caused postponement of THE MiNESING STATION Hobby Club picked up an award for this float in the Minesing blinifest parade Sat About 1000 visit Innistil or annual Winterama event Alter disappointing turnout for Innisfil Winterama on the weekend Innistil Chamber of Commerce may take few poin ters from the people oriented Minesing Minilest Only about 1000 people visted Innisfil Beach Park 15 miles south of Barrie for Winterama The snow storm on Saturday snowmo bile events but the crowd did not materialize in good weather Sunday when the winter carni val resumed Its damn disappointing said chamber vicepresident Steve Brown think we need more events that allow people to participate llc said competitions such as log sawing and motorbike rac lllg may be needed to attract the public One bright spot was the pop BAllltlE lZASlVlEW slu dcnts obviously got kick out of winning trophy on Sat urday tor plcscnting one it hc two best productions in the titorriau Ila Drama Festival held at Eastview Their play today There were more than 10 entries as the Minesing par ade centinued its reputation as match for the Barrie Winter ular Winterama Queen dance Saturday night in the Stroud Innisfil Recreation Centre Tic kets were sold out in advance Heather MacFarlane 16 of Stroud student at Barrie Cen tral Collegiate was named Win terama Queen and Cheryl Piz zuti was her princess Named Teen Queen was Barb Marsden 15 and her princess was Sharon Siebert Both girls are students at barrio lluallt One notable citort was put in by young Dan Viiunas as be lone braved Saturdays storm to fish through Lake Simcoe ice and capture the childrens fish derby and 5150 first prize Dennis Walker 13 won $130 in the trout derby and his grand father came second COilllli $60 prize The Cool Cash draw prize oi $1000 went to Shirley McLean Murder of Lidice was prais ed by the adjudicator but be selected the tavcniri pro duction of The Mask as best sending that cost the Regional finals in Oshawa in Carnival parade Awards went to five of the entries lihe hob by club St Peters Church 9th Line connnunity Colleen of lift Stroud Kevin Kecle of licswicl was standout in the snowmobile races getting the most points oveall with four firsts and third Rick Holland of Sandy Cove Marina won three races and Jack Gould of Siroud on two Don Koopnians one of the or ganizers said the lake might be better lecaiion than lnnis fil Park for racing iicxt ycar About 75 racers took part Other events included do lcd race volleyball game in oirlng lnnisfils three Lions ciubs and school broomball rac games Childrens fish derby Dan Vil uztas 11 of Stroud lropt derby Dennis Walker of Niagara Fail with illpound catch second ll Walker oi Niagara Falls 10 pounds two ounces April Left to right arc Dan Coo director Mary Young Debbie tfzilloid litlallilltl in 101 Peter litirison Stain iro an Sui Mllillll in from the photo are llil Durnlords dogs and George McDonalds team of horses Examiner Photo Organizers of the Minesing linifcst 10 inicls northwest ol barric reported high attendance in the park of the Vespra town ship hamlet lllll0llCud$ for the fourday community oriented carnival wcrc Minifcst princess Debbie tiritfiu 16 of Miiihuist stu dent at Barrie North Collegiate and Minesin citizen of the year Vera Illaguirc $9 president of the Simcoe County Womens 1n siittitc giant parade that some say surpasses Barrie Winter Carni val ratado began Saturdays fes tivities centred around the Mine sing community centre The people were invoide in traditional winter competitions among them Wayne Dixons iuaLing pull of 1480 pounds on sled across 25 feet of snow ilick Iral7 and lJtbbie lzilford also was nam Lil Cotter cti tlli oi liit bunt Ltlltssts alquI with latricia lies of ionic Norili tlixaiuincr llio if Eastview shares top award Ily MU ltLlsl Llilillilt Plasti icw Secondary School ticd with tiravcnhurst High School tor tlic two Best lro ii lit award is ill ticolgiaii ate Drama Festival ltcgioiiul Sliowcasr to be held on April 13 and ii at Eastdale Coi lcgiatc Oshawa The awards were prescntcd following loztivni dinnc licld lliat not important in said but the lcarning cmpcri cncc what happened to you tlxll you new on slagc and what you icaincti zit tli work iiops that iiiipiplpi lay Drama ltrtlYUl Ncii lllllli alyiiilicator Llslutw Mdlfluml llc quoted but of hijiiiulits said that these two plays made 15 lllill hr