gums ONE OF FIRST TO DONATE Linda Symes of Angus giv es blood regularly and was one of the first to donate at the Barrie Retl Cross blood donor clinic field Monday at Trinity Parish Hall on Collier Street She is attended by Sharon Oliver left Toronto Registered Nurse and Vera Courtney of the Canadian Red Cross in Toronto The clinic continues from 830 tonight and officials note they are look ing in particular for nega tive blood Examiner Photo LOCAL AND GENERAL ROUTINE MATTERS Routine matters tender re ports and committee appoint ments make up the agenda for this weeks meeting of the Sim coe County Board of Education CITY NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMLVER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24 19763 Teachers taking Friday off to discuss media and family Prominent authorities on the mezli and experts on openmin lcd triucation and family chan will travel to Simcoe County lil to take part in tea development cliqr professional dci lhis the first year all tea ciicrs in Simcoe County clemen rj and seconda iiinlc and separate have coordinated their aiviiies and the result isthree prograins under the heading aues in Education Barrie Central Collegiate ill be the lactation of daylong stu dy of The Media Influences on Education There will be panel discus sion in the morning with the panel members being Richard Tvecdliani Jack McClelland El oy Yost and Jack Licley of Channel 19 and director of edu cation Jack Ramsay Peter Wal pole of Angus public school Will be moderator Organizers estimate 700 teach cr will attend the Barrie scu sion and in the afternoon will take part in workshops led by representaiites cf the Simcoe County media Another 700 teachers are ex pected to attend lkiltll$ at Banting Memorzal lligh School in Alliston The topic there will be lam ily Changes Ellccis on Educa tion variety of courts om the fields of law family counselling and child care will inform tea chers of the causelt and effects of family clionge The pro nu is designed to hop lCflCllCl lLr pond to stiidents need The seesion at win Lakes Secondary School in Drillni all involve the Ontario Toner Federation which has organiz el scrie o1 YoKgtli1lJ3 on Open Minded Education lne workshops are intended to help teachers better lllltll stand some of the current think in on eluaion as it to the interaction between 9+ dent and student student and teacher and the curriculinn ll gtciiOOlS 4eiiate and public lll be closed Iiday relates The meeting will be held Wed nesday at pm at the lid ucation Centre 90 Ferris Lane SCIENCE FAIR science fair is scheduled Thursday and Friday at Eastview Secondary School The fair runs from 10 am to pm each day and is open to the public Participants are stud ents from Grade to Grade 13 from Eastview and its elemen tary feeder schools RUMMAGE SALE rummage sale will be held by the 6th Cubs and Scouts Bar iic Saturday Feb 28th from to p111 at Central Unit cd iurh Ross Street Barrie Old books games clothing are icqiiircd tall 7288465 for pick up Items may alo be delivered to Central United Church Fri day evening Feb 21h Year probation ordered by court Metro Toronto policeman sentenced to one year nro Inition in provincial court Mon ay after being Imian guilty of pointing lirearm at per son Donald Paul Ilirclta 35 had been chtrgcd in jellncwocd af ttr residcnt of that towr David llornei alleged his car was stopped and he was threa tcneil by Constable llircha with 13 calibre pistol The court shudders to think that citizen should be so abus crl sail Judge John Anjo in lilii mntcncc onfablc lilt cha xcrvcd on the Toronto force nn li fears Hopes of instant riches swell provincial cofier The evening at March peo ple acress Ontario will focus attention on Barrie hoping to become instantly rich Barrie was chosen as the lo cation of 1110 23nd draw in Win Lario Lottery for number of reasons according to Barbara ICSSUII spokesman for the Ontario Lottery Corp Mi Jcsson says it would be cheaper for the corporation to conduct all draws out of sin dio in Toronto but chose instead to move the production around the province attracting attention to individual cominunities To date the corporation has received over 300 requests from various groups to have the draw htld in tieir community Barrie had indicated an inter ci in holding the draw during the summer Miss lcsson said but noted there are many resort districts whicii had also 2hde for the same period While looking at map cor poration organizers decided it was time to hold lltiw in Sim coe County and after speaking with Mayor Dorian Parker de cided to ask the Friends of the Fireball to promote the event Miss Jesson says there is no charge to the promoting group except that it mut provide suitable place to hold the draw Concerts and admission charges surrounding the draw are the responsibility of the promoting group and have nothing to do with the lottery corporation The draw to be held at Bar rie Central Collegiate will be carried lie on television and NEWS FROM NORTH will feature 22000 prizes worth total of over $2 million Because of the lotterys ran dom method of selecting numb ers every ticket regardless of the number or the time sold has an Lqual chance of winning Miss lesson indicated one in every 25 tickets sold is win ner To date not including this draw $33 million in tickets have been sold 01 that amount 40 to 43 per cent goes to grants hllctl through the ministry of cul fare and recreation 38 to it per cent goes into prizes and small er amounts are for local retail ers distributors advertising se curity and