Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jan 1976, p. 10

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viTHE 3m EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 34 1976 RENTALS PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE sr BARBIE FOR LEASE Executive luxury townhouses and bedrooms Prestige locatiOn Most overlooking bay Stow refrigerator washer drier Rental applications now lwlng taken referentes AEUMINUM SIdIngI awnIIIgsauydirII For appointment to Inspect eat lIom Inttallzr and lnstalI latters rar improv your home With ALL 7262361 or 7265992 llhSII HOUSES FOR RENT ALUMINUM IIIIIII less cost 7370890 45630 F28 APPEIANCE Smm ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorI not EAVESTROUGHIING PERIOR EAVESTROUGHING specI removal trom st ice and snow roots only 4744956 New Lowel sotm and PENCINE Installation ol farm LetA SPECIALIST Dom Directory of Business Services and Products WM TF MOVING AND CARTAGE ESSAMOWERSWEATCEITagTTTIIzaII III or 4240711 AuJ MUSICWENTERTAINMENT WEREERSRownfBjjf LILm III neople who lke to dance ARTICLES FOR SALE Giant 26 Inch IOOII Solid State Color Television or $fili poriweek on RENT TO OWN Phone tonight deliver tonight Good roles cumulations you may have Call John ICASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books ARTICLES FOR SALEI IO HELP WANTED DOGS PETS CHIHUAHUA for sale purebred no papers male weeks old SIOO each Telephone mIm Mi MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional clippan and ormmlng reasonable ral ex Telephone 7260061 M1 ARTICLEWATNTED CLEANING out your nttlc will pay cash tor any old stamp collections ac at 7260067 alter pm F24 WANTED Barrlo Examlner carrler bags the Barrie Examiner wllt buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bag In good condltlon brlng them to the Circulation Department or phone 7266539 1F items do pctures clocks odds and Pr lathe Cedar post Lllflin Illlk Barrie yea9545 Jus I73935°°T2i and slates and service ll Alliance Fame lt20 7263065 Au RAILROAD POCKET WATCH wanted RENT Blvd 7231392 Ju3l rI Any model or name Please write Bm F16 Barrie Examiner HI ehill Im nggfisgpggggésegedbgttggg 3ng CARS FOR SALE BOOKKEEPING II tUITAR LEssousI ClasquI and non Oarage CItv waterI 5325 Der toml Iv AND MASONRY specializing In uIlar Marcel POtvln GUIIBI Studio DIUS Umm MrI nertkott Toronto I973 CHEV Impala door tidtdIODI MOBILI BOOKKEEPING service your fireplaces Written warranty Alsol Nit89 1F LAMOI F35 tully equmped plus airconditiorzno attic or mine complete partial or brick block and stone 1285611 AU INN SIHEHI ltIII II and rear detoqgei low mileath one werload VI McKenzie 7289496 BEDROOM Iownnouse garage re owner 73607 daytlnve or overruns NUS76 BRICKI IIIIOLKIFSIDHG IttIfk IFlTeDtflILCSI IIII XVII Ballle Alclldl Conventth 3227301 EIIII ate F24 Av Iv spema roe es Ine es an VI ZEIrireIraatmioLasligif IAIIralEbie March we VI II CARPENTRY Knlrely New lowell 4245le A018 Sign ISIfemmsanfalgg RIChIEIII 7313900 4000 aALss or excellent