thorns time to time will do piece which 11 del with the me cbunics of gmcrnmcnl and Its you Uh Eramom 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription roles daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mull Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoc County $3400 yearly Bulzmcc of Canada $3000 year snows OTHER ly All other countries $4500 united the feuding factions Below we Swim level the yearly Motor throw off $36 00 OTHER FEB 24 EVENTS Jctro which cost $897 million year 1662 Bishop Laval ordered bmld has loan and cat Nanonal Adlllelllbnm lulled the people who sold mum ln platforms cars and entrances 65 Queecno Std nebtjl losllon 053m diam wnuld be clly streets Brazilians are 12 communicated chronic Spillch while the Metro rca 1663 Company of 10 Asso ciates returned control of Can ada to the crown 1865 Telegraph line from British Columbia to Russia was begun at New Westminster but was never completed 1870 Oregon Boundary lrcnty was approved charter owing to antiChinese riots 1915 Canadians were in ace tionat Armetieres 1925 Canada and US agreed on Lake of the Woods control 1972 011 was discovered in the Arctic Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circula tions The Canadian Press is exclu sively entitled to the use for re publication of all lich dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Avsocialml Press or ileu tcr and also the local news pub lhllCl therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material cre TABLET OLDEST ated by its employees and repro Thc oldest known map is duced in this newspaper lay tablet mild in 80 that 15 Copyright Registration Num is spotless ihe subway is de void of unnecessary trimmings or advertisements There are no gum or candy machines nor is there pipedin music as in the Mcxican subway second running cad and west is iier construction but not expected to be in opcr alion until 1978 believe to how been made her 203515 register 61 hm 330 BC was unknownmam EVEN lllllll It may mnm on award of perhaps mil dullnrx man or woman who l0gtl their upon retiring ccptionul cuclt where it mi li be to pmwiu winnilziqc to go 01 contributing Ilf nul 31 For oyzimplc ri cmoloycc who contribulc for SI umnbcr of mouth after azc 63 might uc llvw months to llillc cnrhc mnnllw in llll full clmtrilm iiom H1 but who il linm lcccl Ltd Chimin tllc firm of pmsiou Cillidll nuts ATClllNl ll 1lfxllllll 01ij MM box on ppuzlu7v to mlc un mv coutrilmtiou unp by llllfllllï¬j bis llllll or pr rind1 cry bclwln broiion iwr lb ll Illllfgli7il to 1llffs lullzrilc i1 lo llClIClll of me 05 An employee reaching are 03 lo in calendar year ought to llfhllwllc the start of the pou ii until the beginning of the lollovï¬nu your in Ctdcr to folio ndvnrcun of the annual 127 pcrccnt increase in the amount of lllllfxllillflll pcfnlon until about 1982 Tim mm imum lllflllllll for anyone retiring in 1076 is 513483 month fun if rclircmcut postpoucd until 1077 the mar imum pension will be 736 month any William 3101 cw Lid MM ll lllll2 UIl luv Scculily porpoich who rcccnc lliu Gunruuiccd ill comc Sunplcment are being rc mindcd by llcnlth grud Welfare Lingual li reapply ocï¬orc nets viin Clf killml willsl lmflld is located at 303 lllll sily llll1 and the chair mun lormcr cabinct minister llnu lilomm Indian government gets tough with erring peasant villages By RAJAN TP orlespoudcul FlflBY tiff The lndlnu ndlniuistrutirn appears to ho getting tough with DCilrwllli who expect mocr ginornmcnl il without making any contribu tions lhenvclvcs Recently peasants in dozen lmmll NW KILlinp ll of Andlhrn state discovered that the vrtcr p1pr lllcir burl ynrils bird cone day More than 50000 prode in the area now are without puri fied drinking water an have to dcpcuzl on rainch wells Some politicilants say the dras tic action was taken when the ipzrnshayots village councils uilod to make contributions to ward maintenance