lï¬THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1078 I3 AUTOMOTIVE RENTALS OFFICES AND STORES OFFICE IN Angus Plaza For further detals call Bob West Co Ltd Realtors 7260672 or 728440 barric EGO8000 so It air con Cholkan and side serve 1970 Ford $1000 to $3000 NEW OFFCE SPACE 357 Bayfield Telephone Windsor 15199695860 am to pm F27 TRUCKS FOR SALE CATERING trucks Acme stainlless at in good condition Some 1111 refrigeration 31972 Chevrolet 11970 GMC Priced froml each Cash as 15 ditioned 4162217233 JV19 I970 670ch ton arIova 41653g Isosi rec ra io new pan as ee BARRIE Dhone 7261451 F27 GROVE DUCKWORTII ALUMINUM 000 uarc feet convenient centreI 7° FORD 1°I lo Im 3de 29m home subdivismn Rel ment $1500 good condition telephone tai and professional offices Call 453°°° F25 ALUMINUM Siding awnings Buy dirl CIO Iawn Investmem LIg II 415 eat from Installer and lnstal 954552 rt 173 INTERNATIONAlflerEIlel PICk lations can improve your home with we 1+9 41heelngrgg105 certlfled best offiggi less cost 7370390 4563011 F28 eeo one COMMERCIAL SPACE I1972 PORTI DRUMPf40I100 rrltilesAItl APPLIANCES 1500 SQUARE FEET for rent high Complete 00 Up or ag aong oai all ac ELECTRGLUX Canada Ltd author celiino truLk level dock heat and Ideal or septic tan or sm 32 sales and service 18 Amen liglis included Close to 400 Barrie Telephone 7264111 days PRIME industrial space available im mediately 4000 to 19500 square feet with ctflces fully sprinklered truck level Eoadinli and parkan providedI Teleohone 1267130 TF AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1973 CHRYSLER Newport Custom one owner many extras must sell 52600 TelephOne 72897I1 business hours F21 PRIVATE SALE 1975 Hornet Sport1 about station wagon cylinder auto matlc radials radio roof rack under coated 12000 miles excellent condition $3500 Telephone 726696 F21 1911 CHEV Beauville 12 van 30 series 350 automatic windows dition certified 7264197 F21 seat sport full 1966 CHEV BISCAYNE wagon 283 V8 automatic power steering and brakes Also 1971 Yamaha trail bike 125 cc 5250 for the pair must be sold togeth er 32 Napier Street after pm F21 971 VOLKSWAGEN BUG gas heater and radio uncertified $600 or best of fer Telephone 7287075 F21 I969 VOLKSWAGEN immaculate con ditlon must be seen 5850 Telephone 7266759 F21 1970 FORD GALAXIE 500 door hard top 351 automatic certified with 1976 plates 5800 1971 Meteor Rideau 302 automati door certified with 1976 Dlates 5800 7285701 F21 1974 MERCURY Bobcat 2300 EC stand ard rustproofed gold with brown in for Telephone Bradford 7156121 I1971 CHEV 32 ton pickup V8 auto matic power brakes must sell best offer telephone 7261680 1974 FORD XLT F100 V8 power steer 5119 110 luxury interior excellent con SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top Ltd F21 radio new tires 900d condition F23 automatic show condition AM ra tintedglass rustproofed asking CARS WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrios Newest Car De TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 75 BRADFORD ST 734272 TF $2800 or best Offer prices paid Will pick up 7289666 AU3 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Barrie 119 Bradford 57 728 TF ill COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking s25 and Up Fast pickup 4245949 or 4356322 Feb 14 Mar 14 AUI3 TRAcY WANTS cars and trucks forI iwrecking and parts Free pickup Telephone 7268481 top prices paid TF JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prlc