quality my ms wonhlv View 7°61 SNOWMOBILES 7IWII chgNiATFm go1IIII mm 11568814 Tr Hagigoggvmqgnqag ggiégosgeQIgaIg gel fiAflflg Arr 7I gt vu BARREt SEOFDerItIlSDllIPhkI bedDrggiii shone BUYS ALL Ion Moto SRI 972 III II 11373 DON SIESLNG °°I MIMI Rm VT MI and IMd vet if bech Pffi MI iresmn rior Der him in cuy from 515 III lIlD Iwer evel MI Moto SKI nun trailer Skiboose all In NE 41 Ineror exe IeIeleQIlganeogOronto LAID533 lb or won Londmo relenhone 4375030 F77 ISI ovtcvilIaisonalgr Iizglaelstisnlategfkta Igrbtlbwvgmk SotISfaction guaranteed Ie IV other HitANN Jfl IIII III Am In IIIoo My1576 Eggrs end bedroom hum Tm RuPP 440 Mitre 50 hp studded ARPPD If I15 rW olmdr WWII new RE DY to Iounels Also larrr WSth my room tract 10 Iorbtde runners hiqt and OHnmes and Additions KIAIINIING lIIteror OAIelIOl reason 815 or heat otter lelephone mumswear was Cram Hume pom IIIIIIESDSZC Mme I0 5325 HIDIMVI tow wmdslIelds Icyer Shape SexIE Rec Rmmg Ren0amms $382333 work guaranteed Telephggg II alter III F171 gum 5oudI HaHI TF Telephone 1872241 7m Iirqo Realty Ltd 72645 II RADIAL TIRES months old aleo Im MOTo SKI CapII 2o 20 80108 60I4 17215341 II II HiLLSDALE DECORATING Interior weddinu arms 51¢ best otter TIIIIIAII LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ie Ielle Oldllon $425 Asking prIce llIS Iarafies eane ras ante IeAterIOr wallpaperinq custom textur phone 7263255 II hung in Ielephom 73330 nsI II awm od wall and ceillnqs Telephone 12 REGISTERED H°I5lem WW5 PM II we GENERAL MWCHHII mm Assam local 1F PIANO lnr sale beautiful ornate rIIaI trailers for Sale fresh and snrmhnc ROOMS Ilt3 FGUI INK WI ll 51 GHL OLK II II II II IIIAI liIll mow Emitthrs In good com Dreter to sell all to one buyer moo I95 SIH ego I976 SKI 000 Ohm pique 40 be ng renmalino dry vml huiI rank IIoolmqt Uriel allow at lVOkFll oad sl 450 last month mint Iothes Losets on reasonable in HASPOFFS PANTNG deQMIM dVWPII 35 IV IIer mom 73 ioIIndaIIon herd Apply AIIen MILERI IV DowI°III Ion Ill 0nd tImI axInq SI ISO telephone 713 335 Av II MI val horne repmrs guaranteed work 108 aftrr pm PM Dalston HI II He III FQSI I7Il lutrInIIl easonable Free estimates 7374060 UUMI gm II II II CARPENTRY woRK done we an III yonpmi Ill am and 5110 GER VAC WWI CI we ROOMS Ic relm TI gowiitgvher IW ARCTIC CAT palllP 5000 J95 rel rooms and additions La Joe at plII Ih IOOLIondIIIoI 19an WW dI now and III mlemgn we no anewatso °Io AItil lat Fl TIore 4000I 76°49 V2 VELLINGA oanlng nrd decoratno be Lad otter telephone Ila848$ llIrWeelS Telephone 4872652 or 43 210eledpiooaé77zaafileorwo or IV Th PTF SI 95 DEVI tOlldllOli 7203005 7w vi Interior exterlmg wofy WaramcedI nr HII It or JMIETIA aIPr HI STOP HUNTING ial HU enovalors Renal Dishwasher VACANCY qirls reSIOenre omwon 74 taro LID lNl FA 50 hp lichen and laundrv laLIltIes kitchen cabinets TDeCialtv 726555 clarify IOLaTEd Der weak Phone PIIEIII Ioldtloii $850 lelepnore TNF VIIIIvfi flter 7204484 IF CARPENTER15 no rooms 29737 MOTOISKI 340 not tor Sale In renndellino ell tn um um