administration Eighty rlX pcr cent of the prizes have been ciaimed to date Miss lcsson said Girls volleyball teams fare well in competition ltv BONNIE and BRENDA SLUTI iii icll of ti In iccfï¬ coi nnni this one is going to seem short with lilillh back to in al here at North Still here is what ioppcncil thi past week in llllrw vollcyball action iilpl vliil both or iior and tailor canis cudad their regular gasin lllll fill our car scnior team played out 51illtlllliy in iction against Collingvood and Borden dc featinvg both of them Meanwhile the junior team plopwd ll hii wore able to only drlcat Collingwood losing to llordcn That utlcd seaanal play for our junior tcam plac ine them third in ovcrnll Urani nigs with ll wins and lim loves lci of loci III the pari fir llill North was busy place last Thursday afternoon as the mid gets iiniors and sealers hosted Midland in boys basketball action lnloiliiniitcly ii lcaiiis did not fare very well llcttcr lock lltfvl turn 11st Itongratulatinnn in Jim ilcicks curling team which de icaicd Central in curling fitil inst TRACK SCENE BUSY The track scene proved to be done busy one for many dur iiq last Saturday Winter Car nival activities Many line per formances arc to on hotel for some of our schools squad who corriprvtcil in the twomile race In the niidgct division Mark lilack placed third and Scott Johnson placed fourth for the boys while Leslie Black olaccd find Debbie Quail third and Christina Dickon fourth for the girls In the juvenile division for boys Mike Forgrave placcil Cttlllil and Andy McNecle fourth Although Mr lnlul7in ski rack conch didnt put this on the animunccmenls we found out Ile placed first for the mens open event He wasnt the first in cross the finish but still he won because they who rill beat him wcro Llilbhtti as invernlcs etc lo in carniva evcnts last Saturday Norths Kevin Jones and Brenda Caldwell fared very wcll in rosscoimtiy races In lhurnlay night our drama ilub performed in the Georgian Bay drama festival after many weeks of hard preparations for this event Norths production Pigeon with Silver Foot dirl very well in he festival winning two awards latricia li 1h ililut tion won the best actress award Congratulations Pat on job well done Also they receiveil the best technical award for having the lfrl rrhnicnl devices in their production mg setting Many praises were also heard about the costnmm our production hail So coiiurululaliom to all thosc iniolved in making the plnv llill Silltfnï¬ lclorc we and the column 01 this week we wuuld like to ex tend our apologies to Jeff Rec gers who was named our Teen line In our last column we made the error of saying Jeff Matthews And one little lost reminder Only 12 school days until mama Barrie is not the residential disaster area which Toronto based newspaper is trying to make it says Jack Stollar Barrie builder and developer Mr Stolar said story in the newspaper Saturday gave false impression of housing conditions industrial development and com munity life in Barrie Market conditions for selling houses in the city he said are similar other municipalities in the province and prices are substantially lower than larger municipalities closer to Toronto You simply cant get similar accommodations in larger muni cipalities in the Toronto area for the 31¢ price as you pay in Barrie said Within few months to year townhouses in these other municipalities will cost about $00000 because of the demand for housing Mr Stollar said many of the boroughs and municipalities in the Toronto area have serious latk of residential land In North York he said lots without houses er selling for at least $50000 over twice the price of lot in Barrie If people leaves Barrie and are looking for less expensive housing theyll find themselves on the other side of Hamilton he said The problem in the Barrie housing market he said is that number of large developments went up at the same time TATER TO CONDIUTERS The type of homes in the de JACK STOLLAIK £5 £5 £5 CLAIMS CITY MAYOR ARCH BROWN velopments he said cater com muters but now the market has slumped because the high cost of gasoline has cut down the num ber of commuters The only thing we can do is promote more industry in the area he said This is the most important thing to make indus trial land and concessions avail able for development filr Stollar said the city has to acquire more industrial land to make it more attractive for in dustries to locate in Barrie Industrial land in Toronto he said is selling for about $110000 an acre Arch Brown owner of the Bar rie Canadian Tire Store is very upset by the article in the Tor onto paper Mr Brown said he read the story while flying home from Sweden this weekend Something like this has to be damaging to the C01THTIIIIII ty he said People often for get exactly what is said in any speech or article but they re member the image which is con eyed Mr Brown is concerned about the future development of the city because his store is in the midst of an expansion from the downtown area to the Bayfield Mall The expansion will make his store the larget single retail outlet north of Toronto he says In prenaer gtttcmcnrt Mr Brown lashed out at Mayor Dor ian Parker who was quoted as opposing development in the city Its the most damaging piece of journalism prepared under the sponsorship of our head of local government that Ive ever seen written on Barrie he said Mr Brown said instead of op posing growth in the city Mayor Parker should act as an am bassador for Barrie She has responsibility to the citizens he said Ile