es paid same day pickuo Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TF AUTO ACCESSORIES ALUMINUM truck cap for ton pick up Cab height asking $300 Telephone 7283809 F23 Blvd 7283392 JU31 BOOKKEEPING MOBiLl BOOKKEEPING service your offlc or mine complete partial or overload McKenzie 7289496 M2576 CARPENTRY SKANAN CONST CO LTD BARRIE CARPENTRY OHomcs and Additions ORec Rooms Renovations 7280108 01 7262047 TIhSM7 STONEWORK anc fireplaces special SPECIALIST Directory of Business Services and Products FIREPLACES IRICK Block stone work Fireplaces specialty Free estimates Stan Knicely New Lowell 4245158 COLONIAI Fireplaces OJIII 30° Tiltin 7284040 1y Vi Watsm for free estimates 728 1599 My2576 HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 oelwoen 10 am and 530 HALF TON truck to move lunk or ianltor work parttime 7283776 M19 GENERAL REPAIRS carpentry re novations painting etc Reasonable Reliable No lob too email 1260038 HOUSE REPAIRS alntin outside GENERAL Carpentry rec rooms til wort cleanups Oddpiobsgatc etc 1119 renovating dry wall 33607 27 clothes closets etc reasonable 726 3853 M17 CARPENTRY WORK done specializing in rec rooms and additions Call Joe at 7269429 M16 STOP HUNTING Call Hunter Renovations Repairs Dishwasher kitchen cabinets Specialty 7265641 M2216 CARPENTER will do rec rooms ren ovations remodelling etc No iob too small 7261271 Jy31 GENERAL carpenty renovations re reatiln rooms framing trim reason able free estimate 7267700 after 500 Lm CUSTOM WORK to your specifications Renovations repairs additions freI CLIIITDIPS 4362302 Jy2l CARPET CLEANING erior rear dIefOQQEr raldEohsrgows STEAM CARPET CI we $17122 $133123 begmgffer IPhonl II winter sayings Chamrig Msaiiifelg 7264123 F21 ance Servuce Ltd 217 Toronto 7288674 I974 MERCURY Bobcat Runabout forI sale in excellent condition Certified only 19000 miles Telephone 728758F 1974 DODGE Swinger door hardtop automatic full power rear defoqcer vinyl roof 519000 miles excelent con ditlon $3300 or best offer 7263143 1971 PLYMOUTH Fury II for sale door hardtop automatic V8 noWer steering power brakes radio Will cer tify Telephone 7281714 F21 1989 PONTIAC plus console buc lret seats new battery starter and tires good condition Asking $775 Tol ephone 7269814 F21 1972 PLYMOUTH Cricket for sale auI tomatic transmission AM radio radï¬ lais will certify Telephone 4245102I F26 1973 COMET Sedan for sale cvn der automatic radio Certified Com pletely reconditioned Telephone Mr Wilson 7266537 extension 10 between 830 am and pm TF 1767 FORD Cortina 1600 cc 29 MPG minor repairs reeded as is $250 or best offer telephone 7269317 F26 I972 MONTCALM station wagon A1 certified selling $2098 Telephone 772 1272 F23 1972 GRAN TORINO passenger Cam try Squire wagon 53000 miles certi fied excellent condition Asking $1995 or best Offer Telephone 7269624 133 Anne Street north F24 1911 PINTO door cylinder new paint iob certified $1100 Telephone 7371225 F21 1971 PONTIAC Firebird 350 standard on the floor track tape and tapes four radials new rad core month old as is needs new block best offer telephone 7243255 TF 1913 DATSUN 2402 for sale very hood condition Certified $3300 or best of fer Telephone 4362500 F23 1972 STATION WAGON Ford LTD country squire well maintained radial tires owner power steering and brakes PR $2500 or best offer Tele phone 7262726 F21 1967 PONTIAC Laudrentian V8 automa tic motor and transmission in qoad shape occly fair for parts