charge fcw of the council my boy whilc others have no momy my that the coxllrilmliou dc mnudcd is inmowiblv high Andlua strife otficizuls my there is no other way lirnr the erring village councils to their senses One official said Do these people take welfare measures fur granted Notlung comes free and if the peaswilo waan safe druikmg wafer sclmob rnnlï¬ they mlrl lw rlllllfl lo pay liml pull of the ltlllllllll lo lbc crumcnl llll lillll2llll ruling aiiulcw lnrly poli licinu dclcudcd lllc goicln mcnls auction by saying that socialism loci not mcnn the more llwlllllllllllll of benefits without it corrcs 1l1llll growth of public rcsponibilily The twin of drinking unlcr llzrzrsh will lunvilinbl1l lino fixl nlliciu Hf llu cmncil of lbruhim iturm lmmlcl in xnn plncvi lic added psunis bore to all for lung distances in the hot mi to fetch water from wells lbc govern nwttl altitude is not maison able lovcrnmcnt officials said lllnt the drinking wulcr mojccl was complcicd in I071 ul grout cost and could bc ouliillrucd only if the villnuc councils honor the ogre ament of shanng expenses government official sold It is just not true flint the vil lagers have no water to drink nly they camnot have purificd water without paying for it This is the rule all over the more world President Giscard dEstaing Russian naval buildup in the aircraft now recognizes the need to Mediterranean and the Indian France also is seeking Vlli lncll 21 if lhcv want in mu dl Iv butld up the conventional Ocean to 10111 its Atlantic allies llflh 01113 Hlnles llfmcully you maul illl9 Ll llllllJ lffllll th sllllliminl forces Gcard dljstaing bus or European body for arms pro QuNn me lflmcf ll will mun MUM ll fwd ll Tl lcl ll Wml His thinking haS been in dered strcnglhcmn of thy duction slamlardiraliou and Dmm NH n8 EIllndl WW My MI MW lm 015 l5 entirely dwdem fluenced by the growmg body of French Mediterranean flccl procurement mFUVI minimisation Luau mnncnt llznliv men 1110 pm the mmmc of the pen llullmclll This board which was slnrtml 11ch monthly nu iltl ncz lercloic both must be re lwlrl momma in 107i pays out money for bl llv lwtwll MJl the ascsscd cwry ycut gmcrument is so large 50 me Wu lug and bonrrl llml 33 upplicnliims lhc amounts of both GIS and W0 filllllm Dltilul UHL for puin my lefplin lllnllzltlfl to in 32136 of there HS ore Hilmcd quarterly locic is Qrffat flCEll about ll Mme in mm hoe Hum 111 11 MI mm VH1 mall tho the public docgtnt know wouï¬h hm1mpm in mm 1o hm1 irm on hung Hump mpg 11le mum in 111111 ll Niflllhllml In in our from tho plmous proportion to flu Increase in to This ll worry to gulcrll VOL as the Vlllflllllmg if HRH The lol payout was Villuuulbggtlfh1ilhlox Them 50 ll Ldls lnukmg course but is incidental ic ll1l lmi fllglc lmTm LVll llunlic efforts ll trylnc lo com mm Mm wwkmml mp lcni momhly1 UAS pctNon is F131 11 tip 311 5A0 PAULO Bram up amen minute 510 $9161 owner sumay riders munhutc and ill blcmonnlnn chv mm lm mm MM up units lC lmulm uellcr illljl mml lt no The City has linked its new sub 19 stations lmc spokesman Hm ink lnl ml racuo lllbClS ll ml Ujmn ll and conlgcd the head or 11 pllhllc 5mg the of mmlod way system mtnsurburban bus said wann lime mgneuc ripe IOltn 01 hm an arm hwkm fly to stop store llllfl Ibc 107 cmmlC ho WW eliflimo lines to help retrieve city pom Aimcd 1MP 10alfllv on both side of the llfkCl for ample they may have trlcd ll Ml Imll ins pcimon $12700 for corn gt ionpicb em an giant in 0mm mm in work sum the some 1110 We to mtclfclc llllllf my to fim simusc and mnxmium file 15 llc Jam cued lColUlzllo xlztllllfl know us mom Wm 1mm mm luwm an ban areas on the cuys pCl RETRIEVES Cm hi Um mum WWW vnl Twin 011 Metro the lLll line trav imp he on hm mul p0blc no 11 Home llllll lhoms 31 allowance of th 10 Wbcn Inserted Into the tum Hi how lllï¬ moncv is home bmlcr lLflJllililll inculcn up by 9131 Lgt UY 10m 01 poliatna de Sao Paulo which 41 