particularly iiittil iltilll him mark and cac 10mm the Lamont all the productions udicaio Nci trcc Mm th UUIHM he adj lcclinicill Awards Hlf briu mv tun tho int man ANS ltllll Dean of liilf Wm Huy 10 3i ra cial cliccs combined with the All 30 lmlltlmy and low at and WM muduc professor in the Theatre tion icit lceling of magic Dillinrclii llciszoiactorliaiing Stagi Management iiizt llvciyihing woilicd to lean an Clitftl ili ducï¬on to iiiii participate tilm to in the SinipsonScai Ontario CJllfl ll the lJln lildwl iil lll England and broadcaster icciiizni that in was iully to talk about llllillS and Macro gt4l Man Masque tlravculiiirst liltlli School Visual lilfccts with marks for the anancsi ms Slayncr District llltllll Danc Colleg Two contrasting plays wind up drama festival ii lLltllL Llllilllll wcll iiircctcil mini iiit lic Alllllllllllll ltp who iw stoic final lilies real impact the show ilic Mov oi ilitli 5371 grim 1h it won tlic Steward liiiair raised scientifically by lnsluiiitr Uncmhm hc Pew31 Builty that kept the pin ac with cyniytliirg brt HI almost Tam libHim 132 ccptoblc to the audience l5ailcy iuilcd to get off the ground AMMWW Ways who is wellknown in Orillia as lint Wiliio was picnild Irvfinial contrasting in period and siyic ictivii to con biougn thc cluiou lclicluuguisiiciic lliOULdli iiitl on iJ Mountain Top and riiiizi or mt io iiir int play tJtlllttl amin llltl out lllt inst scene truth the tiioughtprOiokiiig play man aged to come across with di rect sincerity that superseded to son cnt the inadequac ies um blc in high school production liu driic toward liic ciiiiiix ii llltlll ii iilcti comedy but also established the time And platc fhc pay lloug Frost as ltobcrt arc utcii and spoiled much of his work by lorcir ll oicc aiLiuicw ll Iiiilicnti air to tlic production Ilic big weakness lay with the part of St Joan as acted by Jackie Scott She Ws not quite right for the role thus the play as ri whole toilet to have the stature necessary it was the comedy actor in lcnctanguirtlicnes play Man on lloiiliard pinycd the happy ti it it iiiww lti rciamil airl totally coiiiinc ill lllilllltl llio itllllh lichzui llltll tin ilicciiit llililt lii otailj llt cainn cIo tl but cciitdiiiliiii tll in his part then so he inau agctl to project the withdrawn from society part iii fimal =v=d sceni tl wrong for thc part And again this HS ihlfiiL lil Ii son the play failed to work with convict ion into luiitiiic lciciiy is No Name for ind Special Flats for fluid Sop lillii lroni lliiloii llciglits New iiiarkrt tostioncs St Joan tlriiiia District IIoiiegiatc ilill Vocation ai institute Visual llflccts Barrie North loiitL Pigeon with the Silver Foot Spccial lilfcct llasuuc tiravenliiirst sotcial Ailjiulicaiors Award niiici Coo of insiview Barrie who played the guitar in The iudr liidicc and also com po iiic munit Onelan Acting Awards are as fol low AtlUllS Iticliilril Robillnrd lcne llllflixlltllC as Willie in Alan on thc Mountain Top omcily actor Blair Bailey mi 11 Slrwziid in Si ltJll trultsmun and Lead Actor Bialic Johnston lravcniiiirst lltllSS AWARDS Cathy Richardson Ncwmurk cl it Hold Sopzluo Support Award Lorine Led lie itrzzillorJ tour mics in Un dir ililkmioo its lwo awards wcrc given for the altord ltcst Aclrcss lllllll HEATHER MACFARLANE 16 oi Stroud was chosen Innis fil Winterama Queen Saturday night in the Stroud lnnislil Recreation Centre She is student at Bainrie Central Te en is Barb Marsden 15 The WEATHER Saturday night lance was the most sticccssful Winterama event bad wcaflicr forced pustponcment oi most activ ities until Sunday llixaminer Photo Springlike weather returns to Barrie area on Tuesday Spiiiig like weather will re turn to the Barrie area Tuesday says the Toronto weather oflice in forecast issued at 623 this morning Temperature will be in the threetasty range Tuesday and there is chance of low showers The low tonight will be Today will be mainly sunny Forecast for other areas is Toronto Mainly sunny today lligh near Low overnight Cloudy periods and mild lues day with chance of few show ers lligb Windsor Lake St Clair Niag ara low flurries this morn liiicn he lvei in BllliC from llilltit Dusty Lee llivcrs was plain Larry Simon But he got imolicil in music went to Cali namc and finally cuzlcd up back in iiiiisii picking up his stagc mime 1an finally ended up bask in Barrie in no to virit his old friend Ciilf