or whole 5150 Telephone 7264084 F25 1971 MERCURY Hpnlnrey Al condit ion can be CCrttied Askinq SL700 Can le seen at 196 Burton Aye UnitI 35 telephone 7280584 N12 1972 BUICK Le Sabre door hardtop V8 automatic lull nover complete air conditioning Michelin tires cruise con trol 2300 one owner telephone 4361 362 F2 1967 DODGE Coronet convertible V8 power steerino noyer brakes $800 as Tolenmne 4241054 after pmi F21 1970 FORD LTD Countr Squire War On for sale V8 automatic good fam ily or blizinzcs car $1000 Phone 776 5847 F27 1972 CHRYSLER door hardtop certi fd runs vxnl $1250 or best offer Telephone 7262017 F27 1975 BUICK SKIhawk vs spendl burket seats fIill instrumentation power tecrino and brakes 27 MPG 21000 miles erCIZIcnf condiion nri vale $3900 Telephone 7269800 F27 1971 TOYOTA Ccmlie standard rarin nw tires valves battery As Is 5675 firm Telephone Runs well 4761614 THE BROOKDALE INN is replacing 30 F21 REVlTALlZE your carpets with steam cieanino residential and commercial Al Carpet Cleaning 7266321 ME DRAFTING ARCTECTUIAL structural dos11 15 AGS COLOR TVS at $175 each 7281312 KRAZY KELLY MUST CLEAR Following Items Nun Uscd and Demos 33 liCA 38 19 Admiral BW 79 23 ADMIRAL 99 17 SONY with trade $533 10 RCA 1111 trade 9366 RCA X1 100 53193 NO PniniI lrlfl lrII uniy 70 KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Plaza 7371182 TI Giant 26 Inch 10050 Solid State Color Television 5529 WT or $315 per user on RENT TO OWN Phone tonight deliver tonight Unclaimed Freight 202 DUNLOP SIREEI Just nest of the Barrie Arcnal 7262900 DEAL WITH designer Custom made Businers and personal Experienced on snowI IICUIIUQWn and unlimited earning potential Offer excellent opportunity for advancement gagisefirxérvgugandy Forbes 307112th 11 Owen SIL£1rLIeABol216 M74 PIIDII TwigI bea pension p13 and omerl Have generous advertlsmg budget for local and Toronto papers INSULATION Uclnlry Im11 0033 beneï¬ts IhongusI 53105 DRESSMAKING gt Immmg and Opportunity to move lor inlcnIeu send resume Oi phone collect to IOITIY lnuation fibre into su riision and mar3M DRESSES FIT IF made by JOSIE ulna DIll and batting Free Imen Eric IO DJ BLaxD TORONTO AQUIND Specializing in banisuns timaeo Ecol Muir 7281267 Tr 235MB down an alterations 76 Worsley 726 KARATE lllE MANAGER 6989 Young St we 545 DRIVING SCHOOL KWANS SCHOOI OF KARATE Cirr Ber FEE WILLOWDALE Ontario LEARN EIMflT cs Fridacy 1Fom Central COl THU Ham Im eeriswe riyi rom dual teqiaie ym or in ormation Dnore to inst 051 grad For info Cal TF Iemost driving school 7267963 263 737118 TF 132 CO MS7 MOVING AND CARTAGE F23 wnr at II DRYWALI ll°$tilgI ESTIMATOR 112 SIECIALICZIIIOT ln gagingland mm 4223 mm $3 NATIONAL FOOD COMPANY spray no ony we MUSIC ENTERTAINMENTI Plastic lilJCCLlUIl moulding plant 3011119 ELECTRICAL located in Barrie 11115 immediate WARREN 0W DJ MWC l°ribARRlE ELECTROVISION iNC Retopeniitg for experienced Estim WHEELER ELETRIC industrial 130029 WI litP to dance Good rates naig BII makes TV and round T8 unenial riiieIo mini 95I5 JUQJ quinmcm Hams MiG76 ACTOOlibl ILi pa price cc 24 New service 4240734 Aanuu 13 IUOIaJUIIS Sime 10101110330 05 to cover Barrie Orilliu and area territory contacting the retail and wm WATER HAULAGE looiin desirable We offer exccl holejalc lOCCl trade SIMCOE FLECTRIC Industrial Con MUSIC INSTRUCTION lent salary and benefit package QL unlcnlcnb mercia Residential Farm 24houri HE WAT RMA Lelroy LUITAR lESSONS Clawicai and pop nar°°2f 