ABLE imniPdatey turnIx ed 075 IOTI rozmleinI kmth DIPI leoeg tglepllolle very good IondItIOI $500 or best OY MIL I76 37 III 7260205 or 73705 IF Telephone Ito3508 atter In 95 GENERAL Caroentu TENNIBIS rp BRIGHTI1icoell Illll=l90l realiih VOn tranlnq trim wagon room line SUDDIiéd Leltllai kitcrIPII FDle tree estmate IzaIItlu aitpr III My mom Mimi IT was GMC IIIII aw ondImI 350 on In HOW lFZPISCSIaue JIIIIIUII IIa Adm Ital nIII VIDPI IIertitIed 3990 UanN WORK IIII IIIIUI IIIIII IIIIIIIIII FDW am 16 QiIuyaIxo eDaII eduzlots El CLEAN BRIGHT uruisued bedroom WI emu IIS mWu ll tor Gentleman liner suDDled and IIII finial052 wedo MIPS pg Changed weekly shareI lutrhcnIIa agglomers mi agunq DFILC In MILL9 I530 99 Teephme IF 31400 car 1245493 alter In F25 ILC or L85 REVITALIZE Louv aipers ttI SPAW Iv 73 FORD ton Hithdfl All leamnn rendertia at oIII or tr OIL It tTansDOr leleohone 716186 it no II° ha PI CATERING uA AI IIe IiaIII ess do torw good IOITnmon Sent III III tlI reorIoeatIon i073 nevrolet vzicdrlgnE lUIIPAIIJ StrulluIraui ctr nn orr Lard Iiom vaged VOW carw IAArtc OFFICE INBASQII IaéaIrflISIIIIIF 1050 3003 earn Law iEBIIOPS gt7uLllres 4364085 CQI Ie II II 19e o53°0 II Ir 72855 IEIDOFO Lu LC Reators 2° 00 II DII NEwVOPPICESPACE lsI Saw1d GMC tf 53 g3 Pf DEAL WITH desIuIIr Im an son 3000 or ow 12 III 55 home seryne Dana hooe Eamons tamInga 770 II Draperv 4577605 I970 FORD Ol vIl for eooip Wmmn BARBIE IIAIII 9500 Good Lotdio teleongn DRESSMAKING GROVE DUCIORI II 84040 DRESSES FIT IF one JLL AOUINO Saecialiug OOH14 coIITIJ anI alteretois 7e 000 square feet convenient centre 201 be JISIO EORD XLT F100 IBI Dower steer new ome so It rIo automolr Show LondItIorI Ah ra tai and orotessiorai lamow aI IIIIredIuay rIIslIorooled as ng $00 95 Il Clovertawn Investmens Ld 64 son Tr mamE 1589156 ry 984855 II ms CHEV ov yd suo COMMERCIAL SPACE new we newer aquIIIaI Ju DRIVING SCHOOL re IcIscrcoth 5020 65 PRIME Industrial soaco CIA IaoIa II 00 4128 LIEIARINIaIEILI ITII II rIeoietelv 4000 9500 muore Eat IV1 197 IIIOIBIII VIII III III otlzes fuw so wred VIIICKI I964 SCHOOL BUS em Ied Idea IIor VIlI oradflg Dark are mom 000 oood onult on Te I0 mm rec BIOWI 710018 ateI DRYWALL I972 DODGE in mew DQEI AUTOMOTIVE spaALIsz 311 7r ote eeDvIove IM 301w Cal I25 All flmvw 3AM r75 CARS FOR SALE ELECTRICAL WANTED automa Drakes DunV I972 BARRACUDA 38 armor steering Dower CARS 39675 console needs FO r806 éfi II III II mom URGENTLY REQUIRED WWWXGER Fm Harte Kenot Cal Doom 1975 sear Confirm IervItTn raCBC AIOIII IVACOE FLFCTRIC IIIII II III III III 33 36 III IqulI Il III noun III weIIIIII rriuIImIIIa 5m ms PONTIAC Laurent av paseG=I Im mm MOTORS 127 vs Dower Steam and ruePSI FDVGEHILLV MAOUARIA 70 IF0 miles or motor IerI own I6 RFIIIIORII Ila4 III III nII door askr $300 TelPOhoIe ate tron Fl 77 ItiOEOIO aav 1ODLE TfilMlIllNG notessw rI Tm VOLVO 73 if WISH II lLlLI nIIIup IIII re rel rad as av Ia II If 15 45 I5 rII Inv Ira r9 Pct fuurlio no atPIIieIIal IIeeo no rI eII II II everchants Ii JUNK CARS WANTED II