Money in the liiitril iiile be as States llivcrs hal ra cilcd from California to Naslii lite and ilaycd must of the major points such as the llitching lost in Aibiiuiicrquc Nashville Wct in lll Monte the Branliiig iron in San BCllllilliLllilli and the Sil er Tap in Omaha in between lie had played in Las Vegas and the Starlight Lounge in Lox Angcies Rivers had even had some minor acting rolls anl iliiid been stunt man in True Grit lie llltl Money discussed the civilian music scene and towd there was great deal lacking The most notable thing missing was promotion for Canadian sing ers whom livers and Money felt bad as much talent as American oncs So instcad of sittinig around and saying hat was wrong with llii the music rli sad we did something about it That something is lth Pro two to as lll woman in Murder of Li llit frl llinnca in the SilH iiioi lidlll tll ItlHtHlillltt Award nun Illti liar lliir entry lhi Wind by Bradbury As cvuythiiig technical seemed to go wrong tape recorders DUSTY LEE Klvgns follow oil Wills Vevh ed the route of many Canadian To lllt actress who lltlpttl in gingers ho 1nd to go to the ltll UNIVl UM hill Untcd SitlltS to heroin lt stuuc managing special nw nixed Now the former Barrie Hill to Alicc liiilili Stayncr resident is part of DLR produc litcon with olih ls ing lainly sunny this after noon Iligh today Low over night Cloudy periods and mild Tuesday witii chance of few showers High t0 London lxitchcncr llamiiton lclerboiougli Lake Erie Lake lluron Lako Unaiio southern Georgian Bay Mainly sunny to day High to Low over night to Cloudy periods and mild Tueday with chance of icw SilOiVCIS High to North Bay Siiilbiuy northern Georgian llay llniiburlon Sunny this morning Cloudy pe rii is this ztcriiiou lligh today lo wrii tnipcratiires rc niaining ctca Overnight WINNIPEGBASED FIRM anadian country promoted rmer Barrie men duct axis parrot company has Cd in liinmpc wlrch controls Cnliin Country Jubilee ti itciiiug iozitl show Jubilee re cord3 Jubiicc Publications and iiiiiilcc Ailllttllitlll llivcrs is in ci irzc oi iraiiioion as well as rumor the road show the tlouj illltliLS finances and ad lllifllrlililitill ii billl oi iiccd someone to stay at homi iirl iiin the coni puny while lm running across iili Illllil raid iliicrs Cliff its tiu lilIlii ll hiiiiiic tlmlll istiatioii anti lc got all the mutant in not US the show busincss contracts LIVES IN WINXIIEG Aline was hop and raised in liarric but in rcccnt ycars has liCl in various parts of the coun try snicc he workcd for large trucking company Sincc illill is hired in liiinipcjz iic now lives iiicrc iiiai llill has now lfi the road rhiw Canadian Country Jubilee which st llltl and singers ShelleyLou Marie and Art Young The group has contract to tour the ltllll Canada fair circuit with l3 shows in Alberta Saskatchewan anzl lianitcbn livers ticscriiics lilycaroid Sliolylou as wcstcrn Canadas Miss Country Music comparing tions company which metm otes Canadian talent has travelling mod Show Canadian wintry luhilcc and is produc ing its iiist record this sum mer negative lblOod sought at clinic blooddonor clinic sponsor ed by the Barrie Branch of the Red Cross will be looking for negative blood this evening as it is urgently needed for two heart operations one at Sick Childrens Hospital and one at Toronto General The clinic in Barrie is to night from to 830 at Trinity Parish Hall on Collier Street CITY NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 23 1976 LOCAL AND GENERAL JUVENILES Barrie police charged two 15 yearold boys with breaking and entering on Sunday in connec tion with breakin Friday at residence on Mary Street One of the juveniles was taken into custody and charged also with the Feb 14 breakin at house on Ross Street MARIJUANA William John Tidy 16 of Aleda Street was charged with pos session of marijuana Saturday night after the RCMP raided residence in downtown Barrie court appearance has been set for March LIBERAL DINNER Stuart Smith leader of the Opposition in the Ontario legis lature will be guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Simeoe Centre Liberal Associ ation March 11 The meeting will begin with dinner at 630 at he Army Navy Air Force Club and tickets at $5 per person may be obtained by telephoning Margaret Kelly at 7265671 or 7285220 All inter ested people are invited to at tend ROUTINE MATTERS Routine matters