725523 TF Olaf aAarcci Polyin Guitar 51001111 Jen mmmmg now P197 grill lIIUEimtflmj interest in selling EAVESTROUGHING worx is ory an J33 100 Andressire person background to HID11 school graduate SUPERICR EAVESTROUGHING up ii nov removal 11 PANTNG quails wmoow CLEANING dI PLRSORALL TILLn SCUUIS eP0191190 roofs only 4241956 New Lowell Isimeclaiiztr Ii houses apar men an PAINTING ac tdnqC perk weed free Czlipmate JaclI Richang mfliflili JY7I bLCbLbeUL APPLICA1 ILL ENJOX FENCING °ff 176 WROUGHT IRON Emmaan Car tutpiled DON SIESLING professional painlirg 50 Expenses Pald ifSUPPLY and installation storm interior exterior paper hanging cus IRMLINGS 1311s tlrcplace Icreensfll Sam pIus incanhc bonus ense cedar port chain lin arrle tom work Satisfaclon guaranteed Ironn oirider enre poo enciin Fence Co 7263063 Aim 7296307 Free estimator 7265729 Jy29 OPPOFIUNU l0 31 ancemcm CLERICAL permanent t2me t0 15211 SWIMMING POOL kits 1975 model 111 ground kits size 16 32 and 18 36 only Limited supply at reduced prices 7971 PLYMOUTH snortSuburban Seat station wagon Fully equipped owner excelent condition 51950 or best offer 7289750 F24 SNOWMOBILES 1916 SKIDOD Olympique 340 barely broken in paid $1350 last month mint condtion asking 51150 Telephone 728 5632 after pm F25 1973 SKIROULE RT 300 used years needs minor repairs motor good Ask lnq 5300 Telephone 7373695 after pm F21 1910 YAMAHA 55396 twin motor built in December many extras 1704 miles $450 or best offer Call Bob 424 0617 from to or 7286931 from to 1913 SKIDOO 440 silver Bullet good condition with tech and Speedometer 5600 also 1972 Snow Cruiser 28 hp excellent condition less than 200 miles on machine $500 Telephone 45847F831 I916 ARCTIC CAT Panther 5000 51495 also 1976 Arctic Cat El Tigre 4000 51495 both in perfect condition 7269005 or 7268444 after pm F25 1973 POLARIS Mustang wide track no mileage excellent condition 9850 firm also 1970 Pontiac V8 HT vinyl power steering brakes snow tires excellent condition 7289955 F21 1974 Late 340 TNT FA 50 hp ex glslgnt condition 5900 Telephone 44 F23 Stariite Pools John Campbell 7230497 Fl7l921 IllRINGER WASHER Viking deluxe model square tub 20 min timer lint Ifllter pump protector excellent con ditIon $50 Telephone 7237743 F24 IPONY HARNESS Welsh size for horse hitch 5800 Telephone 4584271 F21 VIKING 30 electric range clock conI trolled oven excellent condition 5l00 Telephone 7284193 after 500 pm FEBRUARY SALE brand new Sinner ZigZag machines from $109 Stretch re stitch machines from 5194 also com plete line of vacuums on sale Singer Company Georgian Mall Telephone hoqany HBIRBS BIONIEIS in good CO dition Your move Can be seen at 19 February Bothwell Crescent Barrie TELEVISION Ibrand new 20 inch 5400 firm offer Telephone 4285885 ter pm af $125 natural gas stove harvest gold Inum 24 ft round swimming pols we $175 or best offer good condition tele must sacrifice Immediater apcompleta phone 7370995 after pm pool package regularly selling for $1 F20212728 4c95i now only 5999 Lllltillled supply or nin act 200 GALLON oil tank almost full Isk 4840 gs co 1622 heamy Iinq 560 must be removed from party by buyer Telephone 4364058 F2 IPIANOS Special deal $200 cash re bale when you buy Neales 30 Queen Elmvala Friday draft Istye new chrome mounted complete PIANO for sale beautiful ornate mal for sale color Sanyo F24 NATURAL GAS dryer Inglis white pro new piano from and draftinr bulldnzri permit drawings alterations no1 Livuctures 