DIIIIIITIIRIIEISIIIITIIIIII IcIIIOI or II 1977 TORNO 3100 Iaroor mIIPI ftp DIJI III II lntcntow IBIS°13 altP SESIO sewer manor an 5250 CTfi II Im ownI =5 0102 FIEIOJOF Pri II II we act old SN Riprffps $225 lIf lARRIE PooDLE mI EltdTIDL any II mum III brPPIlS SOD II III IqI JhIIIII 43 mu VOLKSWAGEN aw aw 12 11 55 KJRI Ira was airt aI Iar eao III PROTECTOR ASSOCIATES ow ach new new leooe than Avvce III An III IdHt no 41 COLE BROS ms PONTIAC HIq III HALF TON lrIIIv to mow IUIII or id lor IvI parttime HBIJUO 2039 GENERAL REPAIRS arnertrv nitNI IclIIVf Pr Peaoi AD Ie min 10 too too small 72600 HOUSE REPA IRS lI td lffill Itil II an VESPRA VALLEY Heating new Iurzod It Wag IIJblt mt MI lI ImI et rn EAN UP PIA llIIll vI qanll Imn II rt hiimIu HEATING COOLING mm 1eI IN all II III iIv wallow IUdeIr4rIII IIII 180754 III was my ARE YOU OLD AM Flltetrtmw miw I4 LUV new to art Iul III game IIIIJII 14 gp1 IIl HOME IMPROVEMENT BOD CUMBERLAND rrnDee oath IY fl0 Il3c naIII oa IloI no NEED MORE IM mm Rc OLII =u ll rum uu IletIIr rII Jordon ITITLP to CdlIIFIq mall up on trt Bal 7786905 ELECTRONIC ran Ilut alerlu THO Ja InAl of HE ILEA INCOME TAX INLOME TAX ILIPr mm lIP 913 II runo IIwME III Inc II IP lchwoI mui InnInto INSULATION IIIILOF UL nIci trrIar HI r4iII iee Ar HHUMIDIFIERS IJII KARATE KWAN SCHOOI OF KARATE IdII INA It IluI 30 9121 Ill Inc3r III III if aII III III UOIIIEI IFGI Ic dIG Ia 764 Eu AIIIII IIIIIII goon LandIo prftI 520 IIIfPy rt TRACY VIAML III Id mm rIr It Inc rIw for 351 1m IOLDSMOBILE Ir waav rr MIMI InstIII neorrq poser nrave IIfiIIE IlllIlII nl ti In AlIIlII ll wIlwI II II Ill IIIII III II1I2 IIII lltl InIIlr Ill llit III III III In IIIF IIIIIIII Il IIv IIIIIKI mi PLYM TH rm ua eI oyauo n01 091 IIII IIIIIIIIII DI Early EICAIQM nvIcIIn 1r IIII IIII IIIII JIIIIIIII IIII II hr Law Ira97w Il lt 7262900 1970 VOLVO door seoa one ooto nor dda tame I966 hex aor qond Ire lt ratere 333157 Wei If III In IncrIIIIII III Iltlltl III rI° 4er VUd FPDW FooIa made PIE VIII Fm ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE nnar romeo uLL hm 3w epIole 11594 tLIII mi VOLKSWAGEN BUG IIa EtliI it III IIOIJI in teleonore IEIuu Im 1974 MERCURY Enmh pllaltuu IFIIP rwarll IIIII gm rtiIIgti rl 94 Olemzmv IR 158 20 JIIII it KELLYS 26 INCH Tm PLYMOUTH was II 16 rd Ior AH 50 id ml at rrt rIopIIoIP 2115 1973 COMET EJO tot Ill iIlcllial ranI lfrtren rtIItty il IIorICr eIPnzovo II lII HAI bItEILO Il nrt nI IMMACULATE Yuma vIn mi WI PHIII Io OWN AJrjlfi IAIOIJ gitced HananII INTI is IIlI Aer III Tm GRAN TOPINO III PIIIIS I1alirIII III snow 70 II II IIIII lIIllIu ltlIIll mII 29 IIIth lull llllIlll EN OWN $313 lll terms mullzhlp lMT PONTIAC Lauorer av Ill IvIrJtr aid Brim Shane Indy aIr or nart Irl 10 It 0er KRAZY ID IonnIIore Iraum F5 I971 MERCURY LawIn PIIIINI lllilll IF qttet ltri IIL MI IRWII ItlIl all lllIll II rntI ma IRIIIIIR III III HM 1970 F090 LTD mirtl flitre Am Ix IImI at 01 III IIIIII IIIIIII III II INTI AI Ifi IIII In DYSIER wt 15 LOW BOY mint IIIIr mdt IIII II MI llt