tender re ports and committee appoint ments make up the agenda for this weeks meeting of the Sim coe County Board of Education The meeting will be held Wed nesday at pm at the Ed ucation Centre 99 Ferris Lane TWO IXJLRED two car accident near Al liston Saturday sent two people to hOSpital with minor injuries Lillian Joan Fuicr and Charles Frederick Fuller both of RR her to Tania Tucker ller ï¬rst single record will be released on the Jubilee lzbcl this July and selections of here will be on an LP based on the road show which will be released about the same time ShelleyLou has got great tal out but tip until now she hasnt had much chance to perform said Rivers On her first per formance at the Playhouse Thea tre in Winnipeg she received three standing ovations She has great future in country music The Playhouse had been sche duled for conversion into park ing lot but it was saved for en tertainment Jubilee performs there every month and Rivers has nothing but praise for the theatre Built for opera perform ances it is high with seating for only 1400 but has excellent cousiics ANOTHER SHOW By this summer DLR will have another touring road show also under the name of Canadian Country Jubilee and right now Rivers and Money are in the pro cess of lining no dates for the Ontario flair Urcuii The main selling point lll uc is the fact that the show is as gord as an American one but costs less We face the problem of con and there are two sessions Tuesday from to pm and again from to 81 negative is relatively rare blood type so officialsof the clinic dont expect to c01ect the entire 50 pints needed for the two operation However they hope to make reasonable con thihution Alliston and Michael Peter Frat taroli of Mississauga were all taken to Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston Fire depart ment crews had to be called to remove Mr Fuller from his car FASHION SHOW Georgian College Fabien Pro motion sutdents will present public fashion show entitled Fashion Comes to Life March at pm in the College Thea tre Barrie Tickets for the show which will feature womens lash ions for spring ans summer are $2 and are now available from Jack Webb Clothing The Loft and Studio One They may also be purchased Feb 27 and 23 from booth at Sears in the Georgian Mall or at the door the evening of the show BARRIE SAIIRIZED Tickets are available now for Charisma 76 satirical review of Barrie to be presented Feb 27 and 23 at Barrie Central Col legiate by the University Wo mens Club of Barrie Tickets for the fourth revue are avail able at Shornevs Opticians in Georgian Mall Trites Bookstore Bayfield Mall Sam the Record Man and Janes Stationery down town and Jack Webbl Clothing Allandale Tickets are also available by telephoning 7268790 or 7266753 LEAGUE ORGANIZED The Ladies Auxiliary to the Army Navy and Air Force vet erans is organizing mixed shuffleboord league for Satur days starting March at pm As well there will be provin cial mens dart tournament Feb 21 and there will be lots of help needed Anyone wishing to join the siiuffleboard can sign on the bulletin board incing people that Canadians can sing said Rivers The was torn fair circuit were doing this is the first time in 50 years that an allCanadian group did all the shows And even when cant convince fair organizers to get Canadian group have the con tacts to book on American sing or At least if do the booking the commission goes to Canad ian agent instead of an American one and we can pour the money back into promoting Canadian talent Another thing can do is sign up Canadian group for backup so they get the exposure anyways If they get enough ex posure they get well enough known to get major contracts Rivers is hoping for contract for the Barrie Fair in late Aug ust but has no definite word as yet DLR is also working with de fence minister James Richardson with the intention of lining up travelling show for Canadian Forces overseas With DLR Productions only eight inontiis old both Rivers and Money are enthusiastic about the companys ability to promote Canadian talent And as Rivers said0So far its growing so last we cant keep up with it CLIFF MONEY was born mule Hts painter is Dusty and rinsed in Barrie and now Lee Rivets wintry singer is partner in DLR Pioodiuet and showman who met Ml tons Winnipeg based oomp Money while living in Barrie any which promotes Canadianw in the early sixties