4363085 F26 DRAPERY builtin etc CLEAN UP Basements garages etc cleanerl rubbish removed truck and traile for movlno Snow shovelllng and blowing 4362387 M7I HEATING COOLING JESPRA VALLEY Heating new forced air system renovations humidifiers Allan Wilson 7280733 7281286 M26 ARE YOU COLD Call Us for fast dependable service Far Furn Heating and Cooling 114 Dunlop Barrie 7370243 4364876 M2 HOME lMPROVEMENT M22 eon CUMBERLAND complele battl room kitchen renovations lllClUdllrl Mosaic tiling also rec ceramics ll rooms 4364179 NEED MORE living space Rec room extra bedroom play room laundry ot fice storage space Painting wall papering Murray Bali 7288906 11116 HUMIDIFIERS ELECTROtï¬c air Cleaners reduce dust ielieve allergy symptoms Vespra Valley Heating 7280733 7281286 M26 INCOME TA lNCOME TAX returns prepared for small iiUSinezs farm and home MtI Lhels Bookkeeping Service 7262973A INCOME TAX and accounting services ARTlCLES FOR SALE 4i Unclaimed Freight ROOM GROUPING $597 PUPPIES lnly SA LII ENDS SATURDAY Consisting of nc kitchen suite pc bedroom suite plus pc living room suite 12 chairs hostertield fool stooll No money down in store financing Free delivery 20 Dunlop St Just West of the Barrie Arcnal 7262900 Unclaimed Freight Road 7263200 Ioffer telephone 7263255 25 binet only 5393 No payments TV 29 Collier 7284297 KITCHEN SUITE phone 7267713 TEAM UNIFORMS and iacketc See Jon Weeks at Georgian Sports 40 Eser Ju LOW BOY color fully recOndI tioncd magnificeni Mediterranean clal BOATS AND 76 Krazv Kellys Barrie F21 Plaza 7mm 1° FIGHTING INFLATION Lo 51 portable asking new and used stereos from $75 Barrie IV FACTORY GOOFS Due to 41101 production Of 1915 anoveqround alum M5 phone 721 0479 able and chairs DOBERMAI POPE Red and tan also dinlnq room sum Fridriidaire el ectric stove nil in Al rendition Tel 723 73711126 F28 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLEEFOR SALE IWATKINS PRODUCTS Specials every month ai your dealer Donaida Coch F24 lFIREWOOD dried spill hardwoods rane 4246631 after pm ITELEVISION portable 16 inch blark F21 and willie seven tires OF 7014 excer mmny maple Denveer 12 inch cord Cisa bicycle wedding dress size be TF S35 16 inch 545 7203715 M18 porary with spring 5250 Grundiq hiti avglagggasï¬gzIalahPaadR sgrpaggwl 000d condition 5200 Black leather swi rim 27s 7242704 MI ggscgglgngmgigIgIS 705 mfg MOTORS martian Outboard 6454813116 tank for sale 8175 or best otter Tele phone 7267910 DOCS AND PETS F23 FREE to good home American Clicker Spaniel years old female good with children Telephone 4813607 F24 Old free to good PUPPIES vceoks home Mastiff and Shepherd cross Very medium to large dogs 1326 Icliamnion Sink weeks Old needled and thermal tails docked TelephquIE $106390 lOiiyrnIichIIzio hpï¬lre or Saturdays 3221740 M9 iaaAIIItIO hCanIldian Swimmiin lIto1 EIDGEHILL AOUARIA Aqulnrum co It ran on or as oil over 1975 at aum fIi lantI All accessories owes Asking $250 or best offer Telephone SENSATIONAL 22 RCA low Inum aboveground rectangular pool pFlCe p143 Ardagh Rd 7260094 TF 7281445 F21 originally $629 save 5300 now Orly packages complete 18 27 made to 1978 MOTOSKI 340 Capri for sale in condition 8600 or best offer very good Telephone 4363508 after pm 5399 Now TV warranty no money down no payments till February 76 Phone tonight delivery tcnlght Krazv F25 Kellys 7371182 Iarrla Plaza sell for 32295 now at 14 I01 only $1488 Limited supply auiiice price Call bitch sired by top quality