lcaiierrflean ca JEN 391 rInyIIeI ll II OrL r7 III 14 IIII IIIIUICKI LKIIhTIt Iggycl plat 737I32I Kn KcIIV at the 533 In umen IOP Iuwor steering and brakes 27 MPGI 101 OR ION Pymems APIII mb n000 miles Pycnllent condition priI SOLE $499 TIP Idle $3900 leleohong 7769600 HII Barts IV tor best value on Can II laclIIan made 637 No year picture BEDROOM SUITE views IOIllII I971 TOYOTA tIrol tanJavrI rail Illr IIIlr mm hurt and laml Dorarzu Witn sprIIII $750 JIUIIUIQ II II Trw llrs valves nation Runs atell He IH 29 Sell tompmn norm lOldlIIOt 520 qul walm AS IS trm latenlmim to II author SUN uel lien tnIhlIlII 18 WINboll JM F74 or roll IBIIlnl Ml 1mm Altai In IM KRAZY KELLYS KRAZY KELLYS RCA XIPO we Venn UI II OS 34 30 IF AAPII cI TF $583 wt IIIIII III Hut ti III whiz Itllll III rtllIf llIl IllIIIl ltllllllll IIIIHIIIII III II II In lIIll 73 In ImIInIIItc tIII tlll llItIlI TABLE int sale will Itiatt ITtram 30 IIIII Illr UMPER POOL qua IREWOOD Cliltfl HIIII Il IIII 0v In MI arrlwoods most Inape Denvereu l2 Inch LDIdI 131 I6 inch 545 728v37l5 MI 200 GALLON oil tank almost tull ask II 1lll buyer VI be removed tronIT ICIIEJlturVD 4364058 860 must USED IanIarIa IItI Itrrl Mn II qnnrl unlrlltunti noel VII lelennono 12o Jew prlr To tll Lune IIIPIAII ImI In 14 IROOFINGI fierentrv alterations BAREIES ONLY IIIIPA Establrflhed 30 WII 7262009 or 7769002 FACTORY GOOFS Due to an aye TF mm nuclrlztlit lWI aboveqround alurII IUlt It round swunming pools In nut rll Immediately Lomolefe WWW anal nmJaIb renulariy Sellinq tor SI ARTIFRAM IIIII II 111 no mm lInIIIed sunuiI PIEUVI La dam or umIIIIru Lollect IJléTI Mt SIPrw 775861 IJ aIIII HS LEADING IrIIIIICIidIl fulnmrrunq Pol llIYIIJlTQV My ltgt or 1975 all glUII tanoua no pLAgTEnNGI rna It In arvlw II omd II III twat mu r1 Ilv gal nIIIIrIII II rIIIII nlgllv S71IIIIIdpdeII III II Duffel kn II Ilv sl IPe Ll lan IUDD ll MW Fllll Lullccl Lilo21143 CHESTERFIELD aId rocker ork ouareneeo and reaSOnabIe HII air condoms 56 double bed I510 Iv irrirl avI vvTIOSL TCIODhD Ea395 afr rI TELEVISION lll ll ltuldbii Iu nIlgt Innrlmq rlrdP on llILtI IIIIIIII utlne Brooan Hotelhorn 733M WSNOVVPLOWING 808 GARNER LII rI III IVII IHI IEIVIL Irth tom II JIoIZIII II II GURNEY STOVE for sale hurts wood SNOWVEEMIVAL III IIrI drd LIl on IoICIliar SILS In aI Ana Cottage EI WW libWIIé mm FIE lsNOWPLOW ELADE INLI lyLIrIJ WR HT IIomeoquG WI I3 IMII at not rI 19 It In LI II II MI nI IIIIIIr dun any Phone No Ifw Iv FLIJ TEAM UNIFORMS amt IdIKeI lun vau Cowman iDortLI ltJ and TELEVISION LEASING AI ICaIIIIIG III ILIII In II lilt Iiridvitn sIJBLrve 77 Collin SENSATIONM REA 00 IISJIJHI nun l7 same $300 new WW ltrw II Iltlrv CO moma TV ndyurrs ebluarv Xe to zn CielM tcmttn KraI gtr iiiIla Bane Plaza BARTIE ELE1ROVISIOH INC 9° III st WATKINS PRODUCTS 08 has new LuIrI Mir car Donaloa gt if EIIO rt WATER HAULAGE ANTIQUES Sale hand srio lurw MENS WNDOW CLWWG DOGS AND PETS lvil rm ArInWIC rou IlC£ Ivl JII POODLE PUPPIES miniature OlaI mu gn utiavmron tve o0 partrow Imed Veniflerbr 231 lI