involved the prournm docht ll th lflitfb ticket imp spent and Delilah abau all gt Ilm fboicc nillorcnlc gun 01 as inaugurd 33 operate the Allelm uniï¬ed up and is rctricv WW 1C to vply HI cps sill LIS U1 lllO lb lllallllt l0 dllcl Hula beptember Already the Steel plan where subway ticket alzo SHIT pm ll mam bjl Wes auto widen unless llnor lll rgmusc reccum ho cats are Starï¬an 130000 935 can be used to board certain lyhclll humus Hung mm and lhlln Mlflmi was criminally rcsponsiblcl tho 1flfllilllfi llll lllmllldl MS pcuslou and mnxunum sengers dally over the mlles bums me be used mum ho lllllhlc ll lLlllll or his l11l mnkcs lllsnl hm lm Vlclol llS of track below the city streets pk gilCDrlldlc and 11 City bus know about them lmlimmn Mum and mam mm in 3mm Amlmnmn mm 10 my 01 lt mes These UCKJL also can be my ohm mhm um do cam bc mndc able from regional directors of lncre are tulnS With 5131 zciro 17 cents with book of 1H bout uul limbs his 11 to rucse manner too much about this But from It you lune nu mtcrcst the lid loo Sillty lll llu lcdcrnl divmillmut of lore 1070 lan Ive been trying to inject llfflllll and EDMONION 1C The Back to tbc Farm Foundation Davidson Sash is contin ulna search for machine to harvest gnawslmppms while on couruning biological research to control the cropdeï¬troying in sects Elmer Laird foundation pros idcnt said in telephone inter view competition last year to try to find harvestng method failed because it started too late in the season fbr foundniou bins olfcrcd $700 for practical dJsign for gt 1I1II destroy small grasshoppers and another to gatlrr lhn lxlflil iv sorts for princehr We mo lcin lccrl fir nollllly lreczingz nnl Kllllltlllt lo lzrp where lbr fincc irc unrul crcd 71 doth1w lcic nflluc mo for CMlt romzwlillo mt it could be We machine that performs both tolls Mr lzfltfl said Ru slith Innflllll wolid be nuv 11 NH wwcr in lllltl gilollEtn lLlllllt7fl lbc lllllflnllf inltisL lllll the llllJll 1H iuctcilc brumfnl ml bu yQfllIllTlllllll rmnwdup rcozicb Wei llllJlOJ lczil control LARUE NlivllilLfl NED Tiicrc mic mullitirlc of spray liciuj uci in ilCï¬lllm nor control and the ploblcm is flint lhcte ilt zilmni Tll research firm done wr in to Pinlx of such applications on the soil curl opt prod lr Lairis said nvmirll tjlllll 5pjlt villi lvlrnlrum ru lo mnlc 21cc lifb tbc xv of oil Zxlltfijlffl in prilc rc slin to pot formers 311 Ililwf fl lbu tlll ubrrc In 339 the wont be nbh to illllllfl flum lrccr firm 113 Lime trrl rcwavcb lfffitdc 17 per cent of the liqmu cmiduvlxl by iiith limth may be icuorcl in cal Slates omitu irv lzmmlincnt culning lb pclriou an em llnylllngj it ploycc cued til who made full Locmun MMth No the con cmitrimticus llmi tbc start of 1101 gt inn ini the plan may rcirc fzom poil rulm cmploymcnt and receive full lhr mllmgmi orcuim is produce in cruxhippcrs in lithualory and mcli iuczt pro duces enough Hbfn to cover threeacre zirczi About onc bllion of tho snorc= llf llelMfl lll illllll of bran and rprcod ovoi mic ncrc initial lCnlp showed 10 car cent ll the lllllllilE villi11 the area one to four cclt xzd tllc remaining in Cc ability in reproduce was inblbliml N0 mu1 izrlLtT llc rcxlts nfc ctuouraiul because in process apparently has it affect on other life forms in tho trr Wl pro ll the Mmzun rccr1 has llLll ll and trrouiid llilllillglh of the Spore an the omltm larls ln lc lllli illl Hll wir is conccruutl iv the to igiziiicr Innml lIicv um vl to that the charitys Wei Lc nlclt mil 21 which iplxj farmers bx ililLl LLlirtll l1 or row in we in 10 gtiji Lusti 1111 WE WANT YOUR OPlIlION Lcllcr submitted for pub lication most be orijzinul cup ics signed by the writer Plon so include your slrccl address and pliom number although lhey will not be published Lol lcrs which cannot be authenti cated by phone cannot be pub lished For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter 31 some life into the cconomy