Finnish 1m days or evenings collect 1416221485 ROTTWEILER puppics from champion telephone 705035 portAv 11 Mrh Ibo ac IPAINTING interior exterior reason able rates work guaranteed Telephone Ann 7287696 28 all fuel factoryl HILLSDALI DECORATING lnterlorI TF exterior ed wall 8352614 iozzal PAINTING decorating elat home repairs reasonable Free oat mates 73712Ilé VELLINOA ARTIFRAM Have framed by an artist Wide selection fast service 7288633 and spray ceilings 4584233 commercial and residential reasonable Iclippinn and grooming reasonable BEDROOM SUITE pieces ContemI PERSONALS 10 HELP WANTED LONILY WIDOWIR early 60 seek lng loner pensioner lady in late 50 to share homemaking tabla expenses IPIaase sand photo with reply which Iwrll be returned Box 1182 Meaford Ontario N011 1Y0 F21 IOIVORCED lady 47 wishes to meet Ifun loving single gentleman for com panionship who enloys outdoors mov IES dancingh Barrie Angus area Re ply to P11 Barrie Examiner F21 CARTOONisT available to entertain at chlldran parties $12 Further Infor mation 7266056 most evenings Ml ITELECARE Why fight your pro blem alone Let friend help Call 1elecara 1267922 anytime TF IALCOIIIOLICS ANONYMOUS 1286581 It you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call In time TF JULIES 33 Essa Road we trade and Sell Used pecket novels Open am to 10 pm days Week M39 ENGLISH RIDING Instruction Indoor arena minutes from Barrie WlndY iiauqh Farm 7260192 A017 DATES ARE arranged according to needs interests and personality types All information treated with strict confidence for personal appoint ment write to Box N96 Barrie Exam iner FS TF IERT JONNsoN of RR Stroud Ontario will not be responsible for any debts Incurred in my name from this date forward February 21 1976 without my written consent F24 Parttime waiterwaitress and kitchen help required day and evenings available Full training program uniform supplied transportation alter mid night Please telephone 7280041 ask for the manager PAINTING F21 SNACK BAR MANAGER We are looking for person to work at and manage year round dairy queen type of operation near Bradford Ontario To qualify you should be sellstarter and able to per form under minimum supervision wallpapering custom textur and ceilings Telephone 70 drywall gen uarantaed work lnterllr exterior Work guaranteed Established 30 yrs 7262609 or 126900 PICTURE FRAMING your picture middayand dOCOratlng M17 PLASTERING PLASTERING ceramic tile repairs alterations carpentry drywall tapiaq ROOFING ROOFING Carpentry alterations aIiI guaranteed and reasonable 10 HELP WANTED AVON Laid off Nows the best time to make top 85 sell in AVON Be an inde pendent Sales Represen tative Sell worldfamous cosmetics popular trag rances family products at competitive prices jewelery and more many shown on TV Be your own boss No exper iencc necessary Profit able opening in Barrie and Simcoe County Call 7239652 today for inter Startingsalary will commensurate with experience and qualiï¬cations Please write in confidence to WALDOM ENTERPRISES LTD Crescent Road TORONTO Ontario or call 4169663800 Extension 56 SNOWPLOWING DOB GARNER Construction 24 hour service Front end loaders 7284832 or 7262241 M19 SNOW REMOVAL from roofs residen tial and cottages Telephone 72671F9Ié smailI Ill WRI 7HT5 SNOWPLOWING rates Phone 7267757 M15 TELEVISION LEASING GIANT II Sylvania 100 Solid State Colori $477wl Ill Crates Ur $470 per week Canada Trust View or write PO Box Realtor 485 