Iptior inst bCI Oril if WIILNOE to DOrZrMII PUP 9on and Ii II IrI II II II IlI VtefUIfIf iP ecu II XI III any tuned leleptuovd ml wontnon MWI ant rcne Im Hit tvrrcl nobcrlhd VII CITI ItI FtIII of LIII0 mm Illll LAB pung INIIIIIINI IIIOII IIIIdIII IIIIIm II 751 Initrlt Araymt Lioa to UILIIT 18 ILECI II FOMERANIAN ii mun FlldlI III yIItrI cw III ir lttl InI lli IIIO 0799 IO HELP WANTED BOY All Conditionel Itll will II ll $I53 IsaiééI lJllltNII lllflll IlltillIIIl lllelillI KRAZY KELLYIS lJI lull llllll llllll€ll SINICR INIISIMI llbl0 IILIII Ill llllilfIMOll ILLMVALE BURDEN in IIIIII In IIIIlIlIll Ilii IIIII ItIh HI CLOTHING ulrlsu lo year UIII and Winter WdIlmr pII Duel IITNIIII Queen avotarlo carern AIIIQ V5 ml wott nthI All oxwllont IIIINIIIIOII Ill lol lllllltllll llll munc man nlil Itllml IllI Iillun two DIIv SIH II heat III sit IM MIMI attm ii MI GUITAR ItI Flirtrvrl IIP Ilrl Hum drill he not IIJIuII lf 150M IIIIII Value ieleptinne News IPIANODLHSDECIDIOEAI 5200 Cast IeI lltl hate when you buy new piano Irom Neales 30 Queen Etmvale Frldars or Saturdays 3221948 M9 LARGE FROSTvFREE mlrlqeiutc Ilnov érll $81 IluztInInatI IJI iI unllul lmt wvl lfllfl Ill IMA Incl wit IIlIIIV 4361084 PM Name PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 77865 It you drink thats your buslneas Ivor want to quit thats ours Cai 4r timo TF JULIES JJ E356 Road we trade am PM used pocket novels Open am tr lit om days week M89 ENGLISH RIDING Insirmton Indoo arena lltnJIC from Barrie VLIITIG ldunh Farm 7750197 Aue LONELY WIDOWER early 60$ seek Ing lonely nenSIoner lady in late 50 to share homemakinn table expense Please bend photo with reply Whir Iii hr returned Box 82 NIEalom Jntarlo NOH lYI II CAQTOONST avai able to entertain rIilLlrr rerun SIR Further Inur at on Uri065 moJ eucnlnqz BERT JOHNSON of RR stroud Ontario rIIII not to resDonuibIr tor dlI not Incurred in name train it rldtn toyyard Tnbruary To 1976 with that content TLLECAPE VtI lIIM wIIr out dIDIC to new In at leccnrn 7267012 aiwtme SLEIGH RIDES Available an hour on to 15 people an Iqu TclIzntionc 4363776 or HO227N lO HELP WANTED AVON dill IIIIIII onn husiitLsm Im 32 PR Earn1 cnlllvo THE WATFPMAN let7 agow ml flaps31 III IIPICII IIueIIII mI Ia lIJ Illn fiII Scnl quaint ntuLIucIsI make TELEVISION our Iain Iaiov Sdom innr min hour IILnlli In II WW Intrtr mat Slim CHLIILIjI II I¢I InIzIIIIIQIe 4285355 IIII II WINDOW CLEANING nI IIII LI Lila 709m III Illlo it Ill Iqu 473 ILILlll Unlzllln ll IIJII HELP WANTED 19 INTERESTING OCCASIONAL PARTTIME WORK Canadas olldest Market Re search Company has openings for people to conduct personal interviews in proselected areas Positively nothing to promote or demonstrate Mostly evenings and Saturdays at various times of the yeaIr Use of car es sential Good hourly rate plus expenses For further details apply to CANADIAN FACTS CO LIMITED mo Bloor Street East TORONTO Ontario M4W 102 F24 MECHANIC to work on heavy construc tion equtomont state experience and wages expected Reply to Box Plo