attacked her statement as an election campaign topic say ing she is wily political inan oeuvier who supplirts local mili tant minority groups The article could in fact put curse equal to the Port Ilope radiation Scare on the real es tate market in the city he said Mr Brown questioned whether many people Will buy houses in the community after reading the article or whether many in dustrial leaders will look to Bar rie for future expansion industrial commission has been selling Barrie for past few years to number of industries he said This puts lot of the work down the drain Bob Hollywood industrial coni inissioner for the city doesnt agree Mr llollywcod said prospec tive industrial land purchasers can look at the article two ways either with quick glance for ming ideas about the quality of life or with more research ill to the area DOESNT REFLECI The article doesnt reflect the positive side of the picture very well he said Theres not black or white answer to whee ther the article will affect the future expansion of industrial growth in the city Mr Hollywood said Monday innning he was talking to small industry which is ready to start operating in the city as soon as possible guess thats the answer he said Many other smaller industries and businesses are attracted to the city he said because of the quality of life Barrie can offer employees Ile said some comments in the article are true especially con cerning the fact that wages are lower in Barrie than in Toronto Mr Hollywood said this does not mean Barrie employers are cheap or that the area is low wage section of the province City not disaster area civic leaders maintain The employers have to re main competitive he said This is competitive ago area It is also impossible to com pare Bartie to Toronto he said because both municipalities have different qualities to offer people Barrie is helluva long way from ever being Toronto he said SLIGHTLY DEPRESSED Ken Miller past presdent of the Barrie Real Estate Board said the housing market is in slightly depressed date in the city he said The market is not all that bad Mr Miller said in 1975 the board made 863 sales valued at about $36 million through the multiple listing service This compares to 458 sales for $18 million in 1974 He said part of the problem with housing is that everything is becoming little more ex pensive from loaf of bread to case of beer Im still optimistic about 1976 he said think well have good year Peeple still have to have housing Mr Miller said people can af ford to buy housing in the city if they look around and are will ing to take something like townhouse Remember its still much better to buy than to rent he said Besides theres not much in the way of renal accomoda in the way of rental accommo dations around in the city 1w BOB HOLLYWOOD Cock and bull story Lies lies lies says Mayor Dorian Parker May or Parker said story which appeared in lcr onto newspaper Saturday was very detrimental mislead ing and incorrect She said the story did not contain anything she had told the reporter about the future growth of the city and commuter residents in Barrie Ill attempt to get it corrected but doubt if itll be any good she said Mayor Parker was reported as saying she is glad the gasoline and energy crisis will stop the future develop ment and growth of the city Monday the mayor said this is incorrect She said she is in favor of planned development and growth of the CllV lhe Simcoc Georgian Area Task Force is recom mending the city he allowed to expand to 125000 in the next 30 to 40 years Its little hiin for me she said But with care ful planning can live with it Thats planning for peo ple and not necessarily special interest groups Mavor Parker said the energy crisis in Canada will eventually dictate who can and cannot commute to work She said the crisis is limiting commuting to within 30 miie radius of any municipality Im not against commuters she said And think that we should not only try to keep the people here but give them jobs in the city so they could live here GETS SUPPORT Oxlani representative Gret ta Vermuelen dropped by Ma or Dorian Parkers office to receive official support from the city at Barrie for Oxfams program of relief funds 0x fam currently has booth in tho Bayficld Mall canvassint to raise funds for needed ma terials like plasterofparis and gauze bandages emergency sanitation systems and plastic shooting for the emergency shelter of 30000 people in Gua temala Examiner Photo not believed by judge Provincial court Judge Joiin Anjo rejected what was termed cockandbull story about mysterious third party and found Peter Nelson Bailey of Toronto guilty of armed robbery Mon day and sentenced him to five years in penitentiary Bailey along with Jacqueline Monetie of Toronto was charg cd with the Ilalloween night rob bery of Beckers Milk Store on Maple Avenue in Barrie Miss Moneite had earlier pleaded guil ly to the charge and had been sentenced to two years less day in prison Bailey was arrested by But ric police after being called to the Brookdale Inn by Geoffrey ltodway who had seen the cri me committed Mr todway te stified he had stopped at the Beckers store about 1030 pm Oct 31 to buy cigarettes It wasnt until got right to the counter that hccamc ware of man standing there wearing Ilalloween mask and pointing gun at the man and woman behind the counter said Mr Rodway At first thought it was prank but then noticed in othcr person behind the counter emptying the fill and tearing the telephone off the wall The man with the gun said Iiicry body lie down on