Barrie Ont oblig alion ThFSl27 CAREER SALES 91 Dunlop St Barrie OPPORTUNITY We are looking for someone who is currently successful and earn Experienced agent required to uork ing good income but whose op portunity for further promotion and higher earilinos seem iimit ed This individual is ambitious Pay generous commisswn and bonus up to 70 with determination and desire Ito serve others To this person 0T numerous leads from liiorlgage estate and savings de partinenl we offer permanent positionI from ISaIiiigsl office in down nn Barrie Succesaful applicant will have years experience in the Barrie area and be able to Iorli with minimum supervision WW CI dealershl 5901933 Please reply confidence to 130 P3 The Same annmicr ARTICLES FOR SALE Esmfittfti€ CAI MECHANIC to work on heavy construc tron eqwoment State experience andI POODLE TRIMMING professional 3233 52232 Rep Box AIDS rroomlnp breeds pickup and oellvary 1268798 Pet studio Tl HOWARD JONNSONS Restaurant 355 Bayfield Street is now interviewing for one fulltime cook and one fulltime dining room personnel Full training provided Apply in person only F23 10 HELP WANTED 10 HELP WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS Earn Extra Money in Your pare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS in the following areas QUEEN AND DUCKWORTH AREA BLAKE AND ST VINCENT AREA COLLIER BLAKE AREA BURTON AVE TRAILER PARK PHONE 7282414 Part German short hair Springer Spaniel Tree to Telephone 7288923 afteE25 pointer Dart good homes pm and weekends MAYS Pcortls Parlor Professional es Telephone 7260061 IARRII POODLI Salon Shampoo ing nrd clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 TF PROTECTOR ASSOCIATES Obadi enca ouarddog training and rentals Specializing in breeding of Doberman Pinschers 7268617 7371091 My1976 REGISTERED German Shepherd pups black and silver Seven weeks Excel lent temperament loving pot or Show Must be seen to be appreciated Stayner 4282715 F21 REGISTERED German Shepherd male two years old Black and silver Loves hildren good watchdog Taken ob Idience training Owner moving to ap artment Stayner 4282215 F21 iLAB PUPS registered shots hamp ion sired parents xrayed clear tele phone 7054875083 M20 ARTICLES WANTED CLEANING out your attic will payI cash for any old stamp collection at cumulations you may have Call John at 7260067 after pm F24 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE bookmi 27137 553iiii$iliiaifi SIAYNER vrsiiggi jrxmiaremi MINESING léiï¬ii 13 £2117 héiTliiiiwlIiÂ¥I COOKSTOWN ifcildfliio°LPimtill°ioitI AMELIA EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA 7266539 TF FARMERS MRKT BORDEN LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bavfield St Barrie OR PHONE 7266539 112 REGSTEREO Hoisleiri COl and Etieiforr for sale trash and springing IPreler sell all to one buyer Good Ifounctatl herd Apply Allen McLeaii Dalston F24 PALOMINO ma ars old sound in wind limba sight qood gamesI horw very outck also about 40 bales of hay Must sen moving For further in formation 7166948 lil BIG snringino Holstein haltert andl young cows one now and for the next six weeks Telephone 4872642 or 487 2725 F25 POULTRY AND CHICKS uVDylifl rlulletsAlsO min fresh qus raio Hunter Poultrv Farm Strand 4361811 11 noIaca0aeaaatcolonglutlllIIltDAIDIOPIEIIOIDI Name e6upeaapgaooageneaaoeoaOIIoaanonceopanaceaanacoIOIOOOOODIOIIOOOaatypiajegrqeofl lltillCOOIIOIOODUIOOlinOIIIOOIIOODIIQIII OIIIUOOIQIIIIII Telephone