Barrie Examiner F25 MATURE person required to work ev enings in childrens home experience With children necessary start immed dlell Telephone Janie 7288737 F24 SUPERINTENDENT fUII partlimo nunle to be responsible for upkeep of grounds in new housinq proiect Per mIanent position all equipment suIr nlied excellent salary includinq bed room home telephone 14167452978 F24 BROKERS tor Essa taxi to and part Ime driven must be 25 or over must have Lhaufleurs licence Call 4354304 Mondav to Friday to pm MI HOWARD JOHNSONS Restaurant 355 Bayliold Street is now interviewing for 0er lulltime cook and one fulltime lIrInq room personnel Full training urovided Apply in person only Ml WM HEF REQUIRED tor first class rest nuran Muzl be experienced Good moon dal week Box ms the Bar ir larrhncr F76 COMPANION Int aide reouired in local home on lake smcoe Annlicants must have drivers licence as Shooping will be one of their responsibilities The mo therI ln this adult lamily is in wheel rhair and requires frequent assistance This in otters excellent Day Drivae DEUIIIIITKI room oVrrlookinq lake with television and Dhone For further in tormalion please contact Mrs Wilde at 7285226 lays F26 EMPLOYMENT WANTED SENIOR bookkneoer with years ac rnLtntIrn cxncrience capable ol takInJ AovIplctr control of set of books to Ira Balance Accounts Receivable Amounts PaIahle Payroll and Super Lory ernnriencc 4356452 alter pm or write Box 27l Alliston F21 MAN 41 blinnual 10 years sales ex perience Wndow van wants Dickup nelwm contracts or workinn lRYIlllItr in sales Muskoka Geo IIIII Bav Hauburlon areas Offers in vlrrt 9353305 CIVIL lc noloqlzt slx years Fl nflrinncr will ldrlfr Livil contrac Mne Dar time werk on quantitl laveow estimatirq contract adminis raion tor roads sewers watermainé oIIImerval paying Relerences 726 Itl9 Io am F25 BOX REPLIES Inlic crerv erdcaxor will he made In toward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or damage alleged to arise thmugh mthcr failure or delay in or wnrum such replies however olherniso THE CANADA WOOD SPECIALTY CO LTD IIIIIILgtI0 Intuit printurls llllSlllLI rcqlnrcs the Iruclul tIplILon IIIIIEII to Ill212 mugs In tho IlllxllI specialty wood Production Controller and Sales Liaison Ollicer shIIII lw IILIxlIllzhlr anl possess an lII tumulvr It lilt InuliJIIIIILIII iIIlII lnlllll lit an asset xlllnxj Ilpl1uII llllillll lh Illllrllll lullICSIIII It IlitllllI lllIl ltLliLlll IIllllllllllllI2l llll OkltoricmQ II ItLlSIllLlI regtumo to lllli llt lllllll SPlllIALlY fl LlD Pl Box 458 DRILLM Ontario ILIcphunc 3263522 Il in the tolluuing moss llLLllllIII Illt Sl VINCENT Illi BLAKE IIE llllllllN Illlllll PARK liltll IIlu III GIRLS Earn Extra Money In Your Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS lllIlIllt lll HIL HELD IN SIIIICI CONFIDENCE Illl IO HELP WANTED Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bavfield St Barrie OR PHONE 7266539 Telephone InInunuuununu IInluvrrIIqlInnl Address II

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