Ilic floor then they left Mr Rodways wife linriifcr was waiting outside the store in their car and she saw the bandits leave They were carry ing white plastic but and Mrs Rodwoy noticed them stuf fing something in the bag as they paused by the door They then ran down Maple towards Dnnlop When Mr Iiodnay got into the car they evnigirrrl rows and drove towards Dnnlop looking for the robbers umin the robbers would have used the al leyways Mr Iodwav went west on Dnnlop then turned up Mary Street and spotted lwo peope ionchlv matching tht dos cription of the robbers outside the liquor store COULDNT BE SURE couldnt be sure it was Ihem testified Mrs Rodwnv but noticed white plastic butt and the rcrmetl to be mov ing some coverings from their faces when first saw them My husband stopped the car and not out to chase them when they howled west on Dnnlop Mr Railway follower the two uttple who started running when they noticed him behind them He caught up to one who show ed to walk while the other ran ahead At this point he had good look at the man and identified him as Bailey who was sitting in the prisoners dock When caught him didnt say anything but he said some thing like Get the hell away from me said Mr Itodway just walked along with him until we got to the Brookdale and he went to one of the rooms and called the police from the main office went back outside and saw the man standing outside his room and he asked me if wanted to come in and talk I0 him said no When police arrived Mr Rod way showed them which room Bailey was in but they were un able to open the door It was not lockable door since it led only to foyer so police forc ed the door and found Bailey holding it from the inside They also saw Miss Monette at the top of stairway and Constable Raymond Bourne ran up to at rest her grabbed her around the waist testified Constable Bou rne and when did noticed something hard in her pants Turning her around found pistol and pulled it out of her pants and at the same time dollar bill came out IAGGED THE PISTOL Constable Bourne had tagged the pistol and identified it when presented as evidence The own ers of the Beckers store Mr and Mrs Deun Chur Kim had not been able to identify the pis tol Speaking through Korean in terpreter early in the trial they had only been able to contribute the fact that $378 was stolen As to identifying the robbers Mr Kim had said that their fac cs were covered and to him all North Americans looked alike 0f the money stolen police only recovered $88 this hid den in the crotch of Miss Mon ettes pants The masks used in the holdup and the balanco of the money were never found Bailey then took the stand in his own defence and told story of third party in the holdup whom he refused to identify for fear of his own safety Bailey on parole after serving prev ious sevenyear sentence for robbery with violence had been heading for Vancouver with Miss Monette because he knew there was province wide warrant for his arrest on charge of parole violation Ile had be told not to leave the Toronto area Ile had visited his mother in Collingwood who had given him money for the train tickets plus some extra total of $320 He and Miss Monette then took the bus to Barrie and checked into the Brookdale as Mr and Mrs Wright using identifictr lion stolen from Nancy Wright of Toronto They went to the Wellington Hotel 00 have beer and met friend of Baileys from pli son The three returned to the Bmokdale where they smoked some marijuana and took val iety of tranquilizer pills which Miss Monette had obtained on prescription in Collingwood WANTED SOME MIX Bailey said one of the three had bottle of liquor and they wanted to go get some mix They headed towards the Beckers but when they got as far as the liquor store Bailey said he had to Sit down and clear his mind out 50 Miss Monette and the third party went on The next thing he knew Miss Monette was back telling him to hurry up and get going back to the Brookdale Why didnt you tell police bout the third man asked do fence counsel Kevin Carrol Because Ive seen what hap pens to stoolpigeons replied Bailey Ive been in prison and Ive seen people hurt or killed because they squealed on some one else MASKS NEVER FOUND In summing up Mr Carrol pointed out that the masks had never been found and most of the money reported stolen was still missing He also questioned identification of the robber men tioning that the only positive id entificaiion of Bailey came dur ing the chase am not asking you to be lieve Baileys story just accept it is possible for there to have been third man involved since there is no proof Bailey was act ually in the store concluded Mr Carrol What we have here is cock andbull story about myster ions third person whom Bailey refuses to identify for fear of his own safety said Crown Attorn ey Thompson suggest Mr Bailey would have been lot better off if he had told police the identity of the third person because if the story is tnie he would not be here today Although the evidence is all circumstantial it has built wall around the accused and the only way the facts can fit is if he committed the rob bevy Well wont keep you in sus pence said Judge Anjo dont believe word of your story The timing of the rob bery on llalloween night with train tickets to Vancouver the next day is simply too well plan ned And there are too many in consistencies between your story Miss Monettes and the ev idence of the Rodways As to the missing money and masks suggest Miss Monette could have disposed of them while you were holding the doom rmflflam cplth